Hawkesbury Radix Somatic Body Oriented Psychotherapy | Psychotherapist
Hawkesbury Radix Somatic Body Oriented Psychotherapy
Phone: 041 423 6035
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21.01.2022 https://www.facebook.com/SensorimotorPsychotherapyInstitute/videos/688976915112929/
19.01.2022 New rooms have opened at Hawkesbury Trauma Centre, WINDSOR.
04.01.2022 Congratulations to Merete Holm Brantbjerg. Her new article titled: Sitting on the edge of an abyss together. A methodology for working with hypo-arousal as par...t of trauma therapy" is now published in a peer-reviewed English journal: Body, movement and dance in psychotherapy. The article presents her method-development in relation to hypo-arousal/collapse. This link will take you to the article - you are amongst the first 50, who get it for free: https://www.tandfonline.com/epri/CCZQTYHWQRAJR6URPFGG/full Please spread information about the article to others who may be interested. You can buy the article on this link: https://www.tandfonline.com//full/10/17432979.2021.1876768 . She welcomes feedback on her article.
03.01.2022 What is your experience when you allow a moment of stillness to enter before moving rather than having a idea of what form you want your movement look like and moving to replicate the idea of it?