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Rahab Toowoomba | Non-profit organisation

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Rahab Toowoomba

Phone: +61 434 985 405


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25.01.2022 The NZ government has produced this ad to encourage parents to talk to their kids about porn. The porn industry is talking to our kids, are you?

25.01.2022 Thanks heaps to Dale Walker and God Squad for hosting dinner for some of us girls. We all got to make new friends!

22.01.2022 Your prayers are being answered!!

21.01.2022 Rahab supporters: I want to introduce you to the leader who will be replacing me (Jess): Debbie Dodds. It is a rare thing that an organisation gets to hand over what they have built to someone who is far more qualified and experienced than themselves, but Rahab has squeezed into this rare category. ... Debbie Dodds has decades of experience in tough ministries. She has been a chaplain in some tough schools for 13 years. She pastors a local church, which happens to be Toowoomba’s closest church body to our legal brothel in our city, and sits within Toowoomba’s most struggling suburbs. Debbie has been involved heavily with Rahab Ministries for the past 2 years, and has shown tremendous ability to connect with the women of our city, and her giftedness in Pastoral Care has proven both needed and divinely healing for those she encounters. She is also incredibly gifted at bringing people to Christ. I cannot thank God enough for the provision of Debbie for this role as I feel called by God to step down. However, my love for this organisation and the women of our city will live on. I will be stepping down as the leader of Rahab Ministries Toowoomba as of December 4th, 2018. I want to thank-you for your support of Rahab Ministries. I trust that you will find Debbie Dodds to be a worthy leader, and my prayer is that you will support and encourage her especially in her first year of leading. Show her some love guys! Many thanks my friends, God Bless, Jess

21.01.2022 Always a choice huh?

20.01.2022 It's on again! Our annual Rahab Christmas Dinner for the women in our city, "Flawless". Based on the Scripture from Song of Songs 4:7, "You are altogether beautiful my darling, there is no flaw in you", we invite the women we have met this year to a Christmas celebration where we make them feel flawless! Make-up artists, hair dressers, and men dressed in suits waiting for them with a rose, this is our biggest event of the year! But we need your help. Help us to make this the BEST Christmas celebration ever! Press our 'donate' button and add to a great night.

20.01.2022 Did you know that the men of our community are our biggest financial supporters? We love that .

20.01.2022 The viewing of pornography by our young ones has caused more damage than we can imagine. Let’s not have our heads in the sand. Ignorance does not help!

19.01.2022 I have been getting more people asking my my thoughts on this, so I figured I would share them... Alarmingly, there is a growing movement to fully decriminaliz...e prostitution across the Nation. Even Presidential hopeful, Senator Kamala Harris, who has historically supported laws that crack down on trafficking (SESTA and FOSTA), recently stated that she is in favor of decriminalizing prostitution. She is among a growing number of people who mistakenly believe that full-decriminalization will lead to a decrease in trafficking and exploitation and that it is the solution for increasing safety for prostituted people. Even Amnesty International and The World Health Organization are getting behind decriminalization while an increasing number of states are including it in their legislative agenda. Support for this is being fueled by sex workers rights groups who, although they represent the minority of people in prostitution, tend to be the most vocal. The exploited, trafficked, voiceless, marginalized and most vulnerable tend not to speak up as often or as loudly. Their voices are not being heard in this discussion and they need to be. Sex workers rights groups in favor of full decriminalization do not represent the 89% of women who want to leave prostitution, but see no other options for survival.[1]They do not represent the majority of women who find themselves trapped in prostitution due to vulnerability and lack of viable alternatives. Those working towards legalizing prostitution also do not represent the 84% of women in prostitution who, as research shows, are under third-party control or pimped or trafficked.[2] I recognize that some of you reading this have worked in prostitution. As a survivor of exploitation, I know what it is like to feel trapped and not see other options or a way out. I acknowledge that many of you were in positions where prostitution was the only way you could keep a roof over your head or food on the table for you and your children. My goal is not to judge that. In fact, my hope in writing this is to see systemic change where prostitution is not the only viable option for your survival. I want to see the kind of change that will enable you to pursue you dreams and passions and live a thriving life. Please hear my heart in this. If you need support, we are here for you. For the rest of you, I want you to know that... READ MORE:

16.01.2022 I love that the story of Rahab disrupts our mindsets of who God can use. This woman hadn’t committed her life to God & gone through the 6 week foundation course. Rahab was a prostitute in the city of Jericho, her house was a place visited by men in her city to fulfill their lustful pleasures. On one particular day she is visited by men of a different kind. They weren’t asking for her body but they did need to hide from their enemies who were fast closing in on them.... They were two Israelite spies sent to Jericho and were on a mission to overthrow the enemies of God and take the land. Rahab should have been their enemy and handed them over to the King of Jericho, instead she disrupted that plan and lied to the King. A crime worthy of death. She was willing to risk her life to save God’s people. It would seem that God had been working in her heart. Even while she was busy working as a prostitute, He was revealing Himself to her. She had heard the incredible miracles of the children of Israel coming out of Egypt and crossing the Red Sea. She somehow knew that God had given them the land and she wanted to be on God’s side. God honoured her faith, saving Rahab and her family. He redeemed her life. She married one of those spies and gave birth to a mighty man of God, Boaz! Rahab married into one of the leading families of Israel and became an ancestor of Jesus. Rahab went from an unseen prostitute, to one of the hero’s of our faith! God can use the most unlikely women to disrupt the enemy’s plan and set in motion great Kingdom work! He used a prostitute and He uses you & I! Thank goodness our lives don’t need to be perfect!

11.01.2022 This attitude would change the world!!

08.01.2022 Horrific abuse.....and it’s on the increase!!!

03.01.2022 Lives are being ruined on so many levels. Please speak out.

01.01.2022 We are facing such enormous changes to every day living and we have no prior experience as a nation, as our world, to call on. Right now in Qld we have closures of nightclubs which include adult entertainment establishments like The Vault in Toowoomba. I am already talking with very anxious girls who are now out of work. Could those who pray please add these lovely girls to your list? At Rahab we are seeking ways to meet needs especially emotional ones as anxiety and fear rise. I will let you know if there are practical measures where others can help. Thank you to all our caring supporters.

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