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Rainbow Ceremonies SA

Phone: +61 421 504 219


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25.01.2022 Ready, set ....

23.01.2022 Not sure what a Registered Relationship will mean for you in real terms? Wills, legals? Check out the Law Hand Book for a great run-down on what it all really means.

22.01.2022 So apparently there are more than 3000 Marriage celebrants in SA and I managed to get on the list of the top 100! Not sure how the list was compiled, but who cares, Ill take that!!

21.01.2022 Its looking like Saturday the 9th will be the first day celebrants can begin taking Notice of Intended Marriage forms (providing the new forms are ready by then). Which means that if the forms are good to go, marriages will be able to begin taking place 1 month later so from around the 9th of January. The new year is going to be busy! #GetMarried #SameSexMarriage #LetsDoThis #LoveIsLove #Engaged

21.01.2022 The new wording is in for the Monitum and the new Notice of Intent forms are available. If youre thinking about getting married, get your info pack and secure your date as soon as possible. Its going to be busy!! #SameSexMarriage #SSM #GetMarried #NewWords #BookNow

21.01.2022 Are you worried that if you book your ceremony and start the planning, or even have your big day, that the laws will then change and same sex marriage will be made legal? Well don't worry, I've got that covered! If the law changes while planning your ceremony, I'll change your booking to a wedding ceremony instead with all legal paperwork completed and no extra costs (there is a requirement for the documentation to be complete at least 1 month prior to the marriage taking place). And even if you have already had your big day, I've got that covered too. Message me for information and start planning your ceremony today.

20.01.2022 Excited, optimistic, nervous and concerned for todays result. Regardless of the outcome, Im so proud of all those who have fought for equal rights. Holding my breath until the outcome! #MarriageEquality #EqualRights #RightsifeofHistory

19.01.2022 Registering your relationship with Consumer and Business Services (CBS) means that your relationship is legally recognised. Who can register? You can register your relationship if you are 18 years of age or older and in a relationship with another person as a couple. At least one of you will need to live in South Australia. Couples may apply irrespective of their sex or gender identity.... Your relationship can't be registered if you or your partner are: *married *already in a registered relationship or corresponding law *registered relationship *in a relationship as a couple with another person *related by family. What youll need CBS will ask you: *for details about both people in the relationship *if you plan to have a ceremony *to prove your identity *for statutory declarations from both of you, which has been witnessed by an authorised person. If you're going through this process and want help and guidance with your application and planning your ceremony, I can help. Inbox for an information pack today.

18.01.2022 And were there. Finally. So very happy to see this in my life time. Ill always remember where I was when I heard this news and tell my grandkids about it. #Equality #SameSexMarriage #RightSideofHistory #Loveforall

17.01.2022 It’s looking like Saturday the 9th will be the first day celebrants can begin taking Notice of Intended Marriage forms (providing the new forms are ready by then). Which means that if the forms are good to go, marriages will be able to begin taking place 1 month later so from around the 9th of January. The new year is going to be busy! #GetMarried #SameSexMarriage #LetsDoThis #LoveIsLove #Engaged

17.01.2022 Done! 4 weddings, all different and wonderful in their own way. Friday it began with a beach ceremony and then onto a hotel at Glenelg. And then yesterday, an e...xtra special one, a family wedding for my nephew and his partner at Stockade. What an amazing day it was. My great nieces were so absolutely adorable! Finished off this morning with a ceremony at the always beautiful, Utopia at Waterfall Gully. Here are some snaps from the last two. What is not to love about this job!!! #Weddings #Adelaide #Family #bestjob

16.01.2022 Let me help you start planning for your relationship registration and your ceremony today! Effective today the Relationships Register Act 2016 comes into effect. So, what does this mean? It means that any persons over 18 years who are in a relationship with another person as a couple, may apply to register their relationship, irrespective of their sex or gender identity, provided that at least one person resides in South Australia. Couples can apply to Births, Deaths and Marr...iages to register their relationship and there will be a 28 day cooling off period prior to the relationship being registered. More information can be found at:,-deaths-and-marriages. Inbox me for an information pack and see how I can help you to make your dreams a reality. #RelationshipRegister #LGBTIQ

13.01.2022 Such a great location, even on a terribly rainy day.

11.01.2022 You can now register your relationship with Births Deaths and marriages SA and start planning for your ceremony today! To find out more, inbox me for an information pack.

11.01.2022 The new wording is in for the Monitum and the new Notice of Intent forms are available. If you’re thinking about getting married, get your info pack and secure your date as soon as possible. It’s going to be busy!! #SameSexMarriage #SSM #GetMarried #NewWords #BookNow

10.01.2022 Exciting news today! The same sex marriage bill has passed without amendment, with 43 senators voting yes and 12 no. The bill will now be debated by the Lower House when MPs return to Canberra next week, paving the way for same-sex marriage to be legalised by Christmas.... Can't wait to start planning with all those who have already sent through their dates. Teh calendar will fill fast once it's all through so get in early! #Weddings #SameSexMarriage #LGBTQI #Adelaide

10.01.2022 Pop-ups are ready to start creating your amazing ceremony!

08.01.2022 So looking forward to the new Relationships Register coming into effect. I can't wait to start working with LGBTIQ couples to create amazing ceremonies.

07.01.2022 Get in early and request an information pack to start planning your perfect day. 2018 dates are already filling fast! Check out my website or feel free to message via Facebook. #MarriageEquality #Weddings #SouthAustralia #GetMarried #SameSex #LGBTQI #LoveIsLove #LetMeMarryYou!

06.01.2022 R U OK? Today is R U OK? Day and that means looking at how we can stay connected and have meaningful conversations with those around us. You don't need to be an expert to look up and see the people around you. You just need to have a want to help and be a good listener. So, if you notice someone who might be struggling - start a conversation. It could change a life. #RUOK? #RUOKDAY2017 #Startaconversation

05.01.2022 According to my good frined Leah, who has done some quick investigations, it seems that only 17 out of 150 electorates across the entire country voted no - 12 in NSW 2 in Vic and 3 in QLD . So pleased that all electorates in SA returned a yes vote. #SAPROUD #MarriageEquality #EqualRights #SameSexMarriage

03.01.2022 All of the new paperwork is now ready to go and dates are booking up for 2018. Message for an information pack or book a no obligation meeting where I can answer all your questions. I look forward to planning your wedding day with you! #Weddings #Love #GetMarried #Engaged #Adelaide

03.01.2022 This guy was hilarious as a ring bearer at a recent ceremony. He'd rehearsed many times and knew exactly what to do.... right up until the moment he had to do it and then his excitement took over. Watching him bound around and run back and forth with people on his heels was something I'll NEVER forget!

02.01.2022 And we’re there. Finally. So very happy to see this in my life time. I’ll always remember where I was when I heard this news and tell my grandkids about it. #Equality #SameSexMarriage #RightSideofHistory #Loveforall

02.01.2022 So happy with this outcome.

02.01.2022 Finally got mine! Great opportunity to talk to my kids about what this means and about basic human rights.

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