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Ramadasa Australia

Phone: +61 408 218 443


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25.01.2022 Thankyou to the beautiful group of souls who came together for the Teachers Support Day yesterday. It was a reminder to me of the power of sitting in circle, li...stening deeply and sharing from the heart. Stories were told, tears flowed, laughter bubbled up and we were all uplifted by this simple experience. It was a perfect way to honour women on International Womens Day. I feel deep gratitude for this experience. See more

24.01.2022 Dear Community When we look for beauty we find it everywhere. Even within the most painful experiences and deepest traumas it is there. We are often afraid to seek it within ourselves, yet it is there. It is not possible to go back to the world we knew, we must open to a new way of being. We are living in a time of great chaos, uncertainty and distrust. If we attach to these we will spiral down. Only our inner connection to our spirit and our ability to hold all polaritie...s and not separate and divide, will bring clarity and discernment. Like two sides of a coin, we can choose heads or tails, or we can commit to stand on the edge, including both yet seeing beyond to a much wider view. Each of us must take full responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions. Be curious. Ask questions. We must stay awake. We are here to not only prepare for a new world but we are all part of the new world unfolding. It is a collective force. We are being guided to awaken and to open to new ways of being, beyond anything we have experienced before. It requires a deeply personal inner process of seeing, reflecting and healing. At the same time the global collective shadow is asking to be seen, acknowledged and healed. Our interconnectedness wants to heal itself. Present Moment Awareness is our gift. When we are in a state of presence we are able to integrate and heal our past and we are able to birth ourselves into the future. I will guide a 3 day retreat based on inner awareness and meditative mind. It is something that has been with me for these past months, the need for us to follow the path of our heart, to become quiet inside, recognise ourselves, access our deeper state of being, stillness and truth. We will meet in nature and create sacred space for our own inner work, remember how to dream, and ask the inner questions. We will also connect and be with each other in group process. Life is a paradox, we meditate to feel ourselves within the whole and to feel the whole within ourselves. We have a guardian inside our human body. Our heart is the doorway to coherence, clarity, and inner peace. I hope you can join us on retreat. Love Suraj To Book:

22.01.2022 Meditation is getting so much more known and valued. Suraj is offering a 6 day retreat on the 21 Stages of Meditation and this special immersion is open to anyone and teachers, practitioners and instructors of other contemplative traditions are invited. Save the date for May 7-13, 2020.

21.01.2022 3 days meditation retreat with Suraj @ Swarmi’s Yoga Retreat Centre was full of love Looking forward to go back there in February next year!

20.01.2022 Dear Friends We are living in a tumultuous time. The whole of the collective consciousness is shifting and awakening. Many external events are confusing and deceptive, supported by the play of social and main media. It is important we hold our discernment and self integrity. Often we are lulled into a false sense of security, or pulled out into fear or despair. Surreal events are revealing themselves. This may bring up a lot of deep grief and sadness. It will also deep...Continue reading

17.01.2022 3 Day Meditative Retreat with Suraj When we look for beauty we find it everywhere. Even within the most painful experiences and deepest traumas it is there. We are often afraid to seek it within ourselves, yet it is there. It is not possible to go back to the world we knew, we must open to a new way of being. We are living in a time of great chaos, uncertainty and distrust. If we attach to these we will spiral down. Only our inner connection to our spirit and our ability hold all polarities and not separate and divide, will bring clarity and discernment. Like two sides of a coin, we can choose heads or tails, or we can commit to stand on the edge, including both yet seeing beyond to a much wider view. We are here to not only prepare ourselves for a new world but to create a new world. It is a collective force. We are being guided to awaken and to open to new ways of seeing, beyond anything we have experienced before. It requires a deep inner process of seeing, reflecting and healing. The collective shadow is also asking to be seen, acknowledged and healed. Our interconnectedness wants to heal itself. Present Moment Awareness is our gift. When we are in a state of presence we are able to integrate and heal our past and we are able to birth ourselves into the future. I will guide a 3 day retreat based on inner awareness and meditative mind. It is something that has been with me for these past months, the need for us to follow the path of our hearts, to become quiet inside, recognise ourselves, and access our deeper state of being, stillness and truth. We will meet in nature and create sacred space for our own inner work, remember how to dream, and ask the inner questions. We will also connect and be with each other in group process. Life is a paradox, we meditate to feel ourselves within the whole and to feel the whole within ourselves. We have a guardian inside our human body. Our heart is the doorway to coherence, clarity, and inner peace. I hope you can join us.

16.01.2022 Dear Community We find ourselves in a time of great chaos and uncertainty in our world. If we move beyond the confusion and fear, our hearts know that we are in a transition greater than we could ever have imagined. We are being guided to awaken. There is an overwhelming amount of new age information, misinformation, deception and manipulation happening on different levels. It is not easy to discern the true reality. Many are in confusion and deep pain. We are in the un...Continue reading

15.01.2022 Sharing more from our team Ramadasa Australia with Suraj as Lead Trainer. Question regarding our trainings and Kundalini Yoga are welcome [email protected]... #kundalini #yoga #teachertraining #retreats #workshops #classes #21StagesofMeditation #theawakenedwoman

15.01.2022 The Sunday Teachers workshop is now By Donation. All the details are in this link Please share this with anyone who’s done the Level 1 Teacher Training from any school who you think may be interested. This is an opportunity, in this difficult time, to come together in community, not necessarily to find answers but to listen deeply to each other, to share, and heal. Kitcheree breakfast and tea is provided In the light of healing Guru Devi and Robbie

14.01.2022 "TRANSITIONS ARE PIVOTAL MOMENTS IN LIFE THAT ALLOW US TO GROW CONSCIOUSLY." Suraj has guided thousands of people worldwide to navigate their transitional periods to enable growth, transformation, and to develop a deeper connection to Self. In the video below, Suraj Khalsa shares some of her painful pivotal moments that offered her an opportunity to realise more of her true nature.... For more information for her upcoming Retreat - THE HEROINE JOURNEY in Hawaii please click the link below. June 5-12, 2019 Take this rare space & time to honour yourself, to pour your attention into your own heart and find your own capacity. Something deep within you calls you on this journey. It may be a crises, a life change, a need for empowerment, or the pull to step out of your comfort zone. When what we depend on falls away, we need to find it within ourself. If you feel inspired to find out more about other opportunities to study with Suraj like our Level 1 Teacher Training in May and The Awakened Women Training in September please comment below: More Info With Gratitude, Your Team at Ramadasa Australia Suraj Khalsa, Robbie Chapman, Vanessa Strauss, Stan Cortes, Guru Devi Kaur, Haaweatea Holly Bryson

12.01.2022 Letter to the Kundalini Yoga Community

12.01.2022 A message from Suraj

11.01.2022 A 3 Day Retreat with Suraj to support you to Reset An opportunity to go deeper, find your inner knowing and understand the illusion and pain created by the conceptual mind. For more information go to the link below or feel free to contact Rut Frohlich - Harjinder / [email protected]...

10.01.2022 A reminder to please book your place if you intent to join for this workshop to support all teachers of Kundalini Yoga March 8, 2020 Contact - Guru Devi 0414 936 911 or Gopalpreet 0418 478 082... Book online See more

06.01.2022 Resolving Ancestral Trauma with Suraj In today's episode of 'Heart & Soul Conversations', Henrike interviews Suraj - a counsellor, spiritual guide and WISE WOMAN in the best sense of the word. She has studied and taught Kundalini yoga, mindfulness and healing modalities across the globe for 4 decades and introduces us to one of her favourite topics: HEALING ANCESTRAL TRAUMA within families, and especially between mothers and daughters... You can find the video also on Suraj's... website: Heart & Soul Retreats

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