Strong Girls Club | Businesses
Strong Girls Club
Phone: +61 479 087 933
Address: 23 Port Kembla Drive 6164 Bibra Lake, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 This gets me everytime Make SMARTER decisions with your food! Plan ahead... Do your research Find low cal options that you enjoy taste similar to your treats (for example Halo Top over Ben n Jerrys ice cream)
25.01.2022 ONLINE STORE - NOW OPEN Im really happy with the quality of these items. Please note that availability may be limited due to COVID Order yours today ...
25.01.2022 FABULOUS, FIT & OVER 40 They say life starts after (is it 40 or 50?) I have SO MANY absolute bad ass, strong, fit clients over 40 and many in their 50s ... They have ALL stated that they want to feel strong and capable as they age. Hell, I now have them carrying potting mix from Bunnings and IKEA flat packs all by themselves We often have conversations about how their friends or people they know think they are "too old" to reclaim their health and fitness. AGE IS LITERALLY NEVER AN EXCUSE A study on 65 year olds who strength trained just twice a week had a better quality of life and lower risk of mortality. They also experienced many health benefits including preventing early death, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and some cancers. Are you strength training twice a week??
25.01.2022 WE LOVE SMALL GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING Why? Because there is something special when we all work together. ... "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together" YES you still get a periodized program suitable to your goals and requirements YES its cheaper than 1 on 1 PT YES you still get incredible results! YES you get support and guidance via our online program and coaching calls Join this week and get our 8 week STRONG GIRL Challenge (starting 7th September) for FREE
24.01.2022 If a plant isn't flourishing in it's environment, you don't medicate it You change it's environment You move it into more or less sunlight. ... You water it more/ less You experiment with what works for the plant And finally When you find the right environment for the plant, it FLOURISHES The same goes for people Often we need to experiment Find an environment that allows us to flourish Because what works for one person won't necessarily work for another PROUD PLANT MUM
24.01.2022 FINDING A HEALTH COACH/ PERSONAL TRAINER Think of it this way. You would travel miles for the best eyebrow technician or beauty therapist. ... You would do your research if you were getting your eyebrows tattooed or injectables. And thats just for your face. Why wouldnt it be the same for your mental and physical wellbeing? I have had numerous clients come to me with injuries from past personal trainers. I hear and see horror stories all the time. DO YOUR RESEARCH Here are a few things to consider
24.01.2022 BUT I DONT HAVE TIME.. Its not about HAVING time Its about MAKING time... One of my amazing supermums sent me her calendar. She schedules in her workout time straight after school drop off. Im not here to shame anyone, not at all. Everyone is different and has different schedules But time is not an excuse Because if it is important to you, you will make time. STRATEGIES FOR MAKING MORE TIME include: saying NO to protect your energy. Say no more often. Those close to you will understand and those that dont understand... you dont need in your life. Simple! setting boundaries, especially when expected to work late. Push back and have a specific time in mind to leave example - never work past 6pm if you finish at 430pm delete or delegate. Buy back your time by doing the groceries online, having someone clean your house a fortnight etc. Get hubby to look after the kids for a few hours of you time
23.01.2022 RANDOM FACT FRIDAY Hi Im Sarah I used to race ponies ... I also competed in the state Novice Figure skating championships when I was younger. AND I played the trumpet for 8 years Come to think of it I did a lot of random awesome things growing up! Im very grateful to my parents for giving me these opportunities What random things did you get into while you were growing up? Post as a photo or GIF below
23.01.2022 SMALL GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING SPECIALISTS Ladies only What is small group PT? ... Personalised training for up to 4 women in a session small groups ensure form is corrected as I have more time with each individual coaching accountability calls nutritional support and guidance weekly check ins and educational emails to support your learning you get additional support from your new friends (there is something about working out with other motivated, high energy women that is incredibly motivating! And the flexibility to book into numerous sessions (via our booking system) because we know life gets busy and can be unpredictable at times! Join this week to also recieve our 8 week STRONG GIRL challenge for FREE Results guaranteed
22.01.2022 LADIES ONLY GROUP FITNESS Make new friends start the morning with a few laughs get your workout out of the way for the day! ... make time for YOU KEEP YOUR SQUATS LOW & STANDARDS HIGH
22.01.2022 ADD FLAVOR Usually by adding herbs and spices But you can also use a range of hot sauces and mustards as low calorie flavors!!
21.01.2022 STRONG GIRLS CLUB Helping women feel strong, confident and empowered inside & outside the gym SICK OF NOT SEEING RESULTS WHILST ATTENDING GENERIC FITNESS CLASSES... If you want specific results, you must take specific action. Fitness is no different. If you are ready to accelerate your health, fitness and aesthetic goals in time for Summer then we would love for you to join us! 8 week STRONG GIRL challenge kicks off 7th September!
21.01.2022 YOU DESERVE TO FEEL AMAZING AS YOU ARE The beauty and health industry is crazy profitable because it feeds off your/ our/ my insecurities. Want to be more attractive? Buy this cream or alter your face. ... Youre not worth anything unless youre skinny, right? So buy this skinny tea or wear this ridiculous waist trainer Lets cut the BS. Lets get back to basics. Lets roll up our sleeves and do the hard work rather than looking for the short cut (spoiler alert, there is no short cut, you are just wasting money). I want you to know that you were born perfect just the way you are. Yes there are behaviors you will need to modify. We all have them. But you are amazing the way you are, and YOU NEED TO BELIEVE THAT. Start working out because you love and respect your mind and body Start fueling your body with nutrient dense foods, because you love yourself Start questioning everything so that you can make better, well informed decisions keep asking WHY. Start being patient with yourself and learn to listen to what your body is telling you. Rest when needed and stop saying yes to things that dont set your soul on Start being kind with your mind. Talk to yourself as if you were talking to a good friend These are all SMALL STEPS that create an enormous difference over time. More love, less hate Because youre worth it
20.01.2022 STRENGTH TRAINING FOR THE WIN Dr. Jason Bennie from the University of Southern Queensland is pushing the Australian government to promote STRENGTH TRAINING The benefits from just strength training twice a week include lowered risk of depression, obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. ... In fact, strength training has been shown to reverse the effects of those who are pre diabetic AND Alzheimers over a 6 month period There are SO MANY mental and health benefits. Im excited by this research because it is very in line with what I believe (confirmation bias...) Are you getting TWO full body strength sessions in every week?
20.01.2022 YESTERDAY I ATE ALL THE CHOCOLATE I shouldnt be telling that should I? I should be telling you to be completely rigid and disciplined, right?... And yes, if you are focusing on a specific goal (like I will be as I weight cut for a competition) then you need to be focused and somewhat limited. On the other side of the coin, sometimes you just need to eat a whole block of chocolate. I would say this happens once a month. Especially when Im tired, run down or on my period. And you know what, I dont feel even slightly guilty. If anything, I feel better! No one is perfect, and I bet this happens to you once in a blue moon. If it does, then dont let it continue and MOVE ON - GUILT FREE
20.01.2022 LOVE Clients Bec and Kirsty pulling their best 'blue steel' faces in our new tee's! You guys crack me up!
19.01.2022 TAKE MORE (CALCULATED) RISKS What's the best case scenario? What is the worst case scenario? ... Running my own business has taught me many strategies in which to deal with stressful situations. The unexpected always has a way of popping up. Which is why I love business/ disliking it a little at the moment if I'm honest Actually, life in general likes to throw a curve ball every now and then (cough 2020). What are you procrastinating on/about? What's the best case scenario? What is the worst case scenario? Who can help? how can you get this started/ done (with the end goal in mind)
19.01.2022 WORK ON YOU, FOR YOU! We are still training outside and would love for you to join us! The sun is shining and the puppies are plentiful
19.01.2022 STRONG is the new SKINNY The 80s and 90s were all about aerobics and light weights for women. Even though I LOVE 80s music the low fat/ low carb diet they promoted was and is not correct for a healthy functioning body #80sbaby Research tells us that consistently lifting heavy ass weights benefits our mental and physical health, can rehabilitate us and help us live longer ... Research demonstrates that we need to consume a high protein diet with adequate fat (for healthy brain function) and carbohydrates (for energy and stable hormone function). We are in an incredibly exciting time for health optimization! It is so exciting to see women feeling confident to be in the weights area as often as the men and lifting heavy ass shit. STRONG IS SEXY
19.01.2022 YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK You are smarter than you give yourself credit for You are more loved than you realise... Let's be aware of our self doubt And turn it around when it rears it's head in our thoughts Because it's ok to have doubts or question our ability But its what you choose to do with those thoughts Take action to reaffirm them? Or let them go..
18.01.2022 STOP WAITING FOR MOTIVATION Motivation does not last People often think that motivation must come first before action is taken.... This is purely procrastination in disguise Motivation is fleeting and inconsistent and should not be relied on However, motivation comes after taking action. Remember the last time you had a great workout. I bet you left with a big smile on your face. I bet you felt really good. I also bet you were pumped for the next session! Thats motivation AFTER taking action Just start Dont give yourself time to talk yourself out of it Stick with the action long enough and it will become habit. Then you wont need to rely on motivation
18.01.2022 SUNDAYS ARE FOR RELAXING Here is your reminder that you are human, not a machine. Humans need rest to recover their energy. ... December is a BUSY time so I urge you to rest where possible. get to the beach for a swim or read a book chill at home (I didn't say clean the house, I give you permission to stay on the couch/ in bed all day) see you friends turn off your phone. Disconnect for a while YOU DO YOU Don't feel bad for taking time for yourself. It's not selfish, it's necessary
17.01.2022 TRUTHS ABOUT FAT LOSS The weather has been and you might have started thinking about how you feel in bathers at the beach. I no I do, because I looooove the beach.... I also love feeling confident and comfortable in my own skin and I think everyone would agree they like feeling this way too. Im not here to sell you BS products like 30 day bikini body shreds, diet pills or waist trainers Im also not here to make you feel bad. Im here to give you some hard truths about fat loss. I take a no BS so I hope one of these resonates with you. Here is what I have learned from, losing 15kg myself plus 5 years experience helping Cockburn women lose fat and keep it off. those that take a proactive approach, are curious, open minded and implement information to see what works for them, get the best results you can still foster a loving, respectful relationship with yourself whilst working on yourself. Exercising and eating from a place of hate didnt work for me..learn to love the skin you are in because losing 5/10/15kg doesnt equal happiness know your triggers and do the inner work. A lot of us binge eat when we are bored, emotional or tired. Get to know yourself and what the pattern is. Awareness is the first step to changing a habit. dont get upset by the work you didnt do. Not sure what to do? Hire a professional to help consistency works. Especially a consistent diet!! So many people "eat clean " 4 days a week only to absolutely ruin it over the weekend. train and eat SMARTER not harder. The all or nothing approach only works short term . Consistently workout 4-5 times a week, consistently limit or avoid take out, consistently eat more lean meats and veg one "bad meal" wont ruin your progress but a whole week can set you back a month losing fat is HARD. You didnt put on 10kg over night so stop expecting to lose 10kg over a month small, sustainable habit changes WORK LONG TERM the more educated you are the more empowered you are to make better choices! having someone to be accountable too works so well!! Surround yourself with supportive friends and family
17.01.2022 LADIES ONLY GROUP FITNESS Our classes are limited to 12 ladies maximum This ensures your form and technique is not overlooked which means... less (no) chance of injury ... STRENGTH Tuesday/ Thursday sessions revolve around our big lifts. That is: barbell squat bench press deadlift These are fantastic for women who want to learn how to lift and feel confident in the gym. We have had many newbies take these sessions and excel (Renae/ Averyl/ Bec / Kirsty to name a few ) Ladies - you should not be afraid to lift. The benefits are its just about finding and environment you feel comfortable in.
17.01.2022 DRINKING THIS WEEKEND If you are like me.. then you are probably out for 1 or 5 beverages every weekend in December...January.. Drink SMARTER... consume protein before heading out/ hit your daily protein intake Choose low calorie draanks if drinking in excess Hydrate between drinks if all else fails have the most amazing time!
16.01.2022 I DONT HAVE TIME TO COOK HEALTHY Preparation is key I always have a pack of ready to eat chicken in the freezer or fridge. ... Then when Im tired and cant be bothered I literally throw this all in the oven for 30min and it is DELICIOUS Sure, there are healthier options. And I try to take those options more than not. BUT This meal is still nutrient dense, has a decent amount of fiber and protein AND is better than take out
15.01.2022 HAPPY MONDAY How rude of me not to introduce myself WELCOME to all those new faces and eyes ... My name is Sarah and I have been running my business Strong Girls Club (from Cockburn, Perth) for almost 5 years I'm passionate about helping women connect to who they truly are so that they feel STRONG, CONFIDENT and in control of their health and happiness. I specialise in women's health and strength training and believe in looking at an individual approach to each client. To truly make change we must look at clients lifestyle, emotional/mental health and physiology. Rather than prescribing generic programs/ meal plans. Educating my clients is incredibly important to me. This is something I believe is missing in the health and fitness industry. The industry wants to sell you a quick fix without addressing the source of the problem. This creates a cycle of frustration, lost time and money and has a negative affect on the individuals mental health. I LOVE MOVING and believe that with the right help, support and guidance anyone can achieve anything. A few fun facts: I used to compete nationally figure skating I competed in many state cross country races (but never was highly placed ) I competed as a sports model in a body building competition I have a new love for powerlifting which I plan on pursuing because feeling strong is amazing! I have been practising yoga since I was in high school (thanks mum!) I move for my mental health (and my parents thought I had ADHD as a child but I think I just have lots of energy) I have had endometriosis since I was 21 (when I started fainting from the pain) so leading a healthy lifestyle helped manage the condition. I had surgery last year which has improved my quality of life immensely I used to competitively race ponies and grew up on a farm in NSW I went to university in Canberra and did Marketing/ Commerce degree whilst drinking 3 times a week and living off baked beans. I'm actually an introvert.. but I'm great at acting like an extrovert I'm 32 years young and consider myself incredibly lucky to do what I love and to be surrounded by so many amazing, strong, resilient, incredible women. That's me. It's so nice to meet you! You can introduce yourself below
15.01.2022 BUT IM TOO OLD TO ... BUT IM TOO UNFIT TO.. Ellie came to me because she was getting pain in her knee when she bent down to put things in the safe at work. ... 1 year in and we corrected her movements and strengthened her body. She was out of pain within the first few months. Since then she has gone from strength to strength and continues to impress her son in the gym! Her clothes are now a loose fit. She feels strong, capable and independent within her body You absolute LEGEND!!!
15.01.2022 GET MORE NAMASTE IN YOUR DAY You bet Im about to talk about the autonomic nervous system Firstly, we live in an environment/ a lifestyle that works against us. ... Feeling stressed? Someone cut you off while driving? Back to back appointments? Giving a presentation? The smallest thing, such as an unexpected loud noise can set off our sympathetic nervous, our fight or flight system. When we are living in fight or flight our stress hormone, cortisol is . Our body is also focusing all its energy on SURVIVING. Add extra caffeine to the mix no wonder we are so tired and wired all the time. Did I mention it makes losing weight a lot harder? GET MORE NAMASTE INTO YOUR DAY Deep belly breathing, meditating or listening to calming music is the easiest, quickest way to tap into your parasympathetic nervous system. Your "rest & digest". Ever been on holiday and LOST WEIGHT/ not put anything on even though you ate and drank everything? Yeah because you werent stressed Parasympathetic activities include: sauna sleeping massage nature walks read a book have a bath meditate belly breathing time with loved ones Get some more namaste in your day
14.01.2022 IF YOU FAIL TO PLAN, THEN YOU ARE PLANNING YO FAIL Swipe Yes, so cliche but also SO TRUE.... You gotta have a plan stan. Thinking ahead takes seconds, maybe minutes. Planning takes minutes. So does scrolling aimlessly through Instagram Silly season is not an excuse to eat/ drink everything you want. Don't let a cheat meal become a cheat day then nek minnut cheat month. I'm telling you this now because come February, when the fun is over.. I still want you to feel healthy, confident, strong and fit within your body. eat protein before your drinks decide how you want the next month to play out. Will you be happy to get drunk a few nights week and stop exercising or will you regret? No judgement here because you do you! prioritize rest and sleep when you can include a salad a day! Tis the season lemon and hot water first thing in the morning to have you feeling fresh and full of vit c keep moving But most of all ENJOY YOSELF
13.01.2022 DESIGN A LIFE YOU DON'T NEED A HOLIDAY FROM I meet a lot of people who seem to be extremely unhappy with their job. I once was and I know first hand what a MASSIVE negative impact that had on my mind and body. TOP TIPS TO DESIGN A LIFE YOU ... Identify your core values. What are the top 5 most important aspects of your life. Write them down. How do they make you feel? How can you live more in align with who you truly are. What do you love to do. What don't you like to do. Write these down and delete or delegate the tasks/ things you don't like doing so you can focus on your passion. be aware of your thoughts. Awareness is the first step in change. Be aware of limiting self talk. Language that indicates a limiting belief includes "but", "I should", "I can't". The mind is extremely powerful and if you believe something then you are right. I guarantee you can achieve all the things you think you can't. You just need to think different. "you are what you consistently do". What are your daily habits and how might these be holding you back? Awareness is the first step in change remember. A classic example is you might stay up late watching a Netflix series or playing on your phone. Oops its 3 hours past your bed time. This is a dangerous habit because the next day you will be tired and not your best. This might limit you from getting to the gym or in any case your work will suffer. You might not be as patient with the kids or because your tired you will reach for higher calorie food to give you energy. In any case this is a negative habit moving you away from living your best life. flex that self discipline muscle and do the work. Take action, get uncomfortable. Yes it will be hard. I hope it is hard. Because hard is where the lessons are learned and growth happens. Anything worthwhile having isn't easy. So stop taking the easy option, roll up those sleeves and get to work. we all have that one person we know who is all talk, no action. Don't be that person. Talk less and do more. People will respect you for it.
12.01.2022 YOUR STRUGGLES DEVELOP YOUR STRENGTHS Everything you have been through has prepared you to better handle situations right now Ever thought a situation was so hard, so terrible that you would not, could not possibly get through it?... But here you are, sitting on the otherside of that time Tough times dont last forever But unfortunately, neither do good times Without the bad, you wouldnt be able to fully appreciate the good Learn to ride the struggle wave with grace. Because, lets face it, there are more sad, angry, frustrating times ahead of us. Thats life But those struggles are preparing you for much greater things They build resilience They build grit They teach you lessons and they are preparing for far greater things Our struggle makes us STRONG
11.01.2022 SHE BELIEVED SHE COULD, SO SHE DID Believing you can achieve something is one thing (and certainly part of the process). But the difference between achieving your goals and simply wishing they came true is:... taking massive action (@tonyrobbins has a tonne of content on this) having strategies in place to support your progress taking specific action for a specific outcome We are living a life that gives us REAL TIME FEEDBACK. If something isnt working then you wont be getting your desired outcome, so alter the behavior or change the strategy, test, and see what the outcome is. Keep modifying until you get the desired outcome Life is constantly giving us feedback on what is and what isnt working. You just need to pay attention. Example - does your partner make you cry weekly... thats feedback. That is telling you something isnt right and it might be time to leave the relationship. - are you tracking your progress in the gym and not getting threw results you want? Thats feedback that what you are doing isnt working. You might look at your diet, your lifestyle, your program, how consistent you are, how intense your workouts are. You might test each of these individually for a few months and see what DOES get you results.
11.01.2022 WOMEN SUPPORTING WOMEN Because when we work together, we CAM (spelling error) achieve amazing things together! Today Averyl lifted 80kg for 8 reps which is a massive personal best!! ... Today Bec 4.5 pullups..after not doing pullups for years! Today Leanne trap bar deadlifts for the first time AND with correct form Its amazing what you can achieve when you put yourself in the right environment surrounded by the right type of people
10.01.2022 SMALL WEEKLY WINS ADD UP TO MASSIVE WINS/ TIME Do you think threat small progress isnt good enough? Celebrating the small wins helps BUILD MOMENTUM & CONFIDENCE. ... Small wins every week = massive results. Example adding 1.25kg to each lift. After 12 months you are likely to have gone from squatting 30kg to over 70kg. Massive! losing 200g of fat/ week or a few cms/ month. Over 12 months that could be 10+kgs lost or 10cm. DO NOT underestimate the power of focusing on the small stuff. For in the end, you will realize, its actually the important stuff. WHAT AN EPIC WEEK from our STRONG GIRLS @stronggirlsclub_cockburn
09.01.2022 ONE OF THE GREATEST LESSONS I LEARNED WAS TO BACK MYSELF To trust in my judgement To trust my gut instincts To trust that my personal and business decisions where the correct ones in moving forward ... To stop second guessing if I was wrong or right To stop procrastinating out of fear Girl, you HAVE TO BACK YOURSELF You wont always be right. Hell, Im probably wrong more than I am right But that is how we learn. From our mistakes. Fall fast, fall often. You will be miles ahead of who you were 6 months ago. This builds immense resilience and confidence in your own abilities. Remember, FALL FAST, FALL OFTEN. If you arent failing at anything then youre not taking big enough risks. Youre not living
09.01.2022 WE STILL OPERATE OVER THE SILLY SEASON As many people take well deserved breaks over the Christmas/ New Year period we will still be running our sessions. We have many clients who work as normal during this period, or that still want to exercise as usual as they aren't going away. ... WE WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO JOIN US!
09.01.2022 DOWN A NOTCH And still eats ice cream SMART food choices that are in line with your daily macro nutrient goals GETS RESULTS ... without the frustration without the guilt after consuming And best of all! without restriction because you can still include your favorite meals! Sounds too good to be true? Yes and no you have to log your food (which takes less than 2min a day) you have to do the ground work you still have to eat clean, nutrient dense foods 80% of the time you have to be open to learning you will have to weigh your food instead of guessing Most of all, you have to be open to playing with your diet and the foods you consume Its really up to you But I promise that food guilt and binge eating will (almost) disappear. I still binge once a month rather than once a week but I dont feel bad anymore The more you know, the better decisions you can make **disclaimer- different strokes for different folks! If something is working for you, GREAT! Keep it up. If youre not getting the results you want, EXPERIMENT.
08.01.2022 CAUSE NO ONE LIKES AN ASS KISSER Surround yourself with those that tell you what you NEED to hear. Because sometimes we can get lost in our own BS. I know I do regularly ... If you are only ever around those that praise you.. how are you meant to grow? How are you meant to BE better? Heres one truth. NO ONE IS PERFECT and no one will ever be perfect. We lie to ourselves We make up excuses when things get tough And you know what WE ALL DO IT I do it. I can guarantee you do too! Its called being human. Welcome to the biggest club on earth. Surrounding yoself with those who tell you what you WANT to hear and not what you NEED to hear is dragging you down. Be open to constructive criticism. Its how we learn and improve. RESPECT to all those people being real. It can be hard to pull others up.
08.01.2022 SLEEP IS YOUR CHEAPEST FAT LOSS TOOL Do you... stay up late watching tv eat sugar or drink alcohol before bed Then Im sorry to say. You are compromising your quality of sleep. Leading you to wake up feeling tired Leading your high stress hormone levels wanting quick energy from caffeine and sugar (which, ironically leads to another restless sleep) and the cycle continues. Not feeling well rested means you have a low stress threshold you need more energy from food to stay awake/ feel more energized your ability to make decisions is compromised Focus on your night time routine! have a set bedtime and wake up time implement a night time routine no screen time 30min before bed wind down by listening to calming music or dimming the lights chamomile tea alcohol more than 2 hours prior to sleep - it interferes with the quality of sleep swap sugar for sugar free jelly
08.01.2022 "IF YOU WANT TO GO FAST, GO ALONE IF YOU WANT TO GO FAR, GO TOGETHER" Sometimes you need someone else to believe in you, before you can believe in yourself. ... I believe in the power of supporting others. I believe in the power of a supportive community. I believe thats why my clients have such a great time and achieve amazing things
07.01.2022 NO MORE PRE BABY BODY Everything about this post I urge you to jump on the gram and follow Jen Dugard.... I don't have children so I haven't experienced the body changes from growing and birthing a human. But I know what kind of example I want to be for my daughters I know what message I want to give them via my actions and words Your post baby body is better than your pre baby body mumma Because you carried your bub You birthed your bub You are raising your bub And that's a hell of a lot more important than stressing about your body
07.01.2022 WHY DO WE TRAP BAR DEADLIFT OVER CONVENTIONAL Firstly, 99% of our clients are general population which means they are not training for a specific sport (powerlifting/ crossfit). The trap bar deadlift is a total body pulling movement that is used across sports / general pop to develop STRENGTH, POWER and general fitness. ... It is a fantastic movement for beginners as it is less technical than the conventional or sumo deadlifts. It will get clients REALLY STRONG in a controlled, SAFE environment. Professional athletes (for example AFL players) don't conventional deadlift. They trap bar deadlift as there is less chance of injury as it minimizes lumbar stress (stress through the low back) For example. Let's say our client is a highly driven career woman. She has two young children at home and hasn't been sleeping well. She goes to work where she sits for a good 8 hours. She doesn't move much as she is sitting at her computer or in meetings. She is 90% likely to be sitting with a posterior tilt which means her core and glutes are inactive and weak. She drinks too much caffeine as she is tired. She then rushes from work to the gym where her personal trainer has her doing conventional deadlifts. Our client is sleep deprived, stressed has some weak areas and hasn't moved much all day. In my opinion the worst thing you could do is get her to conventional deadlift, especially with those weak or switched off glutes/ core. Hello lower back pain! That's why we trap bar deadlift and that's why my clients do not sustain injures
06.01.2022 SO WHAT YOU DON'T LIFT 100KG Swipe oh Ellie Strong Girls Club creates an environment for you to be constantly adapting and PROGRESSING. ... Just because you might not lift as much as Susan doesn't make your achievement any less. PROGRESSION is what we are aiming for. These clients hit PB's today (peanut butter I mean personal bests). Limit comparison and focus on HOW FAR YOU HAVE COME Well done ladies, so STRONG
06.01.2022 CLIENT SHOUTOUT To this consistent hard working young lady. Last night Chloe lifted 2 rounds of 3 repetitions at 100KG and that is worth a shout out.... Chloe is 21 years old (just a wee baby) and has been training with me for 1 year I dont think chloe has missed a session in that year. She started at 60kg on the trap bar and over time is now lifting over 100kg for her 1 rep max. What an achievement for someone so young!! It demonstrates her ability to be consistent and disciplined. It also builds confidence as it shows that she can achieve what she sets out to achieve. WELL DONE young lady
05.01.2022 WHAT A WEEK From getting the ok to go ahead with our facility to being stopped and told we need to do works to the building first. To the high of weighing in right where I wanted to weigh for my first novice powerlifting competition.... To the sleepless nights, worrying about the gym. To the excitement and anticipation of my first competition after 20 weeks of solid training. To the support and friendship of those around me. I came home to find one of my clients wishing me luck with a stunning bouquet of flowers This week has hit me with every single damn high, low and anything in between. Happy Friday all, we bloody made it!
04.01.2022 MEET AVERYL Averyl has been incredibly consistent! She trains 4-5 times a week in our group queen sessions and has been training for 12 weeks. ... She has gone from a 50kg trap bar deadlift to a comfortable 80kg deadlift She is also pushing 100kg + on the leg press as well. STRONG GIRL SHOUTOUT TO HER EFFORT & ATTITUDE Weight loss is a by product of consist movement and changes to diet. It is the end result. Focusing on becoming stronger and fitter whilst making sustainable changes to your diet results in a hell of a lot of fun you feel GREAT you have more energy its sustainable and maintainable After all, this is a lifestyle. Not just a few good months of training. Keep up the fantastic effort
03.01.2022 CLIENT SHOUTOUT for KILLER KAREN Karen has been training with me twice a week for 10 months. She started on 50kg on the trap bar and Thursday night she completed 2 sets of 3 repetitions at 100kg ... Weight training is measurable (which I love). The outcome of upping your weights and progressively overloading your muscles results in your feeling mentally strong (because when you lift you dont think "my quads are so strong", you think "damn Im strong"). But also results in weight loss and you becoming a badass with a great ass Karen has had ZERO injuries during our time together, which is fantastic as she has two beautiful young boys who she likes to keep active with bike riding or rock climbing. WELL DONE KILLER
03.01.2022 ITS TIME TO MOVE MORE My clients have a non negotiable step count of 10,000/ day The further along in their training, the more steps are expected.... Is it for fat loss? Yes and no, but mainly no. YES YOU WILL EXPEND MORE ENERGY & spending more time walking means more time preoccupied (so less snacks eaten on the couch). But THE HEALTH BENEFITS are I mean the psychological benefits of reducing feelings of anxiety/ depression getting into nature having time to think and process thoughts/ emotions Are MASSIVE! and ofcourse the physical benefits of lowering your blood pressure tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system = calming effect and greater nutrient absorption through digestion NOW IS THE TIME to simply MOVE MORE
02.01.2022 I am excited to launch our new booking system! Check out the timetable and book your sessions here >
02.01.2022 RECORD YOUR LIFTS Otherwise how do you know if you are getting stronger? I love collecting data ... Plus this is how we progressively overload your muscles - by lifting more weight than you did in previous weeks Your muscles need enough stimulus to create a hormonal response = change to the body Our 545am strength group sessions are doing just that
02.01.2022 PBs ALL ROUND Shoutout to these consistent, hard working super stars They have been consistently upping their weights every week! ... Tonight they got personal bests on their squats WELL DONE
01.01.2022 CELEBRATING ANOTHERS SUCCESS WILL NOT DIMINISH YOUR OWN Just as supporting others wont take away from your own success. As old mate @deepakchopra says - "when someone in the family succeeds, the whole family celebrates "... Life is not a competition Stop competing with others and STAY IN YOUR OWN LANE. We all bring something different to the table and no one can do you as well as you do you. And that is your SUPER POWER. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together " What better way to help our clients then to work TOGETHER. Thanks for my tee Jas! @everstrongcoaching If anyone is NOR and looking for a legend who knows his shit, hit up Jas, you wont regret it.
01.01.2022 THE BEST PROJECT YOU WILL EVER WORK ON... IS YOU Look, that statement is cliche but its true When you prioritize your own mental and physical health by doing things for you, everyone else benefits ... Want to be a better mother, lover, work mate, friend, sister, daughter? Then start putting yourself first. If not for you, but for them When you stop saying yes to everyone else, you put ti6and effort into your own happiness. This means you will be more pleasant to me around more patient with the kids happier setting a good example more productive at work Dont have time? No one does! So you must make time. Because your a priority too. You must START PUTTING YOURSELF FIRST
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