Rapture Fitness in Sydney, Australia | Gym/Physical fitness centre
Rapture Fitness
Locality: Sydney, Australia
Phone: +61 411 839 942
Address: 7a Norton Street Leichhardt 2040 Sydney, NSW, Australia
Website: http://www.rapturefitness.com.au
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25.01.2022 Friends, Family, Members! Rapture Fitness is in the draw for the Local Small Business Awards!!! Please Help us by voting for us using this link or scanning the QR code and sharing this post! It will only take a moment and would mean so much to Us! Coach Lanz & Simo! https://thebusinessawards.com.au/busi/59992/Rapture-Fitness
23.01.2022 Putting that swing into spring . . #weekend #weekendvibes #saturdayvibes #saturday #saturdaywod #wod #wodoftheday #fitness #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #functionalbodybuilding #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #communitygym #positivevibes #energy #kettlebellworkout #kettlebell #kettlebellswings #kettlebellswings #kettlebelltraining #innerwest #innerwestsydney #sydney #sydneyaustralia #sydneygym #sydneyfitness #igsydney #potd
23.01.2022 On Monday’s we Squat!!! Who else is looking forward to another week of getting stronger Week 10 of 12 of our strength cycle so many amazing numbers hit already! . .... . #strength #strengthcycle #crossfit #functionalfitness #vibe #squats #innerwestgym #bestintheinnerwest #gym #fitness #rfcrew #rffitfam #community #grouptraining #hiit #cardio #weightlifting #olympiclifting #strong #potd #wod #barbell See more
20.01.2022 Coach Lanz explaining how to do handstands . . . #handstand #handstandpractice #wod #wodoftheday #wodlife #crossfit #lifestylers #wednesdays #wednesdaywod #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitfam #gymnastics #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #flex #flexibility #humpday #lookgood #lookgoodfeelgood #innerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwestgym #leichhardt
19.01.2022 Day 4/5 into our testing week and some amazing numbers hit so far along with many PB’s bring on Friday and Deadlifts . . . #crossfit #weighlifting #testingweek #strength #strengthcycle #squats #cleans #snatch #deadlift #xfit #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #rfcrew #rffitfam #community #notvscreens #vibe #goodvibes #gym #innerwestgym #innerwestcrossfit #crossfitinnerwest #leichhardtgym #strong #conditioning #hiit #herowod #innerwest
19.01.2022 Cath comes to our 9.30 class 3 days a week. With her consistently in exercising and dieting she has lost an amazing 20kgs!! Well done Cath! Keep smashing it . . #RFfitfam #crossfit #weightlossjourney #weightloss #transformation #mondaysdoneright #consistency #wod #wodoftheday #everydayhustle #cleanandjerk #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #barbell #barbellworkout #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #innerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwestgym #sydney #igsydney #potd #photooftheday
19.01.2022 You can’t hit your target with your eyes closed . . , #crossfit #crossfitaustralia #innerwestsydney #innerwest #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #wallballs #eyesontheprize #innerwestcrossfit #crossfitinnerwest #wod #wodoftheday #letsgo #pumpup #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #workout #workoutmotivation #everyday #deepsquat #squats #squat #squatday
18.01.2022 Rain, Hail, Shine.... don’t make the cold weather be your excuse to stop looking after yourself! 1 hour in the gym is only 4% of your day @geneviev.ve makes no excuses! . . .... #rainhailorshine #noexcuses #fitnessfirst #crossfit #wod #fitness #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #crossfitinnerwest #innerwestcrossfit #leichhardtgym #gym #box #strongwomen #rfcrew #rffitfam #slamball #innerwestsydney See more
17.01.2022 After having 2 weeks off Nino just ripping in and getting it done @agozzo . . #deadlift #deadlifting #deadlifts #deadliftday #friyay #fridayvibes #strong #beast #beastmode #strength #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #crossfit #wod #wodoftheday #crossfitwod #crossfitcommunity #fitfam #fitness
17.01.2022 Throwback to that time we did Murph.. In a 10kg weighted vest for time 1.6km run 100 pull ups 200 push ups... 300 air squats 1.6km run Who’s keen to give it ago soon? . . . #murphchallenge #murph #murphwod #wod #wodoftheday #crossfitwod #crossfit #xfit #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #fitness #fitnessjourney #beastmode #innerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwesttraining #innerwestfitness #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #petersham #stanmore #mma #training #bodybuilding #community #communitylove #RFfitfam #hustle
16.01.2022 Amazing effort by the Rapture Crew this week. #RFfitfam @agozzo in his natural habitat . . .... #crossfit #crossfitaustralia #wod #wodoftheday #innerwestsydney #innerwest #leichhardt #beast #fitness #fitnessmotivation #farmerscarry #ripped #rippedbody #fitfam #weekend #weekendvibes #weekendwod #community #happy See more
15.01.2022 When regular push ups are too easy, add a box and a plate . . . #pushups #pushupseveryday #mondaymotivation #monday #mondaymood #mondayvibes #mondaymorning #strong #swole #weightedpushups #flex #strength #crossfit #crossfitwod #wod #wodoftheday #fitfam #fitness #viking #headtattoo #tattooed #beast #innerwestsydney #innerwest #sydney #potd
14.01.2022 If you are the strongest person in the room then you’re in the wrong room. Surround yourself with people who help you grow . . .... #growth #growthmindset #mindset #quotes #qotd #team #encouragement #fitfam #fitness #strength #weakness #fuelyourbody #positivevibes #positivity #lifestyle #everydayhustle #grinding #innerwest #innerwestsydney #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #RFfitfam #communityvibe #sydneygym #crossfit #xfit #functionalbodybuilding #functionaltraining #wod #wodoftheday See more
14.01.2022 S Q U A T C L E A N S . . . .... #innerwest #crossfit #innerwestcrossfit #wod #wodoftheday #crossfitwod #squats #squatclean #cleans #olympicweightlifting #olympiclifting #leichhardt #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #motivation #lifting #barbell #crossfitter #crossfitcommunity #movement See more
13.01.2022 Get comfortable with the uncomfortable . . #getcomfortablebeinguncomfortable #crossfit #crossfitaustralia #crossfitgames #crossfitdownunder #innerwestcrossfit #crossfitinnerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwest #innerwestisbest #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #leichhardtlocal #leichhardtlife #rogue #roguefitness #roguebike #assaultbike #cardio #cardioworkout #cardioworkouts #hiitworkout #healthy #happy #potd #gymphotography
13.01.2022 Have you tried our mobility class with @the.movement.therapist ? 7AM on a Saturday morning! Not only does Eamon make it fun but you will also go into the weekend feeling good ... Come and check it out and kick start the weekend the right way . . @allanspics . . #crossfit #crossfitwod #mobility #stretch #stretchingexercises #weekendvibes #bent #getbent #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnessgoals #lifestyle #potd #photographer #photooftheday #gymphotography #innerwestsydney #innerwest #sydney #igsydney #leichhardt #innerwestcrossfit #teganandnedpresets #yoga #innerwestgym #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #groupfitness #grouptraining
13.01.2022 Springing into that summer body Come and join the Rapture community with no lock in contracts . . #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #innerwest #innerwestsydney #workout #spring #spring2020 #lookgoodfeelgood #training #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitfam #lifestyle #crossfit #crossfitcommunity #wod #wodoftheday #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #kegworkout #hiitworkout #hiit #keg #beer #flex #happy
10.01.2022 Saturday morning 6AM @aire_fitness crew @rapturefitnessau Awesome start to the weekend . . .... #crossfit #crossfitwod #wod #wodoftheday #saturdaywod #saturday #saturdayvibes #weekendwod #weekend #weekendvibes #fitness #fitnessmotivation #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #sydneygym #innerwestsydney #innerwest #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #happy #workout #workoutmotivation #motivation #weekendwarrior #slaytheday See more
10.01.2022 Killer session thanks to our friend James from @aire_fitness this morning!! James will be running Wednesday’s at 7am and Saturdays at 10am! Give him a follow and come along to some tough workouts Thanks again mate! .... . . #crossfit #wod #wodoftheday #crossfit #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #fitness #fitfam #thecrew #saturdayvibes #saturday #saturdaymorning #saturdaywod #workout #workoutmotivation #everyday #hustle #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #innerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwestisbest #airefitness #rx See more
09.01.2022 Looking for a gun exercise physiologist ? Look upto our friend @the.movement.therapist Eamon. Book in your consultation today . . #movement #mobility #movebetter #movementtherapy #rom #range #exercise #feelgood #lookgood #strength #strengthtraining #crossfit #wod #wodoftheday #crossfitwod #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #functionalbodybuilding #strong #fitfam #fitness #innerwest #innerwestsydney #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #viking
09.01.2022 Aint no Christmas Day WOD like a Rapture 12 days of Christmas WOD 1 year ago to the day we did our very first workout. Today, we are blessed to have such an amazing bunch of people who we now call our friends. We wish everyone a lovely Christmas and look forward to more workouts to come . .... #12daysofchristmas #christmas #christmasdaywod #wod #crossfit #crossfitcommunity #rfcrew #rapturefitness #innerwestcrossfit #crossfitinnerwest #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #fit #fitfam #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #innerwestsydney #innerwest #innerwestisbest #sydney #potd #photooftheday #crossfitwodlife #1 #happy #trainer #coach #love See more
08.01.2022 At Rapture we are all about building a community. Hazza travels an hour to come and hangout and train with us! That is commitment. It has been a delight to see how far you have come! - bring on 2021 . . - @allanspics... . . #RFfitfam #community #rapturecommunity #rapturefitness #crossfit #crossfitwodlife #wod #wodoftheday #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnessgoals #fitfam #happy #progress #progressnotperfection #progresspic #ollylifting #olympicweightlifting #weightlifting #barbell #kettlebellworkout #ig_australia #potd #photooftheday #igdaily #ig2020 #igfit See more
07.01.2022 Awesome way to start your Saturday morning with a 7AM GET BENT class thanks to Eamon @the.movement.therapist . . . #getbent #flexy #flexsaturday #movement #movewell #feelgood #supersaturday #saturdaywod #movementculture #stretching #stretchingexercises #flow #fitness #fitfam #fitnessmotivation #saturdayvibes #saturday #saturdaymorning #weekend #weekendvibes #weekendmood #RFfitfam #innerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwestfitness #innerwestisbest #yoga
04.01.2022 Crawling out of the long weekend like... . . . #rapture #rapturefitness #rffitfam #rfcrew #innerwestgym #bestintheinnerwest #crossfitinnerwest #innerwestcrossfit #fitness #groupfitness #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #bearcrawl #crossfit #community #local #dynamic #realcoaches #notvs #longweekend #balanedlifestyle
02.01.2022 We hope that everyone had a nice Christmas, ate lots of food, drunk some fine brews. It’s normal to put on a couple of extra kilos during this time. Who’s ready to smash it in 2021?! . . @allanspics... . . #crossfit #crossfitwod #wod #wodoftheday #fitness #fit #fitnessjourney #fitnessgoals #gymphoto #gymphotography #potd #photooftheday #innerwestsydney #crossfitinnerwest #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #leichhardtgym #sydney #sydneyaustralia #crossfittechnique #crossfitlife #fitspo #instafit #instagood #instadaily #instamood #boom #beastmode See more
02.01.2022 Super Saturdays . . #crossfit #wod #saturdayvibes #saturday #weekend #crossfitwod #workout #fitness #fitfam #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #cleanandjerk #snatch #kettlebell #kettlebellworkout #innerwest #innerwestsydney #innerwestfitness #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #petersham #glebe #rozelle #groupfitness #personaltrainer #sydney #sydneypt #sydneygym #sydneyig #potd
01.01.2022 Another awesome session from our friend James! The Saturday crew @aire_fitness X @rapturefitnessau . . .... #saturdayvibes #weekend #weekendvibes #weekendcrew #weekendwod #wod #wodoftheday #workoutmotivation #crew #crossfit #crossfitcommunity #lifestyle #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnessgoals #bodybuilding #activelifestyle #potd #photography #gymphotography #beasts #burpees See more
01.01.2022 What are your fitness goals this week? . . - @allanspics .... . #crossfit #snatch #snatches #wod #wodoftheday #crossfitwod #goals #grind #workout #workoutmotivation #fitness #fitnessmotivation #weeklygoals #smashit #spring #innerwest #innerwestsydney #leichhardt #leichhardtcommunity #localgym #localfitness #potd #photooftheday #gymphotography #photography #1635mm #cannon #cannonphotography See more
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