Rapunzels Hairdressing in Gold Coast, Queensland | Beauty salon
Rapunzels Hairdressing
Locality: Gold Coast, Queensland
Phone: +61 7 5577 4100
Address: 4/38 the Esplanade Paradise Point 4216 Gold Coast, QLD, Australia
Website: http://www.rapunzelshairdressing.com
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25.01.2022 Wave your way into the holiday season take away the stress by leaving your locks in our hands With limited Christmas appointments book before you miss out
25.01.2022 Who Lves a face frame that POPS ???? . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #faceframe #faceframinghighlights #blonde #brightblonde #blondebalayage #balayageinspo #blondespecialist #highlightsandlowlights #rootshadow #zonetone #livedinblonde #longevitycolour #lowmaintenanceblondes #newhairisalwaysgood #freshhair #paradisepoint #sovereignisland #hopeisland #ephraimisland #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhairdresser #paradisepointmums #goldcoasthairstylist #goldcoastsalon #goldcoastbusinesswomen #goldcoastmums
25.01.2022 Fresh #keratin #smoothed hair, calls for styled waves that #shine instead of looking dull and #frizzy Our choice of keratin is # the brand #cezanne For many reasons, a few being.... - PETA approved - It halves your blow drying/styling time... - Eliminates frizz - Your hair can be washed, tied up and coloured straight away - It doesnt irritate your scalp - Has no fumes, and low residue smell - Contains botanicals and vitamins to soften your hair -Super quick and Long lasting If you suffer from frizzy, fluffy, dull hair that takes ages to dry and you struggle to style, keratin is your answer! If youre looking for the best come and experience a #cezanne treatment today. We also stock an express cezanne keratin treatment to try or top up your existing treatment.
24.01.2022 Ask us today how a #shadeseqgloss will benefit your colour....
24.01.2022 Love being blonde ??? Want your #blonde to have more interest and #variation ? Thinking of adding #lowlights but hate when those lowlights fade or go brassy ?? We have the answer for you..... One of our specialties is customising your blonde to suit you. So if your blonde needs some love and updating to help you be the best YOU .... . . Call 55774100 today or book online with one of our colour wizards See more
24.01.2022 Another stunning transformation made possible with our favourite Cezanne smoothing treatment #cezanne #managablehair #lessdryingtime #letyourhairdown #smoothingtreatment #keratintreatment #goldcoast #paradisepoint @ Rapunzels Hairdressing
23.01.2022 Back in stock!!! Did you know that soap, is the best way to kill any germs?!! Struggling to find a soap that doesnt kill your hands (along with the nasties on them) @elevenaustralia has got you!! Packed with orange, lavender and coconut oils to repair and restore hydration, this is your go to... With restrictions being lifted, now is definitely not the time to become complacent with hand-washing..... See more
23.01.2022 C U R L S Loving @yourboybyron new look!! Swipe to see the transformation come to life.... @ Burleigh Pavilion
23.01.2022 It’s baaaaaack!! The long awaited olaplex #3 is back on stock and in salon NOW..... Get yours today!!
22.01.2022 The Kevin Murphy Hydrate regime... the ultimate in hydration If youre hair is in need of a little tlc and moisture, look no further. Sulphate free, paraben free, Peta approved and packed with natural elements such as Kakadu plum, shea butter it will repair dry hair, smooth and bring back that natural shine . .... . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #pqradisepointsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #smallbusiness #supportlocal #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphysessionsalon #kevinmurphyhydrateme #petaapproved #sulphatefree #parabenfree #antioxidant #naturalelements See more
21.01.2022 P O P S of blonde in all the right places . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhair #goldcoastsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoastsmallbusiness #elevenaustralia #dysonsupersonic #foilmefoils #olaplexau #kevinmurphy #shadeseqgloss #blonde #brightblonde #babylights #highlights #balayage #blondebalayage #blondespecialist #freshhair #newhair #naturalblonde #lowmaintenanceblondes #lowmaintenanceblondesaremything #longevityhair @ Paradise Point Esplanade
19.01.2022 KEVIN MURPHY HOLIDAYS PACKS 2020 HAVE HIT OUR SHELVES!!! This year each pack of your favourite wash and rinse comes with a FREE FULL SIZE product. Sure to put a smile on your face or that perfect gift for any on your list! Get yours today before they’re gone......
19.01.2022 BANGS So hot right now Sometimes it’s just that lil somethin’ you need . .... . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointlocal #supportlocal #goldcoastsmallbusiness #goldcoastgirlsinbusiness #goldcoastsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #paradisepointhairdresser #bangs #bangstyle #freshaf #hothair #putthebanginit #curtainfringe #longhair #blonde #balayage See more
19.01.2022 Let us take away your stress of Christmas shopping with our Christmas packs With a variety of packs there’s one for every hair type - - -... #kevinmurphyholidaypacks #kevinmurphy #christmas #christmasgifts #makechristmasgreatagain #makechristmaseasy See more
19.01.2022 SMOOTH SLEEK SHINY If this the hair your looking for, the keratin smoothing treatment by @cezanne_hair is what you need in your life... Keratin will smooth, nourish, moisturise, soften and leave your hair frizz free, whilst still allowing your natural wave to come through. And wait for it..... cut your blow drying time in half Call 0755774100 or book online today via our website to have the best of your life. #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #keratin #keratintreatment #smoothingtreatment #cezanne #onceyoukeratinyouwontgoback #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoasthairsalon @ Paradise Point
18.01.2022 CREAMY BLONDES using @colormebykm.australia Always supported by @olaplexau . . .... #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #sovereignisland #ephraimisland #northgoldcoast blondebalayage #blonde #blondehair #blondehighlights #blondespecialist #blondesquad #babylights #griffithuniversitygoldcoast #goldcoastnurses #goldcoastgirlsinbusiness #goldcoastmums #goldcoastmumsandbubs See more
16.01.2022 #kevinmurphycolorme This luxurious range is our choice of color Why you ask? Simple, it is #ammoniafree and #ppdfree ... Also packed with naturally derived #aloevera , #honey, #pomegranate and #sheabutter It leaves your hair moisturised, rejuvenated and super shiny!! You will also notice it has no smell What goes into the tube is just as important as the color it creates! Not only is it coating your hair and touching your scalp, youre breathing it in, and your colourist is working with it all day long.... Do you know what colour system youre colourist uses? Is it good for your hair as well as you?? #makethechoice #selfcare #kevinmurphy #skincareforyourhair
16.01.2022 Subtlety is the when first time colouring Our beautiful guest Ella had long natural dark blonde hair that had over time lost its sun kissed look A massive chop some natural bright golden highlights added to suit Ella’s skin tone and .... . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #newhairwhodis #freshhair #shorterbrighterhair #schoolleavers2020 #year12sover #subtlecolor #livedincolor #longevitycolor #lowmaintenancecolor #blonde #goldenblonde #texturalblonde #balayage #blondespecialists #kevinmurphyammoniafreecolor #colormebykm #olaplexau #foilmefoils #elevenaustralia #paradisepoint #localbusiness #supportsmallbusiness #runawaybay #ephraimisland #sovereigniand #hopeisland See more
16.01.2022 Warming up winter with this super hot copper Face-framing, textural weaves, global color, and finished with a super shiny gloss.... our guest spent the afternoon with us, having a little transformation, and she was absolutely loving the result!!! (Unfortunately we were way too excited and missed the before shot)
14.01.2022 Enhancing and brightening this beautiful copper base - - - #copperhair #blondecopper #blondepop #enhancingnaturalbeauty #letyourhairdown #lobhaircut #summervibes #paradisepoint #elevenaustralia #colourpop #kevinmurphy #colormebykm
14.01.2022 Face framing magic with some lived in goodness . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #paradisepoint #balayage #balayageinspo #bestofbalayage #longevitycolour #livedinblonde #blondespecialist #faceframinghighlights #bestgoldcoastbalayage #bestblondegoldcoast #goldcoastmumsandbubs #goldcoastmums #goldcoasthighschools #sovereignisland #ephraimisland #hopeisland #runawaybay #northerngoldcoastbusiness #supportlocal #goldcoastsmallbusiness
14.01.2022 Cool, ashy blondes with a hint of tonal variation When youve got fine hair and need definition and texture, ask for variation within the interior. Add one of our blonde prescriptive take-home treatments to keep your blonde cool, and your in for the win! #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #blonde #coolblonde #ashblonde #blondehighlights #tonalvariation #texturedhair #waves
14.01.2022 This babe had a major brighten up!! Swipe to see this transformation . . .... #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #newhairisalwaysgood #freshhairfeels #lighterbrighterbetter #blonde #blondehair #blondehighlights #blondebalayage #blondespecialist #kevinmurphy #olaplex #foilmefoils #redkenshadeseq #elevenaustralia #dyson #ghd #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhairdresser #ephraimisland #sovereignisland #hopeisland #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoastsalon @ Rapunzels Hairdressing See more
14.01.2022 This hot mumma was in need of a brighten-up after quarantine . .... . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointhairdresser #paradisepointsalon #hopeisland #sanctuarycove #sovereignisland #ephraimisland #hollywell #coombabah #winteronthegc goldcoasthairstylist #goldcoastsalon #goldcoastsmallbusiness #highlights #balayage #blonde #blondehair #lighterbrighter #glowup #freshhair #livedinblonde #lowmaintenancehair #kevinmurphy #lovekevinmurphy #redkenshadeseq #doyouevenshadeseq #elevenaustralia #dyson #ghd See more
13.01.2022 Multi-dimensional mermaid waves . . .... . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #paradsiepoint #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoastsalon #waves #wavesfordays #longhair #babylightsandbalayage #colormelt #zonetone #multidimensionalhaircolor #longevityhair #lowmaintenancehair #kevinmurphy #olaplex #foilmefoils #shadeeqgloss #elevenaustralia #dysonsupersonic #ghdsoftcurltong See more
13.01.2022 We are off #lettingourhairdown today and will be back in salon ready for all things hair tomorrow! Hope everyones enjoying a well deserved day off!!
13.01.2022 T H E Y ‘ R E H E R E !!! Christmas holiday packs 2020 This year your favourite shampoo and conditioner comes with a free full size extra product. Get yours today or one or two for your bestie before they’re gone!
12.01.2022 Nothing beats a fresh bright blonde . . . #blonde #blondehair #blondehighlights #blondehairdontcare #blondespecialist #wedoblondesbetter #freshblondehair #kevinmurphycolorme #ammoniafreehaircolor #ppdfreehaircolor #olaplex #foilmefoils #elevenaustralia #kevinmurphy #thechoiceswemake #dysonsupersonic #ghdhair #rapunzeshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointhair #paradisepointsalon #northgoldcoastbestblondes #goldcoasthairdresser #gchair #goldcoastsmallbusiness #supportlocal
12.01.2022 SUMMER READY Lighter, brighter just in time for the beach weather . . .... #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #gcsmallbusiness #longeststandingsaloninthecommunity #supportlocal #goldcoast #goldcoastmumsandbubs #gcgirlsinbusiness #blonde #livedinblonde #lowmaintenanceblonde #longevitycolour #highlightsandbalayage #highlightsandlowlights #rootshadow #faceframinghighlights #tipout #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphyammoniafreecolor #olaplexau #foilmefoils #shadeseqgloss #christopherobinparis #elevenaustralia #dysonsupersonic #ghdsoftcurltong See more
12.01.2022 Seamless blends and super shine . . . #rapunzelshiardressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #ephraimisland #sovereignisland #hopeisland #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoastwomeninbusiness #supportlocal #goldcoastsmallbusiness #goldcoasttourism #australianmade #kevinmurphy #ammoniafreecolor #ppdfreehaircolor #hairinspo #iwantthathair #illhavewhatsheshaving #hairinspiration #livedincolor #effortlesscolor #foilmefoils #elevenaustralia #olaplex #sustainablesalonsaustralia
11.01.2022 Sometimes all it takes is a gloss and a cut to bring your hair back to life - - - #darkhair #brunettebalayage #brunettehair #livedinhair #bronde #paradisepoint #elevenaustralia #letyourlightshine #letyourhairdown #rapunzelshairdressing #modelshoot #shadeseq #redkenobsessed
10.01.2022 Effortless lived-in colour This is one of our techniques!! . . .... #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #goldcoasthairdresser #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasttourism #goldcoastsmallbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #sustainablesalonsaustralia #sustainablesalon #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphycolorme #ammoniafreecolor #ppdcolor #australianbrands #elevenaustralia #olaplexau foilmefoils #blonde #balayage #blondeinspo #warmtones #foils #handpainted #livedincolor #longevitycolor #lowmaintenancecolour @ The Point Veterinarian See more
09.01.2022 Starting our weekend with some beachy curls on this beautiful lived in blonde #blondebalayage #livedinblonde #paradisepoint #goldcoastsalon #letyourhairdown #weekendvibes
09.01.2022 Giving this gorgeous mumma a low maintenance lob and colour refresh - - - #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasthair #goldcoasttourism #hairontheesplanade #supportsmallbusiness #longeststandingsaloninthecommunity #goldcoastmums #goldcoastmumsandbubs #lowmaintenancehair #lobhaircut #texturedbobs #chopchop #beautifulbrowns #brunette #brunettehair #supershinybrunettes #healthyhair #brunettesdoitbetter #letyourhairdown #rapunzelshairdressing #kevinmurphy #colormebykm #elevenaustralia
08.01.2022 CHOP CHOP Check out this babes massive transformation!!! From years of super long hair to a healthy shiny copper lob . . .... #freshhair #newhair #hairtransformation #chopchop #outwiththeold #copper #copperhair #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphycolorme #elevenaustralia #ghd #paradisepointhair #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhairdresser #runwaybayhair #hopeislandhair #sovereignislandhair #northgoldcoastsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoastsalon #goldcoastsmallbusiness #supportlocalbusiness # @ Rapunzels Hairdressing See more
08.01.2022 Who else loves a creamy B L O N D E - - - -... #blondegoals #blondebob #creamyblonde #kevinmurphy #kevingmurphyproducts #kevinmurphylightener #kevinmurphycolorme #kevinmurphysalon #seasionsalon #kevinmurphyaustralia #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #goldcoastgirlsinbusiness #rapunzelhair #shadeseqgloss #redkenshadeseq #redken #blondelob #goldcoastlife See more
07.01.2022 When cooler months call for cooler tones If you already have existing balayage one of the easiest ways to have a Change without committing to a complete color change is to have a different gloss/toner through your ends... #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhairdresser #goldcoasthairstylist #winterhair #winterstoltice2020 #brunette #brunettebalayage #brownbalayage #balayage #cooltones #ashtones #noredhair #livedincolor #lowmaintenancehair #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphycolorme #foilmefoils #olaplexau #elevenaustralia #dysonsupersonic
07.01.2022 Lived in low maintenance blonde at its best Perfect for that first time colour, those who just want to enhance their natural colour or if your not some one who loves regular salon visits #beforeandafterhair #livedinblonde #lowmaintenancehair #kevinmurphycolorme #kevinmurphy #shadeseq #shadeseqgloss #goldcoastsalon #lovekevinmurphy #letyourhairdown @ Paradise Point
06.01.2022 New season, new _ _ _ _ Its the first day of winter! A new season, a time to start fresh. What does this mean for you? New haircut? A fresh color?? Or simply a refresh of your summer bright blonde. They say a Change is good as a holiday, and at the moment we cant journey to far!!... With restrictions lifting, we are now starting to have more options to venture to, so now is the perfect time to try something new and take the new you out for the first time! Call us today on 55774100 to make an appointment or pop in anytime for a complimentary consultation.
06.01.2022 Pieces that POP in all the right places Personalising youre colour to suit you and highlight your facial structure is one of our favourite things to do! Do you have amazing cheekbones, incredible lips or eyes that sparkle??? The right colourist will tailor your colour to enhance these features.... It all goes hand in hand..... If your colour is needing a little something extra but youre not sure what, book an appointment to come and see us to bring the POP back into your color!! . . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #goldcoastsalon #goldcoastsmallbusiness #goldcoastmums #paradisepointmums #hopeisland #ephraimisland #sovereignisland #runawaybay #highlightsandlowlights #texturedcolour #balayage #colormelt #goldentones #rosegoldhair #newhairisalwaysgood #freshhair #tailoredcolour #colorthatenhancesyourfeatures #kevinmurphy #shadeseqgloss #olaplex #foilmefoils #elevenaustralia #ghdanz
06.01.2022 Loving our rich chocolate melts at the moment! Embracing the depth and still keeping that hint of lightness. If youre brunette girl by heart and nature adding variation will give it that super lush look youve been craving!!
06.01.2022 Would you believe this amazing real life mermaid hair is 110% natural and has never been coloured!!!
06.01.2022 Hand painted golden honey hues . . . .... #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointhairdresser #paradisepointsalon #runawaybay #hollywell #coombabah #ephraimisland #sovereignisland #hopeisland #goldcoastsalon #balayage #handpainting #freehand #highlightsandlowlights #tonalmelt #goldenblonde #honeyblonde #goldenblondebalayage #winterhighlights #winterwarmth #lighterbrighterbalayages #freshhair See more
06.01.2022 The best of babylights Our guest Katherine is naturally a deeper blonde and has mountains of hair! She loves a bright blonde, just like her beautiful baby girls!! Around every 3-4 months she comes in for a full-head of highlights, and occasionally a gloss in between to maintain shine and tone.... After this iso quarantine period, who else is considering more of a low maintainance colour? If this is you?? Come in and have a chat to one of our colour experts about achieving more of future proof colour today. . . . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointhair #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhairdresser #runawaybayhair #hopeislandhair #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoastsalon #goldcoastbusiness #goldcoastsmallbusiness #blonde #blondehairspecialist #babylightsandbalayage #longhair #longevityhair #futureproofhair #lowmaintenancecolor #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphycolorme #ammoniafreecolor #olaplexaustralia #foilmefoils #elevenaustralia #goldcoastmums #paradisepointmums #stfrancisxaviermummy #northerngoldcoastmumsandbubs
06.01.2022 Seamless blends . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointlocal #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhairdresser #goldcoastsalon ##goldcoastsmallbusiness #supportlocalbusiness #seamlessblends #handpainted #balayage #babylightsbalayage #lowmaintenancecolour #livedincolor #effortlesshair #naturalblondes #goldentones #sunkissedhair #naturalcolorenhancement #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphycolorme #olaplex #elevenaustralia #shadeseq
06.01.2022 Holy transformation Our beautiful guest Skye-Anne came in wanting to go blonde and after a few hours we got this beautiful end result Swipe to see the before photos #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphycolorme #shadeseq #elevenaustralia #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #goldcoast #goldcoastsalon#blondetransformation #blondebombshell #letyourhairdown #blondeshavemorefun #blondehair #blondespecialist #colourspecialist... #rapunzelshairdressing See more
05.01.2022 When your brunette needs brightening add subtle lightness - - - #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphyproducts #colormebykm #shadeseqgloss #summerready #brightening #goldcoast #paradisepoint #paradisepointsalon #gcsalon #letyourhairdown
05.01.2022 Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing Mums, Grandmas, Nans, Gigis, Step-mums, Aunties, friends and the Ladies who light our world! Celebrating you all today!!
05.01.2022 FACE FRAMES that POP . . . .... #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #hairontheesplanade #paradisepointsalon #longeststandingsaloninthecommunity #localbusiness #goldcoastsmallbusiness #supportlocal #goldcoasttourism #blonde #balayage #highlightsandlowlights #goldcoastblondes #livedincolour #lowmaintenanceblonde #longhair #texturedhair #kevinmurphy #shadeseqgloss #elevenaustralia #christopherobin #olaplex See more
04.01.2022 ..... . . . #christmas2020 #oneweektogo #santaclausiscomingtotown #ibelieve #merrychristmas #holidayseason
04.01.2022 When being bright blonde makes you smile . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepoint #goldcoastsalon #goldcoastmums #paradisepointmums #hopeisland #ephraimisland #northerngoldcoast #elevenaustralia #foilmefoils #shadeseqgloss #olaplexau #blonde #blondehair #babylights #balayage #blondesdonebetter #freshhair #newhairisalwaysgood #
03.01.2022 Creamy Bright Blondes
03.01.2022 Chocolate Caramel goodness....... Winters not far away...... maybe its time for a seasonal change? Adding depth to your summer lightened out ends, is the perfect way to have a change without being too dramatic. It can be as simple as having a tonal change, adding some low-lights and an overall deeper gloss..... . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #paradisepointhairdresser #goldcoastsalon #gchair #goldcoasthairdresser #northerngoldcoast #goldcoastsmallbusiness #brunette #brunettebalayage #highlightsandlowlights #freehandbalayage #chocolatecaramelhair #caramelbalayage #wintertones #winterhaircolor #newhair #freshhair #kevinmurphy #kevinmurphycolorme #ammoniafreehaircolor #kmtreatme #foilmefoils #elevenaustralia #ghdsoftcurltong @ The Local at Paradise Point See more
03.01.2022 Spring is on the way Need that new season glow? If youre thinking blonde for summer Its time to start now!!!... Call 557744100 or book online and start your journey with one of our amazing colourists today... #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #paradisepointsalon #goldcoasthairdresser #goldcoastmums #businesswomengoldcoast #blondehair #blondespecialist #goldcoastblondes #summerhair #springchange #glowup #highlights #balayage #blondebalayage #foilayage #handpaintedhair #kevinmurphy #elevenaustralia #ghd #olaplexau #foilmefoils
01.01.2022 Multi-dimensional warmth If youd like your long, one length brunette hair to look fuller and have more texture, adding variation is the key . .... . . . . . . #rapunzelshairdressing #letyourhairdown #brunette #brunettebalayage #brunettesdoitbetter #balayage #multidimensionalcolor #livedincolor #kevinmurphy #olaplex #foilmefoils #elevenaustralia #dysonsupersonic #ghdsoftcurltong #paradisepointsalon See more
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