Rare Fruit Society of South Australia | Community organisation
Rare Fruit Society of South Australia
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25.01.2022 We enjoyed a wonderful night listening to Annemarie Brookman talk about Integrated Pest Management in the Orchard. It was wonderful to see so many of our members out tonight and a HUGE thank you to Neutrog for their generous gifts of Gyganic to people this evening!
24.01.2022 Can anyone help an interested group member who asks.. Hi. Im trying to source Chilean Guavas in Adelaide. No doubt youre aware I cant bring them into SA from the eastern states. Id really appreciate any advice you can give me. Ive tried a few other possible sources eg Perrys Fruit & Nut Nursery, with no success. It seemed a perfect plant as a productive, low border/hedge around a low deck were constructing. Of course, I certainly wouldnt want them if they could cause any harm to local flora or fauna. Any suggestions??
23.01.2022 This morning members of the RFS collected their Neutrog orders from Urrbrae and a northern location. It was our largest order ever. This video shows the huge range of products our members use around their gardens.
23.01.2022 Are you interested in using less chemicals in your orchard? Would you like to know how to better integrate your pest management with organic practices? The next meeting of the Rare Fruit Society is tomorrow night (Tuesday 26th November). Annemarie Brookman will be speaking about Integrated Pest management in the Orchard. Annemarie is a Permaculture Pioneer. At the The Food Forest Annemarie runs the organic market garden and a stall at the Adelaide Showground Farmers Market.... Along with her many list of skills and accomplisments, Annemarie is skilled in the integration of poultry and vegetable production and is an unashamed lover of chooks. The meetings starts at 7:45pm at the Burnside Community Centre, 401 Greenhill Road Tusmore, corner Portrush Road, behind the Burnside Town Hall.
22.01.2022 We've had the following request if anyone can help Anna out? I had a cornelian cherry (Cornus mas) gifted to me last year but unfortunately it didnt make it through the harsh summer, dying a second death when the starving millipedes found it. Im very sad that I cant find a replacement and was wondering if anyone was growing one I could try summer soft wood cuttings from? Or hardwood cuttings if they are still dormant
22.01.2022 Ben asks for suggestions as to what may be going on with the trunk of this apple tree. It still fruits well.
22.01.2022 ANNUAL GRAFTING NIGHT 2019! The Rare Fruit Society will be holding its annual grafting night next Tuesday night 23rd July 7:45pm at the Burnside Community Centre. PLEASE BE AWARE THERE ARE CHANGES TO THIS YEARS event. In the past the society has offered free grafting services. This WILL NOT be the case this year. The committee has decided there should be more emphasis on the teaching of grafting skills. Of course scion wood and rootstocks will still be available, but there ...will be NO grafting done for people. NOTE: Grafting knives, rootstock and scion wood will be available for sale and we will show people how to graft. There will be plenty of scrap wood available to practice on, under the watchful eye of an experienced grafter. The aim of the society is to disperse and thus conserve heritage varieties of deciduous fruits. Your personal aim is probably to get varieties that are special in some way, maybe rare, maybe especially late or early or long season croppers, maybe special cooking, preserving or drying fruits, maybe special flavours and colours that you wont get at the shops. Check our website for descriptions of the varieties you may want and plan to get them, and suitable rootstocks if required, at the meeting. Keep in mind that rootstocks for some species, such as walnuts and chestnuts, will probably not be available. If youre a member you will have a password to our website, to access it from home or your local library. We will try to provide some information at the meetings, but the meeting is liable to be hectic and the people with in-depth knowledge are likely to be flat out answering questions, so please dont rely on a good long conversation with them for your research. There will also be a Grafting workshop will be held on Saturday 27th July from 10:00am to 1:00pm at Joes Connected Garden, 4 Argent St Elizabeth Grove. Have a look at this video of Tino grafting on Gardening Australia. https://youtu.be/40PDbgdf2W8
21.01.2022 Thank you all of our members and visitors for a wonderful July scion wood and grafting night. It seemed to work smoothly and efficiently without the grafting being done. We hope people learnt something and are ready to practice their skills on their newly acquired scion wood and roost stocks. Thank you to everyone who volunteered. At our next meeting we will have a guest speaker from Neutrog joining us. We are incredibly grateful and proud of our fertiliser friends. :)
21.01.2022 Do you love Jujubes, like I love Jujubes? Are you interested in Jujubes? (Chinese dates) You should be! They are totally delicious, are eaten more than apples in China and are the key ingredient in a big percentage of Traditional Chinese Medicine tonics and cures AND is proving to be just as powerful in Western nutrition and health and they grow on beautiful trees well-adapted to Australian climate and soils. Come along to an SA Jujube Growers Association INFORMATION EVENT... at The Food Forest on Sunday 10 November 2019, get the low-down and meet experienced growers. Professor Feng Qianjin, Vice President of Shanxi University will introduce the role of the jujube in Traditional Chinese Medicine and there will be a report on the breakthrough research being conducted by Flinders University on jujubes in Western Health and Medicine, particularly focusing on the refinement of active components in the fruit and leaves. Short presentations by Australian growers will then bring attendees up to date with technical aspects of jujube propagation, varieties, orchard design, management and marketing. There will be a morning tea (with jujubes) from 10.30am until the short Annual General Meeting 11-11.45am, then 11.45 - Traditional uses of jujube in nutrition and health 12.15 - Research progress on the jujube in Western nutrition and health 12.45 - Short presentations of Grower experiences, plans and perils 1.30 - Shared lunch 2..00 - Tour of The Food Forest 3.30 - Conclusion . Participants may elect to arrive after the AGM. Attendees are invited to bring a shared lunch and continue discussions or participate in a tour of The Food Forest during the afternoon. Please let Graham Brookman know if you (and members of you family, friends, acquaintances) may be interested in attending the free event. Membership of the Association is not required for your attendance and interstate participants are welcome. Address 80 Clifford Road, Hillier, SA 5116 ph 08 85226450 Mob: 0407 771 985 PLEASE RSVP [email protected] ASAP.
20.01.2022 Tonight on Gardening Australia, A segment Sophie Thomson filmed some time ago with the late Harry Harrison on espaliering aired. You can catch the segment on ABC TV + iview
19.01.2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE: The RFS pruning day at the Neutrog orchard Kanmantoo is GOING AHEAD. I have spoken with Bob and he assures me that although it will be cold, the rain normally misses Kanmantoo. Bring a thermos and a beanie, as well your gumboots is Bob's advice. If the weather turns bad at any point we will pack up and head home. See you at 9 am. :)
19.01.2022 Hi Fig Fanciers. We have an enquiry from someone who hopes to find a Black Madeira Fig cutting (or young tree). What are your suggestions?
19.01.2022 Hi Folks, Chloe asks I have been directed to you as i have a very large grapefruit tree that is sadly going to waste. I had offered it for giveaway but was told how difficult that would actually be. The lady then went on to say to contact you in the hope you maybe able to give some insight into grafting with a different citrus that will be useful to us.
17.01.2022 Annual General Meeting 2020 - Postponed Due to the current situation with the Coronavirus the committee has decided to postpone the AGM/March meeting. While technically we could have gone ahead, it was felt that this was not the most prudent way forward. This is also likely to impact on the next meeting in May and possibly July but we will confirm any further cancellations closer to the time.... This does raise some aspects that the committee are currently considering given that under our constitution we are required to conduct the AGM by April 1st and the AGM confirms the committee, annual membership fees and other aspects for the coming year. We are currently obtaining advice around progressing these issues and will advise members of this shortly. In the meantime the Society and committee continue to operate and if you have any aspects that need follow up or any concerns please feel free to contact me via [email protected] email address. I hope you and your families stay well and find solace in fruits of your garden. Regards Brenton Kortman RFS Acting President
16.01.2022 SESSIONS UPDATED (25/01) - Next Tuesday 28th January is our annual mini-conference. 3 sessions, 8 different groups and 24 speakers! Topics ranging from Mulberries to Jujubes. Grafting Techniques to Preserving. How to summer prune Apples and how to bud stone fruit. It is a great night. We will also be supporting SA Bushfire Garden Revival and inviting members to contribute donations of trees and plants in the future as well.
14.01.2022 Members, a note from our secretary Suzanne Jarvis: South Aussie with Cosi and Neutrog are filming a segment at the Arboretum at Kanmantoo on Tuesday, 29th October, 2019. Neutrog has asked for a Rare Fruit Society presence in the Arboretum to add to the filming segment and also to promote the Rare Fruit Society. Cosi and the filming crew will arrive at Neutrog at 10:30am and filming may take around two hours.... There is also a section of the Arboretum needing weeding and for the sake of time and effort it is proposed that attendees of the filming also assist with this task. A limit of 12 volunteers is required, so please email [email protected] if interested. Many thanks in advance for your time and assistance.
14.01.2022 Does anyone here watch ABC Landline? Last Sunday they aired a story featuring our very own JuJube expert (and no doubt beer aficionado) Ben Waddelow and his JuJube farm. You can check out the story here: https://www.abc.net.au//jujube-we-do:-making-beer/12562572 Of course Ben doesnt do all the work himself, his Dad and business partner Lulu are also involved.
14.01.2022 A wonderful night at our annual mini-conference. Lots of speakers, lots of interesting topics. Thank you to all who attended and to everyone who gave a talk.
13.01.2022 If you haven't fertilised your fruit trees this Spring there is no time like now to start! The Rare Fruit Society uses and HIGHLY recommends Neutrog's Gyganic for use on your fruit trees. We use Gyganic on our the RFS Arboretum. It is simply the best product on the market. All you need to do is sprinkle around the drip zone of the plant and repeat this application every 8 weeks until the end of February Alongside Gyganic we also recommend using Neutrog's Seamungus pellets on...ce a month for your fruit trees; especially for those in pots. Both products are available at any good garden centre or hardware store https://neutrog.com.au/2019/08/23/gyganic/
13.01.2022 And another one of our members’ Open Gardens. This time it’s Midway Park According to Roseanne everyone must GO SEE THIS GARDEN! Open this weekend can highly recommend this Open Garden. Apparently it is one of the best. Stunning house and grounds and lots of very interesting fruit being grown. The stand of bananas is astonishing and worth a visit just to see that. As are the darling little chickens which free range and with which you will fall in love immediately. Great ran...ge of speakers including Sophie Thomson and proceeds to aid bushfire relief on Kangaroo Island.Don't miss it! 2 ANGOVE COURT ROSSLYN PARK
12.01.2022 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be aware that the grafting session being held at Joe's Connected Garden is being held on SATURDAY 27TH JULY and not Sunday the 28th July as stated on some of the Facebook posts and the website. And don't forget the regular RFS grafting night is tonight at 7:45pm at the Burnside Community Centre.
12.01.2022 *MEMBERS ONLY* Summer Pruning Workshop at Carrick Hill As you may be aware from the last newsletter, the Society has signed an agreement with historic Carrick Hill to assist in the maintenance and protection of their heritage apple and pear collection. The orchard is an important mature collection and the only such publicly accessible orchard in the metropolitan area. The orchard has been mowed, watered and fertilised but not much else has been done over the last five years ...and the trees are requiring some work to bring them back to well-shaped viable fruit trees. The Society is planning three activities for 2020 at the Carrick Hill site: A summer pruning workshop; an apple-tasting day (tentative, fruit dependent) and a winter pruning workshop. The summer pruning workshop has been scheduled for Friday, 7th February from 9.30am -12:pm. There will be an introduction to the Carrick Hill collection followed by some information and demonstration of summer pruning techniques. after which members will have a go at pruning the required trees. So, we would like to hear from any members who are able to assist with activities on the day. In particular we need a couple of people well versed in summer pruning able to demonstrate and guide other members. Finally, we invite members who would like to attend the summer pruning workshop to please advise us by email to [email protected] Please note that places will be allocated on a first-come basis and your attendance will be confirmed beforehand. A waiting list will be kept if numbers exceed our maximum. Brenton Kortman for Rare Fruit Society For more details all members shouldve received this email .
12.01.2022 All home grown fruit is priceless but the Million Dollar peach is something else! Thanks to Neutrog for the information.
12.01.2022 Do you grow berries? RFS member and newsletter editor Tracey Hart shares her tips for growing and fertilising with Neutrog products.
10.01.2022 We had the pleasure of hosting Angus, Paul and Yvette from Neutrog at last night's meeting. Angus gave us a valuable insight into the company he has created and Paul inspired us all with a very informative talk on Neutrog's various products and their uses. Thank you all for sharing your time with us. The trading tables were very busy as usual with some great member grown plants available for purchase. Our library and seed bank were also very popular! Thank you to everyone who attended, it is wonderful to have your continued support. For anyone interested in Membership it is only $25 for a single or $30 for a family, with both Membership options being an annual fee. You can find more information on our website http://rarefruit-sa.org.au/membership-application/
09.01.2022 Can anyone help an interested group member who asks.. Hi. I’m trying to source Chilean Guavas in Adelaide. No doubt you’re aware I can’t bring them into SA from the eastern states. I’d really appreciate any advice you can give me. I’ve tried a few other possible sources eg Perry’s Fruit & Nut Nursery, with no success. It seemed a perfect plant as a productive, low border/hedge around a low deck we’re constructing. Of course, I certainly wouldn’t want them if they could cause any harm to local flora or fauna. Any suggestions??
09.01.2022 Is there anyone who can help?
09.01.2022 We're moving into a very productive time of year for fruit. This week I picked these delicious fruits...and its only just beginning. The white shahtoot mulberries are sweeter than anything I've ever tasted. Even sweeter for me than a Goldmine nectarine. We feed ours with a monthly dose of Neutrog Seamungus and Gyganic. The beauty of the white Shatoot is the birds tend to miss them... What are you picking right now from your trees or bushes? Post a picture. Mark
08.01.2022 Thank you to our dear friends at Neutrog
07.01.2022 ATTENTION MEMBERS OF RFS: Our society’s AGM will be held on Tuesday 22nd September at 7:45pm. The meeting is at the Burnside Ballroom. The guest speaker is Ian Tolley. Unfortunately, we are unable to have trading tables, nor provide supper after the meeting. This is a MEMBERS ONLY MEETING. There is a limit of 100 members due to current COVID social distancing requirements. To book please email our secretary [email protected] PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND IF YOU’RE FEELING UNWELL or without a booking.
06.01.2022 Peter has a question. Im wondering if someone could help him. Thanks, Mark.
06.01.2022 The RFS Neutrog orders have arrived at the southern and northern pickup locations. DONT FORGET! If youve placed an order you need to collect it Saturday morning (check your confirmation email for more details). Any uncollected orders will be forfeited and used at the RFS arboretum.
06.01.2022 It was a busy day in the Kanmantoo Arboretum on Saturday, when about 25 members of the Rare Fruit Society of South Australia came to prune all of the fruit tree...s and do some weeding. It was a great experience for the members who hadnt yet visited the arboretum, who were shown different pruning techniques by some of the more experienced members. The next job on the list is to plant about 12 different varieties which have already been grafted onto rootstock. About the Rare Fruit Arboretum - the establishment of the Rare Fruit Arboretum at Neutrogs Kanmantoo site is a joint venture between Neutrog and the Rare Fruit Society of SA. More than 300 rare and endangered fruit trees have been planted, including apples, pears, peaches, nectarines, figs and quinces. Along with helping to ensure their preservation, Neutrog uses the trees to carry out fertiliser and biological application performance trials, as well as researching the microbiology in and around the root zone of each species, and determining their optimum nutritional and biological needs. One such product used in the Arboretum is Gyganic for Veggies, Fruit & Citrus, which was developed in conjunction with the Rare Fruit Society of South Australia.
05.01.2022 A late reminder that tonight's meeting of the RFS commences at 7:45pm. Tonight we have guests with us from Neutrog .
05.01.2022 Question from a member... Hi guys I'm a rare fruity In Yankalilla SA Looking at planting out but trees: walnuts, pecans, chestnuts. Where do SA people get there nut trees? What rootstocks do people prefer? Walnuts eg. ... Paradox (Hybrid) Northern Californian Black (Juglans Hindii) Eastern Black (Juglans Nigra) What can you suggest?
05.01.2022 And another one of our members Open Gardens. This time its Midway Park According to Roseanne everyone must GO SEE THIS GARDEN! Open this weekend can highly recommend this Open Garden. Apparently it is one of the best. Stunning house and grounds and lots of very interesting fruit being grown. The stand of bananas is astonishing and worth a visit just to see that. As are the darling little chickens which free range and with which you will fall in love immediately. Great ran...ge of speakers including Sophie Thomson and proceeds to aid bushfire relief on Kangaroo Island.Don't miss it! 2 ANGOVE COURT ROSSLYN PARK
03.01.2022 Just a reminder that we will be pruning the trees at Neutrog Arboretum on Saturday August 10th.2019. If you can come along with sterilised secateurs we would love to see you there. Meet at Neutrog Arboretum on Mine Road, Kanmantoo, just at the end of the bitumen 9:00am on Saturday 10th August 2019. We will have morning tea but as there is no facility for boiling water would you please bring a thermos of hot water or beverage of choice and the society will provide sustaining .../ fattening / tasty food to keep the cold at bay. See you there. Neutrog and The Rare Fruit Society jointly manage the Arboretum for research and conservation purposes.
02.01.2022 RFS GRAFTING DAY HERE ON SATURDAY After last years successful event we have again offered our gardens for the annual RFS grafting day and scion wood sale. This ...will be a reduced event because of the COVID-19 restrictions but still worth coming to if you are keen to learn grafting as we will have three expert grafters demonstrating as well as the chance to practice under supervision. Being able to graft does open up a whole new lot of possibilities for your home orchard. If you have a grafting knife already please bring it along as we wont have enough for everyone to buy as we have only six for sale. If you want to buy a knife before coming we suggest contacting Belinda at Cobb and Co at Pooraka who has some good quality Felco knives available. There will also be a small range of scion wood available for $1 to take home and put on to your existing trees or you can bring root stocks to graft at the meeting. We will have a limit of 30 pre-booked only due to social distancing rules and if you have a mask it might be a good idea to bring it given that it may not be possible to keep the 1.5 distancing if you want to see what is going on close up. The event will take place on Saturday 25 July from 10 am to noon approximately at 4 Argent St Elizabeth Grove which is the house next to Joes. There will be grafting sessions there, at Joes and Rosannes place. Try to be on time so you can see the whole process. Extra people will be booked on a first come, first served basis so please register your interest here. The event is free. See more
01.01.2022 For those who are interested, here are the details for Joe's Connected Garden Open Garden. :)
01.01.2022 We have a question from Aberfoyle Park, south of the city. Who can help? I have clay soil and am currently digging a trench to put in a hedge. I will improve the soil as much as I can before planting. The area gets full sun till 2/3pm, then dappled shade. I want an edible hedge and so far am deciding between lemon verbena, feijoa and Chilean guava. Lemon verbena is the best option financially as diggers have a bulk buy price. Feijoas would be good because we would make grea...t use of the fruit. I have a very limited budget though, so I worry that if I bought cheapies from Bunnings or ordered 10-20cm seedlings from Daleys, I may not know the cultivar and could end up with not much fruit. The last option, Chilean guava, excites me because they look so lovely and we would eat the fruit. It's hard to source them though as diggers won't deliver them in SA due to quarantine. Also I'd live to find something that doesn't grow at a glacial rate as there are townhouses being build opposite us Does anyone else have any other ideas? Any other edible hedge that you think would do well in hot dry conditions in clay and organic matter? Which plant would you choose for a productive garden on a stay at home parents budget? If anyone is propagating these plants themselves and wants some business I'd definitely be interested. Thanks so much! 6 hours ago We have members in your area. I'm sure you will get a good response! Just now Write a message...
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