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Ross Walter Nutritionist & Naturopath

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25.01.2022 Metformin, a medication prescribed for Type 2 Diabetes to reduce blood sugar levels, has been recalled in the USA by the drug regulator, the FDA in the past couple of days. Metformin was found to contain a probable cancer-causing chemical called NDMA in many batches of some brands. The FDA recommends people in the USA to see their physician or pharmacist for further advice. The cancer-causing chemical NDMA was found by drug regulators in some countries in 2019 and the medica...tion was recalled by those countries at that time too. While Metformin is a common medication here in Australia, this recall did not affect local suppliers and the TGA did not issue a recall. The issue I have with Metformin is that it is only a band-aid to "managing" type 2 diabetes by reducing blood sugar levels. It doesn't fix the root causes of someone's high blood sugars from their diet or lifestyle! Metformin also causes many side effects and causes nutrient deficiencies which can cause other symptoms that further reduce your health. I do see a lot of people with Type 2 diabetes and can help them to improve their blood sugar levels better, and quickly! This can help to reduce their risks of the many severe complications of type 2 diabetes such as eye condtions, circulation issues, heart conditions, kidney conditions and more. I have helped some to reduce and come off their medications (with assistance of their GP) as their blood sugar levels come back into a healthy range, and their health improves. If you know anyone with type 2 diabetes, I'd like to help! Here is the link to the recent recall in the US:

22.01.2022 While the world's media and medical experts still focus on the number of coronavirus incidences, based on a dodgy PCR test which reports up to 80% of alleged infections as false positives, they ignore 2 more important statistics - the actual true death rate and the very much more optimistic survival rate. The majority of Australian deaths have been in those over70 years of age (Australian Government Department of Health, 2020). If the coronavirus was truly a pandemic, deaths ...Continue reading

19.01.2022 What a flipping surprise. The Qld government implemented a snap 3-day lockdown today, from 6pm this evening. This was based on just 4 alleged COVID positive cases - 2 of which were from overseas and in quarantine (so no risk to the community), one was a community transmission, also deemed as "low risk". The last case was a 19yo female who had done some travelling across Qld with her family before having a positive test result. The Premier said this case was of high concern. ...Basically the new lockdown is over this ONE new case. The Premier say she was "furious" that this young person was unvaccinated! And that she had ignored the "health directives" about vaccination. This bullying is unfounded and ridiculous as young people are at very, very low risk of the virus. It is still a personal choice as to whether someone has the vax or not, even if they work in healthcare. Where there is a risk for adverse outcomes, as these vaxes can cause, there MUST be a choice of getting it or not, AND must be based on full informed consent without coercion. The vaccines are being given to the highest risk or highest priority. Considering that the person is only 19, and that no females in Australia have died from CV-19 under the age of 50 years is rather telling (Australian Government Department of Health). AGAIN I say, an alleged sick or infectious person doesn't go around infecting everyone around them. Everyone has an immune system that protects them from pathogens and infections. It is YOUR immune system that works to protect you from millions of microbes every day. You cannot blame anyone else for your immune system if it fails to protect you, because there are reasons why it may not be working optimally. It is also a little concerning and ironic that the Qld state of emergency was due to expire TODAY. Without the state of emergency, they would not be able to implement any more restrictions, lockdowns, or even the emergency-use vaccines (which only have "provisional" approval, not full approval for use)... Sadly I predicted this would happen over 3 weeks ago... that the government would "find" new cases and make an excuse to extend the state of emergency, just in time for the school holidays AGAIN, which was also done in the Easter school holidays and in the new years school holidays too. The government simply do not want you to go away and enjoy yourselves, even within the state... This is so predictable. Enjoy your 3-day break. Look after your immune system. And stay healthy! References: Australian Government Department of Health. (2021). COVID-19 deaths by age group and sex. Retrieved 29th June 2021 from

18.01.2022 I have been posting a lot of advice on how to prevent or reduce your risks of the coronavirus, or treatments to help you recover more quickly. This has been my goal for people individually. With the politicisation and media scaremongering of this whole plandemic, there is a much bigger agenda going on, it's even more important to prevent coronavirus infections as a community. The governments and media are complicit in promoting the fear of the coronavirus, even when incidence...Continue reading

18.01.2022 As I predicted many months ago, this media and government scare campaign that is the coronavirus pandemic, has an agenda of worldwide control of all populations and a planned outcome to vaccinate everyone with a new, rushed and likely experimental COVID vaccine. There have been many signs of this throughout this pandemic, with the media constantly mentioning that "the new normal" of going back to your jobs, cafes and restaurants, gyms, sports, and travel, won't be possible wi...Continue reading

14.01.2022 An American Professor of Medical Ethics, Humanities and Law has recently written an article against those who question the official government coronavirus narrative and makes recommendations which I believe are ironically and completely unethical and unlawful. Professor Parker Crutchfield from the Western Michigan University says that those who choose not to follow public health guidelines are "defecting from the public good", and says their behaviour is "selfish". He calls t...Continue reading

14.01.2022 The year 2020 should be the year of having 20/20 vision! I have been wanting to help people with eye conditions, as there is a history of chronic eye conditions in my family, which I have managed to avoid thus far! I have been seeing (pun intended!) more people with eye conditions, and there are natural treatments which can greatly help, or even prevent the development or progression of eye conditions. As such, I have created a new Facebook group specifically for eye condit...ions, called the "Natural Vision Improvement Group". Please consider joining this new group, or inviting people with eye conditions who might be interested in learning more. I have shared the intro post below: I'll see you in the new Natural Vision Improvement Group! ;-)

13.01.2022 The Brisbane and wider area 3-day lockdown and 2-week mask mandate are in place now. There are some valid exceptions to the wearing of masks which haven't been widely made known. For example, masks are not required in the affected areas for :... 1) children 12 years or under 2) people strenuously exercising 3) in your workplace, if you can maintain a 1.5m distance from others 4) anyone who is outside, if you can maintain a 1.5m distance from others who are not from your household 5) anyone with a valid medical condition or disability that may be made worse from wearing a mask. And other exceptions too - see the full list from the Qld Gov website in the attached screenshot (Queensland Government, 2021). Or if these exceptions do not apply, then wear a mask. I have had enquiries from people wanting to know if they should get a medical certificate or exemption from their GP, and this is not needed. The Chief Medical Officer has stated publicly that you do not need to do this. If questioned about not wearing a mask, just state that you have a lawful medical exception. If you are asked for proof, remind the person that proof is not needed, as per the CHO and QHealth. You also don't need to state what your medical condition is - as this is a private matter between you and your doctor. It's not anyone else's business. Stay healthy! References: Queensland Government. (2021a). Face masks coronavirus (COVID-19). Retrieved 29th June 2021 from Queensland Government. (2021b). Restrictions for Impacted Areas. Retrieved 29th June 2021 from

11.01.2022 The start of September means the start of Spring, with the sounds of young birds and other animals, the growth of plants and many pretty flowers, and having to cut the lawn a bit more often... and for those people who are susceptible, Spring is the season of plant, pollen and grass allergies, hayfever and sensitivities! An allergy or sensitivity is just an abnormal over-reaction of your immune system to some stimulus, which can also include certain food ingredients, animals,... dust, mites, and perhaps other people you don't like! ;-) You can also be sensitive to other environmentals such as sunlight, sounds, smells, or touch. All of these have a cause and a reason, and can be treated! Allergies and sensitivities are actually two very different immune system responses. Sensitivities (ie, intolerances) are usually milder and delayed immune system reactions, but can give long-term symptoms. Sensitivities may be difficult to identify because their onset is delayed to some time after the exposure to the stimulus, and because you can react to a triggering substance sometimes, but not at other times! Allergies are often a sudden and severe over-reaction to some environmental trigger. Allergies can be very dangerous in some people. There are multiple factors which can cause a sensitivity or allergy to develop and be maintained. Stress and trauma, nutrient deficiencies, chemicals and toxins, digestive system function and integrity, the immune system, your microbiome, and other factors can cause the allergies or sensitivities. The incidences and severity of intolerances and allergies can be reduced and even cleared, by finding and addressing the root causes of the issues, and treating some symptoms too! I am seeing a high number of people with hayfever at this time, as I do each year. Many people don't know that symptoms of hayfever can be greatly reduced and even prevented with some natural treatments! Don't suffer with allergies, hayfever or sensitivities this Spring - help is available! If you would like to find out more, please contact me!

09.01.2022 2020 has been the year of the coronavirus, or more accurately, the over-marketing and over-sensationalising, and over-fearmongering of a fairly benign virus to epic proportions. And the ignoring of all other chronic health conditions which cause many thousands (or even millions) more incidences and deaths than the coronavirus. 2020 should be the year of your eyes, and having good eyesight! That is what having 20/20 vision (ie, 2020!) is all about! While having 20/20 vision not mean that you have perfect vision, but rather the sharpness or clarity of vision at a distance (American Optometric Association, 2020). I had hoped to start this page and promote some programs for natural vision improvement for a long while! But some little virus has got in the way of this! I didn't see that coming! Isn't 20/20 hindsight wonderful?! (Miriam-Webster, 2020). Puns are completely intended! Eye conditions have been in my family for some time, and I have been learning more about eye issues for a number of years, with a view to helping more people with natural vision improvements! My phlosophy with eye conditions, as with ANY health conditions I help people with, is to find the root causes of each person's individual situation, as well as providing some symptom treatments too. Only by finding those root causes and treating them, can someone start to heal and reverse their symptoms and conditions! There are many causes of eye conditions, from stress, physical and emotional trauma, dietary choices or nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, infections, chemical and toxin exposure, and other causes. Each person will have unique causes, and hence will need a unique and holistic (whole by treatment plan! As a Clinical Nutritionist and Naturopath I can help with your eye conditions. If you have any eye conditions, or anyone you know, please contact me to see how I can help you! My new "Natural vision improvement" program is coming VERY soon! Join the Natural Vision Improvement Group here:

06.01.2022 There is no pandemic. There never was. These are the survival rates by age group. And that's even if you got infected or tested positive from a test which for most people says you are infected when you don't have any symptoms! The number of people testing positive out of all tests is only 0.3%, and of those who test positive, 99.9% survive as shown in this summary pic...... This was a political, media-driven, medical scare campaign, designed to bring in widespread restrictions and control - some you have seen implemented, but more to come.

05.01.2022 It is National Mental Health Awareness week, and World Mental Health day today! This means it is time to think about your mental health and that of your family and friends. Mental health conditions are not to be ashamed of, and a lot of the time it’s not your fault. But there are some simple causes and simple treatments which address these conditions. As a Nutritionist and Naturopath, I know there are many causes of mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and str...Continue reading

02.01.2022 On 19th August 2020 the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, announced that the government had a deal with pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and would supply 25 million doses of their new Oxford COVID-19 vaccine, and it would be free and mandatory to all Australians (Prime Minister of Australia, 2020). Social media channels and groups went crazy... accusing the PM of making illegal or unconstitutional decisions, or not taking into account personal choice or medical or ...Continue reading

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