Raw Pride Organics in Hallora, Victoria, Australia | Farm
Raw Pride Organics
Locality: Hallora, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 438 235 136
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25.01.2022 An old dead tree, a reminder of what once was. All is not lost these seemingly lifeless trees are decomposing, returning nutrients back into the ecosystem. As we plant out and regenerate this site the natural nutrient cycle will aid in tree growth. Once again it will be a flourishing wildlife habitat and shelter for our stock! ... #rawprideorganics #regenerativeagriculture #ecosystems #wildlife #habitat #eucalyptus #nutrientcycling #observingnature #certifiedorganic #beef #lamb #knowyourfarmer #treeplanting #carbon #spring2020 #pandemicplanting
25.01.2022 Our guest is still here, although I had to relocate it to a safer position. Absolutely mesmerized by it's ability to blend in, it's feathers look strikingly like that of eucalyptus bark! #rawprideorganics #naturesamazing #wildlife #habitat #regenerativeagriculture #tawnyfrogmouth #birdswatching #rareencounter #gippsland #biodiversity #naturesclassroom #stealthmode #nocturnal #carnivore #notanowl
23.01.2022 Powered only by the wind, quietly ticking over, efficiently pumping fresh water to our stock. Our windmills are ever reliable and rarely require maintenance. We've been trying to line up a service for our main windmill but hindered by weather conditions. Extremely grateful our service tech David made the call out on a Sunday afternoon in blue skies and sunshine ... #rawprideorganics #sustainablefarming #windmill #bryanbroswindmill #australianmade #freshwater #nonpolluting #windpower #mechanicalengineering #farmlife
23.01.2022 This tiny Spotted Pardalote was putting on a song and dance for me this morning! I stopped and observed captivated by it's beauty. Little did I know I was right beside it's burrow and it was probably telling me to rack off! Spotted Pardalote nest underground in a horizontal chamber lined with bark, the tunnel can be up to 1.5 meters long. Amazing!... #rawprideorganics #biodiversity #habitatconservation #regenerativeagriculture #landcare #captivatedbynature #naturesclassroom #spottedpardalote #spring #alwaysobserving #gippsland #hallora #knowyourfarmer
22.01.2022 One last cuddle before she's off to her new home! What a commotion trying to catch 2 piglets with kids in the rain and mud #rawprideorganics #lovefarmlife #gippslandwomen #selfsufficient #thislittlepiggy #largewhite #farmlifebestlife #happyasapiginmud #makingmemories
21.01.2022 I had an inkling something was up in our sheep flock today! Usually they stay together but I noticed the ram had separated from the group and was acting strange. So much so I mentioned to my husband I wouldn't be surprised if one of the ewes lamb today! Coincidence or not tonight just after dark I went to check them and sure enough one was in the early stages of lambing. It was pouring rain so we opted to bring a few ewes into the shed so they could shelter from the element...s and the opportunistic foxes. Thankfully we did as she delivered twin boys Always amazes me how fast they get up and instinctively find their way to drink. The sound of newborn lambs bleating such a delight #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganiclamb #wiltshiresheep #winterlambs #earlyarrival #farmersinstinct #knowmystock #nurturing #twinlambs #notyouraveragesaturdaynight #lovefarmlife #knowyourfarmer #womenonfarms #natural #observingnature
20.01.2022 H A P P I N E S S - starts with a wet nose and ends with a tail. #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganicbeef #angus #farmlifebestlife #womeninagriculture #gippsland #regenerativeagriculture
17.01.2022 Hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas and now enjoying a slower pace lazing in the sun, spending time with those you love and getting out in nature! I was hoeing thistles this morning and sighted this rather relaxed sunbaker Fair to say I moved on quiet promptly! If your out and about just be mindful we're in their habitat and on these cooler days they are likely out trying to warm up.... #rawprideorganics #nature #biodiversity #farmlifebestlife #summer #snakehabitat #chemicalfree #christmasholidays #Hallora
17.01.2022 Captivated by the web of life on our farm I'm forever observing nature as I go about daily chores, it's amazing what you can learn by simply slowing down and observing. We certainly have an abundance of interesting and diverse insects! #rawprideorganics #chemicalfree #thrivingecosystem #biodiversity #regenerativeagriculture #spiderweb #insects #observingnature #loveourplanet
15.01.2022 W i l d W e a t h e r Sunday morning moving the mob to fresh pasture and feeding out hay. While mums were busy grazing some of the calves were content to snuggle up in a bed of hay! I don't blame them those grey clouds just keep rolling in...... #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganicbeef #gippslandwinter #pasturedbeef #contentcattle #farmlife #rainhailorshine #springiscoming #cherryblossom #angus #simmentalbeef #Hallora #womeninagriculture #regenerativeagriculture
15.01.2022 "Pretty Wild" My little mate was feeling a bit anxious about schools return tomorrow, so I suggested we went on a walk to find something "Pretty wild". I think we found it, native Heath flowers right in our back yard!... #rawprideorganics #schoolsback #forestbathing #timeinnature #heathflowers #wildflowers #jerseys #gippslandfarmer #gippsland #hallora #pretty #wild #connectedwithnature
14.01.2022 S P R I N G S K I E S Magic morning- warm breeze, spectacular sunrise and intriguing clouds! #rawprideorganics #gippslandsunrise #certifiedorganicbeef #spectacularsky #spring2020 #springfeels #clouds #naturesamazing #loveourplanet
14.01.2022 A little quite time shelling seeds before we dive back into the madness of juggling remote learning and life in lockdown. I was already on the path of seed saving and food security, but watching society scrambling for seeds during lockdown one reinforced the importance. We have so far saved beetroot, carrot, onion, leek, lettuce and broccoli seeds. Each plant has provided us with enough seed for years.... It's so simple I urge you to do the same, it's so rewarding and a wonderful gift to share with family and friends! #rawprideorganics #regenerativeagriculture #seedsaving #self-sufficient #soilhealth #farmschooling #foodsecurity #abundance #giftofgiving #calmonthefarm #planet
14.01.2022 When you wake up in ISO and want to wear your going out dress... Nothing speaks joy like a two year old wearing her "pretty" dress matched with gumboots, relishing every opportunity to jump in a muddy puddle I wish the world shared her happiness right now. ... So much fear, anger, anxiety and control I hope our fiercely independent young lady continues to skip to her own beat, not a care in the world, loving everything as she see's it, kind yet strong, confident in her own skin. We may not be able to change the world right now but we can choose how we react. #rawprideorganics #isofarmstyle #jumpinpuddles #gumbootsforthewin #inthemoment #dancinginthestorm #choosejoy #dresstoimpress #happiness #womenonfarms #notacareintheworld
14.01.2022 Vealers are booming, pastures improving and the weather is perfect #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganicbeef #nasaacertifiedorganic #regenerativeagriculture #stripgrazing #springsunshine #beefitswhatsfordinner #beefy #happyfarmer #whosyourfarmer #knowyourfarmer #angus #simmentalbeef #vealers #chemicalfree #farmlifebestlife
13.01.2022 P i g l e t A n t i c s Enough milkshakes to go around but two decided to fight over the one teat....now ones off sulking! Did you know that piglets usually suckle from the same teat until weaning?... It has been observed this order of suckling is established in the first day of life. I'm pretty sure the piglet missing out won't be late to the milk bar again! #rawprideorganics #piglets #pasturedpigs #natural #observingnature #largewhitepigs #springpigs #nutrientdensefood #regenerativeagriculture #knowyourfarmer #milkbar
13.01.2022 Another day in paradise Neither the cows or the whipper snipper can keep up to the grass! No complaints here. Looks like we're in for a bumper hay season!... #rawprideorganics #weliveinparadise #gippslandsunrise #certifiedorganicbeef #ecology #biodiversity #treeplanting #nurturingtheland #lovefarmlife #knowyourfarmer #regenerativeagriculture
12.01.2022 Amongst all the chaos and anxiety in the world right now... I just wanted to stop and remind you all. "There's a sunrise and sunset every single day, and they're absolutely free. Don't miss so many of them.... - Jo Walton #rawprideorganics #nasaacertifiedorganic #certifiedorganicbeef #wintersun #wintersunrise #wintersunset #justbreathe #calmfarm #healthysoil #coloursofwinter #westgippsland #riseandshine #naturegifts #spendtimeinnature
12.01.2022 Did you say Hay? These 8 week old autumn calves have been in a good paddock! Grown the way nature intended along side mum, milk on demand, fresh pasture and a daily ration of hay!... Proud to provide an environment for our cattle to thrive #rawprideorganics #naturalbeef #regenerativefarming #chemicalfree #rotationalgrazing #milkvealers #autumncalves #angusbeef #simmentalbeef #westgippsland #biodiversity #multispeciespasture
12.01.2022 When you check the Springer paddock before bed and someone's "on the job!" You pour yourself a cuppa and wait it out #rawprideorganics #autumncalving #farmlife #farmersinstinct #ethicalfarming #angusbeef #womeninagriculture #longdayswork
11.01.2022 A U T U M N I think you arrived early... along with a few calves!
10.01.2022 I've created an ALDI recipe so CHEAP, SIMPLE & QUICK to make I can't help but share it with the world! We are on our own health journey here with one of our children and require dairy, gluten and sugar free (low sugar) pretty easy we mostly just eat whole nutrient dense REAL food. During ISO I've found the kids eating me out of house and home so I aimed to create a side dish that might help fill those hollow legs.... Here is my version of Naan bread: 1 x packet aldi gf self raising flour 1x can coconut cream (or coconut yoghurt) 3 garlic cloves minced Mix this all together to form a dough. save a tiny bit of flour for dusting when rolling out. Once combined roll out on large biscuit tray score into portions with knife, magically it comes out of the oven cut ready to eat Bake on 180 for 20min Serve with butter or nuttelex AMAZING beside a Raw Pride Organics Beef curry Your All Welcome #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganicbeef #certifiedorganiclamb #isofarmstyle #gooddifferent #glutenfreerecipes #comfortfood #easyrecipes #cookinginspiration #dairyfree #sharingiscaring #cookingathome #isobaking #jackofalltrades #simplerecipe
10.01.2022 Strip Grazing the mob! Graze, Move, Rest has been our focus for the past 2 years. Seeing huge improvements in soil and pasture regeneration. Such a wild bunch they follow me everywhere!... Tina (cow) is the leader always first through the gate but 2004 is my favorite a beautiful angus simmental heifer born this year, definitely a future breeder. #rawprideorganics #angusbeef #certifiedorganicbeef #vealers #regenerativeagriculture #stripgrazing #beeffarmer #womeninagriculture #knowmystock #knowyourfarmer #livewithpurpose #soilhealth #biodiversity #natural #proud
09.01.2022 Blue skies, sunshine and fresh cut grass tis harvest season! Few days of hot sun and well be bailing hay Always a great felling knowing you have plenty of stored feed for those gippsland winter days!... # rawprideorganics #certifiedorganichay #certifiedorganicbeef #organicpasture #harvest2020 #summerharvest #natural #gippsland #makinghaywhilethesunshines #roundbales #storedfeed #abundance #fendt #agcontractor
09.01.2022 Cooler conditions triggering spiders into a spinning frenzy! This phenomenon is known as ballooning. You may have notice webs far and wide as spiders seek higher ground and shelter for the cooler months. I've been delighted watching our farm become a sea of webs, another sign of a biodiverse flourishing ecosystem! Whilst on the topic of diversity we have also been productively working away getting our multi species winter crops in.... Looking forward to seeing the rewards! #rawprideorganics #regenerativefarming #gippslandwomen #observingnature #farmlifebestlife #soilhealth #biodiversity #gippsland
09.01.2022 A love of growing and nurturing all things living. "Nothing brings more energy and excitement than finding your true passion!" #rawprideorganics #selfsufficient... #connectedwithnature #breathyourbiome #greenthumbs #regenerativeagriculture #chemicalfree #organic #womeninagriculture #soilhealth #soilnsoul #growing #lifespassion #foodismedicine #nourishyourbody #farmlifebestlife See more
09.01.2022 Planting trees today and discovered this interesting gold bettle, slightly larger than a ladybettle. Does anyone know what it is? #rawprideorganics #biodiversity #bettle #nature #farmlifebestlife #crackingday #springfeels
08.01.2022 Enjoying a glimpse of sunshine before the wet cold week ahead! #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganicbeef #regenerativeagriculture #pasturedbeef #angusbeef #wintersun #gippslandfarmer #lovefarmlife #farmschooling
08.01.2022 5 calves in one day and some welcomed rain Who wouldn't do a happy dance right? This little calf has some swift moves ... #rawprideorganics #autumncalving #naturedelivered #ethicalbeef #womeninagriculture #happydance #soundsofnature
07.01.2022 Sunday is usually a slow day for most but not around here! In particular last Sunday was action packed. Lady Butterworth our large white sow furrowed welcoming 13 piglets to the farm. If the excitement of that wasn't enough one of our heifers calved needing assistance thankfully delivering a healthy bull calf.... We finally got Dinner on the table at 9pm all happy and relieved. New life always brings a buzz of energy and excitement! #rawprideorganics #springcalves #springpiglets #certifiedorganicbeef #regenerativeagriculture #knowyourfarmer #womenonfarms #natural #welcometothefarm #abundance #farmlife #lovewhatwedo
07.01.2022 Our Autumn Angus x Simmental Calves have made great gains through the winter. We follow strict NASAA organic standards using no synthetic fertilizers, chemicals, hormones or GMO products. Our cattle are 100% grass fed and ethically raised! From the day calves are born they run along side mum, free to suckle milk 24/7, graze fresh pastures, drink fresh water and munch happily on hay during the cooler months.... They continue to do so until 10-11 months when they are weaned and kept as breeding stock or processed as milk vealers for beef. We are proud to produce such health contented animals! #rawprideorganics #regenerativeagriculture #holisticgrazing #westgippsland #certifiedorganicbeef #ethicalbeef #thewaynatureintended #ruminants #biodiversity #natural #angusbeef #simmentalbeef #bestlife #knowyourfarmer #womenonfarms #natural #whosyourfarmer
06.01.2022 Mild morning and the sweet aroma of wattle in the air. Pockets of gold around the farm have got me excited for Spring, the season of abundant growth! #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganicbeef #wintersun #wattletree #sweetaroma #diversity #abundance
06.01.2022 Woke up to an unexpected but welcome visitor sleeping at our backdoor! This Tawny Frogmouth was so camouflaged no-one noticed until my son went to put his school shoes on. He got the fright of his life! We are all so excited to have such an up close encounter ... #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganic #biodiversity #naturalhabitat #tawnyfrogmouth #welcomeguest #naturesclassroom #westgippsland #farmschooling #farmlifebestlife
06.01.2022 Up with the sun feeding out and moving mobs! #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganicbeef #pasturedbeef #pasturedpigs #happiestpig #bringonspring #farmlifebestlife #farmschooling #countrylife #knowyourfarmer
06.01.2022 Moving the mulchers! So satisfying to watch them all heads down happily grazing. With the recent cold snap they sure have been making short work of their fresh pasture rations!... #rawprideorganics #nasaacertifiedorganic #certifiedorganicbeef #angusbeef #simmentalbeef #westgippsland #regenerativeagriculture #knowyourfarmer #whosyourfarmer #womenonfarms #chemicalfree #springpasture
04.01.2022 Spring calving - always guaranteed they arrive in the wildest and wettest weather This little heifer was undeterred by the wintery conditions! Raining new life on the farm this week calves arriving, chickens hatching and piglets due any moment. ... #rawprideorganics #westgippsland #springrain #springcalves #abundance #newlifeonthefarm #cycleoflife #happyasapiginmud #lovefarmlife #loveourplanet
04.01.2022 Morning Routine: 6 days a week I'm up at 5 -5:30am running its my me time! I love the challenge it brings, straightening myself both physically and mentally. Today I plodded 10km of Gippslands rolling green hills, sucking in fresh country air an ain't that the truth some of those hill are killers!... I didn't see a single car just a kangaroo and a fox, such a peaceful time of day. I shuffle up the driveway and straight into farm chores, so here I am gumboots n all off to shift the cows and feed the pigs. Whats your thing or morning routine? #rawprideorganics #knowyourfarmer #gippslandwomen #mumswhorun #certifiedorganicbeef #routine #happyplace #fitnessmotivation #mytime #noexcuses #beatthebluesgippsland #mindfullaus
03.01.2022 Seed collecting- germinating- potting up - watering - weeding - fast forward 12 months today we planted out the first of our trees we germinated from seed. An incredibly rewarding process One positive to come from ISO we will have 700 trees to remind us of slower times, connecting with nature and what we can achieve as a family. Watching these trees grow and the ecosystem heal will always fill me with a great sense of pride!... #rawprideorganics #certifiedorganic #regenerativeagriculture #treeplanting #isofarmstyle #naturalhabitat #nativetrees #seedsaving #germination #farmschooling #ecosystems #naturesclassroom #planet
02.01.2022 M A S S I V E weekend! For some time now a hot house has been on the to do list. When it came to ordering the base boards it dawned on me why don't I put the new timber on the cattle yards and recycle the old stuff on the base of the polytunnel. Soooooo...... Here are the result of a productive over achieving kinda weekend! ... Cattle yards nearly killed me trying to work with old posts and bent gates, but we worked some magic and straightened it up. Good as new! My Polytunnel has me grinning ear to ear. Something that was gifted to me from a dear friend, I wanted to build this for us both. It's been in progress since the first lockdown, finally came to fruition. 99% of it's recycled materials which provided a few challenges but overcome with persistence. Couldn't be prouder with the final results and achieving this along side our kids! I couldn't of completed it with out Rhylee's (12) help, incredible feeling to share the joy and pride of our workmanship. #rawprideorganics #productiveweekend #proud #certifiedorganicbeef #angus #growingintothefuture #polytunnel #self-sufficient #challenging #problemsolving #newskills #womenonfarms #farmschooling #ecotimber #goodasnew #beeffarmer #havingacrack
01.01.2022 What a Goose! Too far gone to turn back! Some quick thinking, problem solving and a whole lot of luck. The challenges are endless at the moment. Mud is thick, the remote learning is wearing thin, the juggling act is exhausting.... Anyways as long as we keep the wheels turning we'll get there! Did I mention how AMAZING the morning sky was and how mild the weather is.... change is coming! #rawprideorganics #bogged #mud #movingforward #challenging #positivemindset #connectedwithnature #farmschooling #womenonfarms #wegotthis #knowyourfarmer #westgippsland #spring2020
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