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Rayannes Design

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25.01.2022 Travelling is only thing that you spend money on and it makes you richer... I fully believe this. Bye bye Thailand, alhamdulilah that it has been such a rewarding expirience. Breaking the daily routine, stepping out of your comfort zones, exploring different cutlures, meeting new people, tasting different flavours, jumping into adventures, exploring islands, bracing the waves, diving into the depths of the oceans, touching new dimensions and creatures and all of these expirie...nces in a scope of a few days have been nothing short of exhilarating. Alhamdulilah for the opportunity to travel and witness the greatness and perfection of Allahs creation. Let every expirience be a reminder of the magnificent creator you worship so we don't forget how lucky we are, and show gratitude to the Maker who fashioned your life and your expiriences in it so that you may get to know Him. Im truly humbled, and I wish that everyone would look to the world as a portrait of love, from the loving creator. With that, I wish you all happy holidays

25.01.2022 Jersey Shawl tutorial with 1 pin #hijabfashion #hijabstyle #hijabtutorial

24.01.2022 Confidence is not by accident, you have to believe in yourself, have faith and trust in Allah.

24.01.2022 #princessjasmine inpired #hijablook

23.01.2022 Testing out some samples of the new collection, this is our new 4 tier lace and chiffon Kimono, with matching lace and chiffon shawl.

22.01.2022 Never under estimate the power of duaa and calling out to Allah

21.01.2022 Office look #turban preparation for Monday looks inspuration. No pin, no fuss turban

20.01.2022 What is inner peace? Its the feeling of bieng at peace with your past, present and future because you connect with yourself internally and see yourself beyond and above material and objects. Dissapointment is at the essence lack of inner peace. Its when you set out to achieve external goals in pursuit of inner peace, not realising that everything external to you will only dissapoint you. Because it will never fill the void that you are seeking to fill.... Everytime you feel dissatisfied or dissapointed know that the cause is your external focus, refocus yourself inside and accept the situation as a stepping stone that will take you higher, and it will. Chose yourself, connect with yourself & love yourself, because then you will be able to love and serve unconditionally, no dissapointments, no dissatisfaction only peace and #innerpeace #salam #hijabstyle #alhamdulillah #selfcare

20.01.2022 The simple things that make you smile. Consider yourself very lucky, if there are little simple things in life that make you smile, Like a quiet cup of #coffee, a #sunrise, a #sunset, your baby sleeping ... And if you want more things that make you smile then all you have to do is show #gratitude for that thing and it will increase and multiply into more things that make you smile. Try it, its guranteed in the #quran and in research and its the genral law of gratitude. It makes all beautiful things multiply. #alhamdulillah Comment below on things that make you smile

19.01.2022 #blacklivesmatter Just going thru all of the support and speaking out, its so heartwarming, alhamdulilah for everyone sharing, supporting and speaking out. No, we can not say that we know what it feels like, but we can definitely understand and there should be 0 tolerance.... To all and everyone who is abused or discriminated based on race or colour or gender or ethnicity, Do not keep quiet! Speak out, your voices are heard not just by people around you who show support in any way they can or know how. But more importantly your voice is heard by Allah, and Allah listens and responds and supports and liberates anyone and everyone who is oppressed. Discrimination stems from self supremacy and lack of intellect, so speaking out is also important to educate those who have been consumed by the media stereo types and those who don't know any better. Any situation, as bad as it gets has a positive side and a negative side (@drahmedemara) but as horrific and inhumane this incident was, the solidarity and unity we are witnessing is empowering and the ripple viral effect this is having is waking people up, educating them and showing how powerful we can be when we stand together against injustice. #georgefloyd you are not alone

18.01.2022 Which one are you? Being grateful is the beginning of all good things. Allah says " And if you show gratefulness I will increase you"... Even when the struggle seems like it is turning your life upside down, embrace it and show gratitude because it was sent from the merciful creator, to bring you closer. The gratitude you show the lighter the struggle until its totally gone and your left wondering what was I even complaining about. #alhamdulillah #notetoself #hijabstyle #hijabquote #islamicquotes #rayannesdesign

17.01.2022 My daughter thinks shes a whole #hijabi blogger

16.01.2022 We established the production sewing factory in April 2019, but the project was bigger than I planned for, and I wasn't coping with having a new baby, running the business and now this whole new venture of running my own factory. So in the end it all got too much to handle and in October 2019, I decided I need to take a step back and review everything because I was so worn out and spreading myself thin everywhere. I felt guilty as a mother that I had put so much extra respons...ibility on myself because of the factory and I had nearly no time left for my family. So I made the desicion to take a break from work and I have been taking it easy since then And this happens in life, we have our ups and downs, moments where we are in control and other times where we lose focus of whats really important. January 2020, Alhamdulilah Im feeling much more relaxed and at peace with myself. Although, I couldn't stay away from work that long and I have started working again, this time I'm taking it much easier, taking my time, getting out of the rat race and just enjoying the journey of work and family. A message to everyone who feels overwhelmed with it all, "it's OK to stop and take a break" your not in a race with anyone, take a break and come back revived and refocused. Learn to find joy with gifts that Allah has given you like your family and friends.

15.01.2022 The NO Bargaining Sale is on, last chance to scoop these deals. SALE STARTS ONLINE IN LESS THAT 36HRS

14.01.2022 The iconic Bukit bintang fountains, everyone comes here for photos so I had to share this #hijab #hijabers #hijaberscommunity #womenempowerment #hijabstyle #hijabfashion

13.01.2022 What I wore with the black front wrap Abaya? Feat wild rose shawl and scarlet pouch

12.01.2022 Yes, we all love coffee, we love the warmth and the fuzzy, happy lovey feelings that make us smile despite everything.These simple things in life, I am grateful for. The comfort of just bieng comfortable. The idea that the first sip will set you free... Or so I used to think... My journey to find "me" so that I can meet "me" and bring about the best version of "me" and this is how it goes... ... They say that the most important journey you will travel is the one that takes you deep inside yourself. A journey not for the fainthearted, a journey that will reveal the real you. But more so, and what words can't describe is how beautiful and frightful this journey is at the same time. Discovering and facing your true self is not easy, it takes you out of your comfort zone, out of what you know and into an abiss of hidden truths. Truths, you have been denying from yourself for so long. And yes, while you sat there sipping your warm comfortable latte, and the creamy coffee droplets comforted your tongue and tingled your brain, you sat there in your clueless state percieving that you were deeply pondering life, time and time, year after year. But you weren't even ready to swim beneath the surface let alone dive into discovering your mystical bieng. Why did it take me so long? I asked myself. Because it takes guts to face your fears, still your confusion, accept what you thought were your failures. It takes courage and fierce battle bring it all out, lay it all on the table, and strip yourself from the excuses, from blaming everything on everyone and circumstances except yourself. And then you see, its all you. Nothing but you, you are responsible and you are the cure. The lion has left the cage, but the lion belongs in the jungle. The jungle of Freedom, Freedom from fears that manifest into your powers Freedom from confusion because at their essence were all your answers Freedom from you failures, the steps that brought you closer to the treasure. He who knows himself knows his creator, and the treasure is You. And now coffee has a new taste, an uncomfortable, junglebook taste, and I like these flavours much more #coffee #awakening #motivation

12.01.2022 Being in the modest fashion industry I ask myself that question so much... What is modesty? My intention has to be clear, I don't sell modesty I create design looks that women wear in their pursuit of modesty.... And modesty is alot more than just what you wear, your style, and your looks. Modesty is your intention, why are you chosing modesty in the first place? What does it mean to you? Share your thoughts... #modestyquotes #muslimahinspirasi #muslimahfashion #modestyquotes #hijabstyle #modest #modestwear #hijabista #hijabi #hijabers #rayannesdesignmalaysia #rayannesdesign See more

11.01.2022 Lets look at our hijab for what it really is. Everyone is unique in their personality the way they like to wear it, what they believe it stands for. We are not here to judge each other but support and respect each others choices and commitments. The hijab should be a manifestation of your obedience to Allah, a sign of your devotion and a protector of your modesty, and everyone has their own way of showing this. So lets let go of exterior judging and respect each others personal journey.

11.01.2022 Hi and welcome to game Did you know that confidence is your middle name? Celebrate your success in it's highs and lows To your audience the tip of the ice berg only shows You are beautiful... You are wise You are a soul that never dies You are confidence, So, play the game Win the race Do it with grace & keep that smile on your face See more

11.01.2022 #tuesdaymotivation

10.01.2022 When we talk about Love, how can we forget the love we see around us in nature? Everything speaks volumes of love, and displays every shade of beauty.

06.01.2022 I used to work in an organisation and I would dread every Monday because it meant the beginning of the week for work, I hated that Monday feeling. Then one day I quit my job, and jumped into what I love doing and since then Mondays have a whole new meaning. I get so excited and I have sooo much planned, I actually spend most part of the weekend waiting for Monday so I can start doing everything I planned to get done.... I cant stress more on how important it is to know yourself and do what you love to do. Comment below if you feel the same or had a similar expirience. As promised in the previous post, I will be showing you how you can get different looks with the cascade maxi dress. In this look I'm wearing a #bardot blazer which I love with my cascade dress and the paris silk shawl. Sunglasses #michealkors See more

05.01.2022 Salam Ladies We excited to announce that RD is relocating to an exciting NEW location in Bangi. To celebrate we are holding the biggest SALE ever with ALL floor stock Reduced to clear.... Online SALE starts 17th of September... SALE STARTS TODAY IN BOUTIQUE SALE ENDS ON 27TH SEPTEMBER ONLY WHILE STOCKS LAST HURRY IN.... Jubah from RM40 Shawls from RM15 Skirts from RM20 Pants 2 for RM50 All handbags RM50 Check out our story for more details and see you soon

05.01.2022 How hard can it be to enjoy a cup of coffee in a cafe? Dont be fooled by this photo... Swipe to see the real photo with others in the background and children on the side. All is not what it seems in the perfect scrolls of lush filtered images you see on instagram, whats behind the picture perfect photos is real life. As I start to take my social media more seriously this year, I have to remain grounded and continuosly remind myself to stay real.... The more we stay real and transparent the more we can utilise social media to benefit others rather than just blend in. #rayannesdesign #coffeewithkids #hijab #hijabandcoffee #hijabblogger @ Pavilion KL

05.01.2022 The special things in life that make it all worth it #alhamdulillah

04.01.2022 My daughter thinks she's a whole #hijabi blogger

04.01.2022 Let's look at our hijab for what it really is. Everyone is unique in their personality the way they like to wear it, what they believe it stands for. We are not here to judge each other but support and respect each others choices and commitments. The hijab should be a manifestation of your obedience to Allah, a sign of your devotion and a protector of your modesty, and everyone has their own way of showing this. So let's let go of exterior judging and respect each others personal journey.

03.01.2022 Ole Ole, the Bali theme. #rdhandbags

03.01.2022 Wrapping a Cardigan over the jumpsuit, with a chiffon wrap cardigan that can be worn over nearly everything

03.01.2022 How hard can it be to enjoy a cup of coffee in a cafe? Don't be fooled by this photo... Swipe to see the real photo with others in the background and children on the side. All is not what it seems in the perfect scrolls of lush filtered images you see on instagram, what's behind the picture perfect photos is real life. As I start to take my social media more seriously this year, I have to remain grounded and continuosly remind myself to stay real.... The more we stay real and transparent the more we can utilise social media to benefit others rather than just blend in. #rayannesdesign #coffeewithkids #hijab #hijabandcoffee #hijabblogger @ Pavilion KL

02.01.2022 #worldhijabday2020 A day that celebrates hijab and the message of women liberation that came with the Quran over 1400 years ago. While the hijab has become somewhat of an external fashion icon, but its origin is divine and its roots are empowering. We need to remind ourselves of honour that was bestowed upon us by our creator.... Allah created us with love and gave us superior powers in giving love and sacrificing for those we love, and He honoured us with the hijab. A symbol that will protect us from being objectified and liberate us from the shackles of domination. Let us on this day remember that hijab means alot more than a style you chose to cover yourself up with. Your hijab is a message that you send to yourself and to everyone around that says " I was given this honour by my creator and I will uphold it proudly, I am a free thinking intellectual, I will not be objectified, I will serve none but Allah" #worldhijabday #hijabinspired #hijabstyle #hijabfashion #hijabfashioninspiration #hijabista

02.01.2022 Wrapping the wild Rose shawl by Maryam

01.01.2022 What is inner peace? It's the feeling of bieng at peace with your past, present and future because you connect with yourself internally and see yourself beyond and above material and objects. Dissapointment is at the essence lack of inner peace. Its when you set out to achieve external goals in pursuit of inner peace, not realising that everything external to you will only dissapoint you. Because it will never fill the void that you are seeking to fill.... Everytime you feel dissatisfied or dissapointed know that the cause is your external focus, refocus yourself inside and accept the situation as a stepping stone that will take you higher, and it will. Chose yourself, connect with yourself & love yourself, because then you will be able to love and serve unconditionally, no dissapointments, no dissatisfaction only peace and #innerpeace #salam #hijabstyle #alhamdulillah #selfcare

01.01.2022 When your daughter does a better job than you #hijabtutorial #rayannesdesign

01.01.2022 Family/work/priorities/motherhood.... Sometimes it all feels like your juggling different parts of your life never fully focussing on one part, does anyone else feels this? So today I delve into the hot topic of family and work, how I juggle both, the ups and downs and why I took the desicion to take some time off work, Stay tuned...

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