RBS Business Breakfast Club in Rockingham, Western Australia | Business service
RBS Business Breakfast Club
Locality: Rockingham, Western Australia
Phone: +61 408 863 331
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24.01.2022 But, often from social comes business! 35 amazing ladies who all just happen to own their own businesses... Great conversations and food and the ladies JUST ROCK. ... LOVED so much that things happen like "Oh wow our daughters are in that same movie paper planes" .. "Oh wow you knew my uncle in CANADA" ... "we lived so close who knew" New friends were made, old connections reconnected and current friends laughed and talked for a few hours. Ladies PLEASE @Tag yourself as FB is just not letting me do it today.... See you next month...
24.01.2022 Each week our members get up and randomaly share who gave work to whom. Our mission is to offer real clients to each other and a real point of difference is the genuine friendships that are formed that offer real and unconditional support to each other. Our referral time of the agenda is 15 minutes of the meeting as that many people get up and thank others. www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au
22.01.2022 Employment Opportunity available Urban Retreat Day Spa please share and help us find our next superstar Therapist. Carol
22.01.2022 Today we heard from the most respected Accountant in Rockingham, Gemma Heaney from The Heaney Business Group who shared with us the latest details about Jobkeeper and what effect it has for our businesses. As you can see everyone was enthralled and sat and listened with interest to a business person who clearly knows her subject. If you're looking for a local accountant look at www.heaneybusinessgroup.com.au
21.01.2022 With 38 friends all coming, its clearly going to be a GREAT night. Looking forward to seeing you all next week. Dean Morton # for Cafe Clipper THANK YOU for all you do! All amazing woman.... who also own businesses. This is NOT a woman's business group but if business comes out of it YEAH, however it is mostly all social... pure social and fun and laughs and fellowship. ... IF you'd like to come to our monthly event, hit the LIKE button on our RBS Business Breakfast Club page and stay tuned for the invites... 1. Sharyn McCaskey 2. Genene Thomas 3. Kate Findlater. 4. Carol Frieling 5. Gaye Elwell 6. Trish Chesters 7. Claudia Wells 8. Sue Hasey 9. Carolyn McAndrew 10. Hayley Edwards 11. Miranda Santalucia 12. Caroline Hume 13. Amanda Mills 14. Janet Parker 15. Colleen Whiteford 16. Christine Muir-Smith 17. Ann Bayliss 18. Deb Hamblin 19. Alexandra Holcbarova 20. Gemma Heaney 21. Jenny Cronshaw 22. Robyn Paterson 23. Mary East 24. Stephenie Fielding 25. Tracy Guy 26. Liz Atherton 27. Michelle Windram 28. Rebecca Luckens 29. Joanna Michelle Gwynn 30. Monica Hunter 31. Sara Abbott 32. Mary East 33. Rebecca Bennett 34. Kylie Bonnor 35. Rebecca O'Sullivan 36. Jo Saunders 37. Marianne Rom 38. Dawn Evans-mcleod https://www.facebook.com/events/2607891989478041
21.01.2022 New and Referral clients come to your business because youve had a previous connection. CHAMBER CHATTERS provide the forum where these relationships start. Why attend our Chamber Chatter? We connect you directly with those looking to work with other members.... Its not a BAH / mingle event, you will be introduced to others. Past attendees report REFERRALS and PRODUCTIVE business alliances have resulted from these events. What happens at these events? Each attendee shares key elements of their business, what theyre product and service is and what customer theyre looking for. Given time youll share a little about yourself, the reason being that 80% of all business is transacted via those we know, like and trust. Contact details are shared in order to follow up after the event. These events provide a targeted goal to see WHAT members can do for each other. Lunch, well thats a bonus. $35.00 includes Lunch, Drink and Connections that will build your customer base. The investment is a Tax Deduction https://www.facebook.com/events/3162698440514506 BOOK HERE https://rkcc.org.au/events/chamber-chatter-networking-event
20.01.2022 Organised by one of our RBS Business Breakfast Club members Off The Beaten Track WA this looks like it will be FUN, PROACTIVE and best of all a TAX RIGHT OFF.
20.01.2022 Thank you to Erika Strong from Chatterbox Graphics who helped Social Media Specialist Sharyn McCaskey when needing a updated logo for her client Malibu Fresh Essentials
19.01.2022 Busy, Busy, Busy but Not Growing I remember the uncertainty of stressing where my next job was coming from; I was on a continual roller coaster going from just having enough work one month to famine the next. Juggling being on the tools running a team, quoting, dealing with constant problems and piles of paperwork with very little time to proactively market systemize and grow my business. Terry Oorschot MR Makeover... I have worked with Glen for over 2 years. Thinking back to our first meeting I knew I had met an experienced business professional that could help me get to the next level. The process has been very comprehensive, and the results transformational. Glen has helped me totally reinvent my business to one that produces predictable profits and is enjoyable to run. Im extremely excited, grateful and look towards many more future successes. If youre a business owner and you're wanting to dramatically improve in all areas, you want Glen on your team, it will be the most profitable investment you make. Terry Oorschot MR Makeover Book your Free Business Strategy Session now https://lnkd.in/gnJcQiE The Titans Academy for your BUSINESS SUCCESS
19.01.2022 Have you got the new design - doesnt it suc the big one!! You MAY have the opportunity to change back, go to your home page and on the top right hand corner youll see a drop arrow, there is a link there saying "change back to classic FB" However, come September onwards it will ROLL out whether we like it or not, it may NOT reach a permanent change in Australia for months. ... I am in a good with Facebook monitoring and answering our questions, and its a NIGHTMARE from world wide professionals stand points, but like everything prior with Facebook well get used to it. It seems Business Manager is almost impossible to find. For a tour of the new layout, check out Mari Smith video... The 30 minutes is worth the investment. Click here.. https://www.facebook.com/marismith/videos/2644471705803735 For all your Facebook and Social Media Support, feel free to LIKE my page https://www.facebook.com/SocialMediaSpecialistSharynMcCaskey for updates and support. Personally I think Facebook want most things done via Studio Creator.. do you have it.. if not click here. https://business.facebook.com/creatorstudio
18.01.2022 This weeks #RbsBreakfastClub saw another roomful of excited business owners who connected on a personal and professional level. We had two guests who both expressed interest in joining. Our Speakers were... #GemmaHeaney from #HeaneyBusinessGroup https://www.facebook.com/HeaneyBusinessGroup #RoryWishart from #RitzPartyHire https://www.facebook.com/RitzPartyHire #MartinLovell from #LovellJewellers https://www.facebook.com/LovellJewellers #TracyLindsey from #offthebeatentrackWA https://www.facebook.com/OffthebeatentrackWA #DeanMorton from #cafeClipper https://www.facebook.com/cafeclipperrockingham Vern from #UltraMarketing https://ultramarketing.com.au If you'd like to join us then check out www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au and PM our page
18.01.2022 Well I think we all agree Phil from Century 21 gave a interesting speech, as did each of the other businesses, LOVED what Tim shared about sharing your business on a stage and who that reaches. Thanks to the City of Rockingham and the City of Kwinana's Economic Dev Officers for attending, we LOVED that you were there. Our Speakers were ... Lesley from Bloocow Marketing https://www.facebook.com/Bloocow.DigitalMarketingAgency Rebecca from RockyPest https://www.facebook.com/rockypest Scott from Baldivis Post Office Jayne from BeachSideBowanTherapy https://www.facebook.com/BeachSideBowenTherapy Tim from Blackburn Accounting https://www.facebook.com/BlackburnAccounting Steve from Bizlink Rockingham Phil from Century 21 https://www.facebook.com/C21BoardwalkRockingham We also inducted three new members and had requests from two more.. .but that's another post. Our next meeting is Tuesday 22nd September and if you'd like to know more www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au is the place to be.. We don't say we have a great vibe, we actually DO...
17.01.2022 Have you got the new design - doesn't it suc the big one!! You MAY have the opportunity to change back, go to your home page and on the top right hand corner you'll see a drop arrow, there is a link there saying "change back to classic FB" However, come September onwards it will ROLL out whether we like it or not, it may NOT reach a permanent change in Australia for months. ... I am in a good with Facebook monitoring and answering our questions, and its a NIGHTMARE from world wide professionals stand points, but like everything prior with Facebook we'll get used to it. It seems Business Manager is almost impossible to find. For a tour of the new layout, check out Mari Smith video... The 30 minutes is worth the investment. Click here.. https://www.facebook.com/marismith/videos/2644471705803735 For all your Facebook and Social Media Support, feel free to LIKE my page https://www.facebook.com/SocialMediaSpecialistSharynMcCaskey for updates and support. Personally I think Facebook want most things done via Studio Creator.. do you have it.. if not click here. https://business.facebook.com/creatorstudio
17.01.2022 Our Speakers today were: Sarah from WFI Insurance James from Glasstech Lee from Rockingham Flooring Xtra ... Teena from So-Lux Blinds Sara from Signing Australia Paul from Vista Energy Kate from Rockingham Dental There were loads of great connections and meaningful eyeballs that resulted in REAL work being transacted between each member. www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au is US and our speakers details are listed below: Sarah Hames 0417614033 https://www.glasstechwa.com.au https://www.flooringxtra.com.au/rockingham https://www.so-luxblinds.com.au https://signingaustralia.com.au https://vistaenergy.com.au https://www.rockinghamdental.net
15.01.2022 #rbsbusinessbreakfastclub meets every second Tuesday. The amount of work that is actioned during these meetings I am proud to say has been close to 3 MILLION dollars since the inception. Now that IS something were proud of. www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au has ALL the details
15.01.2022 What are some of the benefits of joining? You get to promote you at every meeting You are promoted on our website and our Facebook page We will have educational business guest speakers... Your business will be given an opportunity to have a showcase You will be moved to each event so that you are sitting and meeting new people constantly There are two of the same category in each industry, it is agreed that not everyone is for everyone, therefore, you should not be obligated to promote someone just because you're both in a group. Having someone in the same industry can be beneficial if embraced as you can learn and share from those in your industry. The RBS BBC is about the respect and trust that comes from taking the time to get to know each other. Networking gets you business Meeting other business operators keeps you motivated and excited about your business You will learn from and support each other You will form strong relationships with professional people who are there for the same reason BBC members get to know each other, people want to work with those they know, like and trust, and this generates recommendations and referrals for your products and services. Our fortnightly meetings provide you with a professionally structured environment that is relaxed and pressure free.
14.01.2022 #WOW JUST WOW 5 MILLION DOLLARS..... read on Mash was the birth of RBS Business Breakfast Club Carol Frieling Veronica Smith and Sharyn McCaskey decided to look at helping small and micro businesses. ... For us helping was a passion, however the added benefit of putting our businesses at the forefront of hundreds of others was also a good marketing strategy. We held sundowners, woman's lunches, keynote speaking events, auctions and more... so much more... In the end we found the most successful aspect was BREAKFAST CLUB and recently we estimated in the last 5 years we would have connected businesses with over 5 million dollars worth of paid work!! Now that is an achievement to be proud of... See more
13.01.2022 At Cutting Edge Cabinetry & Furniture they strive to continually produce the highest quality products and services. Their cabinetry and furniture incorporate diversity, innovation, functional design and concepts There work is extraordinary! Very HIGH quality at exceptional prices. ... https://www.facebook.com/cabinetryfurniture/
13.01.2022 These amazing businesses are our RBS Business Breakfast Club members as at 18th July 2020 www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au Click on Members to find out MORE details.
10.01.2022 What a great turnout at #RBSBusinessBreakfastClub Our Speakers included Rob from Bayzacon https://www.facebook.com/bayzacon... Sean from Cutting Edge Cutting Edge Cabinetry and Furniture https://www.facebook.com/cabinetryfurniture Sharyn from Social Media Management https://www.facebook.com/SocialMediaSpecialistSharynMcCaskey Lewis from Kleenslate https://www.facebook.com/kleenslate.au Ian from ID Automotives https://www.facebook.com/idautomotiverepairs Vicki from Mountains Lawyers https://www.facebook.com/mountainslawyers Jon Ellis from My Getaway Driver https://www.facebook.com/mygetawaydriver
10.01.2022 A number of our RBS Business Breakfast Club members have looked at purchasing a car from Rockingham Toyota Not only do they have excellent customer service, a great range to choose from, the ability to write off the purchase on tax and more... It mostly because we just love supporting each other as members. Here Andrew from APW Electrical Pty Ltd shows us HE IS EXCITED with his NEW purchase....
10.01.2022 Hayley Edwards who owns Anytime Fitness Is a proud member of RBS Business Breakfast Club If youre looking for someone to help you become fitter and healthier this is the place to start.
09.01.2022 #Viddyup Videos Our latest member is offering Elevator Pitch videos... This would be a 2 minute recording (a couple of takes) of the biz owner doing their elevator... pitch. Janet the owner will work with Glenn and will film with two cameras, edit with logo and any highlight text youd like, add an animated logo top and tail, and provide a master file for use on your website/blog/FB/Insta/LikedIN and evening emails. Wed need 4-5 takers and can do those in an hour after the next #RBSBC meeting. They provide all cams/light/audio. $99 inc GST. Booking form available this Tuesday for filming on Oct 6 https://www.facebook.com/viddyup/
09.01.2022 Perths Premier Carpentry Specialist. Whether your project is residential or commercial, we can tailor a solution to meet your needs no matter the size of your project, you can rely upon our experienced craftsmen to undertake your task with the utmost precision and attention to detail. All projects undertaken are completed to the highest quality standards. Bayzacon - Carpentry Fit Outs and Renovations a proud member of RBS Business Breakfast Club Click on their Facebook page to see the exceptional work they have undertaken.
08.01.2022 Win 2 Tickets to see #ABFaceys A Fortunate Life. Friday August 28 at 6.15pm Winners tickets will be at the box office of #AceCinemas Comp Opens 12noon 19th August - closes 5pm 26th August... Entrance is @tagging in the comments who you'd take. Enter as many times as you like, but one @tag per comment. Winner will be notified via Messenger. This production is a stage show performed by world class actors with the cinema being used as the back drop for the setting of the scenes. This OUTSTANDING production, which I have seen and is exceptional, can be enjoyed wholeheartedly by those who have not read the book and even more enjoyed by those who have, yes you'll need tissues. More details about costs and show times are at: https://www.facebook.com/events/2458667070836424 THIS WOULD MAKE A PERFECT DADS DAY GIFT. Competition is bought to you by #SharynMcCaskeySocialMediaManagement #Theatre180
08.01.2022 The house is up for sale via our members Social Media Specialist Sharyn McCaskey Underwater Detection by Mac McCaskey and though the RBS Business Breakfast Club member Century 21 Rockingham - Secret Harbour Real Estate Within ONE HOUR they already had people ringing up about it. Phil Davies is a well respected long regarded Real Estate Agent.
06.01.2022 Firstly THANK YOU to Genene Thomas from Insight Physiotherapy for standing in for RBS Business Breakfast Club when a number of the members, including Social Media Specialist Sharyn McCaskey Lovell Jewellers Peel Manor House Underwater Detection by Mac McCaskey and Urban Retreat Day Spa were off Gold Prospecting. Thank you to Dean Morton from Cafe Clipper for your taking of the attendance details... ... With many of our members on courses, working away or on holiday we decided to have a come as you like day. Genene Thomas organised our members into groups and the morning was spent getting to know more about each others business in a one to one enviroment. Feedback later in the day showed this transacted into a number of confirmed bookings and referrals. WHICH ROCKS. Carol Frieling returned the night before from 10 days out bush in 1 degree temp so a sleep in was surely reward in itself. Genene Thomas filmed this video.... www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au will be back to normal as per the next fortnight and we have 3 guests and potential members wanting to join...
06.01.2022 COME ONE COME ALL! This Sunday at #PeelManorHouse Bring the family, the friends or come on your own. We have Food, Heaps of Stalls, Entertainment, Olde English Grass games and more..... ... It is FREE to attend our #PMHMarketDays EVERYONE is WELCOME 11am to 3pm All the details about attending as a guest or being a stallholder are here: https://www.facebook.com/events/285011282814105
05.01.2022 Would you like:- More clients, more genuine leads and more profits? To connect with professional business people who understand that time is important? To form alliances with relevant operators who will support and grow your business? Held every second TUESDAY from 7.00am 8.30am... @ The Hotel Clipper, Patterson Road Rockingham. Forge alliances with 59 regular businesses, gain support and have a platform for discussion on your business needs. The agenda driven meeting includes networking, discussions, lead sharing, and education section, everyone spruiks their business for 3 minutes every few meetings, keeping you at the forefront of their mind. RBS Points of Differences are:- We only ask for A class leads not possible referrals We expect you to turn up at least 85% of the time Your fee includes professional educational seminars held every forth meeting from a quality educator. RBS members are extremely welcoming with no cliques or agendas or negative Nellies. Established club running now it its 5th year RBS focuses on attracting for both you and ourselves only A Class Clients. $260 pa (just over $21 per month) and is pro-rata from 1st July. We work only with professional operators who have a sense of business who are in the club for business not for coffee and a chat. Visit RBS BC, your investment is $20.00 which includes a light breakfast, coffee, tea, fruit and yogurt. If you feel this describes you then please JOIN US For more details or to book your spot please call Sharyn on 0408863331. https://rbsbreakfastclub.com.au/rbsbc-information
05.01.2022 This is MARKETING GOLD from our own Carol Frieling from Urban Retreat Day Spa and she also has a guest appear in her video.. watch it you'll LOVE it
05.01.2022 SHOUT OUT Rob Murrell from Bayzacon - Carpentry Fit Outs and Renovations has been awarded a renovation job for Lavoro Italiano Restaurant That connection came direct from RBS Business Breakfast Club referral. RBS Business Breakfast Club has transacted over 5 million dollars in referral work over our tenure. Would YOU like a slice of that money/contract/work/income! ... For details about us click here. www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au To LIKE our page click here. https://www.facebook.com/RbsBusinessBreakfastClub See more
05.01.2022 13-18 degrees and NO rain predicted for this Thursdays Networking Walk and Talk. Off The Beaten Track WA shared that there is a handful of tickets left.. so PLEASE come and join them. Bookings are via the link below. ... Calling all Women in Business! Do you want to build your business? Do you want to learn new skills or increase your efficiency? Do you want to network with other business women in the local area? Our Rockingham Business Women | NetWalk & Talk is the answer for you! Enjoy a 3km hike around Point Peron in Rockingham guided by Off The Beaten Track WA. To book and more details are here. https://www.facebook.com/events/218344052862642/
04.01.2022 Right now YouTube is a MASSIVE marketing platform... Jayne from Beach Side Bowen Therapy allowed Glenn Heaton from Perth Local Marketing to use her business to demonstrate how effective video marketing is, and how quickly we can get you on the first page of Google and Youtube searches. It's with the watch and the call to Glenn... ... You'll see it all shown in real-time in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vTN-Ym4h3lM
04.01.2022 Our members are given a few minutes to showcase their business at our meetings, 7 members are given time each meeting, you can say alot in that 3 minutes, especially if you focus on NOT stating the obvious of what your business does. Here is one of our long term members Darren Toner from Rockingham I.T. Solutions and Naked It Solutions
03.01.2022 A great vibe and everyone is so supportive was the comments made by our guests today, Scott Jarvis from the City of Rockingham and Ivy Penny of the City of Kwinana. We inducted three new members and shared time with a few guests, as well as the most amazing group of business operators EVER.... If you'd like to join us have a look at www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au
02.01.2022 * 59 Well Respected Businesses who are RBS Business Breakfast Club! * Well over a few millions of dollars has been transacted since we commenced our meetings. * NO negative nellies * Every third meeting is education and motivation * VERY supporting of each other. ... www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au Just a few reasons why you should consider speaking to us... Please note if you're interested in attending you MUST ring 0408863331 or PM our page first for catering and seating purposes.
01.01.2022 This upcoming week we will be welcoming 3 new members into RBS Business Breakfast Club Chris from https://www.facebook.com/RockinghamSalvage Rockingham Salvage... Maria Parnita's Yoga https://www.parnitasyoga.com Vern from #UltraMarketingRockingham https://ultramarketing.com.au We're so EXCITED.....
01.01.2022 Another FULL house for RBS Business Breakfast Club Its the club that is targeting real connections though relationships built on Like, Know and Trust. We always have loads of laughs to.. its a great way to start the day.. www.rbsbreakfastclub.com.au if you'd like to know more.. Tomorrow we inducting 3 NEW members...
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