Rainbow Victoria in Heidelberg West, Victoria | Local business
Rainbow Victoria
Locality: Heidelberg West, Victoria
Phone: +61 411 322 085
Address: 38 Mologa Road 3081 Heidelberg West, VIC, Australia
Website: http://www.rainbowvictoria.com.au
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25.01.2022 For more information about the Rainbow Cleaning System, you may request for a FREE presentation. Send us a PM or contact us at (632) 7501370 to 73 from Monday to Friday, 9 AM to 6 PM or visit our website: http://rainbowphilippines.com
25.01.2022 Rainbow !! AAFA Rainbow ... Rainbow See more
25.01.2022 Bom Dia! Acordas com algum destes sintomas? - Secreo nasal, deixando o nariz entupido; - Coceira no nariz; - Espirros constantes; - Nariz vermelho;... - Tosse seca e dificuldade para respirar; - Vermelhido nos olhos e lacrimejamento; - Dores de cabea? Com a Rainbow podes fazer uma higienizao regular e eficaz ao teu colcho. See more
24.01.2022 #TheMeaningOfLife
24.01.2022 Adquirir uma Rainbow , no s adquirir um equipamento de higienizao do lar , mas mais importante que isso adquirir um equipamento de sade, que devolve tua casa a pureza do AR , tal como o encontramos na natureza, evitando assim doenas do foro respiratrio.
22.01.2022 A hora de dormir a mais importante para restabelecer nossa energias para o prximo dia, nesse momento deixe a Rainbow trabalhando, limpando o ar do seu quarto!! Rainbow = Pulmo Mecnico !! #sauderespiratoria
22.01.2022 Segundo a Organizao Mundial de Sade (OMS) o RADO constitui a SEGUNDA causa de falecimento por cancro de pulmo. Investigaes recentes realizadas em Portug...al comprovam que entre 8514 mortes devido ao cancro quase 28% so causadas pela exposio ao rado. A Rainbow, como purificador do ar, favorece a circulao do ar dentro da tua casa, deixando-o clinicamente limpo e reduzindo assim o perigo da exposio ao Gs Rado. See more
21.01.2022 Christmas dinner at MR BROOKS BRAYBROOK. With some of my dealers. We are having Stone Grilled Steak.
19.01.2022 Rainbow Victoria new Derrimut office layout. Fell free to visit anytime.
19.01.2022 2.000.000 CAROS num colcho com 2 anos!! Os seus excrementos so 4x mais, 10% do peso da sua almofada e colcho provem das escamas de pele mortas, excrementos... de caros, cadveres de caros e caros vivos. O colcho aumenta em mdia 1kg por ano devido acumulao desta contaminao. Se no mudassem os lenis 1 ano? Seria agradvel? Os sintomas so: -comicho nos olhos; Comicho no corpo; Sarna - Tosse; Espirros constantes - Mau sabor na boca quando acorda de manh (o que cospe de manh ao lavar os dentes esta contaminao que respirou durante a noite) A RAINBOW..... elimina caros!!! Retira as peles mortas, os excrementos dos caros altamente proticos e alergnicos causadores de micoses pulmonares que consequentemente causam falta de ar!! Rainbow a nica maquina certificada pela fundao Portuguesa do pulmo para remover toda esta infestao domstica e ret-la na Agua, purificando em simultneo o ar 99.997. SADE NO TEM PREO! ESTE um investimento para a sade de toda a famlia!!! Obrigado aos nossos 300 000 clientes em Portugal!! Faa um teste aos colches da sua casa e veja sem compromisso o que a famlia respira durante o sono. Fazemos apresentaes em todo o pas! RAINBOW O MELHOR INVESTIMENTO PARA PROLONGAR A VIDA DO SEU COLCHO E DAR SADE A TODA A FAMLIA!!!!
18.01.2022 #ThrowbackThursday
18.01.2022 Happy New Year! 2021
18.01.2022 Rainbow Victoria in action at the Melbourne Home Show at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre.
17.01.2022 Sobreviver aprisionado? Ou viver com sade (RAINBOW)? "A poluio do ar provocada por uma mistura de substncias lanadas no ar ou resultantes de reaes qum...icas. As suas origens so vrias, desde os grandes emissores, como os sectores da indstria e dos transportes, at s fontes naturais, onde se inclui o rado emitido pelos solos granticos e as partculas provenientes dos desertos do norte de frica ou dos incndios florestais. Mas a poluio no afeta s o exterior. Encontra-se tambm no interior dos edifcios, onde a concentrao de poluentes , frequentemente, superior encontrada na rua. O nvel de humidade e a temperatura condicionam tambm o conforto. Por isso, esto cada vez mais generalizados os aparelhos de climatizao (aquecimento e refrigerao), que requerem isolamento adequado para se minimizarem as perdas de calor com o exterior. Reverso da medalha: a reduzida ventilao no garante a renovao de ar em quantidade suficiente para diminuir ou mesmo dissipar os contaminantes do ar em espaos fechados, como a nossa casa, a escola, o trabalho ou at o carro. As crianas, os idosos e indivduos com problemas respiratrios so mais sensveis. Podem surgir alergias, afees respiratrias que se agravam com o tempo, problemas cardacos, alteraes hormonais e mesmo cancro." Fonte: https://www.deco.proteste.pt
16.01.2022 Rainbow One and Only Original
16.01.2022 Dear Valued Customers, RAINBOW’S MISSION HAS ALWAYS BEEN TO PROVIDE CLEAN AND HEALTHY ENVIRONMENTS The Rainbow Cleaning system is a reflection of our genuine concern for the community’s health and well-being. Certified by AHAM, the Rainbow is a proven air cleaner designed to reduce air pollutants. The Rainbow Cleaning System helps each and every family make their homes more liveable.... As we find ourselves in unprecedented circumstances, we at ARCOIRIS ENTERPRISE INTERNATIONAL, a Rainbow Distributor in Victoria, are taking every precaution to ensure the safety and well-being of not just our clients, but of our very own hardworking representatives. The nature of our business allows us to continue trading. We are able to show your family or friends our product from a safe distance. Our representatives will be ensuring that their demo equipment is thoroughly sanitised between shows. Also, they are to wear gloves. They are not to go out if sick and unfit. We likewise ask our Ride Along customers to do their due diligence and only book appointments where the prospective clients are not on mandatory quarantine, are fit and not showing any respiratory symptoms. Our representatives have the right to refuse to proceed with a demonstration where they feel unsafe or that their health may be compromised. Thank you for your continued support.
15.01.2022 We are currently at the FILIPINO FIESTA at the Millenium Receptions at Fourth Avenue, Sunshine VIC. Come and visit our stall!
15.01.2022 Photos from the recent Customer Appreciation Night (Open House) at the Selandra Community Hub at Clyde North on Monday 5 August 2019.
13.01.2022 We are currently seeking hard working and energetic individuals with great work ethics to join our growing sales and marketing team. This position will be responsible in promoting and marketing our one-of-a-kind exclusive American product that helps people with asthma and allergies while providing the highest level of service to our customers. ABOUT OUR COMPANY Originated in America since 1936 with operations in more than 100 countries globally. It has been in Australia for ...over 35 years with local office located in Derrimut VIC. TO BE A SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE Your previous sales experience is preferred but not essential. Although training will be provided, you must be coachable and willing to learn. You must be goal-oriented and have a positive can-do-attitude. You must be diligent with paperworks and highly organised in scheduling daily appointments and follow-ups. You must speak good English and have good communication skills. You must be professionally presentable. You must own a car and have current drivers license. THE COMPANY OFFERS Exciting work environment with on-going training and support which will give you the confidence and expertise about the product and how to handle any work/life situations. Recognition of achievements and accomplishments with great incentives, bonuses and holiday trips. Flexible working hours and the ability to develop and manage your own team. Retainer and/or uncapped commission program available. To apply, either to send your resume to [email protected] or call PEDRO at 0411322085 to arrange an interview.
12.01.2022 Healthy home healthy family!
11.01.2022 Deshauna Barber was suddenly approached by a Target customer who changed her life forever... Speaker: Deshauna Barber at Virginia State University
11.01.2022 Due to an increased awareness of indoor air quality and consumer demand, Rainbow distributors in many markets across the globe are currently seeking individuals to fill a variety of roles. Watch this video to learn more...
08.01.2022 MSNBC News corespondent describes her Rainbow Experience!!!
08.01.2022 Do good and good will come back to you...
08.01.2022 Happy New Year!Happy New Year!
07.01.2022 #Asthma? #Allergy? #BreathingProblems? Even Oprah Winfrey knows dustmites are the root cause. The Rainbow is the ONLY way to clean and sanitize your home, all s...tarting with the Air and those dust mites!!! Rainbow Store Orlando can help, request a free demo today! #RainbowOrlando #FreshAir #Expect2Win See more
04.01.2022 Experiencing something new. First time doing shopping centre registration at Water Gardens Shopping Centre from Wednesday 24 July 2019 to Sunday 28 July 2019.
04.01.2022 Very sad reality of life being an employee
03.01.2022 The MINIJET is an amazing and useful RAINBOW accessory. Take a look at this video and picture. Call me to 813-966-3674 or 813-966-4711 for FREE DEMOS and Special gift for you
02.01.2022 ZERO dust particles detected in the air after the Rainbow Cleaning System was used. Call us to schedule a free, no obligations demo with us today. We promise you a cleaner, healthier home for you and your loved ones.