Ready Set Prep- Mooloolaba | Tutor/teacher
Ready Set Prep- Mooloolaba
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25.01.2022 What a beautiful story
23.01.2022 Cutting skills Many children struggle to keep up with their classmates in primary school due to a lack of scissor control and cutting skills You can give your pre-school, kindergarten or Prep aged child a helping hand by allowing them some time each week to practice cutting at home, safely under your supervision... Follow these steps: 1. Select appropriate child friendly scissors for your child 2. Help your child put their fingers in the right places 3. Ensure their thumb is always on top and help your child move their hand out in, out in- @monkeymindsau suggested drawing a smiley face on your child’s thumb and tell them the thumb must always be looking at them- brilliant idea!! 4. Give your child some play dough to cut. Roll a long snake and they can cut it in sections . You show them first, then let them have a try. 5. Move onto strips of paper 6. Next introduce shapes 7. Introduce thin cardboard 8. Practice lots and lots with different mediums- magazines, newspaper, play dough, thin plastic, card board. . @Monkeymindsau also suggested letting your child cut the grass outside. This is a fabulous idea on a nice day Basically don’t be afraid to let them have a go. They need to learn this skill and the more exposure and practice they have the stronger their little hands will be. If you are a teacher and you agree please comment below #homeschoolpreschool #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastmumsandbubs #sunshinecoastparents #parentsofpreschoolers #finemotorskills #mooloolababeach #mooloolabakids #schoolreadiness #scissorskills #earlychildhoodeducation #earlylearning #earlylearningforkids #kindykids #sunnycoastkids #sunnycoastmums #sunshinecoastfamilies
23.01.2022 At Ready Set Prep- Mooloolaba we work on helping your child build their resilience skills- an incredibly important school readiness skill How does your child cope when they do not get the colour they want or the toy they want? How do they cope if they don’t win the game? It’s important to talk to your child about why they sometimes might not get what they want. They are allowed to be disappointed but they need to take a few deep breaths and practice being brave... I saw this fantastic little poem today by Spilt Milk Psychology that I wanted to share: You get what you get and you might get upset.. If you don’t get your fave you can practice being brave.. Breathe in and breathe out, you don’t need to shout.. If you don’t get your way you can still be ok.. Thank you so much @spiltmilkpsych I will definitely be using this little rhyme in my classes and with my own child. #toddlertantrums #resiliencebuilding #sunshinecoastparents #sunshinecoastchildren #schoolreadiness #emotionalregulation #copingwithlosing #homeschoolsunshinecoast #mooloolabakids #howtohelpyourchild
19.01.2022 Thank you so much to these beautiful Mums who have left me these amazing reviews and have trusted me to teach their children this term in my school readiness class each week. My 2021 school readiness class will run every Tuesday morning from 9:30am-11:30am. The cost is $60 per class, paid up front at the beginning of each term. ... Please get in touch to secure your child's place with a deposit. Spaces are limited to 8 children.
18.01.2022 So grateful for this lady believing in me. Thank you Rebecca Milton
17.01.2022 How many children are in your child’s Kindy class? Do you feel Kindy is preparing your child for school? Can your child hear the sounds in words? ... Can they hold a pencil properly? Can they form lower case letters correctly? Can they hold a pair of scissors and cut out a worksheet safely, without support? Can your child count a group of objects accurately? If you wish your child could work on these things -Ready Set Prep is your answer. At Ready Set Prep the classes are capped at 8 children to ensure it’s a calm, intimate environment that supports children to build the skills they need for school. Our Friday group has a couple of spots left for Term 3 so it’s not too late to sign your child up now. Class will run from 9:30-11:30am each Friday morning. Contact me now if you would like to reserve a spot for your child! The cost is $60 per class. @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
16.01.2022 A reminder to sign up for this!
15.01.2022 Does your child need help increasing their fine motor skills? Fine motor skills are the small muscles in our hands that help us do many daily tasks including picking objects up, drawing, writing, opening and closing buttons... When parents come to me and say that their child does not enjoy drawing or writing it is usually because they have not yet got enough fine motor strength to hold a pencil properly. ... There are so many fun activities you can do with your child to help them increase their fine motor strength and this will definitely help them with their school readiness skills. Children who start school with strong fine motor skills will find drawing and writing easier than their peers. Here is a simple task I did with Zohan this week. He used some bamboo tweezers to pick up the beads and put them in the jars. I also decided to put in some numeracy- number recognition and counting with one to one correspondence. Zohan counted the beads as he put them into the jars ensuring each jar contained the amount of beads that the number on the front presented. He then had to order the jars from smallest to largest. If you would like more ideas on how to help your child develop their fine motor skills please comment below or send me a private message. I would love to help you!
15.01.2022 Thank you so so much to everyone who supports my page. Every like, comment (even an emoji), share helps my page be seen by more people. I am so grateful for your encouragement and support in making this little dream of mine a reality
14.01.2022 S I G H T W O R D S Is this a painful part of your child’s homework? Try mixing up the way your child is writing or reading these words to make it a little more exciting. ... Here we are using shaving cream on the shower door which some kids love. You can also try writing the words in the sand at the beach, on the concrete outside with chalk, painting them. Ask your child if they would enjoy practising their words like this! These ideas can also be applied to practising spelling words, sounds or even numbers. Sometimes you just need to mix things up a little to make it fun!
13.01.2022 Is your child nervous or worried about starting school next year? Or maybe you are worried about them starting at big school and not being able to keep up with teachers instructions? Maybe you are worried they won’t make friends? ... At Ready Set Prep- Mooloolaba we help children make a smooth transition to Prep. Our school readiness classes run once a week for 2 hours. Lessons cover: phonemic awareness, fine motor skills, numeracy language development, social skills, organisational skills, confidence and resilience building. The small groups allow us to tailor the lessons to whatever skills each child needs to work on based on their own development. If you are concerned about your child’s ‘school readiness’ please send me a message to see if I can help. #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastdads #mooloolabamums #earlylearning #homeschoolpreschool #hometutor #schoolreadiness #teacher #learningthroughplay
12.01.2022 Letter Formation Many children begin school being able to write letters of the alphabet which is an excellent head start to writing. However, some children are not taught correct letter formation explicitly before they start school and therefore form bad habits which can be hard to shake. At Ready Set Prep-Mooloolaba we teach the children how to write the letters using a multi-sensory approach. We start BIG and write the letters in the air saying a little rhyme to help us rem...ember how each letter is formed. We practice saying the little rhyme together over and over whilst we write the letter in the air with our magic invisible paintbrushes. Then we practice writing the letters using a range of mediums such a shaving cream, cornflour, sprinkles, glitter, lentils, water, paint, chalk and markers. We make writing fun! If you would like to know more about how to help your child with their letter formation please send me a message. It is not too late to sign up to our 2021 school readiness classes which will run every Tuesday morning from 9:30am-11:30am. The cost is $60 per class. Spaces are limited to 8 children. #sunshinecoastparents #sunshinecoastkidsactivities #sunnycoast #schoolreadinessprogram #readwriteink #mountaincreekmums #buderim #mooloolaba #mooloolabamum #sunnycoastkids #noosamums #maroochydoremums #letterformation #sunshinecoasthomeschool #sunshinecoasttutor #maroochydore #buderimkids #caloundra #caloundrakids #hometutor #educators #teacherlife #sunnycoastchildren #sunshinecoastkindy
12.01.2022 Our word of the week yesterday in class was ‘dog’. The children read the word and discussed who has a dog and what dogs like to do. We looked at the sounds in the word ‘dog’ and said them together separately and then blended them together to read the word d-o-g. ... We traced the letters in the air and then in cornflour, then in our workbooks. We work on pencil grip and letter formation. We then read a sentence about the dog and discuss how many words and sounds are in the sentence. We read a Pig the Pug book and discussed literal and inferential comprehension from the text. If you feel like your child could benefit from a little exposure to early reading and writing skills like this before they start school please let me know. I have 2 spaces left in my Friday morning group which starts in Term 3- 9:30am-11:30am.
11.01.2022 Loving our messy play table from @gumtreekids It’s so versatile and the children love being able to stand at the table rather than sit. It means they can move freely and share resources with each other. This week we set it up with a range of awesome fine motor tasks that I made thanks to the amazing @stayclassyclassrooms ... The children also loved using the tray to practice letter formation in cornflour. Do you think your kids would enjoy working at a table like this?
11.01.2022 Uppercase vs Lowercase letters Something I find quite frustrating is that many commercial products you buy for children use capital letters only. Teachers prefer children to begin recognising and writing lower case letters BEFORE we introduce capital letters. Children who are taught capital letters first will then tend to overuse capital letters when they begin writing. ... Lower case letters are smaller and more curved in shape so are easier for children to write than capital letters which require more strokes. Children who are introduced to lower case letters first will then recognise these letters in books and print, making reading easier! If you are buying a product with writing on it (eg your child’s name) try to get it with lower case letters (excluding the first letter which should always be a capital). If you are teaching your child to recognise or write their name, use lower case letters. #earlychildhoodeducation #schoolreadiness #lowercaseletters #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastparents #sunshinecoastparenting #earlylearning #noosamums #caloundramums #mooloolabamums #maroochydoremums #buderimkids See more
10.01.2022 I just wanted to pass on this beautiful children's book to you- The Invisible String by Patrice Karst. I was going to record myself reading it to you, however I found this video of the author reading it so well and I could not compete. This beautiful children's book tackles the pressing topic of separation anxiety. It discusses how even when we cannot be with loved ones we are connected to them with an invisible string. A beautiful message of love. With everything going on in the world right now this could be a nice story for you to read to your child who may be missing someone. It can also be a lovely story to read to your child who may be worried about leaving you to go to school or daycare. Children's books can help you find a way to talk to your child and things they are worried about.
09.01.2022 Exciting News!! Ready Set Prep will be running group classes during the September school holidays for Prep children who would like some extra help with their learning Lessons will run for 2 hours and will be held twice a week (so a total of 4 classes over the 2 weeks)... Tuesday & Thursday 9am-11am. The program will cover: Literacy-phonics, sentence writing, sight words, comprehension, decoding, fine motor skills, pencil grip, letter formation Numeracy- counting, one to one correspondence, number recognition, number ordering Lessons will be fun and engaging with lots of movement to keep children interested and engaged The cost is $60/lesson (2 hours) so $240 for the whole holiday program (8 hours total ) Send me a message if you are interested in finding out more or tag a friend who’s little one could benefit from this #sunshinecoastkids #schoolholidayfun #schoolholidayprograms #prepkids #earlychildhoodeducation #mooloolabaesplanade #mooloolabakids #kidsonthecoast #sunnycoastparents .#sunnycoastkids #homeschool #tutor #earlychildhoodeducator #prepteacher
08.01.2022 Hands on learning Children at Ready Set Prep learn through ‘doing’. We play fun, interactive games together to increase the children’s academic and social skills at the same time. The small groups allow me to tailor the learning to the specific needs of the children in a fun way. If you would like to give your child a head start and prepare them for school get in touch. ... Limited spaces left for our Term 4 2020 groups. #schoolreadiness #smallgrouplearning #handsonlearning #learningthroughplaying #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastdads #mooloolabakids #noosamums #sunshinecoastparents #homeschoolpreschool #buderimkids #earlylearning
06.01.2022 Thanks to Andrell Education for this excellent activity to help children prepare for school. Try it at home with your preschooler.
05.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads, Stepdads, single Mums playing both roles, Dads in heaven, grandfathers and great grandfathers. Hope you all had a beautiful day with your families
02.01.2022 Many parents I have been speaking to have been asking me the question... is my child ready for big school? Starting school is a really big step for little children. School readiness is not just about a child’s academics. School readiness is about a child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills. Children cannot thrive if they haven’t developed the skills to manage things like getting along with others, following instructions and communicating their needs. ... Research shows that a child starting school when they are developmentally ready to learn is going to perform better and be happier then a child who is not developmentally ready. At Ready Set Prep we want to make the transition to big school a very positive and smooth transition so that your child doesn’t just get by.. they LOVE school and do really well both academically and socially. Can your child: Get along with others, demonstrate manners, play independently as well as with others? Manage their emotions, focus on tasks, follow directions and instructions from teachers? Talk and listen to adults and other children, speak clearly, communicate needs, understand stories and begin to identify some letters and sounds? Dress themselves, use a toilet by themselves, unwrap their lunch, manage and take care of their own belongings? If you would like to chat to me about your child’s school readiness skills send me a message. I would be happy to help. #sunshinecoastmums #noosamums #homeschoolpreschool #okinja #sunnycoastmumma #sunnycoastmums #sunshinecoastdads #sunshinecoastmum
01.01.2022 At Ready Set Prep we prepare children for learning to read and write Phonemic awareness - in this photo Zohan is blending and segmenting the sounds in the words. He looks at the picture, says the word cat and then segments each of the phonemes (c-a-t). He then blends the sounds together to make the word word (cat). He also then wrote the words and put them into sentences. Zohan is reading short predictable texts using his initial sounds, repetition and pictures to de...code. Zohan is working on his letter formation, pencil grip & fine motor skills. Well done Zohan! If you would like to give your child a head start contact us to enrol in our term 4 2020 class or our term 1 2021 class #homeschoolpreschool #phonemicawareness #schoolreadiness #learningtoreadandwrite #sunshinecoastmums #sunshinecoastdads #caloundrakids #buderimkids #mooloolabamums #maroochydoremums #maroochydorekids @ Sunshine Coast, Queensland
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