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Realbids Online Property Magazine


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22.01.2022 Whilst people are battling settlements with insurance companies re Flooding, how is your insurance covering you?

14.01.2022 The Bundaberg Area is receiving negative growth in the housing industry, whilst coulcil rates keep going up. I suggest a complete review about this catastrophe. We have one of if not the highest Unemployment rate from 15-24 age group in Australia, we have no job creation incentive and Drug abuse, and crime in particular is on the rise! So the council is living on the agenda of irreality!

04.01.2022 Purchasing a house is possibly for some the only main purchase for life. Isn't time that Real Estate Agents start to disclose the Crime Rate per Area? Australian Marketing doesn't include Crime Rate! or Health Rate for that matter? Wanna change that? follow us on Twitter. We need you now more than ever. Follow us, we deserve better!

02.01.2022 We are in the verge of commencing our first Magazine, so lots to tell about Properties at large and the loopholes to avoid in Real Estate investment.

02.01.2022 Bundaberg Property Values suffer a massive Valuation Drop of up to 15.7% in a week.

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