Real Estate Rockstar | Education
Real Estate Rockstar
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25.01.2022 Take the boy into real estate and you'll put a suit on him, enlist him to LIST n' SELL ARMY and well you get a company coloured bow tie idea finding its way into a Welcome Home ... Bryan Porter has achieved FIVE LISTINGS + FOUR SALES in 8 days - after attending a Real Estate Rockstar Session!!! Who dares to stand in the way of confidence? Shaken not stirred...... Congratulations Bryan. LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
24.01.2022 Glenn & Maree Taylor are great role models whose success we'll be sharing next year on tour! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
24.01.2022 we’re not engaging the hope method! #RealEstateRockstar #RealEstateRocknRolla #MarkDwyerRealEstateSalesTrainer #LISTnSellTour #SalesTrainer #PropertyMarketer #STEAM #CREAM #PropertyCareers
24.01.2022 'Don't ever accept what is over what could be...' LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
23.01.2022 ENLISTED to LIST n' SELL ARMY! One more time for Suzie! The Perth suburbs are ready for another act. This Real Estate Rockstar is returning with an authentic lead that will see this sales professional turning up the volume with Property Marketer amplifying the word and PRöSPECTOR making contribution with a whole new breed of Welcome Home!... We're getting stronger to the LIST n' SELL ARMY's objective of 1000 LISTINGS a month! The West Australian contingent of RER professionals is growing so get with it before you are up against it! is the new rock n' roll B|
23.01.2022 ACTION SHOT of a Real Estate Rockstar! What a way to finish the day - signing up a LISTING! Yes this is Chee-ky leader of Team Keysie as the name suggests at Barry Plant Noble Park Keysborough... And his fine crew do it right! They are presently installing the Active Property Seller generator called PRöSPECTOR to take advantage of their tremendous FOOTHOLD and gain some real TRACTION. Standby fo BIG things from Team Keysie! The LIST n' SELL ARMY is growing... LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
23.01.2022 D I S C O U N T F R E E N E G O T I A T I N G With the explanation, the evidence and the energetic enthusiasm of belief in your professional capacity would you discount fee percentage? We're looking for a few good people who crave perfection.... To lead the way in real estate lifestyle. Would you invest in being the best? 100 @ 100% Tell us why you should be onboard... Rock n' Real Estate B| Mark Dwyer - Real Estate Sales Trainer #OneHundredatOneHunderedPercent #FeeNegotiation #SalesTrainer #NoFeeDiscounts #LISTnSellArmy #MarkDwyerSalesTrainer #RealEstateRockstar
21.01.2022 ACTION SHOT of a Real Estate Rockstar! This is Darren DC Cassar and he has the Red Carreras on. Why? Well DC LISTED EIGHT properties last month from a standing start - yep he is grinding the FOOTHOLD status and ready to move to TRACTION... ... We caught up this morning to plan his strategic attack in May where it'll be DOUBLE FIGURE LISTINGS for this LIST n' SELL ARMY favourite! it is the new rock n' roll B| #RealEstateRockstar #RedCarreras
20.01.2022 Well the entire Urban Guerilla team is in the LIST n' SELL ARMY so naturally we did a private session on a whole host of things that really will unbalance the Adelaide market in favour of Urban Residential Property Group! This is so much fun! is the new rock n' roll B|
19.01.2022 ...Welcome Homes are rocking the opens! #RealEstateRockstar #RealEstateRocknRolla #MarkDwyerRealEstateSalesTrainer #LISTnSellTour #SalesTrainer #PropertyMarketer #STEAM #CREAM #PropertyCareers
19.01.2022 ENLISTED to LIST n' SELL ARMY! 'I finally watched the Real Estate Rockstar Webinar, I'd like to join if there are still spots available...' This was the casual message I received from our rising star in Sydney's Sutherland Shire. And how could I say no?!? Well I was never going to!... Aside from the fact that Larissa has the goods to be a DOUBLE FIGURE LISTER she is in fact an Ed Kuepper fan... and that is an automatic and resounding respect and acceptance from me! We're headed for 100 sales professionals producing one thousand LISTINGS a month... that is the rock we will roll... LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
19.01.2022 Love this! Dan, you're an authentic Real Estate Rockstar! Rock n' Real Estate B|... Mark Dwyer - Real Estate Sales Trainer
18.01.2022 ENLISTED to LIST n' SELL ARMY I was immediately impressed with Darcy Mercieca when i met him yesterday in his service area of Newcastle and Lake Macquarie region in New South Wales. This young bloke has it all. The drive, commitment and focus. Basically he has his WHY completely sorted. His story without giving away too much detail is compelling. I assure you this is indeed a superstar of the future.... He has been searching for the right mentor. I know it when I see it - Real Estate Rockstar is the perfect fit. His vision and ours are perfectly aligned. This bloke has a BME of 19 LISTINGS at 19 years of age!!! Darcy has mastered the art of creating a FOOTHOLD. Once he has learned how to leverage with traction the sky is the limit! Welcome Darcy... the future has arrived! is the new rock n' roll B|
16.01.2022 Michael McDonald an authentic Real Estate Rockstar!
15.01.2022 The Chancellor's Urban Guerilla's are ready to do major damage! The entire sales-team's are enlisted to Real Estate Rockstar's LIST n' SELL ARMY and are leveraging the implementation of Property Marketer in a calculated, measured and entirely effective way! The latest addition, LISTiNG Pad (on iPad) will spearhead their USP (unique selling proposition) into the marketplace.... The aim is to escalate to a 30% marketshare and there is no doubt in my mind this team has mastered the art of FOOTHOLD. Now we turn attention to leveraging one LISTING to two, two to four. Increasing marketshare through conscious TRACTION... Their energy is exhilarating! is the new rock n' roll B|
15.01.2022 JOIN THE LIST n' SELL ARMY!!! OK aspiring and accomplished Real Estate Rockstars alike It is officially game on from this Friday! If you've applied we're on the telephone chasing you so please be patient... and if you haven't already please fill out the APPLICATION HERE...... us your numbers and lets as Jacqui Grimshaw says, go to the next level! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
15.01.2022 The task of finding/attracting active property sellers is EASY! Problem is they are often hidden by the dormant property owners. A Real Estate Rockstar knows exactly which lever to pull...... LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
15.01.2022 ENLISTED to LIST n' SELL ARMY Already a Real Estate Rockstar and eager to take his career to yet another level is award winning sales professional Matthew Griffiths. This man knows how to do the numbers and with Property Marketer working alongside PRöSPECTOR we're expecting a big contribution to the LIST n' SELL ARMY's objective of 1000 LISTINGS a month! The Brisbane contingent of RER professionals is growing so get with it before you are up against it!... is the new rock n' roll B|
15.01.2022 R e a l E s t a t e R o c k s t a r B r e n d a n C l a r k e Breaking the seal can sometimes take a little longer. How long the breakthrough take is no matter for concern once broken.and five LISTINGS in a week is about all the breaking I need to see! Brendan says the appeal of Sales Trainer was its no BS approach to everything. We themed the LIST n' Sell Tour authentic in 2014, set D o u b l e F i g u r e L I S T I N G S in 2015 and now he is on the way. His le...vel of commitment lured him to the inaugural Real Estate Rock Arena last Rocktober and magic has been merely a matter of time. It has been said there is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come... and the hour for authentic sales professionalism is upon us. Brendan Clarke is ready to be the best he can be? Are You? Join the Real Estate Rockstars! Real Estate. Beyond Compare Rock n' Real Estate B| #RealEstateRockstar #RealEstateROCKnROLLA #RealEstateRockArena16 #Rocktober #MarkDwyerRealEstateSalesTrainer #RealEstateBeyondCompare
14.01.2022 REAL ESTATE ROCKSTAR WEBINAR RECORDING is now available @ RER: STRATEGICALLY PLANNING YOUR ATTACK The blueprint to targeting definitive share of a specific geographic or perceived marketplace. ... The traditional farming strategy will be superseded by the genius of more sophisticated and potent marketing protocols. Preparation for this and adapting accordingly will create a significant flow of Active Property Seller Enquiry. Follow each step to consciously evaluate and understand your current position in your targeted market and then strategically cut your share improving to an optimum of 30% The List n' Sell Tours installation protocol called PRöSPECTOR moves another level articulating the implemented strategy in three stages... FOOTHOLD - the move to make yourself an automatic consideration as a selling agent. This phase is achieved through presence marketing. TRACTION - this is the leveraging from one LISTING to two, then two to four via the establishment of a USP (uniques selling proposition) promoted via the Big Three Prospecting Sources (Sales Enquiry, Open for Inspections + The Regenerative Prospecting Process) MOMENTUM - is the perpetual attraction of Pre-Sold Sellers through the amplification of success stories or testimonials via ACCOLA:DES Get aligned in strategic focus! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B| Mark Dwyer - Real Estate Sales Trainer
14.01.2022 STRATEGICALLY PLANNING YOUR ATTACK! Do you target a specific marketplace? Either geographical or perceived? The traditional farming strategy is about to be superseded by more sophisticated and potent marketing protocols, being prepared for this and adapting accordingly can create a significant flow of Active Property Seller Enquiry...... The first step is to consciously evaluate and understand your current position in your targeted market and then strategically cut your share improving to an optimum of 30% On The List n' Sell Tour we reveals an installation protocol called PRöSPECTOR that articulates the implemented strategy in three stages... FOOTHOLD - the move to make yourself an automatic consideration as a selling agent. This phase is achieved through presence marketing. TRACTION - this is the leveraging from one LISTING to two, then two to four via the establishment of a USP (uniques selling proposition) promoted via the Big Three Prospecting Sources (Sales Enquiry, Open for Inspections + The Regenerative Prospecting Process) MOMENTUM - is the perpetual attraction of Pre-Sold Sellers through the amplification of success stories or testimonials via ACCOLA:DES A special Real Estate Rockstar Webinar is being broadcast and recorded specifically for the LISTn'SELL ARMY . If you'd like an invite simply comment on the thread and we'd welcome you to join us or perhaps give you access to the recording. Along with your comments we'd welcome and would appreciate your input on the challenges you face, the frustrations you may have along with any other questions. Lets get you strategically focussed! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
14.01.2022 ACTION SHOT of a Real Estate Rockstar! Yes it is dark but this boy isn't in the #5amClub he is in the LIST n' SELL ARMY doing the business and bringing home the goods! Cribby message was simple, '...another LISTING Agreement signed today, now where is this Fat Boy for main roads?'... It is the the right stuff - no discount, extended period, exclusive + marketing. This is how we roll. No such thing s a LISTING slump! Stoked! ...its the new rock n' roll B|
13.01.2022 We've pondered, we've planned, we've produced and we've progressed. The future is about to arrive and it IS fabulous. So picture this. All you want is 20-20 vision... A total portrait with no omissions All you want is a vision for you, oh-oh! Rock n' Real Estate B| Mark Dwyer - Real Estate Sales Trainer
11.01.2022 Property Marketer Webinar: EXPLORING ONLINE ALTERNATIVES MONDAY JUNE 23 at 7.00PM AEST REGISTER HERE... We've been flagging it for a while and now it seems to be coming to a head - big online portals aren't the path to continuity and success as an agent and they aren't necessarily the most efficient - and certainly not cost-efficient - means of advertising the carefully crafted perception for your property sellers. In this webinar for Property Marketer subscribers and Real Estate Rockstars, we'll show how to utilise the tools you have at hand, we'll explain why paying well over the odds for 'enhanced' listings are a nonsense for you and your vendors, and we'll discuss the future of online - and offline - media. is the new rock n' roll B|
11.01.2022 Adapt, redefine and assert your professionalism. LIKE (y) if Optimism IS Your Reality ...and please comment on what you are optimistic about!... LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
10.01.2022 Justin Hicks Jack Cahill Real Estate Rockstars LISTING always comes before selling! Are these two dynamos ready for the 2021 lineup?... How about you? Want to be the best you can be? Join the Real Estate Rockstars! Rock n' Real Estate #RealEstateRockstar #RealEstateROCKnROLLA #RealEstateRockArena21 #MarkDwyerRealEstateSalesTrainer #RealEstateBeyondCompare
10.01.2022 Getting our Real Estate Rockstar on... B|
10.01.2022 Nick Separovich Real Estate Rockstar Is there anything more thrilling than a comeback? Stay tuned as the lineup builds for 2021... Do you want to be the best you can be? Join the Real Estate Rockstars! Rock n' Real Estate #RealEstateRockstar #RealEstateROCKnROLLA #RealEstateRockArena21 #MarkDwyerRealEstateSalesTrainer #RealEstateBeyondCompare
09.01.2022 IMPLEMENTATION by a Real Estate Rockstar! Well the effect is evident as those in the LIST n' SELL ARMY are proving with their wonderfully improved ACCOLA:DES! Just like this one from Mitchell James of the Dapto Dogs! Checkout his whole portfolio and you'll soon see why he is on the way toward MOMENTUM by amplifying his success through his clients!... In fact why not checkout Accolades by Property Marketer and the rest of the suite on a demo this Thursday May 15 12.00-1.00PM AEST REGISTER HERE: LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
08.01.2022 If this is tough work then bring it on! My temporary field office in Melbourne where today has been one for the Real Estate Rockstars in the LIST n' SELL ARMY! I've had a headset on all day and the phone has been madness! But when the results are posted you'll see it was well worth the gig! Tonight I put the finishing touches to tomorrows RER Webinar - Planning Your Strategic Attack!... And we will reveal the great Premeditation Checklist for a rock n' roll PRöSPECTOR month thanks to Chantelle Casey from Nelson Bay Real Estate. And a great Main Road LISTINGS strategy for presence thanks the hard yards of Shane Maddren in Auckland. And while were there we hope to bring the RER team some great training footage filmed and painstakingly edited by my great mate Glenn Taylor! Were on the way to 100 LISTING 1000 in a month! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
08.01.2022 ACTION SHOT of a future Real Estate Rockstar! This is Benjamin J Goodwin who supports LIST n' SELL ARMY team member Sebastian Viteri in the Sutherland Shire, Sydney. An up and coming sales cadet, Benjamin is giving the Sutherland Shire a shake with his diligence to working the highest yield PRöSPECTOR source, the Sales Enquiry Log from call-ins (with one telephone number), emails and Welcome Homes (open for inspections) ahead of the harvest of Active Property Sellers.... This coupled with another of PRöSPECTOR's smart LISTINGS Generators, the RPP (Regenerative Prospecting Process) are producing the numbers. I thought the organisational sheets he designed + arranged on the wall that keep him on top of the RPP were brilliant! The battle to progress from FOOTHOLD to TRACTION is one we are winning and if it is alluding you then perhaps it is time to make the call and contact us now?!? LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B| #RealEstateRockstar #RedCarreras
07.01.2022 Introducing Fat Boy. It is the atomic bomb of main and arterial road prospecting that our Real Estate Rockstars are using at the FOOTHOLD stage or with certain sectors of their market needing a deliberate spark. It is the 'IN' for capturing highly visible main road PRESENCE! Fat Boy is the atomic bomb of high visibility prospecting.... But beware. Do not try to imitate without following guidelines and rules to follow to maximise effect and avoid disaster. It is the bomb baby - pardon the pun - and it works for you! LIST n' Sell it is the new rock n' roll B|
07.01.2022 LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
07.01.2022 R E R A C C O L A :D E S S e b a s t i a n V i t e r i "Love what you do. Do what you love. It's not just about selling property. It's about moving families..." Sebastian Viteri, Real Estate Rockstar Real Estate. Beyond Compare... Rock n' Real Estate B|
06.01.2022 ENLISTED to LIST n' SELL ARMY! 'Done. Lets go to the next level!' This is the message I received from our Christchurch Real Estate Rockstar, James Abell. And to that next echelon we go...... James is everything a DOUBLE FIGURE LISTER should be. Leader, thinker and committed contender. He has Property Marketer in his corner and will soon be amplifying success after success. This will be a dream run. We're focussed on 100 sales professionals producing one thousand LISTINGS a month... that is our first gig... LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
05.01.2022 For a Peak Performance Pro assistance is essential around prospect-flow administering Sales Trainer's PRöSPECTOR. It is Saturday and Real Estate Rockstar, Justin Hicks has LISTING on his mind since posting a record quarter this year. Sophia Toohey is providing market presence under the watchful eye of Property Careers and the 3M Program - monitoring, managing and mentoring.... The result? 13 Active Property Sellers! Rock n' Real Estate Mark Dwyer - Real Estate Sales Trainer
05.01.2022 Introducing... Telegram Sam It is an integral component of the RPP (Regenerative Prospecting Process) that literally escalates your incoming enquiry from Active Property Sellers and ultimately increases the number of LISTINGS you achieve! This little number is now in the Real Estate Rockstar's arsenal!... And will be widely available to Property Marketer subscribers. It's design is to capture prospects as part of the RPP as a specific telegram to property owners surrounding a LISTING informing of the sale the moment it happens and of course soliciting the sale of theirs. It is generated with the address and salespersons details. We even directed precise delivery instructions for maximum effect that which we have perfected in testing. Why is the text TOP SECRET? Because this is where its potency is - in the wording. Literally. This is so much fun! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
05.01.2022 AUTOMATIC FOR THE SALESPEOPLE - We're underway Real Estate Rockstars! is the new rock n' roll B|
03.01.2022 ...Claire Helps Jason get his Property Marketer on! #RealEstateRockstar #RealEstateRocknRolla #MarkDwyerRealEstateSalesTrainer #LISTnSellTour #SalesTrainer #PropertyMarketer #STEAM #CREAM #PropertyCareers
02.01.2022 Will REA kill Real Estate Agents like video killed the radio star? REA Killed the Real Estate Star I saw you on my PC back in zero two... Lyin' awake intent on logging in on you If I was young it didn't stop you coming through oh-a-oh They kept the data from your sales enquiry Rewrote your adverts on new technology And now I understand the online fallacy oh-a-oh I met your salesmen oh-a-oh What did you tell them? REA killed the real estate star REA killed the real estate star Subscriptions soared and broke your heart, we can't rewind we've gone too far Whoa! Oh - aoh oh - oh oh Oh aoh oh - oh - oh And now we meet in an abandoned auction room You hear the bidding and it seems so long ago And you remember, the offers used to go, oh-a-oh That was the first one oh-a-oh And not the last one REA killed the real estate star REA killed the real estate star Subscriptions soared and broke your heart, we can't rewind we've gone too far Too far! Oh - aoh oh - oh oh Oh aoh oh - oh - oh Alright REA killed the real estate star Subscriptions soared and broke your heart, we can't rewind we've gone too far Subscriptions soared and broke your heart Put all the blame on VPA You are... the real estate star REA killed the real estate star REA killed that real estate star, yes it did I sincerely hope we are not singing this next decade after being disintermediated... beware the Trojan Horse that is REA! And long live the Real Estate Rockstar! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
01.01.2022 With a monthly LISTING average in the teens it is little wonder that this real estate dynamo posts a similar average for sales peaking at seventeen and never less than ten.. It is even more amazing when you discover that Jacqui has only five years in the profession. An uncompromising attitude for results and a perpetual thirst for improved knowledge and skill... And an unwavering focus on LISTINGS. always.... Jacqui G ...beyond compare! LIST n' Sell is the new rock n' roll B|
01.01.2022 GAME DAY ACCOLA:DE - Leadership By Example This is what takes one from good to greatness. The future belongs to those committed to excellence... Real Estate. Beyond Compare... LIST n' Sell ;-) Mark Dwyer - Real Estate Sales Trainer
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