Real World Psychology | Doctor
Real World Psychology
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25.01.2022 We have very little choice about what’s happening in the world but we can choose who we want to be and what we do.
25.01.2022 FACE COVID is a set of steps to manage the Coronavirus crisis using principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). A therapy that we love and follow h...ere at BMPC. By Russ Harris, this eBook is a good reminder of what’s in our control in the coming week. We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
25.01.2022 Listen to one of our clinical psychologists from Bacchus Marsh Psychology, Veronica, being interviewed by Backpacks 4 Vic Kids, an organisation doing such wonderful work with children displaced from their homes.
25.01.2022 It takes a strong person to be vulnerable enough to speak up and seek help. The statistics show us why it is needed. Check in on the men in your life today. Thanks @realdepressionproject #mensmentalhealth #mensmentalhealthweek
25.01.2022 With the tragic events unfolding across Australia at the moment, there are many people in need of support. It’s sometimes hard to know what to do and say. Emerging Minds have put together a toolkit of resources to help children who are impacted. It’s worthwhile taking a look. Please share.
25.01.2022 COMMITTED ACTION // it’s easy to get caught up in the day to day demands and forget what’s truly important to you. Since starting to use The 6 Minute Diary, I’ve had a chance to reflect on my values, set daily intentions that lead me to committed action and challenge myself to find the moments of magic in my day. I’ve also been using it with my clients and they love it! Today, I’m grateful for the friend of mine who put me on to this
24.01.2022 Here’s a great mood booster for our kids (and the big kids too) at the end of each day!
24.01.2022 At a time like this, it’s easy for our thoughts to be consumed by things that are out of our control- fostering feelings of anger, anxiety, & sadness. Focusing on things that you can control can lead to a sense of calm, compassion, & acceptance. Where are you spending most of your time and energy?
23.01.2022 Thanks to Victoria Walks, a challenge to get your children excited about being outside in nature this week. Sunlight and exercise, a perfect way to make those days at home more fun filled
22.01.2022 Self-care September! Some great ideas from Action for Happiness
22.01.2022 If you or anyone you know is not OK, the Beyond Now app is a great resource. It will guide you step by step through making a suicide safety plan with direct phone links to services should you need when in crisis.
21.01.2022 With such wide coverage of the devastating fires in Australia it is likely that most children are aware of what’s happening - that other children like them and... families like theirs are hurting, scared, grieving, have lost their loved people, pets, or homes. It reach the hearts, minds and spirits of kids and teens who weren’t directly involved. As the important adult in the life of any child you have a profound capacity to give them what they need to steady their world again. Thank you for sharing ‘Hey Sigmund - Karen Young’ Full post: The fires in Australia are devastating, and the emotional fallout will be vast. The ripple of this will also reach the hearts, minds and spirits of kids and teens who weren’t directly involved. As the important adult in the life of any child you have a profound capacity to give them what they need to steady their world again. With such wide coverage of the fires, it is likely that most children are aware of what’s happening - that other children like them and families like theirs are hurting, scared, grieving, have lost their loved people, pets, or homes. This taps into their common humanity, and it is very normal for them to start thinking, what if that was me, or my mum or dad or grandma or grandad or home? If this could happen to them, it could happen to me. When their fears are really big, such as the death of a parent, being alone in the world, or losing everything, children might put this into something else. This can also happen because they can’t always articulate the fear. Emotional ‘experiences’ don’t lay in the brain as words, they lay down as images and sensory experiences. This is why smells and sounds can trigger anxiety, even if they aren’t connected to a scary experience. The ‘experiences’ also don’t need to be theirs. Hearing ‘about’ is enough. The content of the fear might seem irrational but the feeling will be valid. Think of it as the feelings being the part that needs you. Their anxiety, sadness, anger (which happens to hold down other more vulnerable emotions) needs to be seen, held, contained and soothed, so they can feel safe again - and you have the most wonderful power to make that happen. ‘I can see how scared you are. There’s some scary things happening in the world at the moment, but my darling, you are safe. I promise. You are so safe.’ If they have been through the trauma, the truth is that they have been through something so awful, and they are safe, ‘We have been through something terrible and it’s been really scary. We are going to get through this. It’s okay to feel scared or sad or angry. Whatever you feel is so okay, and I’m here and I love you and we are safe. We can get through anything together.’
20.01.2022 Language is so powerful. Have a go at this today! Thanks Our Mama Village
18.01.2022 Hands up if you're over being stuck in iso Here are some strategies to deal with quarantine boredom: Thanks Kids Helpline
18.01.2022 Check out this superb TED talk about parenting to build kids’ self-efficacy
18.01.2022 Children with a growth mindset: -love learning -ask for help -keep trying until they succeed... -learn from feedback -view mistakes as learning opportunities -are not afraid to fail -are inspired by others -love new challenges -keep trying until they succeed Pin this somewhere near your child’s remote learning workspace! And if you love the idea of this, check out for more resources!
18.01.2022 Children are being exposed to coverage of traumatic events and widespread disasters. We must help them understand what’s happening and provide a safe space for them to talk about the feelings they have. This short video is a great guide for how to manage these conversations.
18.01.2022 It’s easy to see complaining children as difficult or ungrateful and to react accordingly. Help your child rephrase complaints as a want or a wish. This helps us find empathy and helps them identify their real need and models how we’d like them to communicate. Thanks Big Life Journal
17.01.2022 It can be hard to know what to say to our kids when they are struggling. But sometimes the best thing is just to be with them, where they're at, acknowledging what they're going through. Warm smiles
17.01.2022 A powerful message to all adults. If we want our children to be emotionally connected and learn resilience and perseverance, we need to model it for them. Let them see you grow. Let them see you live Thanks for sharing Big Life Journal.
17.01.2022 As humans we like to have a sense of control and certainty in our lives. The second round of lockdowns in Melbourne mean people feel more powerless and more uncertain than ever. Psychologically speaking, this time around may feel harder! Try to focus on the things in your day that you CAN do, rather than the things you can’t: get some fresh air, call a friend and hear their voice, set little tasks around the house, play a game with family, or cuddle your pets. Try to take some power back. You’ve got this
16.01.2022 *Eat*Sleep*Exercise*Repeat Go back to basics! A great reminder thanks @beyondthebarbellinc #menshealth #menshealthweek #mensmentalhealth
16.01.2022 PARENTING STYLES Aim for the top left. This parenting style, authoritative parenting, is related to several positive outcomes such as higher academic achievem...ent, emotion regulation, positive mental health outcomes, emotional intelligence, interpersonal intelligence the list goes on. We like to think of it as the balance between boundaries and warmth. These kinds of parents have high expectations for the children (ie., set limits); but at the same time are attuned and warm in their interactions, and can tolerate emotion dysregulation from their child. Credit: Institute of Child Psychology
16.01.2022 THOUGHTS AREN’T FACTS! We can’t stop our minds from thinking but we can learn to notice our thoughts and not let them control us, impact our decision making nor dictate the things we do. Spend the next minute watching this clip to learn about one of the most powerful, simple techniques we can use to label our thoughts for what they are ... thoughts!
15.01.2022 Feel like staying in bed and opting out of the world more often at the moment? Burying yourself in the computer, TV, or a book for hours on end? Just shutting down? It’s completely appropriate to feel this way when stress is high. At times, we find solace in these activities but at other times they lead to lower mood, motivation, and increased fatigue. ... If you feel like you’re finding it hard to make any change. Here’s a couple of things to try: *Make a list of the things that increase your feelings of vitality and connectedness - remember the last time you felt really ALIVE, ALERT, and PASSIONATE? (ie. bike ride, walk with the dog, baking, phone call to a friend, at home dance party). *Make a list of responsibilities you’ve been neglecting (pay a bill, finish an assignment, clean a cupboard). *Try to do at least ONE THING from each list, EVERY DAY- even if you don’t feel like it! Be curious. Try a couple of things and see if you notice changes in your mood/your sense of achievement. If you’re really struggling and need more support, see your GP for a referral to a psychologist.
15.01.2022 The world has changed so rapidly and we find ourselves trying to cope with feelings of loss, overwhelm, frustration and insecurity. It’s understandable that we are going to have challenging times and sometimes feel weighed down. If these feelings linger and you notice ongoing low motivation and mood, an inability to enjoy the day to day, significant sleep/appetite changes, withdrawal from family and friends, thoughts of self-harm, feeling out of control or excessive worry, pl...ease reach out! GP’s are doing Mental Health Care Plans over the phone and you can access up to 10 sessions with a psychologist. Don’t feel like you have to do this on your own. It might just take one gentle voice to make the difference! Poem courtesy of Dom Italiano Music :-)
15.01.2022 Here's a very helpful list of ways to communicate understanding to our kids and to help them develop understanding and empathy for others. Warm smiles from us
15.01.2022 I often ask my clients the question, what would you be doing differently if you looked at each day through your Values Glasses instead of your Fears Glasses? Ask yourself the questions: What’s important to you? What do you really value? ... What sort of person to do you want to be? Once you have some clear understanding about this, it can provide such a powerful shift in thinking to view the world through this lens! I this illustration!!
15.01.2022 Food for thought as we prepare for the start of a new week
15.01.2022 Who needs to hear this right now...??
14.01.2022 This is a lovely resource from the NGV and the Olga Tennison Autism Research Centre! A step by step art activity using patterns and shapes. Suitable for children aged 5-12years. The best bit is that it comes with a guide for parents and teachers. If you do it, I’d love to see your photos. Enjoy
14.01.2022 Here is a great little social story to use with children to explain the Coronavirus and help them process their feelings about what is happening.
14.01.2022 This is a great article to help you understand the behaviours you’re seeing from your children.
14.01.2022 Emotions come in all shapes and sizes. The most important thing we can do as parents is to validate our children's feelings. Help your child navigate their... emotions and go from being reactive to being responsive. Don't solve their probleminstead, redirect their focus so they can arrive at the root of what's causing that feeling and derive a reasonable action plan to address it. Small tweaks can make all the difference when raising resilient little ones with a growth mindset.
13.01.2022 The language we choose to use with children is very powerful, as too is this message. #realworldpsychology #parentingtips #positiveparenting
13.01.2022 Frustrated by kids not listening to you? Sometimes a few simple changes to how you give instructions can help. Here are a few easy to follow tips. I’d love to hear how you go if you try some of these!
11.01.2022 The parenting message here is to only set consequences you can follow through with but it’s actually just a good laugh which is always a nice way to start a day. #realworldpsychology #laughing #bestmedicine #parenting #parenting101 #positiveparenting #biglifejournal
11.01.2022 ANXIETY STRUGGLES There is growing awareness that 'challenging behaviour' in children and young people can be a sign of anxiety but what about kids on the other side of the scale who are 'model students' - never get in trouble, always work hard, set high standards for themselves? Or maybe this resonates with you personally? High-functioning anxiety can be really difficult to wrap your head around - isn't anxiety supposed to prevent you from doing things?! How can an over-ac...hiever have anxiety? - Credit: BlessingManifesting Via Victorian Parent’s Council
11.01.2022 It’s highly likely you and your children may be seeing images/footage on social media or in the news regarding the events going on in the world right now. It’s almost impossible to avoid it. This article provides practical, user-friendly tips to help you respond to your own feelings as well as to ease the fear and confusion that our little ones might be experiencing at the moment. There is more to human empathy than merely sharing another creature’s pain.... If you found this useful, follow The Centre For Perinatal Health & Parenting. Ballarat, VIC
10.01.2022 The only bad emotion is a stuck emotion - Rachel Naomi Remen We are often taught that certain emotions like happy, joyful, and loved are good, whereas emotion...s like frustrated, angry, and worried are bad. It’s impossible to live a meaningful life without feeling a whole range of emotions which means the only bad emotions are ones we don’t let out in a healthy way! Talking to a psychologist can help you express your emotions in a way that helps you create a fuller, more valued life Image credit: @believeperform #menshealthweek #bacchusmarshpsychology #realworldpsychology #mentalhealth #psychologist #psychology
10.01.2022 Today is World Suicide Prevention Day. If you’re worried about a loved one, don’t wait to ask them about it. Research has shown that talking about suicide may reduce suicide risk. That difficult conversation could save that person’s life. #WSPD2020 Credit: Black Dog Institute
09.01.2022 Some great tips and reminders! If you know or work with people with a diagnosis of Autism I highly recommend following The I CAN Network.
09.01.2022 Big hugs from us to you this Father’s Day.
08.01.2022 The world around us has become quite uncertain and some children are responding by clinging to Mum and/or Dad. If your child (or teen) is having trouble saying goodbye and separating, check out this graphic from Kids and Teens Psychology *Look them up and give them a follow. Unfortunately FB wouldn’t let me tag them.
08.01.2022 To all the mums and dads out there, maybe your weekend could use some of this?!
08.01.2022 If your children use Tik Tok please read this and consider them having a 24 hr break!
07.01.2022 While some children can’t wait to get back to school, the thought of returning to the classroom is distressing for children with social anxiety. This article provides 4 practical steps to help them prepare. Don’t wait until the first day of school and ‘hope’ it goes well. Tackle the subject now. Your children are already thinking about it, avoiding the topic will only mean the worries get bigger! What to do!... 1. Psychological stretches 2. Communicate positively 3. Stick to routine 4. Make a plan (Details in the article) I the idea of doing Psychological Stretches. A great starting point!! I’m even suggesting to clients to do a ‘practice run’ of school drop off prior to the first day. Face the anxiety head on!
07.01.2022 A podcast for kids!! Through story-telling, the Big Life Kids Podcast helps kids develop self-confidence and foster a growth mindset. Check it out!
07.01.2022 A very common complaint I hear from children and adolescents is, they don’t understand [me] [how I feel]. Here’s some great advice for how to help!
07.01.2022 Are you a parent and keen to learn something new that will benefit both you and your children?? Triple P Parenting is offering their online course completely free at the moment!! The Triple P Positive Parenting Program’s simple, practical strategies have been proven to work around the world, helping parents raise happy, confident children; set family routines and rules that everyone can follow; and balance work and family life with less stress.... I highly recommend!
07.01.2022 Love this! Uncomfortable feelings are real. Acceptance and validation of them for ourselves and for others is important. Opening up to these feelings and allowing others to feel them doesn’t always come naturally, so here’s a few simple things you can say to support someone in need.
06.01.2022 As humans we are born with the capacity and need to feel and have all of our emotions, not just the ones that feel good. Our feelings are messengers, giving you information about something. Don’t dismiss them, squash them down, or beat yourself up for them. Instead, acknowledge them, accommodate them, accept them, and change the way you respond so you can still be the person you want to be and do what’s important to you.
06.01.2022 RAISING CONFIDENT GIRLS // Until the age of 8, there’s virtually no difference between boys and girls in their confidence levels. Between the ages of 8 and 14, girls’ confidence drops 30%. When I ask people what age they think girls’ confidence starts to decline, most people guess somewhere in their early teens and are genuinely surprised when I share this research with them. This article shares some tips to help boost a girl’s self esteem. Also, check out this blog from t...he researchers themselves:
05.01.2022 There’s still spots available for Tuesday night’s Identifying and Managing Perinatal Anxiety workshop at Gather in Seddon. I’ve just finished putting the participant workbook together. You’ll gain a wealth of insight into your individual experience! Come along. Book your spot via the link below.
05.01.2022 Many children FEAR making mistakes and it can hold them back from trying new things. Perfectionism is another indicator that your child is fearing failure and mistakes. Help your children have acceptance for their mistakes by explaining that MISTAKES help our brains GROW. Explain that our brains constantly change and learn and mistakes are a sign that they are working at their edge of their abilities. That is where LEARNING happens and their brains start GROWING! Getting ev...erything right is a sign they are working at a level that is too easy. So mistakes are an important part of the learning process because they tell us what we need to learn. If your child is really fearing making mistakes. You can start to CELEBRATE their mistakes. Write down each one and what they have learned from it. After a certain number of learning from our mistakes are recorded you can have a special reward/party to celebrate your brain growing! Big Life Journal, thank-you! If you’ve found this useful, check out for more resources.
05.01.2022 Digital Care Packs to support kids through COVID-19 and beyond! These Care Packs provide tips and guidance on how to build positive mental health in children, and offer a range of simple, evidence-based activities that can be used with children aged five to 12 years to provide immediate relief against worry and anxiety, or used to support a proactive positive mental health approach.
04.01.2022 As we enter another week of an ‘at home’ routine, let’s do a quick mental health check in. How are you feeling? How are the little people in your house feeling? Are they overwhelmed? Acting out? Withdrawing? Sometimes our children don’t have the capacity to share their feelings through words and instead behave in ways that can be difficult for us to respond to. We can learn to coach our children through their feelings! Here’s your step by step guide:... 1. Calm yourself first: Your job is to calm the storm for your child, not escalate it. Don’t take their behaviour personally. They are trying to tell you something they don’t have the words for! Notice what their behaviour brings up for you and hit the pause button. This is a valuable teachable moment. 2. Connect and create a safe space for your child to feel the big emotions: breathe slowly and deeply, use a soft tone and say, I will help you. You’re safe. You can handle this. 3. Empathise: your child wants to feel understood. you seem worried about school this week, you are disappointed to not see your friends. I hear how upset you are about this 4. Double check: is that right? Is that what you’re telling me? If they correct you, don’t fight them on what they are feeling. The important bit here is that they feel you’re trying to understand. 5. Deepen the conversation: I’m hearing how upset you are about X and Y. Tell me more. I understand how important this is to you. What can I do to help make it better? 6. Problem solve together: Resist the urge to solve this for them. Help them brainstorm and explore options. I wonder what we can do now to make things better? I wonder what would happen then? Thanks to for the great resources!
04.01.2022 When your child is feeling overwhelmed, it can be hard to redirect them. Often any sort of instruction or suggestion will lead to increased defiance and more intense meltdowns. I’ve been using the Wheel of Choice with a lot of children of late. It’s really easy: - Make a time to talk with your child about times they tend to become overwhelmed. Ask them what they are feeling and normalise these feelings. Let them know that it is always OK to feel angry, sad, worried etc BUT i...t’s not OK to act in aggressive ways. -Brainstorm with your child what they can do when they feel overwhelmed. For example, count backwards from 10, deep breathing (see completed wheel below). -Create a personalised wheel. It’s a great Art/creative activity while in Lockdown! -When you are noticing your child becoming distressed, ask them to go the Wheel and choose something they can do to help themselves calm down. We can’t expect children to change their feelings instantly but we can expect them to do helpful things while feeling upset that may lead to a change in their mood.
03.01.2022 Visual feelings charts are a great way of helping children express their emotions. This is probably the cutest one I’ve seen. Shared willingly by a colleague, Chloe Zee.
02.01.2022 Take a moment today to pause and acknowledge all that you have Gratitude: *fosters resilience, *improves self esteem, ... *enhances empathy, *opens the door to healthier relationships, *improves sleep Is there an easier way to unlock physical and psychological health benefits??
02.01.2022 It can be hard to look beyond difficult behaviour when doors are being slammed and swear words are flying.......but there's usually something happening underneath that is difficult to put into words. Warm smiles from us
02.01.2022 We all have ideals about how we will parent and how our kids will be. But testing limits is how our kids and teens grow, not a reflection of how bad our parenting is. Warm smiles from us
02.01.2022 Looking for a quiet, calm activity to do with your children to break up remote learning? Download these Mindfulness exercises at:
02.01.2022 Most kids over the past few weeks have probably spent far more time on tech than they have before for school and entertainment. With school returning, we thought this might be useful. Warm smiles from us
02.01.2022 GREAT NEWS! You can now receive a further 10 sessions with a psychologist (up to 20 in total in a calendar year) with a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP. Tremendous to see the federal government recognising the mental health challenges we are currently facing. Big applause
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