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Rebalance Osteopathy

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25.01.2022 Happy World Gratitude Day. A telling day for a telling year in our lives. A study in 2003 discovered that grateful people experience a greater sense of vitality, connection to others, higher levels of satisfaction, optimism and lower levels of stress and depression. They found that people who experience gratitude more frequently tend to be happier, more helpful and forgiving and less depressed than their less grateful counterparts.

25.01.2022 Happy Sunday Rebalancers. Lockdown 2 exercise challenge - the deep 'eat an orange off the ground' squat. Squats are such a topical exercise - how low do I go? how much weight do I add? do I stick my backside out or tuck it in? Exercise shouldn't have so many rules to follow so I suggest to follow just one - watch and learn from a junior. They don't think, they just flex the appropriate amount at each of the appropriate joints- feet, ankles, knees, hips, and spine. So take a break from your home work station, chop yourself an orange and chuck it on a plate on the low can you go?

25.01.2022 This week we sadly farewelled our admin guru Alex Mackay. For the last three years Alex has been a welcoming face behind the desk at Rebalance. What a caring, grounded, capable young woman you are Alex- our loss is now a huge gain for the children and families at Our Lady Help of Christian’s primary school where Alex will commence her new career as a primary school teacher in 2021. We wish you well Alex! Love the Rebalance crew

25.01.2022 Introducing Baylie. A new addition to our administrative team, Baylie is also a local, who’s been helping us out at Rebalance behind the scenes this year. We decided she’s too good to be hiding away so now she’ll be front and centre at reception and we couldn’t be happier. Welcome aboard Baylie.

23.01.2022 The Rebalance crew celebrating 2020 in style at @oakandanchorhotel yesterday. The year that Covid tipped us into becoming members of our own Rebalance bubble- thanks for coming along for the masked ride ladies.

23.01.2022 Well done Victorians. We're happy to announce we're all back on deck at Rebalance from 9am tomorrow. See you soon. Rebalance team.

22.01.2022 Ocean swimming has never looked so good in the 'bool. With a change in the way we live, work and play, COVID has enticed us to think laterally in terms of our physical activity, and to be brave and perhaps try something new. And is there really any better arena than the one Mother Nature has given us right here in our own backyards? From a physical perspective, swimming ticks so many boxes; it’s a global body exercise; it uses just about every muscle but in a low-impact an...d gentle way. It stretches our trunk, hip and neck flexor muscles (all the ones that are prone to shortening when we sit in front of a computer) so it is the perfect antidote to all the home working and schooling. From a psychosocial perspective, swimming is one of the least social exercises we can engage in, so are we deliberately syncing our exercise with the current world climate? Or is something else drawing us into the waves? In his book Body Moves; The Psychology of Exercise, psychologist James Gavin explains that when it comes to swimming our ‘awareness of the world around us is limited to the sensations of the water’ - it's in this environment that we can shed the confines of our four walls, of our world that's been turned upside down and seek solitude in the rocking of the waves. He goes on to say that 'if you use too much force in swimming, it becomes a battle you quickly lose. The swimmer has to have an attitude of acceptance, of working in harmony with the water and using it for support. The fewer the ripples, the easier you move. No doubt you can splash and flail about, but fatigue wins out and either you learn to harmonise or you give up.’ Harmonising couldn't be more enticing right unleash your inner Tammy van Wisse and give it a splash!

22.01.2022 We're stoked to announce we are now a stockist for this amazing product. It's a Postpartum Healing Spray from New Zealand based company Viva La Vulva, and this little box of goodness is a necessity to have in your birthing bag before your big day arrives. Made from all-natural ingredients (Hypericum and Calendula), the spray is like a magical healing power for perineal tissues and within a few weeks, also for caesarean section scars.

22.01.2022 Pain. If it didn't exist, maybe neither would Osteopaths. Pain is debilitating yet fascinating. Pain is well understood yet still a mystery. Your pain can only be felt by you. Today marks the beginning of National Pain Week. Have you thought about giving osteo a go for your pain? Our Osteopaths, Kerry King and Sophie Beks have a particular special interest in chronic pain. Kerry uses a combination of gentle osteopathic techniques, mobilisation, soft tissue work, dry needling, and fascial release techniques to assist in reducing chronic pain. Sophie was fortunate enough to commence her Osteopathic career in a clinic (Willsmere Health Osteopaths, Kew) that had a large interest in this field which subsequently led to her undertaking further studies in the area. For more info visit: #NPW2020 #giveosteoago

21.01.2022 The amazing April Thewlis is up next in our Lockdown Q&A. Osteo, Wife, Mother and downright beautiful person and practitioner, read on to find out more about April...

20.01.2022 10 things you may not know about our new Myotherapist Hayden!

20.01.2022 Our Rebalance rebrand is complete. Check out our new external signage- a match made in heaven with our beautiful facade at 37 Banyan Street, Warrnambool.

19.01.2022 Today we pause to acknowledge Pregnancy & Infant Loss Day. Here in Australia we too often apply our colloquial 'get on with it' or 'get over it' attitude to mums and families impacted by pregnancy or birth loss. At Rebalance, we don't expect mums to do that. We want mums, dads, and siblings to feel safe and supported to grieve and to heal. Reknowned Women's healer Tami-Lynn Kent explains that the grief of pregnancy or birth loss 'may be carried with a woman all her life,... unraveling over time' including during subsequent pregnancies and births. She goes on to say that 'no matter how long a woman carries a baby, this life asks to be acknowledged and remembered, witnessed and loved. The energy that comes in with each life must be moved..this requires physical and energetic recovery.' At Rebalance, through osteopathy and counselling, we support many families who have experienced pregnancy and birth loss but we know that many suffer in silence. If you or someone you know is struggling from a recent or a loss from many years ago then please check out our webiste for more information

19.01.2022 Women's Health Week 2020 wisdom with Alex - Rebalance admin guru, nutritionist at @thebalanceofbeing_ and teacher in the making. The most inspiring woman in my life...My mum is the most inspiring woman in my life. She is such a strong, kind, resilient and supportive person! She inspires me everyday to be the best version of myself. When it comes to women's health I love that nutrition can help with....empowering women to take control of their reproductive health. Whether it... be through improving cycle regularity, reducing pain, supporting conception or helping women during their pregnancy journey, nutrition provides the foundation for healthy hormones. If you could go back, you would tell your 12 year old self...that loving your body and all its changes will bring you so much more happiness than hating it. Alex's top 3 health tips for lots of nourishing food, make yourself a priority and move your body because you want to not because you have to. #womenshealthweek2020

19.01.2022 As National Pain week 2020 continues, this story I have is a great example of the mechanisms involved in pain production. This photo is of my late Grandfather, Alan 'Funnel' Johnson. He was a tough bugger and he had to be. An accident earlier in his life lead to an amputation of his left leg just above the knee. He underwent countless joint replacements on the 'good leg' as we called it and lived until his mid 90's. He didn't complain much but the one pain that really got... him was the phantom pain he experienced in his left leg (which remember didn't exist for the majority of his life). Phantom pain demonstrates beautifully that it is our brain that registers and allows us to feel pain. There is a cool little map of our bodies stored in our brain cortex - it's called the homonculus (also a cool word) and it was the presence of my Pa's left leg represented in this area of his brain that allowed him to feel pain in a limb he no longer had. It wasn't pleasant for him but you can't help but appreciate the underlying mechanism behind it #npw2020 #toughbugger See more

18.01.2022 Did you know that 1/5 Australians suffer from chronic pain? This is a great video explaining the difference between and the causative factors for acute pain versus chronic pain #NPW2020

17.01.2022 It’s a birth fest this weekend in the ‘Bool. Rhea Dempsey is in town hosting a ‘Working with pain in labour’ workshop today, and her book launch tomorrow at Collins Bookstore. If that’s not enough, round out the weekend with the screening of BirthTime in Port Fairy on Monday night. Tickets still available to all events. Thanks Delise for coordinating, Jo for sharing your story and to Madeleine from The Standard on such a great write-up.

17.01.2022 Yes we are open! And we will be remaining open throughout the return of Stage 3 Covid-19 restrictions commencing in regional Victoria tomorrow. We might look and sound a tad different in our masks, but we promise we’re still the same underneath. All our other hygienic measures remain in place and at a high level to keep us all safe. Can’t wait to get the freckle face out again in six weeks!

17.01.2022 With gyms counting down the hours until they can reopen - are you trading your outdoor ISO program in and heading back indoors?? Before you hand over your credit card details please consider... how qualified is your instructor and are they working within their scope of practice? Ideally your fitness instructor would have a degree in exercise science, meaning they would know anatomy and physiology, not just exercise. They would understand your body not just their own. They sho...uld want to know what you want from your exercise program not just what they can give you. They would also offer up nutrition advice ONLY if they are a qualified nutritionist or dietician. Remember, this type of training would take years to acquire (if they don't have a 'Qualifications' tab on their website there's a good reason for it...I haven't looked into wellness or life coaching but I doubt anatomy study is in the curriculum). Passion is one thing, but it needs to be matched with knowledge - not just of what’s right for you but also what’s wrong for you. If no personal details or case history is taken when you turn up at a gym, then be prepared for a ‘generalised’ program that potentially may not fit what you need. You would want to have some previous gym experience and a high level of body awareness to make the necessary adjustments to your own form. If you are injured or returning from injury then I suggest you find somebody who's prepared to disect you before they perfect you. See more

15.01.2022 Rounding out Women's Health Week 2020 with Osteo Sophie Beks and her insight into all things to do with the ladies.... Most inspiring woman in my mum, Jacinta. Mum has always been supportive of all my endeavours and worked hard to support my sisters and I in whatever we chose to pursue. She is a strong, intelligent woman who has shaped who we are and I will always be grateful for everything she has done for us. When it comes to women's health, I love that osteopat...hy can help with....providing a therapy that is holistic and tailored to each woman. We are very complex and fabulous beings so it is important that we understand and address the whole picture, from our physical structure and hormones, to our individual roles in society. If you could go back, you would tell your 12 year old embrace the process of growing and evolving. No one has it all figured out so surround yourself with positive, supportive people and tackle everything life throws at you as best as you can! I love working with the team of women at Rebalance because...every day I’m inspired by the strong group of women at Rebalance. Despite all having their own families and businesses to run, each of these women are passionate about improving the health and lives of others. I’m very lucky to have such a supportive and caring group of colleagues and friends to work with. Sophie's top 3 health tips for women.... - Take the time to look after yourself first in order to look after others - Stay active - Eat a well balanced and nutritious diet #womenshealthweek2020

14.01.2022 Here's our myotherapist guru Hayden, sharing some insight into what he gets up to when he's not at Rebalance. Thanks Hayden, look forward to you sharing some desserts with us soon!

14.01.2022 This week is PANDA week; a chance to raise awareness and acknowledge perinatal anxiety and depression. This weekend we are delighted to be offering a number of workshops designed to emotionally support and nurture mums (existing and expectant). Lead by resident Counsellor and Birth Doula, Delise Oldfield, Saturday afternoon's workshop will focus on 'Rebalancing the Mother' - a practice to promote deep rest and recovery. Contact us to make a booking or for more information.

13.01.2022 This week was a biggy. We've talked Women's Health. We asked RUOK. And to round it out we're also turning our attention to Birth Trauma Week. One in three Australian births are described as traumatic. This means that the introduction to parenthood for many Australian mums and dads is not the ecstatic event that they would have hoped. That the arrival earthside for the child is not the gentle drop from a stork that we see in the cartoons. We can't always see birth traum...a, but these statistics tell us it's real. Birth trauma for the mother, for the father, for the child and in some cases for the healthworker can be physical, emotional or both physical and emotional. As well as the online services listed below, please head to our website and find out how we at Rebalance can help with birth trauma. From an emotional standpoint, our counsellor Delise Oldfield is also a Birth Attendant/Doula and Childbirth Educator and has specialised training in birth debriefing, and positive infant attachment. From a physical standpoint, Rebalance Osteopath Haylee has extensive training to support mothers experiencing postnatal pelvic girdle pain and issues associated with perineal tears/episiotomies, and C-sections, and is also trained in paediatric osteopathy to support babies recovering from birth. If you think you might be suffering from birth-related trauma or somebody close to you may be, please reach out - we're only a phone call away. lifeline 13 11 14 #birthtraumaawarenessweek

13.01.2022 Women's Health Week 2020. Did you know that at the time of birth, all females will hold up to one million eggs in their ovaries...that's all the eggs they'll ever have and these eggs may go on to produce a child or many children. To put that in perspective, the egg that became my little chicken here was produced when I myself was a baby growing inside my mother back in the 80's. Therefore, the eggs that any little girl possesses are strongly influenced by what her grandmo...ther ate, how her grandmother lived, how stressed her grandmother was and so on. As the little girl grows, she adds her own spice to her eggs based on how she lives, then when she is pregnant herself the process starts again. So my friends, our blueprint can have everlasting effects on the children that come after us. Moral of the story... as we do put all our eggs in one basket (our ovaries), you need to look after yourself, not just for your sake, but for the sake of the generations to come. See more

12.01.2022 Women’s Heath Week 2020..our favourite books for our little and not so little women. Beautiful Girl by @drchristianenorthrup, In My Heart by @jowitek, Wild Creative by @tamilynnkent , Period Power @_maisiehill_ , Mothering from your Centre @tamilynnkent , Mothermorphosis @jmjdux , The Postnatal Depletion Cure by @droscarserrallach

11.01.2022 Women's Health Week with our much adored counsellor Delise Oldfield. Most inspiring sister Sharon was and remains the greatest influence in my life. She died when I was 24, she was 27. Her zest for life, passion for work, creativity, determination, grace, humour, compassion, generosity and capacity to love despite the challenges of her life limiting illness continues to inspire me and inform my life choices. When it comes to women's health, I love that counsellin...g...can help with healing our deep emotional scars tucked away in our subconscious. We can be quick to treat and nurture our physical injuries but often overlook the emotional hurts we accumulate throughout our lives. As carers women often place their own well-being last, ensuring those in their inner circle are attended to first. What I witness in my work is, when women attend to their emotional well-being it has a positive flow on effect in all areas of their life. If you could go back, you would tell your 12 year old self...women's health is complex. That we are responsible for making informed choices about our health and wellbeing, to research widely and consider our options and trust we know what’s best for us. I would tell her she will uncover a strength, resilience and capacity to heal that will continue to improve with age and deep awareness. I love working with the team of women at Rebalance because....before joining the clinic as a counsellor, Rebalance was part of my wellbeing support team. I knew their principles, practices and philosophies aligned with mine. I love the symbiotic nature of our work together aligning the physical and emotional, body and mind in our provision of health care. My top 3 health tips for women.... Remember you are the expert in your life experiences, tune in to how you are feeling physically and emotionally. Surround yourself with an amazing support team, connect with practitioners and people who resonate with your core beliefs, values and health goals. Don’t underestimate the importance of connection, it's fundamental to our wellbeing along with nutrition, exercise, self care, laughter and sleep. #womenshealthweek2020 #counsellingwarrnambool

09.01.2022 Think these little eyes say more about Dads than any words could say today. Happiest of Fathers days to you all.

09.01.2022 August 1st-7th 2020 marks World Breastfeeding Week. So how does Osteopathy fit into the breastfeeding paradigm? Working alongside midwives, GPs, paediatricians, maternal child health nurses, and lactation consultants, osteopaths can play a really important role in facilitating feeding in the postnatal period whether that's breastfeeding, mixed feeding and/or bottle feeding. We support mums, babies, and families in their postnatal journeys however they arrive and traverse rite of passage. Osteopaths with additional training in paediatrics (that's Haylee and Kelly at Rebalance) can provide an osteopathic perspective on positioning and attachment. We can assess and treat mothers to help them feel more comfortable whilst feeding (ie help resolve back and neck pain, improve comfort with sitting) and provide a space to help nurture mum's nervous system (the hormones of breastfeeding are driven by the brain). We can offer advice to help with emotional support if the pregnancy, the birth and/or the postnatal period is challenging. We can offer support to the newborn in the way of assessment of birth strains in the baby's body, and looking at the presence and impact of tongue tie and torticollis. And then we put that all together (a mother-infant dyad) to help the mum and baby to feel at home in their bodies and at home with their bodies together. #giveosteoago #worldbreastfeedingweek2020 See more

08.01.2022 Women's Health Week 2020...with Rebalance Osteo Nadine McNamara... The most inspiring woman in my mother, Tracey Tann. She is resilient, honest, independent and community minded. I admire her ability to approach every challenge she faces with a positive and open mindset allowing her to find solutions. When it comes to women's health, I love that osteopathy....acknowledges that the female body is unique and has diverse health needs that change throughout various st...ages of life. If you could go back in time, you would tell your twelve year old self...your body will change, and that is normal. Pokémon (90's kid here) evolve to become mature and stronger versions of themselves depending on their environment, as do humans. Learning how to embrace these changes will be the challenge I love working with the team of women at Rebalance because....we all have a mutual understanding and respect for each other. The variety of personalities, individual strengths and experiences leads to stimulating conversations that challenge my thought processes, promoting personal and professional growth. It’s the ambitious, humble and supportive nature of these women that shape the Rebalance work culture. Nadine's top 3 health tips for women....1. Enjoy exercise. You don’t have to have a rigid work-out schedule, trial different forms of exercise, and then do what you like; remember what you want to do each day may vary, listen to your body. 2. Take time out for you. Whether it’s to meditate, read, stretch, listen to music whatever it is, allocate time each week for you. 3. Educate yourself about Women’s Health. This could be by reading, podcasts or talking to health professionals. Haylee gifted me a book called Period Power this year, frankly my family and friends are sick of me talking about it, but I believe it’s a great place to start. #womenshealthweek2020 #womenshealthosteopathy #osteopathywarrnambool #periodpower

08.01.2022 Next up in our lockdown 4.0 Q&A is Osteopath, Kerry King. When it comes to all things health, Kerry's knowledge base is phenomenal to say the least. She is wise beyond her years and balances her time between working at Rebalance and working alongside her husband Shaun at their own local entity Royal Bikes. Read on to find out more about what makes Kerry tick....

08.01.2022 September 7th-11th marks Women's Health Week 2020. This week we'll dig deep into the challenges women face when it comes to health and we'll celebrate the female anatomy in all it's glory. #womenshealthweek2020

08.01.2022 Hiya, it’s time for a brief pause again. In accordance with Stage 4 restrictions, we’ve been directed to shut our doors for what will hopefully be a brief five day stint here in Victoria. If you have an appointment with us scheduled for Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week you will be hearing from us first thing tomorrow morning to reschedule. We thank you for your patience and understanding. Stay home, stay safe and we look forward to opening our doors again very soon. From the Rebalance crew.

07.01.2022 Bones. Many years ago when I’d tell someone I was an osteopath, I’d often get the response ‘is that bones?’ To which I would reply ‘well no not reallyit’s more than bonesyadayadaya’ But let’s talk about bones and how they fit into the realm of musculoskeletal medicine. If a bone fractures, we immobilise it and wait for it to heal. If we get a big knock to a bone and the x-ray reveals no fracture, we celebrate and get back on with things. But what if the broken bone has h...ealed in a less than optimal position, or if it’s blood supply wasn’t greatis the immobilisation going to be enough to get that bone back to how we need it to function? And what about the bone that didn’t breakwhere has all that force gone? Often it’s still sitting there, right smack bang in the bone and the absence of a fracture means that the impact was not able to escape. Intraosseous strains are strains that exist within bone. Yes bone is a hard structure but some bones can feel and act harder than othersa bone of the skull that has had numerous knocks or concussions, a bone of the pelvis that has birthed many babies or a bone in the foot that has been tweaked in an awkward fall. Osteopaths can feel strains within bones and can direct treatment to help the bone and the surrounding tissues rebalance to their fullest capacity. I don’t know many other practitioners who focus or check the bones, but we need to remember that the soft tissues of the body hang from the bones and sometimes that tight muscle or knotted neck won’t release until we pay attention to the bone it’s attached to. #rebalanceosteopathy #rebalancethebone See more

05.01.2022 A big warm welcome to our newest administrative team member Meagan. A Warrnambool girl, Meagan learned first-hand the wonders of Osteopathy when she visited us during her school years- she was so inspired she’s now studying to become an Osteopath herself. Welcome aboard Meagan.

05.01.2022 In the true spirit of National Pain Week, let's talk about one of our leading ladies, Osteo Nadine McNamara. Four weeks ago this evening, I got a call from Nadine. She said very calmly, 'I think I've just snapped my achilles.' And snap it she did - a scan confirmed a full rupture and Nadine underwent surgery and has been on the rehab bandwagon since. Interestingly, whether it's an achilles or a ligament, if there are no tissue fibres still intact (ie a full rupture)...our... pain is sometimes not as high as if there are fibres still adhering together (add in a natural adrenaline high induced with the shock of the event and one can partly understand how calm this young lady was). Hence we can't always rely on pain levels as accurate determinants of underlying injury. Investigate we must. On a side note, you might be seeing and talking to Nadine a little more at Rebalance as she has moved into a leading Administrative role with us...and yes, we are all looking forward to her returning in a treating capacity very soon! See more

05.01.2022 Head on over to between JUNE 17 - 23 and just enter the code REBAL483695 to get 25% off including my personal faves, the Vivobarefoots. About a month ago, my three kids and I were walking down the street and someone across the road yelled out 'G'day Haylee, gee I like your kids shoes!' Very observant I thought from that distance, and given this was in the era of social distancing, the conversation across the street continued as I yelled back 'Thanks mat...e, they're Vivobarefoots, the kids love them!' And they really do. They're wide at the forefoot (that's across the toes) so the entire foot really is free to move during the gait cycle. And this promotes activation and strength of all those tiny muscles of the foot. Treat yourself or your kids. And before you know it you too might be telling tales of street stopping conversations about footwear. See more

02.01.2022 Women's Health Week anatomy 101. Check out the psoas muscle's trek through the pelvis of a woman (it's the big hip flexor muscle seen here on either side of the front of the spine). It glides seamlessly (we hope) around the ovary of the same side as it heads south to attach to the inside of the thigh bone, the femur. Then there is the broad ligament; a connective tissue sheath that is essentially the floor above the pelvic floor - our first level perhaps. It drapes across... the uterus, the bladder, the fallopian tubes and ovaries like a drop sheet and is continuous with the peritoneum, the connective tissue of the abdomen above. Our anatomy teaches us that nothing sits or functions in isolation (except for the human race during the year 2020). The pelvis is inexplicably linked to the abdomen, the muscles wrap themselves around the organs and the connective tissues weave in and out of all our tissues carrying our blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves. #womenshealthweek2020 #wondersdownunder See more

02.01.2022 Jump online or give us a call on 5562 3757 to book an appointment with our Myotherapist Hayden!!

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