Rebecca Richards in Greendale, Victoria, Australia | Alternative & holistic health service
Rebecca Richards
Locality: Greendale, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 414 863 335
Address: Hastings Road 3341 Greendale, VIC, Australia
Likes: 854
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24.01.2022 What......a......year!!! // // To be honest, one I would never want to experience again but in the same breath grateful for its teachings. What has effected me the most is restrictions. I’ve never been one for rules, ask my parents, so being dictated to is not something I handle well. I love being led by strong courageous leaders not someone saying do as I say, not as I do! Again, ask my parents and high school teachers. //... // I value freedom, choice, difference, openness, variety, travel, connection, touch, expansion and flow. This year has shone a light on this and it’s become even more clear for me. Moving into my future I want more of this! It’s my responsibility to create this for myself. No more doing what others want but more of what I want. // // I understand that not everyone has the same values as me. Some people value rules, tradition, routine, guidelines, being told what to do and colouring within the lines. And that is ok! We are all different and that is where most conflict comes in, a disrespect of difference. Whether that difference be customs, race, religion, beliefs or values. What we need more in these times is tolerance and respect for differences. // // A tree doesn’t compare itself to another, it just is and given the right environment will thrive. It will live to its full potential. Rebecca xx See more
24.01.2022 Plant loading ~ this smoothie has 7 plants in the one drink. Great for gut microbiome diversity. It’s quick, easy, filling and delicious. 1 = raspberries 2 = strawberries 3 = mint 4 = hemp seeds... 5 = banana 6 & 7 = almond / coconut mylk My weekly aim is 40 different plants. Diversity is the key Can you spot the little boy? Happy Tuesday everyone, Rebecca xx See more
24.01.2022 The beautiful Kirsti The Beauty LOFT mind, yoga and soul is a stockist in Bacchus Marsh of my Elemental Healing range. These products are creating some incredible working relationships that I’m loving. Next year is seeing a big shift in business for me to move more into the range and supporting people in a new way!
22.01.2022 Spring Newsletter will be delivered to my subscriber list at 5:15pm today! If you’re not on the list, you can head to my website and sign up! It’s free and I will not send you spam just interesting, positive, self care tips. Remember there’s a free meditation you can download attached as a gift from me to you to support you in these challenging times. Rebecca xx
22.01.2022 Mentorship Program ~ the dates for the 2021 Mentorship Program have been released and can be found over at my website under Elemental Healing 7 Month Mentorship Program. This is a group program and has space for 8 participants only. // // In this image there are some beautiful words from one of the women that attended one of the programs. This journey is a highlight of my year, to be alongside such open, ready and rising people who want to own themselves, their potential a...nd their power. // // There is currently an Early Bird special available where you save a huge $300 if you book and pay a deposit before mid December. This program begins in January, what a wonderful way to start a new fresh year!! Rebecca xx See more
21.01.2022 Space cleaning products available ~ I’m a stockist for Resonant Aromatics and I’ve just refilled my shelves. From natural resins to Palo Santo to brass burners to charcoal to mica plates to frankincense resin. I’ve got it all available and can post it out to you for an additional $10 wide. // // Rebecca xx
20.01.2022 2021 Mentorship Program starts in January! One month left for the early bird special to save a huge $300! All information is over on my website. Rebecca xx
20.01.2022 Check out the size of this cabbage from our veggie patch! Organic + homegrown + straight from Mother Earth. Rebecca xx
20.01.2022 Lemurian Root Key ~ This crystal is a favourite amongst client sessions at the moment. I always consider the crystal’s known properties when working with them but also allow the crystal’s energy to let me know what it’s specific task is. // // It has been testing up with clients to add this crystal over a chakra to clear and activate the chakra to a new higher frequency. Next week, 21st December, is a significant day of activation all over the planet. We have an opportunity anchor in a new energy all over the earth. This crystal has been supporting this with clients. // // It’s time to step out of the matrix and into a new dawn. To anchor in love, peace and unity. I have been letting clients know the best way to do this is grounding meditation. It doesn’t have to be some profound activity, just meditation. Who’s ready for the shift next week!? I am! Rebecca xx See more
18.01.2022 Studio views this evening ~ today I spent hours cleaning, vacuuming, smudging with resin Paradigm Shift by @resonantaromatics (in which I stock here at my studio), emptying the fire box and filling the wood box and kindling box. So satisfying and the extra bonus is I feel my cells regenerate by just being in this space! Happy Sunday! Rebecca xx
18.01.2022 KODA ~ our new little fur mate is settling in well. We’ve spent some much enjoyed time down the coast at my parents. Beach walks, cafe lunch and Main Street walks have been on the itinerary. Giving Koda lots of different experiences so he is desensitised to other dogs, cars, little kids and street traffic, all the things he’s not used to living in the bush. // // I’m so grateful to have this freedom. To be able to drive to where I want and see loved ones. I pray for all our ...freedom to be reinstated soon. I’m sending my fellow Victorians love that are still in metro where your freedoms have been extremely restricted. // // Rebecca xx See more
16.01.2022 Perfect Christmas pressie combo! These products are from my mums range she hand crafts ~ Jewell from nature // // Yesterday I gifted these to a friend for her birthday, this morning she messaged me saying she just had the best sleep she’s had in months. Pure plant extracts woven into alchemical body and home products. I sell mums full range in my studio @elemental_healing_studio and can pop anything in the post or your letterbox if you’re local. You can also check out mums range at The best gifts. Rebecca xx
16.01.2022 Nourishment ~ this soup was made in 25 minutes in my #thermomix and tastes delicious. I had an excess of zucchini from my organic co-op order and wanted to use them up. Plus I was hungry. // // 1 x onion sautéed 1200mls of rain water... 4 x zucchini 1 x carrot Curry powder, vegetable stock to taste. Cook for 20mins and blend. Serve topped with micro greens and hemp seeds. // // I know I bang on about plant loading but it’s one of the top ways to stay healthy and have a good gut microbiome. Good healthy gut microbiome = healthy brain + low inflammation + great energy + healthy colon + strong immune system. I am not vegetarian nor am I vegan but I do eat loads of different plants. // // Sprouts, micro greens, seeds and nuts, sea vegetables like dulse and arame are a great way to plant load your meals. Rebecca xx #letthyfoodbethymedicine See more
16.01.2022 World View ~ With our lives being turned upside down this year as a society, nation, world, the shift in our world view has been the number one thing I have been working with with clients. I have been supporting the client feel stable and calm in the processing of the perceptual shift in the client. Supporting the client while they digest, assimilate and process what has gone on in their lives this year with the pandemic. // // Our world view can go through a major transit...ion and upgrade at times of trauma like losing a loved one or major change like moving place, becoming a mother/parent for the first time or one I work with a lot ~ children transitioning into young adults (13-16 year olds in particular) and women transitioning through peri-menopause. // // When we are struggling with a world view perceptual change it feels overwhelming and you can feel very out of balance. This year I have seen people struggling with this for many reasons: financial changes and struggle, huge upset in routine like working from home and/or homeschooling, relationship changes - people you thought are similar to you actually view the world very differently and the number 1 thing has been a complete loss of faith in the powers at be, mostly the governments. Where people have never questioned anything are now questioning everything. // // I have witnessed and have had so much feedback from clients that once this has been supported in them they feel so much better, able to truely see what’s going on without feeling as triggered. // // World view support is wonderfully worked through with Kinesiology. We have some incredible tools and by connecting in with the clients body via biofeedback we are able to find exactly what the body needs as the catalyst for change. Is it time you booked in with your Kinesiologist? Big hugs everyone, Rebecca xx See more
14.01.2022 Today started like this.....and because of that, the day ended well. I fueled my body with great food today, a total of 19 plants + eggs + a small amount of meat. This breakfast was 2 scrambled eggs from our hens, broccoli from our organic co-op and kale from the garden. A sprinkle of hemp seeds and a lashing of Meredith goats cheese. Good fats, protein and complex carbs. A wonderful balance for my body. // // How I start the day becomes a platform for how it ends too. I’ve ...been working 7 days at the moment in my businesses ( today alone I worked 9.5 hours) and to be honest I’d fallen off the wagon of good nutrition. When I do this my gut suffers badly. So today I tuned back into my body and asked it what it wanted and needed and I feel so much better for it. // // I have never been on a diet my whole life but I do eat intuitively. It takes nutrition out of the head and becomes more holistic. It’s more sustainable too. Tune into your body tomorrow and ask it what is wants and needs! Rebecca xx See more
13.01.2022 Studio views ~ this little mite is such a ball of energy!! It’ll be a while until he can assist me in the studio with clients. He often does a viewing after a client’s session to say g’day! He loves all humans especially kids, a box of tissues, lots of love and attention, underwear , feathers - the more rare the better and crystals! Rebecca xx
12.01.2022 Availability for tomorrow ~ Friday 18th at 1:30pm. Does your child or you need an end of year tune up, balance and re-set? This is the last day of clinic for 2020 with Rosie. Let me know if you want it.
11.01.2022 Studio Views ~ my final day in clinic with clients for 2020. Rebecca
11.01.2022 New product addition is being launched tomorrow! I’m so excited and in perfect time for Christmas!! Rebecca x
10.01.2022 Elemental Healing mists ~ I LOVE seeing the range at other peoples homes, clinics and sacred spaces. These beauties arrived at @botanical_goddess today and don’t they look beautiful!? // // @_elemental_healing_ @botanical_goddess ... @elemental_healing_studio See more
10.01.2022 Studio views ~ Is the life you’re living, the life that wants to live in you? This is a question I ask my clients and Mentorship participants when we explore the Wood element & Spring. We are currently in the Wood element and when we question our lives, who we are and where we are going, this time of year is normally where this takes place. This is natural. Spring whispers this to our soul, to evaluate and consider how we want the following 12 months to look. // // This year... has been incredibly difficult. As a therapist of 20 years, I have been deeply saddened to see so many people of all ages feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed and helpless. I’ve never seen anything like it at this level. As I know most people are just trying to place one foot in front of the other, while some people are going quite well, I urge you over the next week while we are still in Spring to ask your deeper self, if anything were possible how would I be living!? Is the life I’m living, the life that wants to live in me? When you find your answer just allow it to sit in your heart and minds eye. By having a different vision for ourselves allows the universe, God, spirit, to meet us in that. // // Have a beautiful day, Rebecca xx See more
09.01.2022 The Mentorship Program starts in 3 months and the early bird special means you save $300 if you register by mid December. // // Commit to you, to your own emotional, spiritual and physical health and wellbeing. Learn how to body test, tune into you and be in more awareness and alignment with who you are and what brings you joy. //... // For more details head to my website and look under Offerings and then Elemental Healing 7 Month Mentorship Program. // // Rebecca xx See more
09.01.2022 Studio views ~ The magic in this space today has been potent. I love what my work has evolved into. It’s taken such determination and courage to let go of the old paradigm of how a Kinesiologist is supposed to work and hold space. I now set the rules on how my spirit wants to serve the world. // // My work is not defined as only Kinesiology but Kinesiology is now a part of my toolkit of offerings as I hold space in my 1:1 work. Kinesiology is an incredibly powerful tool, now... the most popular here in Australia within the world of natural therapy, and I’m honoured and humbled by the Kinesiology ancestors of this work to rewrite a new path of how to hold space as a Kinesiologist. // // In my 1:1 work today I saw one beautiful woman for a Soul Alignment Session which is a 2.5 hour session including meditation, Elemental Healing, Music of the Plants , soul goal setting, oracle card awareness and body work ~ Kinesiology, crystal healing, aromatherapy, reiki, sound healing. And the second beautiful soul is a woman I am private Mentoring for the next 7 months. It includes all the above + you learn how to work on yourself and body test. // // My work has gone from seeing hundreds of clients a year to a few tens of clients. I love it. Rebecca xx See more
09.01.2022 20 years ~ I have just crossed over the line to being a registered,qualified Kinesiologist for 2 decades. I’ve been qualified since September 2000. // // I have watched the industry shift and change over the years. Kinesiology used to be a very unheard of, unusual and believe it or not, very uncool, natural therapy and has now become one of the fastest growing natural therapies in Australia. Kinesiology, meaning study of movement, uses muscle testing to find energy imbalance...s in the bodies meridian system. Muscle testing is a biofeedback mechanism. Where there are energy blocks in the meridian system it has a flow on effect to the bodies organs and systems. Kinesiology uses muscle testing to find the remedy the body needs and wants to reinstate equilibrium and balance. // // Being within an industry for such a long time I have witnessed people come and go. Two pieces of advice I offer new therapists in my mentoring sessions is: 1 ~ Make sure you get a qualification and become registered with one of the two Australian associations. This is vital for industry integrity. 2 ~ Consistency. Show up, do the work day after day, week after week, year after year. // // Unfortunately there is so much I want now in the world and fast track courses and businesses! To become a strong, reputable business person, not just qualified therapist, embodiment of the work is vital. It’s so easy to look amazing on the surface, social media, websites etc, but to have the work move through you takes time and commitment. // // I had a potential client comment this week at how expensive my service was, and I said yes I am. When you work with me you get 20 years of education, experience, embodiment, commitment, showing up and leading in this industry......I’m not a martyr, I am a business woman, business owner, qualified therapist and I am not giving that away. So happy 20 years to me. Happy weekend everyone, Rebecca xx See more
09.01.2022 I see you // // I see that you’re struggling. That day by day as restrictions stay in place, where you can’t reach out and touch your friends and family, to connect like our natural instincts want to, need to. I see that you’ve become everything to the people in your household and them everything to you. That our natural need is to be apart of our community, our tribe our village, and that has rules how we do that. No touching, no smiling, no standing around and talking and more than one other household at a time. // // I see you. // // In all my time working as a therapist, 20 years, I have never witnessed such depression, anxiety and loss of hope as I am now with my clients. This situation has become a mass community trauma that will be felt for years. It will be etched in our community consciousness for years. Isolation, loneliness, lack of support, fear, anger and confusion ~ like a cloud hovering. A community depression. // // I see you. I want you to know you are not alone. Please reach out to me, to family, to a therapist, a neighbour, your partner, a friend, your kids school, lifeline, beyond blue, a Dr. You’re not alone. Rebecca xx My glorious garden this morning in all it’s spring beauty. See more
09.01.2022 1:1 sessions with myself or Rosie will require a 50% deposit on booking. // // I have been collecting a 50% deposit since beginning my Soul Alignment Sessions just over a year ago and it has worked beautifully. I have held off on doing this for Kinesiology sessions but this past week myself and Rosie had 2 clients just not show up. I always send a reminder the day before so not showing up is unacceptable. If this happens in the future the 50% deposit will be kept and the cli...ent can go elsewhere for the support and care. // // We take our business, time, energy and effort seriously. We have worked hard to run our businesses and we value holding space for our beautiful community. Thank you for your understanding. Rebecca xx See more
09.01.2022 Up level ~ I have changed the glass mist bottle for my range. I currently have both the frosted glass bottle and the amber bottle for sale on my website. June 2021 the amber bottle will be fazed out completely. // // I’ve tried and tested many glass mist bottles this year and this one is by far the best. I wanted a bottle that I felt 100% happy with. The feel, quality and function of this bottle is in alignment with the range and I’m feeling really proud of how they look and... feel. // // The new mists are $33 each. They are a wonderful Christmas gift. EH + Rebecca xx See more
08.01.2022 Post podcast interview glow! Thank you @ilanak.kinesiology for having me on your podcast today! I’ll be sure to let everyone know when it’s available to listen to! Rebecca xx
07.01.2022 Feeling grateful for the simple things. Fresh eggs from our happy girls are one of them. My favourite are the blue eggs from our grey araucana hen. She was rescued by us about 5 years ago and now she’s living her best life! She only lays sometimes but seeing her beautiful blue eggs are always a delight. Rebecca xx
07.01.2022 And that is a wrap ~ I’m officially on holidays! What a year this has been. I am in need of a break from holding space for my clients. I use my time off to release and shake off all the stories, trauma, heartache, anxiety and fear I hear within my work day. I decompress from holding space for my Mentorship participants, either via group or private, and focus completely on myself and my family. // // I’m so grateful to all my clients and customers of my products. Thank you I’ll still be posting orders of my range up until Monday the 21st so if you want something be sure to place your orders ASAP. Ahhhhh out breath. Rebecca xx
05.01.2022 This To all those women out there that need some hormonal support! This post is on point
05.01.2022 10% off in the entire shop when you enter the code RRTRIBE10% at check out + I will upgrade your postage to express post as my gift to you! EH + Rebecca xx
04.01.2022 Below is my Spring Newsletter. A quarterly newsletter is sent out every season. If you love reading this newsletter jump over to my website and subscribe. Grab a cuppa and have a read XX PS ~ There’s a free meditation attached
03.01.2022 They have arrived!!! Soy wax essential oil candles! // // It’s taken me about 18 months to go from the idea through to the birthing of this addition. I LOVE candles and I wanted to bring the Elemental Healing range to you via another ritual tool alongside the mists. //... // The candles are hand poured by my mum in Ocean Grove. I couldn’t go past her expertise and knowledge in the area of hand poured candles and essential oils. I have captured the energy of each Elemental by infusing clear quartz crystals with the vibrational essence of each Element. This is done in my healing studio over weeks. Then the crystals are intentionally placed into the candle. // // Essential oils are not often used in soy wax candles as they are an expensive ingredient but I just couldn’t go past them. The vibrational energy of clean ingredients is my focus in all my work and my range. The smell of the lit candle is subtle, cleansing and deeply healing. Each candle has a particular focus depending on the Element. // // To celebrate the launch of the candles please enter the code RRTRIBE10% to receive 10% off your purchase......and the savings don’t stop there, I will automatically upgrade your order to express post so you have it in your hands in days! The candles are for sale over in SHOP on my website // // EH + Rebecca xx See more
02.01.2022 Gateway ~ Over the past 20 years of working intimately with women in private practice, I have witnessed a spiritual gateway open for women as they reach around 38-43 years of age. There is an opportunity for these women to either become solid in their beliefs, upbringing, conditioning and limitations OR to become free of them and re-write their own story for the second half of their life. // // Of late I’ve realised it’s a gateway that opens in correspondence with hormonal s...hifts as the door to peri menopause opens. What a deeply powerful time it is. This age group of women has been the vast majority of women I work with over the past 10 years. // // Women are given this incredible gift called their mensural cycle. As we come in our bleeding cycle as teenagers a gateway opens for a few years. It’s challenging, confusing, powerful and an initiation into womanhood. It’s important our mothers hold space for us in strength and love as this initiation is grounded in the young woman’s body. A map of how we relate to our mothers and women, is laid out in these vital years. As women approach 38-43 and the hormonal scales start to shift as peri menopause begins oh so gently and sometimes like a sledgehammer, another initiation begins into the wise woman. It is challenging, confusing and powerful. Once again how space is held for us by the people in our inner circle is vital. // // What has been buried, hidden and suppressed comes to the surface to be examined and processed. It’s an incredible time to choose a practitioner, guide, mentor to support you through this gateway. To support you in shedding the aspects of the self you want to release as you step into the second half of your life. Choosing someone whom has been through this themselves is important as the information they hold is not just from the intellect and intuition but an embodiment of the experience. // // Time is ticking by every moment, life is busy but I urge you to create some space for yourself to examine how you want to live out the last half of your life! Rebecca xx My garden at sunrise today xx See more
02.01.2022 Happy 14th birthday to this gorgeous girl. We hope you’ve had an incredible day, weekend, with all those that love you so much!! You are such a great kid! We hope you love your new renovated bedroom. Love you lady bird Mum xxx
01.01.2022 Cleansing ~ my home needs it today. Today I’m using frankincense and sandalwood and my Clear mist from my range Elemental Healing. // // With the full moon vibes, new cycle energy for the women of the house and a lot of processing and releasing happening for me, I felt it was time to shift the energy of my home. //... // I am physically cleaning the house, washing sheets etc and I love to cleanse the home spiritually and energetically too along side it. You know when you walk into a room and it feels light, airy and calm!? You know how it feels to walk into a room when it feels stagnant and lower vibe!? If you’re feeling the latter in your home, it’s time for a cleanse! // // When the home’s energy is cleansed the space supports and holds the family. This often comes up in clinic for a client to cleanse their home when they get home from their session with me. If the home’s energy is out of balance, the session with me won’t be as powerful as the homes energy will go against the clients energy alignment. // // If you read my latest Spring Newsletter I talked in depth about how to do this......Rebecca xx See more
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