Rebound Remedial Massage in Ipswich, Queensland | Local business
Rebound Remedial Massage
Locality: Ipswich, Queensland
Phone: +61 466 902 249
Address: 5 Gray Street 4305 Ipswich, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Theres no crutches, casts, scars or obvious tell tale signs. Chronic pain is often dismissed because it isnt visible to the naked eye. Its very real, and more common than most would realise.
24.01.2022 The on again off again back ache! Ever get a nagging ache across your mid - lower back that comes and goes and you can never put your finger (or a lacrosse ball) on it? Or worse yet - the pain seems to shoot around your ribs into your chest! This lil rascal is meant to help pull down the lower ribs to help with forceful exhalation when your blowing out the cobwebs, but it also acts as a back extensor, rotator and stabiliser. In sports that require explosive extension (,weightlifitng, gymnastics etc...) this muscle can get wound up and tense resulting in that uncomfortable ache. If the tension is too high in can cause resistance to the ribs elevating and irritate the costal facet where the ribs join the spine - often causing the referred pain into the front of the chest. This muscle very plays up on its own and can often be effected by changes above and below - as it crosses over the spine where your curves change its ability to function effectively can be compromised indirectly. When its happy and doing its thing its actually really helpful with most things that we do. #backpain #remedialmassage #mobility #triggerpoint #manualtherapy #reboundrmt
24.01.2022 Seeing a spike in scalene related problems of late for a few reasons. 1- Changes in desk set up as most workers are now working from the home. As resilient as the body is, sometimes it hits some speed bumps during the adjustment phase. Especially when you throw some stress & uncertainty in the mix! 2- Asthmatics generally struggle as the temperature starts to drop. Your scalenes help elevate the ribs to assist in respiration and can sometimes become tight from the spike in l...oad just like any other muscle. I generally see a spike off the back of the common cold as clients tend to tighten up in the diaphragm due to coughing and switch to upper respiratory breathing to assist. But thanks to social distancing Im predicting a decrease in those presentations this year. Stay healthy!
24.01.2022 #Repost from @justflysports with ... The grind is toxic Tony Holler... As Edward Yu says, trying harder and grinding more when we arent getting results is like pressing down the gas pedal when our engine is overheating. I understand the need to training volume and work capacity, absolutely. I also believe appropriate hard work can even be a catalyst into digging into deeper layers of ourselves. What I would disagree with is the we arent doing enough mentality. In most cases, we just need to slow down and gain a deeper connection with our body and how we move before we just need onto pile on volume and grind more. #acceleration #sprinting #sprint #tracknation #track #100m #sportsperformance #biomechanics #motorlearning #foottraining #40yarddashtraining #combinetraining #athleticperformance #athlete #tracklife #strengthandconditioning #speedtraining #periodization #fitness #jumptraining #functionaltraining #sportpsychology #philosophy #athletics
22.01.2022 Perfect way to sign off from a big week!
19.01.2022 Current Nerd impulse buy..... Heavy reading but loaded with golden nuggets. Learning never ceases.
16.01.2022 ***Endo Research*** We need your help if you are surgically diagnosed with endometriosis, 18+ and have endo-related with experience with the Australian System. Researchers at Deakin University and The Cairnmillar Institute want to understand your experiences of the Australian healthcare system regarding endometriosis, your use of complementary and alternative medicines for endometriosis (if any), and how/where you get endometriosis information. This is a 25-min online survey. There will be textboxes for you to write your (anonymous) responses in. There are no wrong answers we want to hear about your experiences. If you have been diagnosed via laparoscopy, are 18+, and have endometriosis-related experience with the Australian healthcare system, then we would greatly appreciate it if you considered participating. Thank you very much! This is a 25-min online survey. There will be text boxes for you to write your (anonymous) responses in. There are no wrong answers we want to hear about your experiences.
16.01.2022 Boulders for Shoulders! The Deltoid is one hardworking beast. When it comes to shoulder health you often hear about the "Rotator cuff" which helps keep the ball on the tee(socket).... If your deltoid is stiff the workload on the rotator cuff increases to overcome the resistance in the tissue which can lead to decreased efficiency and problems down the track. Wrapping from the front to the back of the shoulder the deltoids are used in almost every shoulder movement. To ensure the body receives plenty of information to co-ordinate complex tasks in partnership with surrounding musculature, its has several segments of nerve innervation spread across it. No wonder the shoulder is one of the trickiest areas of the body to rehabilitate and develop. Keeping the soft tissue structures healthy not only allows for rehab to steadily progress, it permits better function with less compensation. Tight muscles are like anchors that require more effort to control.
10.01.2022 Next weeks availability.
07.01.2022 What an athlete!
05.01.2022 Keep the bend - Avoid the snap! Sat - 10am & 4pm still available!
05.01.2022 Everybody needs a bit of help from time to time. #Repost from @qldpolice with ... Hows this for a turtle-y awesome rescue story? Officers on Ringurring (Sweers Island) in the gulf recently helped an adult green turtle who was stuck on his back. ... #qps #qldpolice #queenslandpoloce #flippingawesome #animalrescue See more
04.01.2022 #Repost from @dr.andychen with ... This is a fantastic quote from Buddy Morris, training effects take time. .... Using pain as a litmus test as to whether or not youre prepared for your activity is a sure-fire to end up back in the context of "rehab". This is the boom and bust of the fitness industry. Developing a better understanding of stress and how the body adapts to it will help yield better results. . Cardiovascular changes can be achieved in 3-4 weeks, neuromuscular changes occur in 4-6 weeks, and musculoskeletal changes occur in 6-8 weeks. Why is this important? If youre a runner that never resistance trains then eventually your bodys ability to handle the stress of running will hit a plateau because your cardiovascular system adapts quicker than the musculoskeletal. . Likewise certain adaptations last longer than others. Aerobic and maximum strength tend to last for almost four weeks from the last exposure while max velocity is lost after four days. This is one of the criticisms of classical periodization schemes where a particular quality is build each month. . If youre on a strength block then youll lose your previous exposures to speed and vice versa. These are some of the important concepts to take into consideration when structuring your training. Does your program account for how different systems and qualities adapt? See more
04.01.2022 Cruising into the weekend like......
03.01.2022 Feeling tense and sore from hitting the gym again? A few last minute appointments have become available. Thursday - 12pm Friday - 2:15pm ... Winners are grinners - get in quick! #remedialmassage #sportsmassage #deeptissue #selfcare #pain #worklife #ipswich #reboundrmt
02.01.2022 I cant believe its not Achilles Tendinopathy!! Located deep in the calf musculature and causes intense pain and burning in the Achilles tendon region and often spreads to the calf, the heel, and over the entire surface of the sole of the foot (including the bottom of the toes!) TIBIALIS POSTERIOR... With a primary role of providing stability to the foot and ankle - this hidden a**hole can become extremely cranky if exposed to a sudden spike in demand or if it is left to do excessive work for a prolonged period of time! Given the location of the referred pain it is easy to make the assumption of a tendinopathy (and I see plenty of them) but sometimes the presentation (What you Say - what I observe) just doesnt match the pathology and thats where keeping an open mind alongside sound reasoning can make for a faster recovery - You have to do the work regardless.......may as well be on the thing that matters.
02.01.2022 Cant wait to see what Renee has in the pipeline.....
01.01.2022 Prevention permits opportunity. Today - 3pm Friday - 3:45pm
01.01.2022 Headaches - Shoulder pain - Stiff necks The traps are the king of compensation. Taking up the slack for stiff backs, dodgey shoulders and overall poor movement and posture. It can also be an absolute powerhouse and make life easier if you treat it right. ... Unhappy traps rarely occur in isolation but is hands down the biggest presentation we see. Calming them down is the easy part, getting everything to function well in unison is where art and hard work kick in.