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24.01.2022 Hot take on the take, if you thought you could ever get sick of COVID writing, think again with this essay by previous recess contributor Sally Olds

21.01.2022 a new review of Nunzio Madden's Bush Doof in Un Extended by Alice Watson ! this work played as part of a series on with ACE Open (SA).

20.01.2022 A Space of In-Betweeness by Georgia Button with text by Kate Meakin 29 - 12 June... 'The family home becomes more a part of you than you are of it. Georgia’s family name Button feels apt for a work that seeks out touch. The camera lens glides and quivers, like a waking eye struggling to register its point of focus, like a mind reaching to grasp exactly what its body is trying to tell it.'

19.01.2022 A wonderful work: Ôdizm by Avni Dauti and Rebecca Vaughan is now screening online at until June 26. Part of ‘recess presents’ screening series for ACE Open. The video is accompanying text by Mike Gulliver. Six wonderful video works from artists represented by Warmun Art Centre is also online at until June 19 with text by Tristen Harwood: Don’t miss out a chance to view!

18.01.2022 Hero(es), 2019, by Aaron Claringbold and Rebecca McCauley, plays on with a poem by Neika Lehman for the next two weeks!

15.01.2022 3 July - 17 July 2020 A Pilot for a Show About Nowhere (2015) by Martine Syms With text by Aristilde Kirby A Pilot For A Show About Nowhere is a two-channel video that examines the politics of television viewership, incorporating footage from a number of sources to create a plurivocal narrative. ... It is a sitcom pilot, but does not resemble a conventional episode. Black sitcoms are central in their potential to undermine television conventions and spark unpredictable and radical impulses, but also in their role in the erasure of the struggles and realities of poor Black populations. Filmed reenactments of the artist’s life ground A Pilot For A Show About Nowhere in her experience, and a She Mad title card suggests a complete narrative. -Video Data Bank

15.01.2022 In June 2020, recess presented animations by 6 artists from the Warmun Art Centre, Gordan Barney, Betty Carrington, Mabel Juli, Lindsay Malay, Shirley Purdie and Mary Thomas on with ACE Open gallery. Now two artists and Elders from this Art Centre, Mabel Julie and Rusty Peters have had their country illegally exploded and extracted upon by Kimberley Granite Holdings (KGH). Please raise awareness of these illegal acts and sign the petition, raise awareness t...hrough the galleries and institutions that hold and profit from showing these artist’s work. Reposting from Garnkiny Not Granite: We need our laws and governments to respect Indigenous Country, Law and Human Rights now! WWW.GARNKINYNOTGRANITE.COM for more and how to act! Write to politicians, sign the petition, help get the word out through social media and talk about it with colleagues, friends and family. Link in our Bio. Follow on Instagram: @garnkinynotgranite. #garnkinynotgranite #Gijacountry #eastkimberley #warmunart SIGN the PETITION HERE: Kimberley Granite Holdings (KGH) illegally exploded and extracted black granite on Aboriginal Heritage Registered Site Jarawaren. KGH applied for consent and were denied but continued to excavate, permanently damaging culturally significant sites causing Traditional Owners great distress and anger. Two of Australia’s most senior and significant Aboriginal artists, Mabel Julie and Rusty Peters, paint about their country and its dreaming sites and tracks, burial places and sites of memory. Together let’s take immediate action and write to the four ministers responsible for deciding the fate of these highly significant and important cultural sites. Artworks pictured: Mabel Juli, Garnkiny Ngarrangkarni Collection Art Gallery of NSW Rusty Peters, Darrajayin Collection National Gallery of Australia; Eileen Bray, Boolongji McKenzie Spring Warmun Art Centre; Rusty Peters, Three Nyawana in Yariny country Collection National Gallery of Australia Courtesy @warmunart

14.01.2022 ‘Sweaty Scales’ (2019) plays on with ACE Open. 26th June - 10th July 2020. With a text by Kyle B. Johanson.

13.01.2022 Bush Doof (2019) by Nunzio Madden plays on with text by Sally Olds: 'Rave and rave culture have attracted the speculations and artistry of some of the best minds of our generation. Until now, the bush doof has not. Nunzio Madden’s work might be the first in a new canonsacrilegious, irreverent, provincialwhose forebears and parameters I attempt to sketch here.'

12.01.2022 Last 20 hours to watch all videos on , a collaboration with ACE Open(SA)! Works by: * Nunzio Madden * James Nguyen... * Aaron Claringbold and Rebecca McCauley * Georgia Button * Grace Herbert * Liang Luscombe * Avni Dauti & Rebecca Vaughan * Paul Maheke *Artists from Warmun Arts Centre * Martine Syms with texts by: Sally Olds, Soo-Min Shim, Neika Lehman, Kate Meakin, Kyle B. Johanason, Mike Gulliver, Tristen Harwood and Aristilde Kirby

11.01.2022 Artists represented by Warmun Art Centre: Gordan Barney, Betty Carrington, Mabel Juli, Lindsay Malay, Shirley Purdie and Mary Thomas 5th - 19th June 2020 ... With text by Tristen Harwood 'The suite of videos by Warmun artists Gordan Barney, Betty Carrington, Mabel Juli, Lindsay Malay, Shirley Purdie and Mary Thomas present digitally animated paintings accompanied by narration in each painters’ voice. These lively paintings follow from the regional tradition of narrative painting, which evolved out of the Gurirr Gurirr ceremony developed by Rover Thomas.' Betty Carrington Garnking Marnem (2019) Digital video with sound, 2 mins 35 sec Betty Carrington/Copyright Agency, 2020 Bernadette Trench-Thiedeman (animator), Mark Coles Smith (sound design)

05.01.2022 PLANT Ruth Höflich 9 - 30 October, 2020... with Hex Debt by Melody Paloma now playing on

04.01.2022 Now that the journey is over, I don't want any trouble to begin By Grace Herbert View online now at from 19 June - 3 July With text by Miriam McGarry 'Grace Herbert’s work has often found points of puncture that reveal the inherent absurdity of broader systems, by drawing attention to moments where the cracks appear. The works don’t name capitalism, imperialism, or climate change (pick your interchangeable poison), but highlight the material and spatial ou...tcomes of these forces.' @g.herb ACE Open Image credit: Grace Herbert, Now that the journey is over, I don’t want any trouble to begin, 2019. Digital video with sound, 5 min 45 sec. Images courtesy of the artist Grace Herbert

03.01.2022 @.. @_ Live for the next two weeks is James Nguyen's Bánh Thn. Follow the link with text by Soo-Min Shim to follow originally made for Andy Butler’s ’ .

02.01.2022 Upcoming this Friday on 'Thoughts & Prayers' by Callum McGrath: 'Organised around two memorials, the Frankfurter Engel and Buchenwald Memorial to all Inmates, the project questions the sentiment of public memorials and the ongoing destabilisation of queer politics globally.'... This video will be launched with a text by Chelsea Hopper.

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