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25.01.2022 Yesterday sunset.... direct alignment between sun and moon ....result captured in an amazing orb.
23.01.2022 You may have been feeling s little emotional earlier in the week.
23.01.2022 The rainbow offers hope to our drought stricken land that has received no significant rain since December 2018.
22.01.2022 This is how to open your heart for your soulmate with tapping.
19.01.2022 Hold tight in March folks
18.01.2022 Use sound as medicine to clear the emotional blocks & thought patterns that keep showing up as health challenges. Start Here: Attend a Free Online Video Event with Healer, Teacher & Author Mona Delfino who will walk you through the power of sound as medicine and show you how to move into a space of true healing... to free yourself from even your most persistent health issues. Mona was born a Shaman, discerning her calling and helping people and animals heal from a very early age. Well-versed in spirituality, alchemy, and quantum healing, her deliberate and highly effective approach to using sound as medicine has helped thousands to heal Mona brings an entire new dimension to the growing field of sound healing she reads energy, and is known for helping you understand how to heal, connect, engage with yourself and the world around you as you become the healthy, vibrant person you’re meant to be. Learn more and register for Free here:
14.01.2022 All major planets in our Solar System are now travelling direct. This will change on February 17th when Mercury turns Retrograde. ... This means we are now in a rare portal of opportunity and possibility where we are capable of creating and manifesting whatever we choose to focus on. This is a magical chapter, so use this powerful cosmic flow to set transformational intentions, start new projects, break habits, make life-changing decisions and begin anew. We are in a period of amazing luck, good fortune, peace, harmony and alignment and a time when wishes can come true. Dream big and know that the Universe is supporting you.
12.01.2022 Happy boxing day
10.01.2022 What is Ascension So many of you are joyously looking forward to your Ascension, within your consciousness. But, just what is that meaning to you? From some, I hear they are anticipating no longer being held to a schedule, another, the freedom of abundance. To someone else, being with their Twin Flame....Continue reading
09.01.2022 3 Day Solar Storm - Active Tonight - Those Who Are Highly Sensitive To Electromagnetic Energies May Have Sensed This Energy Shift For The Past Two Days ... Solar storms temporarily disturb the Earth’s magnetosphere, as solar winds and flares interact with Earth’s electromagnetic fields. Humans are also affected because we each have a personal electromagnetic field that surrounds usan aura. Therefore, in the same way electromagnetic energy affects our planet, it can also play havoc with our own energy fields, which has recently been scientifically proven. Solar storms are known to desynchronise our circadian rhythm, which is the internal biological clock that controls our sleep and wake times. Affected by this electromagnetic activity, our pineal glands produce an increase in melatoninthus disturbing our sleep and throwing our intuition and inherent orientation out of sync. We suffer from disrupted sleep patterns, exhaustion, and vivid dreams. We may also have enhanced intuition and psychic awareness. Solar storms are also to directly impact our nervous system, causing us to feel extra edgy, cautious, and feisty, and as though we are running on adrenaline in fight or flight mode. Human beings have mostly been conditioned to believe that if we cannot see or touch something, it must not existwhen, in actuality, we are capable of seeing, sensing, hearing, and smelling so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We also need to take into account the things that do exist but are outside of our sensing range. However, if we are ultra sensitive to energy, we may be more affected by this energy (and absorb more of it) than those who aren’t. The effects of geomagnetic storms are often highly underestimated. When they occur, we can find ourselves spun out or agitated without having any clue as to why. We may also notice that our senses are on high alert, and that everything feels and sounds louder, brighter, stronger, and more vivid than before. Geomagnetic storms can feel volatile, and during this period, our minds and bodies can feel like they have temporarily shut down. However, when we have slowed down, we are in a far better position to receive energetic downloads and DNA activations that help our vibration shift to a higher dimension. This is similar to the ascension flu that occurs when someone is going through an intense awakening period and their body is transcending from a physical one to a light body. We are beings of light, made entirely up of energy. We only feel physical as we have been taught to believe that our world and universe is made up of physical entities, when it actually consists of highly vibrating energy. Everything that exists in the universe is made of energy that constantly vibrates, and moves in cycles, and the collective consciousness is one of the most impressive cycles to observe. Human thoughts, emotions, feelings, beliefs, values, and overall ideology are currently shifting at an incredibly fast speed. The intense energy surrounding Earth, mostly due to solar activity, is generating a shift toward a mass-awakening, whereby as a collective, we are becoming more consciously alert and aware of ourselves and others, as well as the positive and negative effects we have on the outer world. Major solar flares from the sun send off massive amounts of plasma and crystalline frequencies that reach our planet. This intense energy they carry is believed to reach our electromagnetic field and activate and shift our conscious awareness, and is powerful enough to lift us up to higher frequencies or dimensions. An insight into the dimensions: 3rd Dimension: In this dimension, the ego is in control. We exist in a material world, view things from a physical state, and see people as separate from others rather than unified. We suffer from feelings of lack. Social status, money, and career are valued higher than compassion and kindness. We rely only on the five senses. We have no desire for introspection, and we perceive and judge everything as good or bad. We’re fearful of losing money, possessions, and control. We don’t feel good enough. Everything is perceived as a coincidence rather than alignment or synchronicity. We desire to always be right. We feel like we need someone else to make us happy or feel fulfilled. 4th Dimension: This is known as the astral plane, and a gateway to the 5th dimension. We can step back to the 3rd dimension relatively easily. We can discover new friendships on the same frequency and find our soul tribes. We are aware that thoughts can shift vibrations and reality. Compassion, acceptance, unity, and unconditional love are valued, and a healthy diet and lifestyle become highly important. We seek soul purpose and passion, and we often feel alone. We have a heightened awareness of unrest on earth, and a desire to pursue our soul mission or calling. We are aware that there is more to the world than meets the eye. We use our intuition and trust it, and we open our third eye chakra, therefore knowing things without being able to explain how. We can tell when someone is lying, and experience regular deja vu and synchronicity. Time no longer feels linear, and astral travel is possible. 5th Dimension: In this dimension, it is difficult to re-enter the 3rd dimension. We have a heightened intuition. We feel no limits, no fear, and no judgment of good or bad. We have an absolute understanding of yin and yang. There is no competition, and no feelings of lack. We live in a unity consciousness, and accept and love family as they are. Everything is effortless and flowing. We find abundance. We cannot be manipulated, and can instantly love unconditionally. We no longer take anything personally. When we become more consciously aware of ourselves and the world we live in, we experience something known as ascension. This is when a personal awakening results in a shift from the 3rd dimension to the 4th, 5th, or higher. The divine light that radiates toward us during and after solar flare activity is thought to allow us to move quickly toward ascension. If our vibration is lifting, and we are heading away from the 3rd dimension and beginning to feel the higher frequency of the 4th or 5th dimension, we may experience the following: Pressure headaches and general aches and pains, mainly in the stomach (solar plexus) area Feeling out of sorts or unbalanced Flushes, dizziness, nausea Ear ringing, difficulty focusing, confusion, and having afoggy mind Forgetfulness, temporarily misplacing items Extreme fatigue, exhaustion, lack of energy, disturbed sleep patterns (waking up between 2 and 4 a.m.) Seemingly out the blue bouts of anxiety, stress, irritability, frustration, sadness, nervousness, worry, fear, grief, and overwhelm Emotional, tearful, highly sensitive Heightened awareness, enhanced intuition, having insights that seem to appear out of nowhere, psychic abilities, telepathy Aversion or sensitivities to particular foods and drinks Difficulty tracking time (time either feels too slow or at great speed) Noticing synchronicities, i.e. certain number patterns reappearing Premonitions, intense dreams, or nightmares Skin feeling irritable and/or itchy Struggles with communication, arguments, disagreements Electronic devices malfunctioning. Geomagnetic storms are intense transformational periods that can bring mind-opening awakenings and reconnect us to internal and external universal knowledge and wisdom. To ensure we resonate with this higher energy so that our vibration is raised, we can combat the affects of solar activity by resting and taking time from our busy schedules to do the following: Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water) Take saltwater baths Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings Avoid caffeine and alcohol Spend time in nature Consume high vibrational foods such as fruit and vegetables Remind yourself that everything in the universe is made up of energy and that conscious thought and intention can instantly alter how we think and feel Breathe deeply, forgive, release, and surrender, and practice kindness, compassion, acceptance, and empathy When possible, temporarily disconnect from technology and anything or anyone where the energy is toxic and draining Alex Myles Disclaimer: These are common symptoms of energy shifts, but if you feel your symptoms are of a medical nature please consult a medical professional.
09.01.2022 ENERGY CLEARING REGARDING CORONA VIRUS During this time of uncertainty and fear in the world due to the Corona Virus and the protocol being followed, everyone is feeling quite unsettled and not sure what the future holds. It is important to stay realistic, and to keep things in perspective. The virus also attaches to fear energy, and it is important to not get swept up in the fear that the media is trying to spread. ... There are many theories out there to try and understand why it is happening and what is really happening. One of them is that this could be a huge catalyst for change in the world. Personally, I also see this as a big opportunity in taking our power back and discerning for ourselves what is real and what is not real, and deciding to stop giving our attention to fear. Here are some tips that will help you during this time: Keep your vibration high with meditation, deep breathing, drinking lots of water, not watching the news and taking a break from social media, exercising and eating healthy foods. If you go out, set the intention that you are safe. You can also place an energy shield around yourself and loved ones with the intention that no pathogens or energies can enter this shield. You can also send blessings to everyone on your path. This spreads high-vibrational energy outward that eliminates the fear. Make the intention that you are healthy and strong, your thoughts are a big factor in how you feel, Try to stay positive and have a positive mindset, as this will strengthen you energetically and keep you grounded. This will also keep your immune system strong. Archangel Raphael and Archangel Metatron are here to assist you in clearing any of your emotions that you might be experiencing during this time. They will also surround you with a waterfall of love, that will uplift you and strengthen your aura. To receive the clearing, comment yes below All is well. Sending you lots of love and angel blessings (Trudz - Angelic Healing)
08.01.2022 So many struggle........ Loving a drug addict or an active alcoholic is the hardest thing you will ever do. Watching someone you love, that has fought so hard to beat addiction, throw everything away and sink back into a life that will most likely lead to jail or death, is one of the hardest things you will ever do. All you wanted was to help them back to a clean and sober life but you realize by doing this, as you have so many times before, will now just be enabling them bec...ause it will show them that you will always be there to bail them out. You want to grab and shake them and say "What are you doing?!?!" But, at some point you realize that it wouldn't make a difference. So you sit back and watch the tragedy unfold, as if you are watching a movie. Feeling helpless to stop it, feeling like you haven't done enough to help, even though you know only the addict can help themselves. Battling a drug and/or an alcohol addiction is a beast for the person addicted and the ones who love them. So l am asking you to stand with me in prayer for every family member and friend who has lost or is losing their battle with drugs and alcohol and those who continue to conquer it! Put this on your page for one hour if you know someone who has or had an addiction. Many will be hesitant to copy and paste this. Some of you won't paste this but I think I know the ones who will. And thanks in advance. See more
06.01.2022 Change Your Focus It’s time to put those sorrows behind you and shift your focus to what us good and positive in your life. Appreciate the people who love you and your ability to give love to others. Take stock of what brings you joy. Taking charge of your own happiness is key here. Focus on what you have and are thankful for, and attract more of the same. (John Holland)
05.01.2022 Happy New Moon In Taurus! On May 4th-5th, there will be a powerful, life-altering New Moon rising in the sign of Taurus. The moon is exalted when in Taurus,... meaning the moon and Taurus adore one another and the sensual affinity they share ensures they resonate deeply and harmoniously with one another. This causes lunar energy to feel intense during this period, heightening our intuition and making us more ultra sensitive than normal. All zodiac signs will be affected by this highly charged energy, as the moon in Taurus’ constellation enhances the bull’s characteristics within us all. However, those born under the sign of Taurus will feel it more intensely than others. Taurus is a grounded earth sign and represents the rational, responsible, financial, and material aspects of life. Those born under this sign are known to think about themselves and protect their own interests and stability before thinking about others, which isn't always a bad thing - but this is the area we are all going to learn huge and unforgettable lessons. In some ways, Taurus’ energy can be self-seeking and self-gratifying, and Taureans can be deeply concerned with self-interest, security, luxury, comfort, materialism and ultimately survival. This new moon will feel gentle, but it is also going to flip our lives upside down and shake them up a littlejust for long enough so we recognise how we are communicating, and who and what we are prioritising. Reviewing our lives helps us find compromise and achieve balance, and as with everything moon-related, it may destabilise us for a few days, but is beneficial for our highest good and soul evolution. The reason our lives will temporarily feel like a roller-coaster is Taurus’ energy exists in a bubble where they are known to place themselves high above others, which can be healthy in moderation, but can also cause relationships to break down or fail. Therefore, we will be forced to take a long, hard look at how we express ourselves and how often we might sometimes ignore those who mean the most to us, particularly when they need it most. We don’t always realise what we’ve lost until it has long gone, and we then have no choice but to face the realisation that we haven’t put enough effort into our relationships with friends and loved ones. Fortunately, this new moon is offering us a warning before we reach the too little, too late stage so we can make vital changes before bonds are severed and bridges burn to the ground. What will make this transformational stage more difficult is that Taurus is a bull, and therefore, as stubborn as they come. They are also renowned for sticking to routinewith no desire to budge. They don’t like to alter their ways or admit that aspects of their personalities cause themselves, and others, to suffer unnecessarily, so it requires a strong, determined mindset and a firm push to achieve much needed and long overdue change. Some of us may have had throat problems recently, as Taurus rules the throat chakra and this energy will cascade us back in time to reflect on our past so we learn from our (and other people’s) communication flaws and mistakes. The throat chakra is responsible for expression and relates to both speaking and listening, and we may realize that many of the obstacles we face today are due to not authentically communicating our deepest needs, and also that we, or others, have not been openly listening. This new moon in Taurus is the ideal time to clear any energetic blockages we have in the throat area, and we can do this by listening to our intuition and speaking our truths so we courageously and vulnerably voice how we feelparticularly through telling people what they mean to us. We are likely to find ourselves compelled to explain to people how we really feel about them, and how their presence or non-presence affects and influences our lives. We will be talking our truth with conviction, so be forewarned, our words won’t pour out coated in sugar. It is important to be mindful when dealing with the throat chakra, as when it is out of balance, we may find our communication style is weak and misdirected, or the opposite, and we express ourselves far too aggressively for effective and respectful engagement. It is also likely that we won’t listen to our inner voice, or be empathetic or compassionate toward others when it is out of sync. This can cause all kinds of confusion and problems, and we may find ourselves misinterpreted or we might even passive-aggressively play mind games with silent treatment, or come across as bullying, controlling, or manipulative. This is why it is essential to ensure that before we speak, we think, and before we think, we take time out to balance our throat chakra. This can be done through breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, chanting mantras, humming, or even loudly belting out ballads to open and harmonise this chakra, so that blockages are cleared and our communication does not come across as offensive or patronising. When we converse directly but in a calm and rational way, we can strengthen or sever the relationships that energise or drain us, and move onward, assured that we have spoken our innermost truths, even if we have not been heard. Some people may not want to hear what we have to say, and that’s okay as people will only resonate with what they are willing to accept. This doesn’t mean our thoughts and feelings aren’t valid, or that we are wrong for feeling and perceiving the way we do. But, not all paths meet at the same crossroads at the same time, so sometimes we have no other choice but to walk our own way, and this could mean walking alone. Certain relationships lift and inspire us, and feel energetically safe and loving, while others bring us down, are deflating, and leave us feeling unloved, unvalued, and unworthy. While it is important that we aren’t measuring our self-worth through other people’s opinions or actions, it is also vital to ensure we are not surrounded by people who take pleasure in watching our suffering or pain. Overall, the moon in Taurus is an intensely emotional and transformational phase for us alland a time when, collectively, we confront our shadow sides by effectively speaking from a place of love. It is also a phase during which we realise that when there is genuine and mutual care, we can work through any disagreement and conflict, no matter how tough things get. It also offers the opportunity to heal our oldest and deepest emotional wounds through the eradication of misunderstandings and miscommunication, and this enables us to repair and seal bonds with those we are closest to, and to kindly let go of those who cause dysfunction and pain. Although it can be traumatic, cutting contact with those who are harmful for us to be around is a tremendous act of self-loveand one of the most compassionate, loving, and caring things we can do for ourselves. New moons represent the closing of one cycle and the beginning of a new one as well as hope, renewal, setting intentions, manifestation, and looking at things with fresh eyes. This makes them the optimum opportunity to clear out old ways that cause us to struggle and to start over with a clear head and a new focused direction. New moons show us how to let go of old patterns of behaviour so there is space to create new and healthier loving experiences. These are the three main things we may feel compelled to do while the moon is in Taurus: 1. Prioritize or let go of certain relationships. While the moon is in Taurus, we will feel the need to speak our truth to those we are closest to; however, we will only do this if we feel safe and confident to do so. Therefore, we will be having the types of conversations we may normally shy away from, and the intention behind them is to enhance our relationships with people and let them know the place of importance they hold in our lives. If we don’t feel safe, we will find the strength to silently let go of those who we know aren’t mutually respectful or that aren’t healthy for us to be around. We will find ourselves detoxing our social media accounts and contact lists, and also re-evaluating why we have maintained certain connections long past their welcome, as this allows space to give higher priority to those that are authentic and meaningful. Although this burning bridges phase sounds harsh, it is Taurus’ way of ensuring that people who hold importance receive quality time, care, and attention, rather than being caught up in dynamics with those who don’t have our best interests at heart. Our intuition will be rocketing during these few days, and while it is an all-time high, we will begin to make sense of why we have continuously put ourselves through turmoil by repeating scenarios without fully recognizing the lessons within them. This evaluation offers the insights and healing we have been searching for and sharply nudges us to compassionately remove ourselves from environments where there are arguments, aggressiveness, manipulation, deception, or judgment. Basically, we will want to remove anything unhealthy or debilitating from our lives and close those destructive chapters we keep drifting back to. 2. The desire to organize and manifest material possessions. Taurus’ material links go as far back as ancient Egypt when bodies were mummified for preservation and surrounded by treasures of great material wealth. Therefore, as the moon empties itself of the radiant glow of the sun, we too can empty ourselves of any material possessions that no longer resonate with where we are in our livesand this creates room for manifestations of new possessions to enter. This is simply a KonMari process of decluttering by touching or holding each belonging to see if they still spark joy within us. This signals if the item is truly loved, cherished, and appreciated. If it makes us feel joyful, then we may keep and organize it. If we have to think about it, or if it does not bring joy, we can thank it for its service and either discard if it is no longer useful or reroute it to someone or somewhere else who might receive benefit from it. When we let go of items that we are no longer aligned with we will instantly feel lighter, freer, and not overwhelmed by messiness and unnecessary objectssome of which likely held unhappy memories and negative vibes. We not only let go of clutter, but we also release the emotional baggage we have subconsciously held on to, as we often don’t realize the heaviness that many items carry energetically. If there are any particular items with strong sentimental value, we can carry out a small ritual on the night of the new moon in which we wrap the items and place them in a safe place under the earth. New Moon energy offers the perfect scene for setting intentions and manifesting, and supports us with manifesting new possessions as positive, optimistic vibrations take the place of the old. 3. Stop being so stubborn. Those born under the body of the bull are profoundly stubbornand during this new moon, regardless of our Zodiac sign, we will all be noticing our stubborn tendencies rising to the surface. This is the universe’s way of bringing this trait to our attention, so that we shift out of old patterns of behaviour and learn from our past mistakes. Taurus’ energy is notorious for playing the long game; therefore, situations in which we have been struggling to work out will be surfacing right about now. Taurus’ stubborn and infuriatingly inflexible side has been hindering us and causing us to miss out on valuable opportunities, due to pride and arrogance. We lose the possibility of so many intensely soul-nourishing relationships and experiences just by being stuck in limited, outdated ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. This headstrong, obstinate way of being is tiring, so there is inner work to be done in order for us to freely move forward. This involves unlearning and deleting the old stories that have caused us to sacrifice the things we desire the mostand to replace them with new, up-to-date versions that align with how we’d prefer to behave (and mostly that means standing up to our persistent ego and refusing to allow it to dominate and control us). When we drop our stubbornness, we may find ourselves wanting to reach out to those we have been temporarily estranged from, as the moon humbly draws us to open our hearts and communicate authentically.
04.01.2022 ENERGY UPDATE ~ 18/12/18 The Divine ORCHESTRATION of the Parallel World Shifts, Timeline Shifts, Consciousness SHIFTS as Matter, is being integrated now into the whole. The Playing out of The Ascension Process is Anchored into the Higher Frequency Worlds as ~ What was, What is, What was Always to BE ~ as in NOW. The Divine Orchestrators are MASTERS at creating Universes of consciousness as LIGHT. ... They ARE the Divine Overseers, The Divine Council of Overseers, who were Present in the process of The DNA and Blueprint Creation for Earth. The Design is perfect and Fool Proof. YOU are held in that Original Design, through your DNA and Blueprint AS your Original Light ~ RECORDS. ALL records are going through NOW as I write ~ the Portal of Mirrors for complete transformation as part of this manifestation PROCESS of MATTER as LIGHT Consciousness. We are with YOU NOW ~ stay present as consciousness never sleeps. It has always been now, through NOW ~ you are transformed. Celebrating ALL Moments, the Season, The Blessings, the Now, in Love, always, (L'Aura Pleiadian)
04.01.2022 THE PHASES OF THE TWIN FLAME RELATIONSHIP As we all know, A Twin flame relationship is not all ‘perfect’, as one might expect, especially in the beginning (usually a few years) After reading or hearing about twin-flames and their perfectly balanced energies, many people think it would be like a fairy tale,...Continue reading
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