Red Onyx in Newstead, Queensland | Sport & recreation
Red Onyx
Locality: Newstead, Queensland
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23.01.2022 Watching Mum getting ready to train. She loves it when I do burpees. The overhead clap gets her everytime motivation to do them right #redonyx #redonyxnextgen #watchandlearnbubba #startingyoung #cheersquad
22.01.2022 30 weeks! Training is going well - Im stoked!!! This is such a different pregnancy. Im maxing out at about 7 pushups at a time but I was doing them scaled (from a box) with Pip and Im still on the floor for the moment I was lucky to train weekly first time around and now its 3-4. Better than all that, Im really feeling good physically and mentally and training is not a chore. Im scaling as necessary and resting without guilt and that makes a HUGE difference. I feel so much stronger and have a really good foundation of strength so Im hoping recovery after Peas birth will be smooth. Only time will tell though.. in the meantime, carry on while I can the body is an amazing thing #babygains #babycoupe #peacoupe #squishypea #pushups #redonyx #betterthanyesterday #muscleforthewin #mumswholift #strongmindstrongbody
21.01.2022 Acupuncture for sports injuries - a not so little story. As always, I like to speak from personal experience. My posts are rarely about things Ive plucked straight from a textbook. I have and will continue to be, my own guinea pig with all things fitness, and now acupuncture, related. Firstly, let me clear something up. Physiotherapists are NOT Acupuncturists. They do NOT perform acupuncture. They perform dry needling which is completely different. Overly simplified, they i...nsert needles into trigger points in the muscles to treat your injury. Its a symptomatic treatment. Acupuncturists use specific acupuncture points located on a series of meridians on the body. The treatmemt is holistic and they look at the underlying cause for your sprained ankle or sore shoulder. They may use points that seem unrelated to you, eg needle your leg to treat said shoulder, but it works!! My example: i recently woke up with an extremely stiff and sore neck (too many pushups, not enough mobility work - another story). I had a remedial massage with little relief. Five days later I was still hurting so I saw a physio for some dry needling. Initially, I had great relief but it didnt last and the next day I was back to square one on the 8th day, I wised up (see what i did there?) and saw an Acupuncturist who performed a complete chinese medical diagnosis, took my pulse and looked at my tongue as well as needling my leg to treat my shoulder. BOOM. As is always the case for me, the next morning there was no pain and I had range of motion back! I should have gone earlier as Id be back to training sooner Now, I really need to clarify that not all Acupuncturists are created equal. Not everyone has a great understanding of the musculoskeletal system which is why I think people default to physios. Ive had a shocking experience in the past after tweaking my back because even with 30 years chinese medical experience, this Acupuncturist clearly knew zero about western anatomy and physiology and definitely had never lifted a barbell in his life! For sports injuries, in my opinion as a PT, acu student and injured person, you need a therapist who understands BOTH the chinese medicine and western approach. As a patient, you get the best of both worlds, longer lasting results and you get back into the gym/sport a lot sooner! Acupuncture is simply awesome for sports injuries by reducing inflammation/pain and increasing blood flow. It helps relax tight muscles and increases well being. I highly recommend it and am so convinced of its efficacy that Ive devoted the past 5 years to studying it! (Almost there peoples!!) If you are keen to try it please get in touch and I can recommend some great practitioners in your area.
20.01.2022 Serious lifting face ON!!! #thebabyandthebarbell #redonyxnextgen #pipsqueak
19.01.2022 38 weeks and still baking!! Pip was already about 2 weeks old at this point - blows my mind! My last workout was a week ago and then the early labour signs started. My body is telling me that its time to rest and focus on being calm and relaxed in preparation for the birth. So thats what Im doing. Ive pulled the pin on training (except walks with Pip etc) and have been having regular Acupuncture and Massage. I have 3 Acupuncture sessions booked this week to try to coax Pe...a out before a medical induction. The Acu is definitely helping keep me calm while we wait it out. Some more early labour signs this morning so fingers crossed
18.01.2022 Have seen this a lot, unfortunately. Both as a trainer and in the acupuncture clinic. Disordered eating, amenorrhoea and osteoporosis.. and before you think old crippled lady, how bout taking it back a notch because stress fractures are where it starts. Brilliant article bringing light to a topic often hidden away in many sports and definitely not often treated in the most efficient way.
17.01.2022 An oldie, but a goodie. "Jump Around". 5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 unbroken double unders, for time. Rules: you must complete the set unbroken. If you trip up, redo that set until its unbroken and then you can move to the next set. ... I was taking my time, for post-baby reasons, but still did it in 14:00 and didnt miss a set #bladderforthewin #goodbyecalves #500doubleunders #eeck! #redonyx #betterthanyesterday
16.01.2022 28 weeks. The start of the 3rd trimester and the hitting of the wall Just finished a WOD and everything feels slooooooooooow mooooooootion I still have full pushups, but am having to scale reps and starting to feel super gassed so increasing rest periods. Have been averaging 4 workouts a week but Im back at uni for the summer now, so training 3-4 times a week depending on what my body is telling me each day. Ive read over my training notes from my first pregnancy and Im doing so much better this time around feeling good, feeling strong, feeling capable. #bringiton #redonyx #mumswholift #muscleforthewin #babycoupe #peacoupe #strength #needatan
15.01.2022 Ive been a trainer for a LOOOOONG time. Ive trained a lot of pregnant ladies, post-natal ladies, trying-to-get-pregnant ladies and also never-want-to-be-pregnant ladies. Ill admit, for a long time there I did fall into the latter category (Oh how things change). I have done a LOT of research and study into how to train the female body - mainly because I have one, and I want to know whats best for it :) and because I have always wanted to be the best trainer I can be. Pre...sent moment. Pip is 7 months old and today I thought.... NOTHING prepared me (not all the study and research in the world) for the changes that having a baby makes to the body until I went through it. WOW. I consider myself lucky. I have a dodgy, dodgy knee that has meant for the last few years, my training has had a HUGE gymnastics focus which built me a ROCK SOLID core and pelvic floor. ROCK - SOLID. Thank you dodgy knee!!! HOWEVER... pregnancy was an 8 month (yep, Pip works on her own time) core/pelvic floor flogging and thats before delivery (I wont go there with the details). I was back in the gym, under exceptionally modified circumstances, at 5 weeks post-Pip and now, at 7 months things are SO much better, but nowhere near my pre-Pip PBs. Todays Deadlift workout, for instance, Im still about 20kg off my previous 5RM and its totally all core weakness. I can feel it. So I definitely dont push through it. Im just hanging out at what used to be my warm up lifts because thats what my body can handle at the moment. Im doing a lot of basic ab work as well and slowly, slowly Im building up, always with technique first and this is how it should be regardless of where youre at. I read an article yesterday about women who push through bladder leakage to make big lifts NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!! This is NOT OK and no trainer should be encouraging it. Pelvic floor work is a major MUST DO for any woman at any stage of life, regardless of whether children are on your radar or not. Im lucky that Im back to doing double-unders and burpees etc without stress incontinence but my previous rock solid core, is not so anymore. Where I used to compare it to titanium, now its tinfoil and I lift with caution but it is on the way back thanks to some careful training. Pelvic floor weakness can happen in women who havent had kids, as well as in those who have, so if you have concerns, I strongly recommend booking in with a physio who has experience in dealing with pelvic floor issues (I will post a link below to some on the Northside who are fabulous) and PLEASE, never, ever push through. If youre having bladder leakage, your body is screaming at you that somethings not right and you should get it checked out.
15.01.2022 32 weeks! Just finished a workout and my body has spoken its definitely time to wind things down a tad and focus on maintaining strength and training because it makes me feel good. Have encountered a new level of tired and as Pea makes gains, Im starting to experience some lower back discomfort so have modified my weights and reps accordingly. Aiming for 3 sessions a week as we head into the last weeks (could be 8, could be 4) and am feeling super grateful Im physically able to train. At this point with Pip, I was floored with illness. #babygains #babycoupe #peacoupe #strength #redonyx #mumswholift
14.01.2022 23 weeks. Hit a setback with my training momentum and had to take last week off (daycare germs ). Back into it this week though with reduced volume to make sure Im back on track. Today was my third training day and Im feeling good in body, mind and spirit. I have a totally different mindset this pregnancy and feeling a lot more capable physically. Looking forward to continuing that trend #babycoupe #pea #mumswholift #strength... #muscleforthewin #healthymindhealthybody #redonyx #babygains See more
14.01.2022 ACUPUNCTURE appointment available!!!! I now have a space free at 4pm today at New Farm. PM me to book! ****SPACE NOW FILLED****
13.01.2022 Yesterday my Acupuncture treatments were ramped up to begin the labour induction process. The obstetrics team are planning on inducing Pea medically at 39 weeks and Im really not keen on that. Acupuncture successfully kicked off contractions with Pip (slightly different though due to pre-term rupture of membranes at 35+5 weeks) so Im hoping my body will respond this time around - even if it takes a few extra sessions. Acupuncture has been so beneficial for me all through... the pregnancy. It helped with morning sickness, headache, balancing my mood and general relaxation. Now its time to prepare for birth and bring this bub out safely without the need for medical intervention. Fingers crossed! this is all very exciting and Im looking forward to the birth and also to being able to assist other women with their pregnancies upon graduation - only 6 subjects to go
13.01.2022 Working on my (slightly seized) motor Spin bike and burpee combo Feeling the quad burn and keeping my knee healthy May have vomited in my mouth slightly but thats another story #redonyx #feeltheburn #nomotor #mumswhotrain #noexcuses #trainingisthebesttherapy #spew #idtotallydoitagain
13.01.2022 "Sports, particularly those that intentionally engage physical discomfort as a requisite for success, seem higher yield in their engagement of I CAN
13.01.2022 These are taken at 1 week, 3 months and 6 months post baby #2. Although Im not really happy with where Im at, theres no point hiding the pics and pretending otherwise... I really hate that. It has been harder to bounce back this time, but my diet has not been as good this time around... much busier... less time to prep.. blah, blah, excuse, excuse i have some loose skin (thankfully no stretch marks), and some fat in my usual storage areas but I have to say, my core stre...ngth is much better. Because Ive had to start from the beginning with core training, its on the way to being better than before I was pregnant with Pip There is something to be said for going back to basics. You are never too good, too strong or too advanced to work the foundations! My goals... increase lean muscle by about 2kg, 10+ strict pullups, 10+ strict toes to bar, 12 + unbroken pushups, keep my knee healthy. #redonyx #strength #goals #mumswholift #corestrength #backtobasics
12.01.2022 Now that the morning sickness has subsided (with help from the power of the pins - acupuncture) Ive been able to get 4 weeks of consistent training under my belt and I feel GREAT! Hitting 4 sessions a week of strength work and did pullups yesterday for the first time in 3 months. I still have them!!.... for now #muscleforthewin #babycage #redonyx #18weeks
12.01.2022 5 months post baby and decided my tin foil tummy was ready for a crack at my fave WOD, "annie". 9.17 rxd. Significantly slower than my PB but Im on my way #tinfoil2titaniumtummy #bladderforthewin
11.01.2022 She almost has a burpee down pat, next its the deadlift #pipsqueak #welift #squadtraining
10.01.2022 36 weeks! Pip shared some daycare germs so I was floored all of last week and unable to train. Feeling better today but know not to push it so did a gentle workout with the primary focus of improving my mood. #redonyx #betterthanyesterday #strongmindstrongbody #mumswholift #muscleforthewin #strength
10.01.2022 Have you finished your set Mum?
10.01.2022 Gyms are set to re-open soon. With everyone working from home, have you been doing your mobility work??? Do you need a "tune up" before you hit the gym? I am available for Acupuncture on Wednesday afternoons and Saturday mornings at and Tuesday afternoon and Thursday mornings at in West Chermside.... Bookings can be made online and HICAPS is available at both clinics. Message me for more information :)
09.01.2022 Nothing like a bit of AC/DC to get me through a burpee/deadlift WOD also #strength #workingonmymotor #intervalsNothing like a bit of AC/DC to get me through a burpee/deadlift WOD also #strength #workingonmymotor #intervals
09.01.2022 First double unders post baby. #bladderforthewin
09.01.2022 34 weeks. Just finished my Sunday Wod. Have finally hit the super uncomfortable stage so am aiming for quality over quantity to accommodate for the fact I definitely have no motor Hit 2 sessions a week while I was at Summer School and back up to 4 reduced volume sessions this last week - all strength work. Knee is holding up remarkably well this time around Overall, Im tired but I still feel strong and more prepared for Peas birth. Training has helped maintain a pos...itive mindset too. It was a good decision to focus on strength training this time around! #redonyx #mumswholift #babygains #muscleforthewin #strength #strongmindstrongbody #thiskidwilllift #wewillbeasquad #teamcoupe See more
08.01.2022 Bench Press, Baby!!!!! Testing out my new toys 5 Rounds Max reps Bench Max reps Body Row ... Rest 3 mins between rounds. I may be sore tomorrow
07.01.2022 This was filmed 50+ years ago... Jack Lalanne was the master of fitness and way ahead of his time. Interesting that the concept of sugar addiction was a "thing" back then and has been rehashed time and time again ever since. I found this a very interesting watch!!
07.01.2022 Currently living with extreme DOMS after my NYE and NYD workouts Lol
07.01.2022 Meditation.... do you? Or do you not? Whenever someone would suggest meditation to me, Id immediately shut down, images of sitting cross legged, "ohmming" in a yoga studio flashing through my mind as I thought "puh-lease" Id rather do burpees. I read the following definition of meditation and I was intrigued: "true meditation is a state of profound, deep peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent, yet completely alert". If this is the case, then meditation is a uni...que, personal experience as only the individual can determine when and what makes their mind silent. For me, thats definitely not happening whilst "ohmming". Personally that calm, silent alertness happens when Im at the beach. The sand, the sea, the warm sun and the sounds of the ocean totally switch off my overworked mind. It always has. In more recent times Ive, bizarrely, found the same peace in candlemaking. When my daughter decided to grace us with her presence I was making candles during labour. Id take timeout for a contraction and then go about my candle meditation. I felt super calm and at ease. So whats my point? Fitness is a holistic entity. Its mind, body and soul. You cant expect to have a fit body if your mind is not at the top of its game as well. My mantra is to be better than yesterday, so instead of shunning the style I find difficult (impossible) to do, I embrace my unique, Rachel-esque style of meditation. Im definitely not meditation shaming here, if you can achieve your inner peace and mental fitness cross legged on a yoga mat I sincerely congratulate you! But if not, do you have your own method for obtaining that calm, silent alertness, even if it may seem a little quirky? I wonder if anyone out there actually has it in the midst of burpees I wish you all a calm, peaceful evening as I listen to the rain falling..
06.01.2022 During my first pregnancy, training involved strength, intervals and some cardio training. The puffy stuff really sucked... increased blood volume, heart rate etc etc and to be honest, Im not sure why I bothered. Looking back now, strength was and still is, more important to me. Lets be honest, with my knee, Im not running any marathons anytime soon Im much happier doing pullups, pushups and all things gymnastic When the pics in the attached post were taken, I was to my post baby size/weight but my body composition was not where I wanted it So, Im using myself as a guinea pig (again) and during this pregnancy I am focusing on strength work. Bye, bye intervals and cardio (except walks with Pip). I know baby #2 is going to give my body a pounding but Im hoping maintaining my strength will see me right through pregnancy, labour, delivery and have me bouncing back again as soon as Im up to training again after the birth. Ill update my progress as I go. But Im hoping this time around its .... Muscle for the win
06.01.2022 Weve just finished training! Yup, thats a baby sized kettlebell #thiskidwilllift #startingyoung #redonyxnextgen #proudmumma
05.01.2022 Not everyday can be a PB day and that is totally OK! I will never squat with my "PB" again but today I managed something better! Empty barbell squats with ZERO knee pain. Its been years!!! Im so excited and proud and still learning about training, healing and mindset and totally pumped to be able to pass this knowledge on in my new career... 3 subjects to go.... #olddognewtricks #longassdegree #arewethereyet? #therebetterbeicecreamattheend! #acupuncturestudent #retiredPT #betterthanyesterday
05.01.2022 More romantic notions on our Instagram page:
05.01.2022 I just got owned by Tabata Double Unders Its been a long time my spicy little friends..lots of stacks, lots of whip marks, lots of swearing #redonyx #workingonmymotor #bladderforthewin #redropesspinfaster #ouch
04.01.2022 She almost has a burpee down pat, next it's the deadlift #pipsqueak #welift #squadtraining
03.01.2022 The road back thus far... These are taken (L to R) at 10 days, 6 weeks and 8 months post Pip. I havent been super strict with my diet yet as I just dont have the energy. I am trying to train 3-4 times per week from my garage gym as it makes it easier around Pips nap time. Ive lost a fair bit of strength and muscle but am definitely on the way back and feeling better than I have in ages.
02.01.2022 The night of my last post (coinciding with Aarons birthday, this little guy announced his impending arrival - only 2 weeks early, unlike his sister ) Although I am overjoyed that labour was spontaneous and not medically induced (thank you Acupuncture!!) I am super grateful that medical intervention was available when I haemorrhaged and when Rhys had breathing difficulties. There are times when Western Medicine is the best and only treatment option and there are times when... Traditional Chinese Medicine can treat certain conditions more effectively and with less side effects. As an Acupuncture student, I firmly believe that the two styles work best "hand in hand" and am thankful that I have access to both. #bestofbothworlds #acupunctureinduction #emergencysurgery #grateful #healthymumhealthybub #redonyx #acupuncturestudent
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