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Redcliffe Primary P&C


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25.01.2022 Don’t forget tomorrow we are running a Father’s Day stall before school starts. We will be set up outside the school gates from 8am. Please pass on to other parents that may not be on this page

25.01.2022 Notices are going out tomorrow, please can everyone spread the word.. it is a great way for families to meet and start of the school year

24.01.2022 We have been given permission to have an outdoor disco... our usual dj Ryan is unavailable does anyone know a dj that might be able to do it and isn’t gonna cost a fortuneWe have been given permission to have an outdoor disco... our usual dj Ryan is unavailable does anyone know a dj that might be able to do it and isn’t gonna cost a fortune

23.01.2022 Does anyone know a dj that could do a school event on Friday 21st feb from 5 til 8?Does anyone know a dj that could do a school event on Friday 21st feb from 5 til 8?

22.01.2022 Unfortunately we have had to cancel this event. We’ll hold another market in March 2020. The countdown is on!! We have so many exciting vendors on board it’s going to be a cracker. Who’s excited??!

21.01.2022 If you have been wondering about what all the banging is about over at the Redcliffe station we now know...

20.01.2022 What a great idea for visually demonstrating to little people how important it is to wash their hands properly !

18.01.2022 Hi everyone! We are still short 2 volunteers for tomorrow’s sausage sizzle at Bunnings tomorrow for the 11-2pm shift. This is generally a hugely successful and profitable fundraiser for our school so is an excellent way to help contribute to our school community. Grandparents, partners, older siblings (16 +yrs) are all encouraged and welcome to volunteer.

17.01.2022 Back again this year! Who’s going?

17.01.2022 all parents / guardians are invited to the next P & C Meeting, which will be held this Monday 22 June 2020. The meeting will be in the undercover area from 3.00pm. The meeting will be finished by 4.00pm and everyone is reminded about the 2m social distancing rule. Children of those attending will be permitted to play on the playground on the oval and the roller door will be lifted to allow for supervision. Students will not be permitted inside the school grounds.... Please come along and support your P & C.

16.01.2022 Spread the word : Redcliffe Primary have a jar at Grill’d on great eastern highway that when you make a purchase you are given a bottle top. There are 3 jars at the end of the month the jar with the most caps in gets $300...Spread the word : Redcliffe Primary have a jar at Grill’d on great eastern highway that when you make a purchase you are given a bottle top. There are 3 jars at the end of the month the jar with the most caps in gets $300...

16.01.2022 Can everyone please spread the word in regards to helping out at the sausage sizzle this Sunday... not everyone is on this page so please if you can tell other school parents or post to them it would be greatly appreciated... the more help the better... remembering all monies made from fund raisers goes back in to your children’s school. If you or anyone can help out please get them to text or call me Shannon on 0420279890

15.01.2022 Lets grow this page and try and get ever parent/career/grandparent with a child at Redcliffe Primary School to like this page. Please share this page with all your Facebook Friends who are parents/careers/grandparents at our school.

14.01.2022 Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful happy school holidays. Please be advised that we will be holding our first General meeting for the year Date Thursday 13/02 Time 3pm ... Venue undercover area at school. New members are more than welcome and I will have membership forms if you don’t currently have one.

14.01.2022 B.O.M weather report is looking great for this evening we will have plenty of cool drinks and icy poles for purchase but of course you are also welcome to BYO

13.01.2022 Who’s coming tomorrow night?! P.S Don’t forget if you haven’t already it’s not too late to get your pizza orders in! BYO picnic and drinks are also of course welcome!

13.01.2022 Have you created your family’s online cookie fundraising account yet? It takes less than 5 minutes to set up and makes sharing with your friends and family super easy. Head over to Once your done don’t forget to share your personal link on your profile to let everyone know where to go for the yums!

10.01.2022 Thanks to everyone that lended a hand tonight at the sundowner and everyone that came.. was a lovely turn out and I hope you all had fun...Thanks to everyone that lended a hand tonight at the sundowner and everyone that came.. was a lovely turn out and I hope you all had fun...

09.01.2022 Welcome to the redcliffepnc page! Please feel free to follow along even if you are not involved with the P&C for special event updates

08.01.2022 To all our parents with beautiful new kindy kids and pre primary’s starting out full time...

08.01.2022 Would anyone like to attend a morning tea at parliment house tomorrow Thursday 10 - 11 with Cassie Rowe? Please let me know if you would like to attend so that I can let her office know by lunch time today thanks

07.01.2022 From Ruth Faulkner library

04.01.2022 Super simple and fun idea for our little people to encourage problem solving and fine motor skills!

04.01.2022 Hi everyone, finally we are able to organise a raffle just in time for Father’s Day. All tickets will be going home tomorrow afternoon. My hubby and Dad have donated the prizes so no cost to the p&c. Also what are people’s thoughts on having a Father’s Day stalk outside the main gate on Friday before school and after school? Is anyone able to help out? Mr Hendon said we were allowed to sell raffle tickets outside the gate so I am gonna run it past him about the stall. We have stock left over from last year so again not a cost to the p&c but a gain... Please let me know your thoughts

03.01.2022 Afternoon all! For those not currently on our email list or private group there will be a P&C meeting tomorrow Wednesday 11th at 3pm For those wishing to join please know you are very welcome and new members are encouraged. Membership forms will be available tomorrow afternoon.

02.01.2022 We are so close to our first fundraising target and with the closing date now updated to Friday the 13th you have time to help us smash our fundraising goals! Be sure to scroll all the way down to see all the yummy flavours of cookie dough including one specially for our pups (but don’t look if your feeling hungry ) register your families fundraising page at and don’t forget to share your link with friends and family

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