Red Door Church in Caroline Springs, Victoria | Religious organisation
Red Door Church
Locality: Caroline Springs, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9363 5989
Address: 248 Caroline Springs Boulevard 3023 Caroline Springs, VIC, Australia
Likes: 477
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25.01.2022 When did Jesus first become real to you?When did Jesus first become real to you?
25.01.2022 Tonight is the last night you can send in a question for the Annual Parish Meeting. Wednesday is the last day you can nominate someone for either Parish Council or as a Warden.
25.01.2022 Hey Church. We have the sad news of sharing that one of our former members, Dean Kharitou, passed away after a long battle with cancer. Dean was one of our youth leaders a while back and constantly spoke of the hope that Jesus brought him. Constantly. This has brought us real low, but we look forward to that great day when there will be 'no more death, nor mourning or crying or pain, for the old things, have passed away' (Rev 21:4) and we will be united once more. ... Please be praying for his wife Jolene and their daughter Anastasia. Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.
24.01.2022 You went to the year 2050 for a period of three minutes + you have access to an internet search engine. What do you look up?You went to the year 2050 for a period of three minutes + you have access to an internet search engine. What do you look up?
23.01.2022 God Is_ For Us | Romans 8:31-39 We can't wait to see you at 9:50am. Comment below and we'll send you the zoom link to access our all-in service
23.01.2022 Whats the best thing about being your current age?Whats the best thing about being your current age?
22.01.2022 It's a tragedy when the behaviour of Christians brings the gospel into disrepute. What do we do when Christians behave badly though? In this weeks look at 2 Corinthians we look at the calling of every Christian to live in such a way that we draw people to reconciliation with God. All of this takes place in a world of ambiguity: sometimes we play our parts well, sometimes not so well. Yet, God calls us to open our hearts to one another and to live out our faith in love - t...o be a community of genuine love as we continue making all of life all about Jesus together. You can find resources for the service, including the video teaching here:
22.01.2022 Excited to hear tomorrow about whatever is going on in this photo? We are! Here's my guess: The Oxen on the right is named 'Murtagh', four days short of retirement. He's been convinced by the younger Ox, 'Riggs' to move forward in one more assignment. Will we be correct? Tune in tomorrow to find out!... Service available here: Send us a message to connect to one of our four Zoom churches.
21.01.2022 This morning we gather as a church to start our new series in 2nd Corinthians, a hugely encouraging but often neglected book of the New Testament. We've love for you to join us. If you like this post, we'll send you the Zoom link to join our meeting at 10am this morning. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so also through Christ our comfort overflows. (2 Corinthians 2:4-5)
20.01.2022 Our weekly sermon is up and we invite you to take part. If you would like to join any one of our services today, leave a comment below and we will send you the link to join a Zoom church community. 'Its a revealing question to ask ourselves: who or what are you leading others to hope in? Our hope is not ultimately in political parties either left or right, scientific advancement or the eradication of pandemics, our hope is not in the advancement of civilisation or in our... personal dreams being fulfilled. Our hope is in Christ and Christ alone. He is our rock. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is who our hope must be in. He is strong. He is secure. He is who our hope must be in'
20.01.2022 What will the future look like? Is this the new normal? Where to from here? These are disorientating times. But we believe "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Over the next few weeks, we'll be reflecting on some of the most profound and beautiful truths of the Scriptures as we consider who God is. We'd love you to join us. -- This Sunday: "God is With Us"
19.01.2022 Last night, Sarah and I were talking amongst ourselves about how we are going until one of us said: 'I really miss church. I miss being with everyone physically'. It's hit home that it's been roughly six months since we were all together in the same building or in homes together making all of life all about Jesus together. I don't know how the last week has sat with you, but for me, there have been times of discouragement alongside times of seeing the Lord at work. One of the... most encouraging moments this week was on Thursday night meeting with our small group on Zoom, talking about Jesus. I didn't particularly feel like going beforehand but it was one of the highlights of my week. That might describe you this week as we head towards Sunday and another week of church on Zoom. You might not particularly feel like being there and you may not have attended in months but let me encourage you, God is still working and active and strengthening his church. The Holy Spirit has not abandoned us. We continue making all of life all about Jesus and He continues to make us like him in these moments. We'd love to see you there today. If you'd like to join a service on Zoom today, feel free to message us and we'll hook you up, everyone's welcome! - Jimmy
19.01.2022 Ps. Jonathan is back preaching this week and taking on a tricky text in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18. The Old Covenant was glorious in so many ways. God promised to be faithful to his people, even when they were (inevitably) faithless. But when we consider the New Covenant that we enjoy as believers in Jesus, the Old Covenant pales in comparison. This is what Paul wants the Corinthian believers to realise and remember. What we have in Christ is utterly glorious!
19.01.2022 Our online Zoom Churches start at 9.55am. You can use the service structure below to follow along and access the sermon. Please comment or message if you would like the links to join a service today
19.01.2022 The last Sunday of the month means it's All In Sunday at Red Door! Continuing our series "Power in Weakness", this week Jonathan will take us to 2 Corinthians 12:11-22. Paul pours out his heart here for the church in Corinth, exclaiming that 'I will very gladly spend for you everything I have and expend myself as well' (2 Cor 12:15). You can find the sermon video at We'd love you to join us to worship together via Zoom! Message us for the Zoom details.
19.01.2022 Red Door is a community of people helping people make all of life all about Jesus.
18.01.2022 Our man Jimmy Young is preaching tomorrow and has made a sneaky preacher bingo for those watching at home to play with their kids (or any adults who want to feel like kids again!) Which words are you expecting to come up?
18.01.2022 Where does a Christian's power come from? How would you answer that question? We could start with a few good suggestions: the Holy Spirit, the on-going work of Jesus death and resurrection in our lives or from those around us but in 2 Corinthians, Paul gives a surprising answer: our weakness... My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9) At the moment, many of us are feeling weary and weak and so this is a must-hear message to sit under and reflect upon. If you'd love to be apart of one of our four Zoom gatherings happening tomorrow, comment below or send us a private message
18.01.2022 We're having some FB Live tech issues. Apologies! We'll try again at 3pm.We're having some FB Live tech issues. Apologies! We'll try again at 3pm.
17.01.2022 Hey Red Door Church! Over the last couple of weeks, we have gathered in lots of different ways. Phone calls and zoom chats have become our norm. We've been really encouraged to see all the different ways that people have gathered together. This Sunday, after a month of being in separate Zoom churches we would love to try and gather together in one big group on Zoom at 10 am to worship Jesus together. ... To access the link, comment on this post and we will send you all the details via private message. The link will be open at 9:50 am if you want to join and chat, and we'll keep it open for an hour after the service if you'd like to hangout.
17.01.2022 2 Corinthians 4 is a treasure that has sustained generations of Christians in times of affliction and stress. Tomorrow we join together as one church to celebrate Jesus, unpack this rich blessing from God and look forward to what God is doing. If you'd like to join us, send us a message, we'd love to see you there!
16.01.2022 Challenge: describe our pastors using only emojis!Challenge: describe our pastors using only emojis!
15.01.2022 Tomorrow we begin a new teaching series focussing on who God is in the midst of the current crisis. We'd love you to join us as we immerse ourselves in Psalm 23. The service is linked below. -- If you'd like to join one of our Zoom groups for worship, please let us know and we'll send you the details.
14.01.2022 Begins this Sunday
13.01.2022 Do you have a good dog or any good pet? Take a picture. Tell us your pets name, share it in the comments.Do you have a good dog or any good pet? Take a picture. Tell us your pets name, share it in the comments.
13.01.2022 Which scripture has been your greatest comfort?Which scripture has been your greatest comfort?
12.01.2022 Hey Red Door Church, We have the sad news of sharing that one of our members, Fred Axiak, passed away suddenly this past Sunday. Fred embodied someone who trusted God absolutely through the peaks and valleys of life. He was an encouragement to a tee. This news has grieved us greatly but we look forward to that great day when we will be reunited with a bear hug, where there will be 'no more death, nor mourning or crying or pain, for the old things, have passed away' (Rev... 21:4). Please be praying for his family and his children, Kendra and Cohen. We will announce funeral details next week for those who wish to follow along on a live stream.
12.01.2022 For those who would like to virtually attend our dear friend Fred's funeral, you can access the Livestream below at 11:30am today:
11.01.2022 Whats one of the biggest life changes youve experienced in the last five years? (Non-COVID related)Whats one of the biggest life changes youve experienced in the last five years? (Non-COVID related)
09.01.2022 The God Is_ series begins tomorrow. In this clip from tomorrow's sermon, Jonathan Smith explains the purpose behind the new series.
08.01.2022 We're back on with smaller Zoom Churches this morning at 9.55 as we explore the gentleness of God. If you'd like to join a service on Zoom on Sunday, feel free to message us or comment below and we will send you the links to attend one of our four groups.
08.01.2022 New Series: Advent Advent in its simplest form means coming. While many celebrate Advent as the coming of Jesus to earth, being born of the Virgin Mary, historically, Advent is divided into two unique focuses. Because coming celebrates both Jesus’ first and second arrivals on earth, Advent was divided into two celebrations.... The first two weeks celebrated the promise of the Second Coming of Jesus. The second two weeks shifted focus to the coming of Jesus as a baby, born in a manger. This Advent, we’ll be combining these two emphases throughout the series. The big idea is that we live between the two ‘comings’ of Jesus. It’s the ‘Now & Not Yet’ of Jesus' kingly rule. The tension of living in this ‘between time’ is probably more familiar to us now than ever. We’re in a particularly ‘now and not yet’ phase of the pandemic. It’s not lockdown, but it’s not life as we knew it. There’s a tension. All-In Sunday It's the last Sunday of November (WHAT!) so we'll be joining together as one big group. Everyone is welcome! Send us a message for the Zoom link
06.01.2022 What would you do if you believed Jesus would return, literally, today? Would that shape your priorities? Your prayer life? Your relationships? ... Your worship? What we believe about tomorrow matters precisely because it shapes how we live our lives today. That fact that we believe Jesus will return shapes how we live out faithfully following Him today. Listen in on our last sermon from 1st Peter this morning. Message us to connect to one of our four Zoom churches.
06.01.2022 Got questions re the current series? Got questions about anything at all? Jonathan will take a crack at them at 12:30
05.01.2022 How would you respond when your character and integrity is under question? Would you appeal to the coming return of Jesus? How about God's faithfulness? What about a mission statement of working with people for their joy? ... Paul points to all of these when faced with allegations of being 'double-minded' in 2 Corinthians 1:12-2:11. Have a look at this incredible section of scripture in our service this morning. Send us a message us if you would like to be part of a Zoom church community working through this together.
05.01.2022 We're hosting a cheeky Trivia Night tomorrow night over Zoom and anyone and everyone is invited! Perfect distraction on a Friday night for those feeling a bit over it this week. 7pm+ There'll be some prizes for winners and for the best costume if anyone is keen to dress-up. Love to see you there.
05.01.2022 Describe your favourite Bible story as boring as possibleDescribe your favourite Bible story as boring as possible
05.01.2022 Our service is online for this Sunday. Love to see you there in one of our four Zoom churches. Send us a private message and we will set you up with a link. Keep trusting Jesus!
05.01.2022 What is the attribute or aspect of God that brings you the most comfort?What is the attribute or aspect of God that brings you the most comfort?
05.01.2022 You want to encourage someone struggling with COVID life. You say: "God is _________"You want to encourage someone struggling with COVID life. You say: "God is _________"
05.01.2022 We have the great privilege tomorrow of hearing from a good friend of ours, Sam Oldland, on the theme of Christian suffering in 1 Peter. Sam's an all-round encouraging bloke and serves at St Jude’s in Carlton. Wouldn't want to miss out on this one. Send us a message to receive a link to one of our four Zoom churches tomorrow.
03.01.2022 "Jesus takes it for granted that his disciples will observe the custom of fasting. Strict exercise of self-control is an essential feature of the Christians life. Such customs have only one purpose - to make the disciples more ready and cheerful to accomplish those things which God would have done." - Dietrich Bonhoeffer Our sermon and service for this Sunday is now online, please comment below or message us if you would like to join in on a 'Zoom Church' this morning.
01.01.2022 With Daniel Andrews announcement yesterday, we have made a few changes to our small groups and Zoom Churches. From today (Monday) each Red Door Small Group is able to meet in person at the discretion of the group and its leaders. There is a maximum of 15 people allowed in each home including the 1.5-metre distancing. Masks must be worn. ... Each group should also consider those members who may find it difficult to gather either due to work circumstances (i.e. nurses, doctors), the distance being travelled or personal ill-health. Because of these restrictions, we will leave it at the discretion of each individual small group as to what they will decide to do with no pressure being put on either way. Small-Group Leaders should read the most recent email sent out by Ps. Jimmy this afternoon for more information and advice. This Sunday (the 29th) marks Novembers All-In Service. We would like to encourage people to gather together with other people from their Zoom church and attend church together in smaller groups of people. Similarly to above, this should be done with a maximum of 15 people allowed in each home including 1.5-metre distancing. More information will be released later this week as to in-person worship services as we undertake a process to work out how to do this safely in our parish. If you have any questions or queries, please send them through to Ps. Jonathan or Ps. Jimmy at either [email protected] or [email protected]. Keep trusting Jesus, Ps. Jonathan and Jimmy
01.01.2022 Name the one thing you dont like on your burgerName the one thing you dont like on your burger
01.01.2022 Our last week in the book of 2 Corinthians this week. What has been one thing you've learnt or been challenged by in this book? Something that has stood out to me is that suffering is not evidence of God's absence, but may very well be his means of accomplishing his plan. It was for Paul! What about you?
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