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Redemption Performance Training in South Yarra, Victoria | Fitness trainer

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Redemption Performance Training

Locality: South Yarra, Victoria

Phone: +61 433 035 532


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25.01.2022 Sleep in time! #gymshark #instafit #fitness #pt #groupfitness #groupfitnessclass #hiitworkout #hiit #doitright #southyarra #melbourne #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #summerbodiesaremadeinwinter

24.01.2022 Big PB lift of 55kg @sarah_jayneofficial number 1 on the leaderboard!! #redemptionperformancetraining #fitness #gym #lift #strengthcoach #healthcoach #personaltrainer #personaltraining #pt #strengthtraining #pushpress #pb #strongwomen #strong #womenwholift

23.01.2022 Home sweet home #redemptionperformancetraining #southyarra #melbourne #studytour #fitness #health #strengthcoach #healthcoach #wellness #missedhome

22.01.2022 Remember, the reasons we exercise arent always aesthetic #instafit #fitness #pt #health #healthylifestyle #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #doitright #gym #livelife #livewell #redemptionperformancetraining #healthcoach #strengthtraining #strengthandconditioning #strengthcoach

21.01.2022 What should you have post workout to make the most of your efforts in the gym?? The Arbonne range is great for making a great shake to get the nutrients you need to your muscles quickly. Protein powder for a blend of protein and carbs to fuel you. Phytosport post workout for extra essential amino acids and the protein boost for muscle recovery. Nice vanilla berry taste too #instafit #fitness #pt #gymshark #arbonne #proteinshake #postworkout #doitright #southyarra #melbourne #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #healthcoach #strengthcoach #musclerecovery #gainz #glutenfree

20.01.2022 Everyone always cheering for me wherever I go

19.01.2022 All the colours of the rainbow #deadlift #lift #strengthtraining #gym #fitness #redemptionperformancetraining #strengthcoach #deadliftday #southyarra #pt #personaltrainingstudio

19.01.2022 Prowler time #gymshark #strengthcoach #fitnessmotivation #fitness #fit #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #pt #southyarra #melbourne

18.01.2022 I needed some help writing up this mornings program #hiitworkout #hiit #fitness #health #gym #gymshark #gymbaby #southyarra #melbourne #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #strengthcoach

18.01.2022 PBs tumbling like flies. Bit too much smiling after a 300kg sled drag for my liking #instafit #fitness #gym #southyarra #melbourne #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #healthcoach #strengthcoach #doitright #legday #hiitworkout #hiit

16.01.2022 So whos coming to the gym tomorrow??..... #fitness #fitnessmotivation #instafit #motivationalquotes #gym #gymshark #workout #hiit #hiitworkout #strengthtraining #healthcoach #doitright #melbourne #southyarra #inspirationalquotes #earlystart

16.01.2022 Feel free to share.....

16.01.2022 Ready to lift #personaltrainingstudio #pt #southyarra #melbourne #strengthcoach #benchpress #redemptionperformancetraining #fitness #fitnessmotivation #instafit #chestday #healthcoach #gym

15.01.2022 COVID Park sessions #workout #fitness #training #armday #redemptionperformancetraining #strengthcoach #personaltraining #personaltrainer #parkworkout #coldwinternights #covid19 #southyarra #ptlife

13.01.2022 Training never stops!

13.01.2022 Exact replay of the conversation had by AFL officials when absurdly changing the rules of the game every year.

12.01.2022 Whos guilty of having done this???

12.01.2022 A new Book Now button has been added on our FB page for anyone who wants to rent out the training space for private use. Your training doesnt have to stop because of lockdown

11.01.2022 Our outdoor Personal Training studio comes fully equipped with everything you need to lift heavy and train hard! Book in with us today and start training as soon as restrictions lift on September 28th #personaltrainer #personaltraining #personaltrainingstudio #outdoortraining #gym #southyarra #melbourne #lifting #liftheavy #strengthcoach #gymshark #fitness #redemptionperformancetraining

10.01.2022 Am I doing this right??........ #personaltrainer #personaltraining #personaltrainingstudio #redemptionperformancetraining #startingyoung #parkworkout #fitness #fitnessmotivation #workingout #strengthtraining

10.01.2022 #gym #gymshark #quotes #motivationalquotes #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fitness #pt #personaltrainer #southyarra #melbourne #strengthcoach #healthcoach #health #personaltrainingstudio #redemptionperformancetraining

10.01.2022 If youre struggling without a gym to go to and cant muster up the internal motivation to get off the couch, join up to our online FB training group. Online sessions run everyday, strength training, HIIT, Pilates etc. Membership is free for the first two weeks so come along and try it out. Follow the link below to join:

10.01.2022 New COVID-19 regulations announced tonight means our doors stay open for personal training and small group training sessions. If youre gym has closed book with us now!

09.01.2022 Big thanks to @pgillart for the new artwork above our leaderboard. Definitely want to get your name up there now #instafit #fitness #gymshark #pt #leaderboard #dolphlundgren #redemptionperformancetraining #gym #pb #healthcoach #strengthtraining #records #fitlife

09.01.2022 2019 in review. What a great year training with so many awesome clients. New friendships made, fun, laughter and lots of cursing Looking forward to more of the same@in 2020 #redemptionperformancetraining #fitness #strength #strengthtraining #health #healthylifestyle #southyarra #melbourne #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #gymshark #deadlift #2019

09.01.2022 Abdominal workout 101

08.01.2022 It doesnt have to be you if you start now with a balanced healthy diet and corrective/preventative exercise #health #healthcoach #fitness #strength #strengthtraining #strengthcoach #redemptionperformancetraining #southyarra #melbourne #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #healthyforlife #officeworksucks

07.01.2022 Only 1 more sleep until footy season! Get involved with our footy tipping comp. follow the link below to create your profile and start tipping. Good cash prizes to be won (plus the far more important prize of bragging rights).

07.01.2022 Friday curls #strengthcoach #instafit #fitness #personaltrainingstudio #bicepworkout #armworkout #gym #strengthtraining #personaltrainer #healthcoach #melbourne #southyarra #friday #weekendtime #redemptionperformancetraining

07.01.2022 People of South Yarra. Missed out on a booking at the gym? Sign up with us and make sure you never miss a workout. Membership numbers are limited to ensure access for all. Pm now #fitness #gym #training #weighttraining #strengthtraining #lifting #redemptionperformancetraining #southyarra #gymshark #melbourne

07.01.2022 Banded BB Back Squats. Great leg and glute builder #squats #personaltrainer #personaltraining #strengthcoach #redemptionperformancetraining #fitness #gym #weights #lifting #southyarra #melbourne #gymshark #neverskiplegday

06.01.2022 Getting some new employees next week

06.01.2022 @smjadams should I buy??? #ptlife #fitness #gym #ballslams #100kg #redemptionperformancetraining #workout #hiitworkout #hiit #gymshark #strengthcoach

06.01.2022 Blank slate #fitness #strengthcoach #gym #gymshark #personaltrainer #mobilepersonaltrainer #personaltraining #redemptionperformancetraining #melbourne #southyarra #pt #ptlife #strengthandconditioning

06.01.2022 Or was that Confucius? @smjadams @norah_loves_bubbles @jennifer.brook #redemptionperformancetraining #fitness #fitnessmotivation #motivationalquotes #health #gym #gymshark #tgif #southyarra #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #strengthcoach

04.01.2022 Confucius Luke strikes again @madeleinesarahh #motivationalquotes #motivation #fitnessmotivation #fitness #gym #gymmotivation #gymshark #workout #hiitworkout #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio #southyarra #melbourne #strengthcoach #healthcoach

03.01.2022 Happy birthday @norah_loves_bubbles enjoy training with your workout buddy #redemptionperformancetraining #parkworkout #strengthtraining #strength #strongwomen #southyarra

03.01.2022 New top dog in town. Jarrad big 316kg sled drag #fitness #fitnessmotivation #instafit #gym #number1 #redemptionperformancetraining #sleddrag #strengthtraining #strengthcoach #healthcoach #melbourne #southyarra #pt #personaltrainer #personaltrainingstudio

02.01.2022 Never been happier to start work at 6AM #mondaymotivation #personaltraining #personaltrainingstudio #ptlife #fitness #squats #gym #gymmotivation #gymlife #gymshark #redemptionperformancetraining #strengthcoach #personaltrainer #healthcoach #6am #6amworkout #covid19 #easingrestrictions

02.01.2022 Bring on Monday #personaltrainingstudio #gym #fitness #covid19 #southyarra #melbourne #gymshark #hiit #strengthtraining #redemptionperformancetraining #easingrestrictions

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