Redjacket Coaching Services Pty Ltd | Sport & recreation
Redjacket Coaching Services Pty Ltd
Phone: +61 412 652 239
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25.01.2022 At my old job I didn't really know how to respond when people asked "So, what do you do?" Now, I help my clients fill in the blanks and work through the space between where they are right now and where they want to be in terms of their health, fitness, strength and lifestyle.
24.01.2022 Things can be better than what we have now but still so far from the best for us. Often we settle for less though. The reasons we have are many and varied. Whatever your reasons, Never Settle - You Deserve the Best!
24.01.2022 Wasted opportunities, vikings, and bucketlists. Earlier today I posted my 50th video and it wasn't until afterwards I had even realised. What could have been a celebration of a big milestone was missed because I was so caught up in business as usual. So this is me making up for it by sharing what I am going to do to avoid these situations in the future.
21.01.2022 My summary of Janne Mortensen's presentation on how to give young athletes the edge. If you work with kids or have some of your own and like what you see, here is the link to her full presentation. Be Healthy, Be Happy
21.01.2022 "I am Iron Man" An iconic quote from the marvel cinematic universe that served as a bookend for Tony Stark's journey as Iron Man. My version is "I am Ultra". When I was preparing for the Spartan Ultra World Championship race I wanted to remind myself of who I was becoming and ultimately what my training was for.... I still use it to this day to make decisions and also when I need to lift my game, whether that's at the gym or on the football field. I even got it engraved on my watch as a constant reminder of who I have become and what I can achieve if I put my mind to it. Who are you or who are you becoming? And how do you remind yourself of this every day.
20.01.2022 With most of the introductory videos out of the way I am really looking forward to covering more varied and more interesting (at least I hope) topics. I am going to be sharing insightful, real, always positive, and sometimes funny content on this page and my instagram ( I am going to be sharing my own original content, reposts and occassionally personal commentary on something I have read.... If you don't want to miss out make sure you are following my pages.
20.01.2022 If anyone is wondering just what exactly "Exercise Programming" is, how they are made, how they work or whether it's worth your time/money to get one made up I have put together a video where I run through the basics and put together the beginnings of a program for myself. Check it out if you are curious and let me know if you would like me to go into further detail on the buts and bolts of my sessions or if you just want to know how my progress goes.
20.01.2022 It has been a while since I did a practical exercise video. And well, I am an Exercise Coach so it was time I did something about that. Last year I did a few videos in a series I was calling "Exercise Done Different". I thought the name was cool but it no longer reflects the direction I will be taking those vidoes. Here is the first video of the "Exploring Exercise" series that will focus on empowering your training and helping you get the most out of your exercise.... This episode looks at the superset: what they are, how they work and why you would or wouldn't include them in your training.
20.01.2022 That's an oddly specific list
19.01.2022 Are Sundays the beginning or the end of the week? I don't really know but regardless I made sure to end (or start) the week on a high note with some football training with my team. As a team we agreed to start training on weekends because we were unhappy with the results of our past few games. When I told someone about this decision they asked me whether this is punishment for losing and if the team wins during the week will we cancel our training?... I consider our training as as an investment in winning because feel that I am much more likely to win games if I am thinking about winning games. So how I am I investing in winning - well I ask myself the same two questions I ask myself before I start all my training sessions. 1) What do I want to get out of this? 2) What is the best way for me to get that? Here is a practical example. Let's say that after I review one of my games I decide that my fitness wasn't where it needed to be. For the next few training sessions that is what I will be looking to improve. What's the best way for me to do that - well I could use an exercise bike or a rowing machine or a treadmill or a variety of cardio machines. Instread, I am going to grab my football and take it to the park and kick the ball and sprint after it repeatedly for 20 minutes taking short jogs in between. This will improve my fitness and also my kicking skills which will help me win more games. How do you maximise your training and is it linked to your overall goals?
19.01.2022 I started playing touch rugby league this year and to be honest I kinda sucked Two years of training for long distance races did not translate well to the explosive stop and start nature of the game. In fact, I was so unprepared that I tore my hamstring in my third game.... I tweaked my training program to better reflect the demands I am putting on my body and am really starting to notice the difference in game. Sometimes we get caught up doing the same thing we have always done despite the fact our goals have changed. It's important to be constantly reviewing our actions against our performance and making changes where necessary.
19.01.2022 Do you have questions? I would love to answer them. You can comment here or message me privately.
19.01.2022 Are you out of shape, unhealthy, unhappy or stressed out? Or are you looking for help with a specific health, fitness or strength goal? Or do you know someone who is/does?
18.01.2022 I am SUPER EXCITED to announce that REDJACKET COACHING SERVICES will be officially launching on September 14th. I am now accpepting clients and would love to chat to you about your goals and start developing a plan to achieve them. Be Healthy. Be Happy.
18.01.2022 Do you have big goals for next year or know of someone who does? Are you ready to start right now? Message me to start preparing for your biggest and best year ever. Don't wait until January to start.
18.01.2022 It is a new season of Touch Rugby League which means I have been thinking about what goals I am setting myself for the upcoming season. I don't believe in SMART goals because I feel that if we aim small we hit small and I would rather set an unrealistic goal and grow into it then set realistic goals and stay the same. Without realising it, I have been using an approach very similar to CPR (Character -> Process -> Results) which is used by many succesful sports and performance... coaches in the USA (see Dr Jim Loehr and Brett Leadbetter for more). Basically it is set a desired result and then focus not on that result but in developing the character and process that will lead to that result in time. That way if we don't achieve our result immediately we don't lower our self worth or self belief because sometimes the result is beyond our control. Whereas we are in control of who we are and what we do. Results are what we want, process is what we do, character is who we are.
17.01.2022 When people hear that I lost over 40kg in 13 months many of them ask me what my secret was. Well, I don't think there is a "secret" to it at least not in the sense that most people are looking for. Here are the three steps behind my success, and the amazing thing is that you can apply them to almost anything.... Implement / Adapt / Overload
17.01.2022 Today I officially launched Redjacket Coaching Services. It is incredibly exciting to start this new venture. Besides the usual first day paperwork I was able to take a moment this evening to reflect on where it all started. While on holiday exploring the wilds of Canada I met another backpacker who wanted to complete "The Grouse Grind". Initially I was hesistant but I figured I had all day to finish the hike. I took them up on their offer and told them I didn't know how long... I would take but that I would get it finished. It had taken only 3 months of working out with my trainer to add some confidence back into my life and I was ready to see how far it could take me. 3 hours later I had "survived the grind" as the finisher t-shirt goes. I learnt two lessons that have shaped my journey since then. First, just because you haven't done something before doesn't mean that you can't. Secondly, a lot can change in three months if you put in consistent work. There is a little over 3 months left in 2020 and I have big plans for the rest of the year. Do you?
17.01.2022 Don't let anyone who hasn't done, tell you that you can't. They have no idea what you can do, only what they have not. Be an eagle and fly. Let the chickens scratch for worms.
17.01.2022 I was originally going to call my business Momentum Lifestyle & Exercise Coaching. I was drawn to that name because I believe one of the major factors in my successes over the years was my ability to use momentum to chase bigger and bigger goals. I would make sure that I would pick my next goal and start preparing for it while I was still riding high after achieveing my previous goals. This momentum helped me overcome whatever challenges I faced. Someone I used to work used t...o refer to a crash or crash through strategy for breaking through barriers. The strategy was simple, when faced with a difficulty hit it with everything you have and crash through (or crash). Dream big, start small, commit, and never give up.
15.01.2022 It is nearly lunch time and I hope you all have something tasty to eat. I have just put together a short video on my YouTube kicking off a series I am going to do called Food is Fuel, where I talk about food, nutrition and how we fuel our bodies. The focus of the video was chatting about a Shred and Burn bar I saw a gentleman buying at the chemist. ... I then go into the science behind how that bar works and as a man of science I decided to taste it also and will say no more on that.
15.01.2022 I don't have kids but it is my experience that they start out not able to do a whole lot and then they reach this amazing point where they are figuring out the world around them, are full of adventure, make the most of every opportunity and refuse to take no for an answer. When I turned 30 alot of people asked me what advice I would give my younger self and I honestly believe that more often than not I need to be taking advice from 6 year old me - featured in the video living his best life demolishing an icecream.
14.01.2022 Math checks out. I had this printed out at my old desk. Everyone but the boss found it funny...
12.01.2022 There are lots of exercises out there and more being invented all the time. If you struggle to choose or want to know how you can better select good exercises this video covers a very important principle to consider when picking exercises; specific. And two questions you can use to help you choose the best exercise for you and your goals/wants.
12.01.2022 Which chef is it that says "just a drizzle of olive oil" or do they all cook like that?
11.01.2022 Do you think consistency is key? I have recently relearnt (you could say) the importance of consistency. I had taken some time away from certain things and getting started back up again took effort and work.... Is slowing down where possible better than stopping all together?
11.01.2022 In this video I share a little on my approach for Mindset Coaching. Primarily why its important and how you can start to shift your mindset.
11.01.2022 Today I was reminded of a video I watched on the weekend that I wanted to share with everyone. Especially those facing uncertainty with lockdown interruptions and the like. Physically and mentally we dont perform at our best when we are threatened (or stressed). Whereas when we are in a challenged state we are often capable of amazing feats. And getting into a challenge state versus a threat state can be as easy as the language we use or how we construct/discuss our problems.... In the linked video below Jamie Barker refers to his experiment where he set his participants a difficult task. He then told participants their results would be made public and anyone below a certain threshold would not be selected for the team. Imagine instead if the task had been presented differently - perhaps they were challenged to score as high as possible or perhaps asked to set/surpass a personal best. In the days ahead, will you be challenged or threatened?
11.01.2022 I developed the RASCAL Protocol (Rest and Self Care and Leisure) after reading an amazing book on "Pantsdrunk", a Finnish strategy for wellness. It is a short book and well worth the read if you have time. If not, here is my summary. There are circumstances in life which take a little bit out of us mentally and some might say almost spiritually. If unattended over time we can become very unhappy which often leads to further challenges. Therefore, it is incredibly important t...o recognise when this is happening and then make a conscious effort to engage in activities that add to our lives. It is a huge understatement to say that 2020 has been difficult for a lot of people and that at times it feels like that no matter where you look someone is telling you why you should be worried which can be tough to deal with. To close, I would like to ask how do you take care of yourself and how long has it been since you did that last?
09.01.2022 Who are you? They say a picture says a thousand words. So for some fun, visualising for the kind of person you are or the kind of person you are becoming.... If you were a car, what type would you be? What is your spirit animal?
09.01.2022 Have you been described as over competitive or perhaps you know someone who you would describe that way. Today I learnt that the latin origins of compete can be taken as "to strive together" which got me thinking about how competition done correctly can take everyone to the next level. I have been in workplaces were the competition was brutal and it felt like everyone was trying to tear everyone down. And then I rememeber all the times I have had to mark a fast player on the opposing team and how pretty much everytime we have sought each other out after the game to compliment them on their game and comment how fun our little duel was. Let's strive together.
08.01.2022 I read a quote last year that went something like this "Be careful how you speak to others for one day your words may become their inner voice". Or as my grandmas used to say "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all". Last year I came to the realisation that I was not only my biggest critic but that I was often the one saying the most negative things about myself.... Once I became aware of this detrimental habit I made it a priority to really pay close attention on how I would talk about myself and be ready to correct myself armed with a collection of some of my proudest moments and greatest victories. In the lead up to the Spartan Ultra World Championship Race I took inventory of the language I had been using and identified all the negative words I had been using and came up with a little mantra I would repeat to myself that had replaced them with positive words. Ready, no regrets Willing, not worried Dreams not doubts Faith, over fear
08.01.2022 Can't fault his logic
07.01.2022 Do you want to get better at your sport or perhaps you want to start a new sport in 2021? I can help you take your game to the next level. My Touch Rugby League team has had an incredible 2020 and we still have one season left before the year is over. At the beginning of the year we were a middle of the pack team. In our first season we lost more games than we won and our points differential (points scored versus points conceded) was positive by the smallest of margins.... Despite all that we some how made it into the finals as the lowest seed and were promptly eliminated in our first finals match. I was unhappy with the result and with my peformance and I decided to really focus on improving and started training myself in earnest. After a slow start to the second season back our team decided to train together once a week on top of the work we were doing individually. Last week we won the grand finals in a commanding fashion. We lost only one game all season, conceded less than half as many points as least season (even with the extra finals games) and scored on average an extra three times per match. An effective training program can significantly improve your individual and team performance. "It's not the will to win that matters - everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters." - Paul Bryant If you are ready to take your game to the next level, message me to get started.
07.01.2022 I don't think there are many people who enjoy losing. Personally, I have learnt alot from my losses and the times I have come up short. Last season my TRL lost in the first game of finals. Technically it was just a draw but we needed the win to advance. It was a close game our team definitely felt like we were the victims of a number of shocking calls. I remember being pretty angry after the game that something beyond my control had brought my season to an end. Thankfully, af...ter the emotions wore off and the logical part of my brain took over I remembered that there was at least one moment in the game where I could have scored and gotten us the win. I just didnt get to a ball in time, but if I was just a little bit fitter, or just a little bit faster I would have made it. Instead of focusing on what I can't control, such as the referee etc I am focusing on what I can control which is my training and my preparation for the games. I need to go faster and I will go faster.
06.01.2022 Hey all, I have just noticed that for some reason, my videos have not been cross posting from instagram to this page. I have been trying a couple of different things to fix but nothing has worked yet. For now I am going to be posting my videos on both YouTube and Instagram and I will share the YouTube videos here so that you can view those videos that interest you or share them with your friends and family who might be interested in that specific topic.... I am going to keep looking for a solution and a way to share the videos from the past few weeks here for you as well. Enjoy today's video on "What is your favorite song in 2020?" - Thanks for your support and wishing you all the best for the remainder of this year and a fantastic next year.
05.01.2022 This is my kind of politics
05.01.2022 Over the past few years I have learnt the importance of knowing the "why" behind every action or decision I have made, It has helped me refine my own training and assisted me in preparing for events. It has also kept me from quitting when things got tough.... When I started to work on getting back into shape, my why was that I had spent thousands of dollars on a hiking holiday. When I travelled to Sweden to do a 24 hour Spartan Race without a support crew my why was that I wanted to see how far I could push myself. I think it is fitting then that I share with you all why I started REDJACKET COACHING SERVICES.
04.01.2022 If you are looking at getting the most out of your sports performance, interested in learning about exercise and how the body works or are bored with your current training - check out my latest video. It's a quick introduction to cross training and why I think it's great.
04.01.2022 Some people are like those big blocks of chalk we just to draw with as kids. When you rub up against them you get covered in chalk dust. That's not necessarily a bad thing, unless of course they are a different colour of chalk and then things get messy/ruined. Making positive changes to our life can be difficult enough at times, even moreso when we hang out with people who can't help but be negative. ... On my journey the support from my Exercise Professional, my close friends, family and the encouragement of many genuinely amazing strangers was incredibly helpful. I am making it a priority for me to always work on being one of those people and adding value to the lives of those around me and also making sure that I put in the effort to hang out with those who build me up.
03.01.2022 Took some time today to revisit one of my favourite books. I read this whole book as part of my preparation for my first 24 hour race and I love revisiting it from time to time to re-read a chapter or two. The chapter on hope explores the factors that can lead to hopeless and helplessness and strategies to reduce them. One of the experiments involved near death drowing experiences with the rats. I will instead settle with finding small areas that I have complete control over ...that will improve how I feel and then acting on them. I am going to start with visiting my favourite pizza place on the weekend :) What will you start with?
03.01.2022 I start my day with these three things. Coffee A good laugh Decide on what actions I will take today that will move me towards my goals
02.01.2022 Some of my former colleagues fell for the shiney PowerPoint presentation every time.
01.01.2022 Do I still use a Personal Trainer / Coach? YES. I am still using the same trainer I started with 3 and a half years ago.... Why? There are so many reasons but I think the following sums it up nicely. If you want to change the world, find someone to help you paddle PS: If you have time, watch the whole video it is seriously amazing.
01.01.2022 I have also heard it put as "Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent" What did you practice today?
01.01.2022 A huge thank you to everyone who has watched, read, liked, followed and shared my content over the past week. As of today, I am officially open for business and able to start taking clients. Here is a quick recap on what I can provide.... As a qualified Personal Trainer and Registered Exercise Professional, I can do the following: Design exercise programs for my clients to complete on their own Deliver and instruct one-on-one or group exercise sessions with my clients in person or online Discuss healthy eating and other public health information with my clients It is my belief that changing your exercise and eating habits is just the beginning. The confidence and energy that these provide will carry over into other areas of your life. For me, what started as a simple goal of getting fit in 3 months ended up becoming so much more. Building a healthy, fit and strong body and mind is an incredible accomplishment thats made even sweeter when you use them to add massive value to your life and the lives of those around you. Are interested in training with me (or if you are happy with your current trainer) do you know someone, perhaps a friend, family member or colleague who would be interested? The best way to contact me to arrange a consultation and a complimentary session is for you to message me on Facebook (Redjacket Coaching Services), Instagram (@redjacketcoach) or email ([email protected]).
01.01.2022 What future are you creating?
01.01.2022 I was incredibly fortunate to join an amazing gym and hire a fantastic trainer. I have spoken to a number of people and unfortunately my experience is all too rare. For some gyms can be intimiidating and others have had uncomfrotable or humiliating experiences with gyms and personal trainers in the past. Some might not even be physically able to get to their gym right now.... If this is you or someone you know and you are wondering whether you can get healthy, fit and strong without going to the gym perhaps this video will help.
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