Redland Genealogical Society in Cleveland, Queensland | Genealogist
Redland Genealogical Society
Locality: Cleveland, Queensland
Address: Box 605 4163 Cleveland, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 Are you a member? Did you know that we have recommenced our meetings? Need to pay your membership renewal fees or want to join? This can be done at the Genealogy Room at the Cleveland Library on Thursday mornings, on line (just ask us how) or in person at our monthly meetings. ... Why join? We are a dedicated group of genealogists, who love to delve into our family's history. We get a great deal of satisfaction in unearthing the past and helping others in their research, providing guidance, advice and resources. So what do you know about your family? Come on a journey of discovery with our help.
25.01.2022 It's that time of year when we start to think about the festive activities and of course, holidays. Our members are meeting for the last time this year and looking forward to the Christmas function. Bookings for the function have closed as we have reached the venue's capacity to be Covid-safe but don't worry, we still have our GRAs on duty in the Genealogy Room of the Cleveland Library. When will the GRAs be there? On Thursday mornings with their final day for this year being... Thursday 17th December but they will be back on Thursday 21st January, 2021. Need help during our festive break? You can always contact us via this page or email us at: [email protected] #rgsevents #genealogyevents #grasonduty #genealogyhelp #genealogyresources #findingancestors #rgschristmas
24.01.2022 Does anyone recognise these people? Your help would be appreciated.
23.01.2022 Our President, Helen giving her reports to the members. She is sitting with our Treasurer, Yvonne, and our Newletter Editor, Greg, who was standing in for our Secretary. #comitteereporting #RGS #Redlandmuseum
21.01.2022 Activities of the Society in 2020 #RGS #Specialevents #genealogyevents #genealogymeetings #genealogyhelp #genealogytools #genealogyrescources #familytree
19.01.2022 November events: Yes, we are meeting again in person at the Redland Museum in Smith Street, Cleveland, next Wednesday at the usual time of 12:15pm. Our Guest Speaker will be our Patron, Les McFadzen, his presentation will be "Researching Chinese Ancestors".... Don't forget, this will also be the final opportunity for our members to pay for the December 'Christmas' lunch. You can of course pay for it online before Wednesday, just ask us how. We will be finalising the catering directly after the meeting so don't forget. Now is the time to start looking for that small 'Secret Santa' gift for our December event. #novemberevents #RGS #rgsevents #rgsmeetings #genealogy #familyhistory #whodowethinkweare #myfamilyhistory #genealogytools #genealogyresources #genealogymeetings #findmyfamilyspast #localhistory #delvingintothepast #uncoveringfamilysecrets #familymysteries
19.01.2022 Our members exercising social distancing but still staying connected with each other.
18.01.2022 Don't forget, we meet again tomorrow at 12:15pm at the Redland Museum in Smith Street. Time for us to share our finds, ask for help and let us not forget, it is the last chance to pay for the Member's Christmas Lunch function which will be held at the December meeting. #membersmeeting #rgsevents #genealogymeetings #delvingintothepast #uncoveringfamilysecrets #rgsmemberschristmasfunction #memberslunch #memberschristmaslunch
17.01.2022 A great way to keep the memories alive and learn a little of the history of our area.
15.01.2022 November and December Update: Well it is that time of year again when we make all our plans for our last meeting of the calendar year. Bookings have been finalised for our Christmas Lunch and unfortunately, no futher bookings can be made as the catering has to be finalised to ensure that we can socialise in a covid safe way.... Our Genealogy Room at the Cleveland Library is still operating on Thursday mornings and will only be shut for a few weeks over the festive season. #rgsmemberschristmasfunction #rgsevents #christmas2020
13.01.2022 Don't forget that you don't have to be a member to access our research resources. Our GRAs are on duty in the Genealogy Room at the Cleveland Library on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (9:30-12:30) and Saturday afternoons (12:30-3:30). They will happily assist you with your research needs. Members, however can access the room and the resources any time the library is open. Just one of the many benefits of being a member. Yes, you can use the internet at home as well, but how much you would save if you can use our subscriptions as well, just by going into the Genealogy Room. The wealth of resources there will amaze you. #genealogy #research #resources #familytree #genealogyresources #researchtools #internetresearch
12.01.2022 Fantastic! Our first face to face (well so to speak) meeting since the restrictions were put in place. So nice to see other members again. First the AGM and then onto the normal meeting with lots of things to talk about and share. #redlandgenealogy #redlandsgenealogy #familyhistoryhelp #genealogyresources #RGS
11.01.2022 For those of us who went to Ormiston State Primary School or whose ancestors did, this could be very interesting and you might learn something other than your ABCs.
10.01.2022 It's almost Christmas. So what's Santa going to bring you? I'm hoping for all my brick walls to come tumbling down. #christmas2020 #christmasiscoming #christmasgifts #christmaswishes #genealogychristmas #alliwantforchristmas #agenealogistschristmaswish
10.01.2022 CANCELLATION NOTICE: Due to unforseen circumstances, this week's FTM User Group meeting has been cancelled, however the October meeting is on track to be held. #FTMusergroup #FTMhelp #redlandgenealogy #familyhistoryhelp #genealogyresources
09.01.2022 We would like to take the opportunity to wish all our members and guests a Very Merry and Safe Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. May all your brick walls be conquered, all your mysteries solved and new ancestors found.
05.01.2022 Today is the last chance this year to talk to our GRAs at the Cleveland Library. The volunteers are a wonderful group of people with a wealth of knowledge. No matter where your ancestors came from, they are there to help and they have a huge amount of resources at their fingertips. Don't know how to start? They can help you on your journey of discovery. They are pretty good at helping to break down brick walls too. Don't be shy, pop in.
04.01.2022 Have you seen our latest event photos? Check out the Quilt of Valour which was presented to our patron. Such wonderful work that the Quilts of Valour Australia do. Thank you Ron Tait for the presentation and talk about this great gift.
03.01.2022 October happenings..... We are meeting again at the Redland Museum on Smith Street in Cleveland. Same start time of 12:15pm. This will be a normal member's meeting and include a Webinar Presentation 'How to use the New Version of Trove'. Normal $2.00 entry fee applies and visitors are welcome. Starting today, our Genealogy Room in the Cleveland Library will be open from 9:30 am until 12:15 pm every Thursday until December. ... Our GRAs (Genealogical Research Assistants) will be on duty and there will be a limit on numbers in the room but strategies are being put in place to manage assisting anyone who needs help with their research. So don't be shy, drop by and say hello.
02.01.2022 Events for RGS in 2020
02.01.2022 A quick reminder that our Family Tree Maker user group will not be meeting this week but one on one help will still be available for those having difficulty with the software program. #FTM #FMTuser #genealogytools
02.01.2022 Are you ready for our meeting tomorrow? We're excited are you? How many new discoveries have you made this year? I'm sure that a lot of us have made the most of our time at home to look into our family's past. Don't forget, our meeting is at the Redland Museum at the same time as normal meetings. Will we see you there?... #RGS #genealogyhelp #genealogyresources #familytree #redlandgenealogy #familyhistoryhelp #genealogytools #meetingasnormal #familyhistory #findourpast #genealogicalstories
01.01.2022 Were you greeted at the door by 2 of our lovely committee members? Lynne and Karen, alway greet you with a smile. #RGSmeeting #RGScomittee #familyhistory #genealogy
01.01.2022 Now that we are 40, do we feel the need to slow down? No, not at all. Our Society is going strong and we are preparing for another meeting next week. Our guest speaker will be Ron Tait and his presentation is on 'Quilts of Valour, Australia History and Awarding of Quilts to Australian Veterans of All Wars'. This will be a fascinating topic. When and where? On Wednesday 9th of June at 12:15pm at the Donald Simpson Community Centre. Entry is a modest $2 and visitors are most... welcome. #quiltsofvalor #quiltsofvalour #militaryhistory #genealogyresearch #genealogy #familytree #DSC #donaldsimpsoncentre See more
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