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Redmap in Taroona, Tasmania, Australia | Science website

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Locality: Taroona, Tasmania, Australia

Address: Nubeena Crecent 7053 Taroona, TAS, Australia


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25.01.2022 What's That Fish? - #WTF Wednesday! This week’s fish is a little bigger than the last few, but always a wonderful sight to see when on the #reef! What species is this? Let us know and we'll reveal the correct answer tomorrow! (Bonus points if you can identify the smaller fish underneath the big fish ) zsispeo #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography

25.01.2022 An Australian marine biologist has stumbled across an incredible sight during her morning walk - a determined mother octopus rolling her babies into the ocean via a pipe nursery. Credit: Sheree Marris via Storyful

23.01.2022 Great observation of an out-of-range southern Maori wrasse in north east Tassie spotted by Damien Brockie. Nice pic too!!

23.01.2022 WTF? It’s a #clownfish! (Amphiprion sp.) Can you believe Finding Nemo was released 17 years ago? Does anyone else feel old? Read on for more interesting facts: Did you know there are at least 30 species of clownfish within the genus Amphiprion? This little fish likely belongs to either the ocellaris or percula species group. ... The Eastern Clownfish (Amphiprion percula) is one of Redmap’s target species Log it if you spot it south of Fraser Island. Clownfish live in tropical waters, in sheltered reef systems. Clownfish live in anemones, however even though there are over 1000 species of anemone, clownfish can only successfully live in ~10 of these species. They are not very good swimmers, and so spend much of their time sheltering in their anemone. Clownfish (or anemonefish) are sequential hermaphrodites, meaning that they spend time as both a male and female in their lifetime! Clownfish begin as males, and as they grow, will change to female. They have a strict social hierarchy, and the largest and most aggressive fish in the group will be a female (so Marlin would have transitioned to a female after his partner’s tragic demise). Rickard Zerpe #Amphiprion #percula #ocellaris #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #LittleFish #FindingNemo #Nemo #Photography

22.01.2022 #WTF? Its a Barcheek Trevally!(Carangoides plagiotaenia)! This is one of Redmap's species of interest - make sure you log it if you spot it south of Townsville, QLD, Australia. Read on for more interesting facts: Barcheek Trevally are a prized gamefish commonly caught on hook-and-line, bottom trawls and by spearfisherman. They are a highly reflective silver-blue fish capable of growing up to 50cm, with a dark vertical bar on the lower operculum (gil...l cover) and a sharp lower jaw. These fish can be found along the slopes of lagoons and in the outer reef, where they prey on small fish and crustaceans. R Zerpe #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography

19.01.2022 It's NAIDOC week and so we thought we'd share this excellent resource - a Reef Discovery free online course about Cultural Heritage from Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority NAIDOC stands for National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee. NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

19.01.2022 Hey, Seadragon! Haven't we seen you somewhere before? A new research project will use #AI and #citizenscience photos to track and protect Australia's #Seadragons. Their habitat is under serious threat, so conservation projects like this could be a game-changer. Read the full story here: #UTSScience #SeaDragonSearch #MarineScience #CitizenScience #DiveLife

18.01.2022 What's That Fish? - WTF Wednesday? Has anyone caught one of these in the waters surrounding #QLD? Where did you spot one? What species could this be? R Zerpe #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography

18.01.2022 Cosmos magazine reporting on Redmap and the good work you do keeping track of species on the move around the Australian coastline.

18.01.2022 #WTF? It’s a Blacktip Reef Shark (Carcharhinus melanopterus)! Log this species if spotted south of Fraser Island, QLD. (Bonus points if you guessed that the little fish below was a Remora sp.) Read on for more information on this species: This week’s fish is a small reef shark, which can be identified by the solid black tips on its dorsal fin (with a white line below). It is mostly found in around tropical and sub-tropical reefs, and is a common sight around many popular QL...D dive spots. The Blacktip Reef Shark is considered Near Threatened under the IUCN Redlist, as global populations are decreasing. This shark is not considered territorial, but may attack if it feels cornered or threatened so make sure you appreciate this wonderful species at a respectable distance. #Blacktip #Reef #Shark #Carcharhinus #melanopterus #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography zsispeo (flickr) See more

16.01.2022 Not all marine pics, but certainly some great shots in there!!

16.01.2022 If you are a commercial, recreational or Indigenous fisher and regularly fish in either Western Australia, Tasmania or the Great Barrier Reef - would you like to help inform a study on what is important to you about these places and fisheries? What is important to fishers? The Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, along with its research partners, are conducting a study to better understand the shared and contrasting values among the fishing industry and their visio...n for fair and secure access to aquatic resources. If you are a commercial, recreational or Indigenous fisher and regularly fish in either Western Australia, Tasmania or the Great Barrier Reef catchments in Queensland, please click on this link to open the survey. Everyone responding will have the chance to win a $50 gift voucher from BCF but the study is closing soon! The survey form uses a methodology called Qmethod and is not optimised for smartphone use, so please use a computer or tablet to complete the study. The study, Project 2020-088: Quantifying inter-sectoral values within and among the Indigenous, commercial and recreational sectors, is being conducted by NCEconomics with funding from the Fishing Research and Development Corporation (FRDC) on behalf of the Australian Government. If you have any questions about the study, you can contact Tracy Schultz at [email protected]

16.01.2022 This is a fascinating science-art project that although it’s designed around Tassie bushwalks, you can download the files and listen to these discussions about science & life & why we do the work we do, from anywhere in the world! The chats are also paired with beautiful original music sound tracks. Redmap inventor & lead scientist Gretta talks about how and why she started Redmap, why climate change is an important issue for her & her early marine research diving and fishing in amazing Coles Bay & Freycinet working on southern calamari.

16.01.2022 Satellite tagging an Antarctic blue whale!

16.01.2022 What's That Fish? - #WTF Wednesday! This smiley fish can be found (if you are very lucky) on mud flats and estuaries around Northern Australia. Look at that smile :D What could it be? Check back tomorrow for the answer and some amazing facts about this species! #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #NT #WA #Australia #CitizenScience #TropicalFish #LifeInTheTropics #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS Phillip Lovell

14.01.2022 #WTF - It's a Scalloped Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna lewini)! As you can probably guess, this shark gets its name from the distinct scalloped shape of its head. This unique shape distinguishes it from other hammerheads! This shark is a coastal pelagic species, found in warm, temperate and tropical waters around the world. Females give birth to live young (viviparous), who then spend the first few years of their lives in protected mangrove areas.... Unfortunately, these animals are critically endangered, so if you see one of these fascinating creatures while you are out and about, make sure to log the sighting on your Redmap app! If you would like to read more about some of the exciting research being done by some of our researchers at JCU: Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture , take a look at a recent paper here: Mark Rosenstein #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography #Pelagic #QLDChiefScientist

14.01.2022 Thanks to Marco of the Sydney Underwater VIZ group - an interview on the what, why, how of Redmap with Redmap founder Gretta Pecl.

13.01.2022 Everyone loves the red handfish & now you can have one of yours very own to squeeze and hug AND help raise funds for their conservation at same time

13.01.2022 Fully online. Starts 12th July, and you can apply for a 100% HECS waiver!!

13.01.2022 What an amazing pic!! And great to see an image of healthy kelp forest when we’ve lost so much of them.

12.01.2022 What's That Fish? - WTF Wednesday? This weeks fish was the star of an iconic Pixar movie which was released 17 years ago! Can you guess what it is? Answer in tomorrow's post :D Rickard Zerpe... #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography

12.01.2022 SUPER-KELP can grow 4m in just 9 months! Wow!

12.01.2022 Redmap is about knowledge exchange between scientists that work on climate change and fishers and divers who are observing change in our oceans. But scientists dont often have the chance to talk about WHY they do the work they do. Here, in this long form interview set to original music, Redmap founder Professor Gretta Pecl talks about her start in marine science and how she ended up working on climate change, and more importantly, why. The talks are 'set' around Tasmania, bu...t you can grab a cuppa and listen to them anywhere.

11.01.2022 Queenslanders- what a HUGE number of #citsci projects to get into!!

10.01.2022 Few good marine ones in here!

10.01.2022 In an unprecedented statement released Tuesday, the Australian Society for Fish Biology (ASFB) and the American Fisheries Society (AFS) joined 110 aquatic scientific societies representing more than 80,000 scientists across the world to call for drastically curtailed global greenhouse gas emissions to avoid the worst impacts of man-made climate change to fish and aquatic ecosystems. 110 aquatic scientific societies representing 80,000 scientists.

07.01.2022 What's That Fish? - #WTF #Wednesday! What an interesting head shape this big fish has... what could it be? Bonus points if you can give us the species, and tell us how you might identify it!... Mark Rosenstein #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography #Pelagic #QLDChiefScientist

06.01.2022 This is somewhere in the US- moon snail eating a clam- AMAZING footage! Apologies for the lack of detail on location and species BUT this was too cool not to share!

05.01.2022 Traditional owners rekindling the tradition of ‘singing in the whales’

05.01.2022 #WTF? It’s a #Largetooth #Sawfish (Pristis pristis)! This fish has many names in different regions of northern Australia, including; Kunpulu (Gurindji people), Galwanyi (Bunuba people) & Tyemirerriny (Malak Malak people). Read on for more interesting facts: This week’s fish is a shark-like ray, and is named for its characteristic saw shaped snout. The Largetooth Sawfish is listed as critically endangered under the #IUCN redlist and occurs almost exclusively in the rivers, es...tuaries and coastal waters of northern Australia. These fish can grow to an impressive 6.5m long, and can tolerate both fresh and salt water (similar to another iconic Australian species the barramundi). These fish are threatened by the shark fin trade and overfishing , their unusual snout is considered a highly desirable item for illegal trade, which has contributed to the decline of this wonderful species. They are also considered to be culturally important to Australia’s aboriginal people, with sawfish appearing in many ancient and contemporary artworks. Here’s some more information about conservation efforts in the Northern Territory: Linked here is an instruction video on how to safely return a sawfish to the wild if you happen to catch one! #Sawfish #LargeToothSawfish #Pristis #NAIDOC #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography P Lovell

04.01.2022 What’s that Fish? WTF Wednesday! Can anyone identify the big fish in the middle? Bonus points if you can tell us what the striped fish on the right are! John Turnbull #WTF #WhatsThatFish #Redmap #RedmapAustralia #Marinespecies #WhatsOnTheMove #SpeciesOnTheMove #QLD #Australia #CitizenScience #GBR #CoralReef #GameFishing #Climate #Fishing #Diving #LifeOnTheWater #ClimateChange #JCU #IMAS #BigFish #Photography

03.01.2022 Sydney-based Redmappers, have you connected with the Sydney Viz group??

01.01.2022 It’s National Science Week! Read here about some critters on the move in Vic & how Museums Victoria are working with Redmap (and you!!) to help map them.

01.01.2022 Trailer for the Great Southern Reef series- I can’t wait!!!

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