Reflections Within | Yoga studio
Reflections Within
Phone: +61 481 797 656
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24.01.2022 Chair yoga is returning weekly from Wednesday 24th June 9:30am to 10:15am! Please call Alicia 0481 797 656 for enquiries. $13 for each yoga session and first session is free. 1.5m social distancing will be followed.
24.01.2022 #winter2020 #naturallife
22.01.2022 Yoga @ the Yacht Club Mon & Thurs 9am Friday 9.30am @lakemacquarieyachtclub
22.01.2022 #mondaymotivation #newweeknewstart
21.01.2022 #saturdaymood #tinybuddha
21.01.2022 #internationalyogaday2020 #health #mentalhealth #theprecioushumanbody
20.01.2022 Love this gentle reminder to flow with life #yogajournal #ebbandflow
19.01.2022 YOGA takes you into the present moment. The only place where life exists @lakemacquarieyachtclub #yogaattheyachtclub #reflectionsyogaandmeditation #yogaonthelake #yinyangyoga #yogalakemacquarie
19.01.2022 Are you thriving or just surviving? The COVID pandemic has created a concurrent crisis around mental health. We all need to be taking care of each other, but includes ourselves. This is especially true for healthcare workers. This site from the Colorado Healthcare Ethics Resource Group offers information and resources to help address the anxiety and stress that can, if left unaddressed, deteriorate into crisis. See more
19.01.2022 Awareness brings many gifts #bepresentinthemoment #springtimebliss
18.01.2022 #decemberintentions
18.01.2022 @lakemacquarieyachtclub
15.01.2022 #mondayfeels #naturallife
14.01.2022 Perfect day in for some yoga with my girl #rainydays #yogapractice #pixiepoodle
14.01.2022 #sundaymotivation
14.01.2022 Last Yoga Class @lakemacquarieyachtclub for 2020 with Alicia tomorrow 9am. Niki will be back in 2021 from the 13th Jan and Alicia from the 18th. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Christmas #yogaonthelake #yogaattheyachtclub #thestartofsomethinggreat #picturefrompinterest
14.01.2022 ''There is no need to justify what we are. There is no need to work hard to become what we are not. We just need to return to our intergrity, to the way we were... before we learned to speak. Perfect. Humans are born in truth, but we grow up believing in lies. One of the biggest lies in the story of humanity is the lie of our imperfection. As little children, we are authentic. Only the present time is real for us; we don't care about the past, and we aren't worried about the future. we enjoy life; we want to explore and have fun. Nobody teaches us to be that way; We are born that way.~ ~Don Miguel Ruiz art: Jagwired
12.01.2022 Sometimes having a coffee with your best friend is all the therapy you need... Share an Awesome Human mug with your bestie and make sure those therapy ses...sions have some self recognition of how AWESOME you both truly are! Available from the Awesome Human shop now! #awesomehuman #awesomehumanaustralia #bestfriends #coffee #tea #hardtea #selfrecognition #youareawesome #weareawesome #beyou #beawesome #kindnessday #friendship #mateship #supportaustralianbusiness #awesomehumanmovement #letsstartit
12.01.2022 #mondaymotivation #naturallife
12.01.2022 Additional Yoga Classes are being added to our timetable as from next week. Classes will run Mon - Thurs 9am and Fri 9.30am. For any questions or to make a booking call either Alicia 0481797656 or Niki 0478016365 #yogaattheyachtclub #yinyangyoga #hathayoga @lakemacquarieyachtclub
11.01.2022 Another beautiful Saturday out there #winterweekends #naturallife
11.01.2022 Another perfect morning @lakemacquarieyachtclub #yogaonthelake #yinyangyoga #reconnectingbodymindandsoul
11.01.2022 SPRING is in the air #sundayfeels
11.01.2022 Full Moon Blessings~ 3rd/4th August 2020 August's Full Moon is the eye of the storm phase where all will feel calm and settled following the past few intense ...months. It is also a time where we can finally take a breather, rest and reset, before cosmic energy heightens again from September through to the end of the year. Although this Full Moon is in the sign of Aquarius, celestial energy will be affecting all zodiac signs, however, those with Aquarius in their chart will feel the impact more than others. Aquarius' energy can be rather detached when it comes to heavy emotions, feelings, and connections, so this means we will be taking a much needed break from any recent overwhelming or turbulent experiences. This allows us to realign and recognise where we have been holding too tight to unfulfilling relationships, the material world and unhealthy societal structures. The overall vibration of the Aquarius moon is freedom, so we will be wanting to liberate ourselves from anything constricting and limiting. In particular our attachments to whatever or whoever causes drama, chaos, unrest or friction will be illuminated. Aquarius is all about emotional intelligence and prompts us to seriously consider how and why we think and feel, about dynamics. It also forces us to take a closer look at what we choose to be involved in, and to question the company we keep. Therefore, now is the time to pay close attention to the reasons we cling to old habits or connections we know no longer serve our soul, and to find the strength to distance and disconnect. Aquarius is known as the social butterfly, and likes to talk, spread information and generally be the life and soul of the party. Due to social restrictions currently in place across the world, this energy is not able to develop as it normally would during an Aquarius Full Moon, therefore, it is highly possible we will see news or possibly even gossip being contorted and misconstrued as it rapidly travels across social media over these next few days. It is recommended that we don't believe everything we read or hear at the moment, as the underlying motives and agendas behind the information may not carry the best intentions. While Aquarius is known for disconnection, it is usually only with anything it doesn't vibrate on the same frequency with. Despite being known for being emotionally reserved it is an extremely social energy, especially with regard to anything that feels nourishing and resonant. This brings in a desire to reach out to the people we connect with on a deeper level, or if we don't have those types of friendships in our lives, we may notice a strong longing to find our tribe. This Full Moon is the intro to the New Moon in Leo in a couple of weeks, as Leo's fearless & fiery love energy will send shockwaves through our hearts and stir emotions we thought had long died out. With the Sun in luminous, loving Leo shining on the cool, calm and collected Aquarius Moon, lunar energy triggers a battle between the heart and the head. Whatever has been weighing on our mind recently will now begin to manifest into our reality and we may feel the rekindling of flames we believed had long burned out - which includes passion for others, along with a deeper love and acceptance for ourselves. It will particularly focus our attention on aspects of our lives that have left us feeling disempowered and where our energy has drained through prioritizing other people's needs and desires before our own. Be prepared for a huge internal shift with these clashing and contrasting energies, as Leo's powerful and forceful nature causes Aquarius' logic to go out the window and for the heart to totally crack open. We will see our relationships or connections from an entirely different perspective and our raw, suppressed emotions will want to spill out. This means we will be far more vulnerable and truthful about what we feel for certain people, so we may either give or receive love declarations, as we finally find the courage to communicate or be open to how we really feel. Aquarius is the thinker of the zodiac, it encourages us to perceive with clarity and to open our minds to new possibilities and opportunities. It is the awakener, and will compel us to transform the way we have been viewing our surrounding environment, with emphasis on how we treat one another. It also pulls us out of our comfort zone and will make us feel like falling in love with life once again, and to see there are infinite ways to alter the shape of the world and to entirely change how we are experiencing it. This is the sign and time of rebellion and revolution, and it helps us see how it is imperative we look beyond restrictions and oppressions. It allows us to recognise that together we can rise up and recreate new fairer systems and structures, to take the place of the old, outdated dismantled ones. It supports our independence, as well as helping us recognise who we are in the world, so that we realign with what we know to be our truth, rather than what the media or other influences try to condition us to believe. We will come out of this lunar energy with far more clarity, awareness and with renewed belief in ourselves, as well as having reaffirmed our beliefs about what we know to be true in the world - without biased outside interferences altering our truths. Surreal and unexpected scenarios often arise during the Aquarius Full Moon, so be prepared for absolutely anything to happen, from a surprise meeting to revolutionary news that could shake and change everything as we currently know it. Uranus goes retrograde on August 11th, and as it is now in its shadow period and is the ruler of Aquarius, it will also have a major impact on us during this Full Moon. This means we should be ready for a sudden change of fate, disruptions to occur, and to not rely too heavily on anything remaining the same over the coming weeks. Although Uranus is known for being the bearer of break-ups, as well as breakdowns, it is also the planet of miraculous breakthroughs. Given the constantly challenging energies we have navigated over the past few months and how much we have already learned and transformed, there is a high possibility that many of us will sail through Uranus' retrograde experiencing much-welcomed breakthrough after breakthrough. This Full Aquarius Moon is timely placed right before Uranus' retrograde, as it encourages us to do some long overdue internal work to clear out stagnant beliefs, and release tensions and painful memories that keep us trapped and suffering. This allows us to be ten steps ahead of the upcoming retrograde and to be fully prepared to welcome, rather than fear, it's arrival. Aquarius carries a futuristic vibration, so this incredibly powerful energy will help us not only realize who we are in the world, it also offers a rare glimpse into the future, giving us clarity and insight so we can choose the manifestations that will work best, what our paths will offer us, our ultimate soul purpose and who we want journeying alongside us on the way. Over this next week expect timelines to suddenly shift, as the intentions we have been setting miraculously start manifesting, our passions ignite and a life filled with love, magic and abundance begins to be created, as our innermost dreams rapidly become a reality. Aquarius is the "Water Bearer" so to remain grounded and absorb as much of this lunar energy as possible, be sure to drink plenty of water, take a salt bath if possible, and if nearby, take a walk near a river, lake or the ocean.~ ~Alex Myles
09.01.2022 ANOTHER MAGICAL MORNING @lakemacquarieyachtclub
09.01.2022 Yin Yang Yoga Thursday 9am @lakemacquarieyachtclub #yogaonthelake #yinyangyoga
09.01.2022 Wisdom comes with the ability to be still. Just look and just listen. No more is needed. Being still, looking, and listening activates the non-conceptual intelligence within you. Let stillness direct your words and actions. - Eckhart Tolle
08.01.2022 Full Moon Blessings <3 On Jan 28th/29th January 2021, the first full moon is in Leo, the sign of the heart and of the Sun, and it blesses us with love and light.... The Sabian symbol for this lunation is the sun on the early morning dew. It speaks of a blessing to begin, the promise of dawn, and encourages our hearts to trust in what is possible this year. The Leo full moon invites us to celebrate everything that makes us one-of-a-kind. It’s a time to show our stuff and share our talents, as only we can. But since it can also bring out our attention-seeking side, we’ll want to be gracious about sharing the spotlight. Each of us is encouraged to let our light shine, and not worry too much about outshining (or being outshone by) anyone else. After all, we shine our brightest by shining together. The Leo moon evokes our need to feel special and unique, but the Aquarius sun reveals that we share this need with all our fellow humans. While we all deserve a chance to be the center of attention, we must also realize that we’re not the center of the universe. WHAT DOES THE JANUARY FULL MOON IN LEO MEAN? The Leo/Aquarius polarity is about balancing individual freedom and self-expression with collective responsibility. Still, with a stellium of Aquarius planets (Saturn, the sun, Jupiter, Pallas Athena, and Mercury) opposing this full moon, right now one of these clearly outweighs the other. As important as our feelings are to us, we might have to put them on the backburner for now in service to the greater good. Jupiter and Saturn are moving on from their Great Conjunction on December 21, 2020. But both personally and collectively, we’re still experiencing the growing pains of this era-defining aspect. Jupiter’s conjunction with the sun highlights the unique role each of us has to play at this time, within our own community and the larger human family. Meanwhile, the moon’s oppositions with Jupiter and Saturn ask us to confront whatever feelings this brings upsuch as wounded pride, resentment, or resistance to change. With so many planets in fixed signs right now, we might be digging in our heels and doubling down on deeply-entrenched patterns. But the more we refuse to change with the times, the more likely Uranus, Mars, and Black Moon Lilith in Taurus will force our hand. As the Leo moon and the Aquarius sun/Jupiter/Saturn make a T-square to this volatile trio, it can feel like we’re living in an emotional pressure cooker. Whether it’s a situation in our personal lives, or our response to what’s happening in the news, there’s a sense that something’s got to give: Things simply cannot go on this way. In this emotionally charged environment, it’s important to be mindful of how we express our anger and frustration (and how we respond to others’ expressions). An exact Venus/Pluto conjunction on the day of this full moon gives us the power to transform our relationships, but whether it’s for better or for worse depends on who we choose to be in our interactions. The cracks in our common foundations can either be deepened or repairedthe choice is up to us. Fortunately, as the Leo full moon trines Chiron in Aries and Juno in Sagittarius, we’re supported in doing the work of healing and repair. We can take pride in recommitting to our shared values and idealsand most importantly, to each other. Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius two days after this full moon (January 30-February 20). And while this can present some communication challenges, it also presents us with an opportunity: to reconnect as a community, and reimagine a better future together. HOROSCOPES FOR THE FULL MOON IN LEO LEO~ Rise and shine, Leo! This full moon calls you to show up as your best and brightest self. But it also reminds you that showing up doesn’t have to mean showing off. Rather, it’s about letting your natural warmth and light shine through in everything you do. VIRGO Namaste, Virgo! This full moon invites you to honor the light within. But it also reminds you that your own inner spark is just one part of the equation. Once you’ve discovered the divine in yourself, the next step is recognizing and acknowledging it in everyone else. LIBRA Whether it’s in person or virtual, Libra, you’re the heart and soul of the party. And at this full moon, it feels good to bask in the warm acceptance of your peers. Make sure, though, that it’s you they’re celebratingnot some other person you’re pretending to be. SCORPIO Your star is on the rise, Scorpio. But as this full moon lights up your house of career and reputation, it may also illuminate some mixed feelings about success. Ego-driven achievements alone won’t satisfy your sense of purpose. For accomplishments to matter, they must have personal meaning. SAGITTARIUS Shed some light on the subject, Sag! You’ve had some illuminating experiences; Now, this full moon finds you eager to enlighten everyone else. While you deserve to take pride in sharing your wisdom, don’t be too proud to admit that there are things you still don’t know. CAPRICORN You’re the kind of person, Capricorn, that others are proud to know. But the level of influence you have on their lives comes with great responsibility attached. This full moon illuminates the power dynamics in your intimate relationshipsand shows you how to use them for the benefit of all. AQUARIUS You’re more than just a face in the crowd, Aquarius. But with so many strong personalities and unique characters in your orbit, it’s easy to lose sight of what makes you stand out. At this full moon, surround yourself with the people who make you feel truly seen. PISCES There’s no job too small, Pisces: Even mundane tasks are dignified when you take pride in doing them well. Still, at this full moon, you may worry that your talents are being wastedor your noble efforts going unnoticed. If so, perhaps it’s time to find new opportunities to shine. ARIES You do you, Aries! While you rarely shy away from expressing yourself, this full moon takes your originality to a whole other level. Still, you’ll want to make sure you’re standing out for the right reasons. Celebrate your individuality, but resist indulging in over-the-top antics. TAURUS Family takes pride of place for you, Taurus. And at this full moon, there’s plenty to be proud of. Still, it’s important to remember that you’re also connected to the larger human familyand the choices you make for yourself and your loved ones contribute to the collective. GEMINI What’s your story, Gemini? At this full moon, you’ve got plenty of tales to telland a unique way of spinning them that has others hanging on your every word. But while you have their attention, you might try redirecting it toward a cause you care about. CANCER Only the best, Cancer: You and your loved ones deserve nothing less. But there are people outside your inner circle who may be equally deservingand more in needof what life has to offer. Welcome them in at this full moon, and share the wealth as you are able.~~ ~Rachel Celeste Hansen
07.01.2022 Beautiful Happy Sunday x
07.01.2022 Another perfect start to the day @lakemacquarieyachtclub #yogaattheyachtclub #lakemacqurieyachtclub #yinyangyoga #awesomehuman #givingback
06.01.2022 Yoga @ the Yacht Club now 5 days @lakemacquarieyachtclub #yogaonthelake #yogalakemacquarie
05.01.2022 #sundayvibes #happyfathersday2020
05.01.2022 Absolute perfect start to the day Classes now running Mon - Thurs 9am Fri 9.30am Bookings essential contact Alicia 0481 797 656 Niki 0478 016 365 @lakemacquarieyachtclub #yogaattheyachtclub
05.01.2022 #naturallife #sundayfeels
05.01.2022 SEPTEMBER LIVE ENTERTAINMENT . #lakemacquarieyachtclub #lmyc #livemusic #liveentertainment #lakemac
04.01.2022 #morningmotivation
04.01.2022 Ful Moon Blessings ~ The Pisces Full Moon occurs at 06:21 (BST) on September 2/3, 2020 The Moon is in Pisces, soft, watery, all encompassing. We’re drifting on ...the ocean, clouds and stars reflected on the surface. It’s hard to tell where the sea ends and the sky begins. In Pisces, there are no barriers or boundaries. In this place, we are at one with all that it, egoless, merged, indistinguishable from everything else. It’s a beautiful experience but with the Sun in practical Virgo a sign that is here to help, efficient and business like this woozy atmosphere could manifest as feeling confused, defeated, uncertain, weak, helpless. The perfect plans evaporate, time slips in fact, there is no time here. It’s endless, forever, the vastness of eternity. In Virgo, we work hard chop wood, carry water. We do what needs to be done clean teeth, pack lunch, wash the dishes, feed the kids. We tinker, adjust, make do and mend. But sometimes in the midst of a boring commute or vacuuming the living room, we catch sight of something else. In that moment, maybe we realise that we lost the thread, we lost the meaning of why we’re doing, what we’re doing. And so, at the Pisces Full Moon, we have a chance to reassess and rebalance. As we are tugged by the undercurrent, we can only move with the tide, surrender, allow ourselves to be lost so that we can be found. As Neptune, the ruler of this lunation, opposes Mercury, we can’t think our way through this or out of this. A concurrent Venus-Neptune trine tells us that it is through the heart that we find our way. Have compassion. Send out waves of love. With the Moon widely conjunct Ceres, Goddess of the Grain, it’s time to feed the soul. The Moon sits on the midpoint of a Uranus-Pallas trine and the Sun will perfect a trine to Uranus on the same day as the Full Moon. If we allow ourselves to rest and make space for the cosmic, we create a corridor of communion. Uranus and Pallas gift us with higher perception, wisdom, flashes of insight, sudden knowing. Uranus reminds us that maybe there is a different way of being. The Sabian symbol of this lunation is ‘Men Travelling A Narrow Path, Seeking Illumination‘. We are searching for meaning. Sometimes we have to shut out the distractions, mixed messages, stories of disaster and sorrow. Visualise travelling a path of light that falls on water from the moonlight above. In this place, you can be anyone or anything. Higher beings stand ready to open the door to your unconscious and the collective unconscious beyond. Breathe. Meditate, Dream. Imagine. Everything is connected.~ ~Leah Waterhouse ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A full moon is about creating balance in our lives through merging our rational and instinctual desires, taking and releasing elements of both. This month, we have a Pisces full moon, which asks us to recalibrate and rebalance the mystical with the practical, the ethereal with the substantial and the otherworldly with the mundane. This full moon demands us to add some realistic plans to our daydreams and to stop self-sabotaging and face our shadows head-on. What’s more, Uranus will also be making a lovely impact on this particular full moon, gifting us with a surprise that will enhance the universe’s support as we make positive changes and release anything getting in our way. Aries~ Aries, this full moon is asking for you to release any addictions, habits or lingering traumas that have been standing in the way of your success. Your aha moment might come about through your dreams or from a sudden burst of inspiration. Kick those low-vibe activities to the curb and see how quickly you start to fly. Taurus~ Something might bubble up in your social circle that causes you to get some things off your chest, Taurus. Full moons always reveal necessary information, so if a secret comes out, don’t blow your top over it. Remember to take a step back and evaluate with a calm headwhatever this new information may be, remember that it was revealed for your highest good. Gemini~ This full moon is all about balancing your professional goals with your home life, Gemini. Have you been biting off more than you can chew? Or have you been spending too much time daydreaming and not enough time actually doing work? Well, this full moon will remind you of your priorities. Be real with yourself and work on creating the right balance between your daydreams and practical ways to implement all your brilliant ideas. Cancer~ Knowledge is power during full moon, Cancer. Circumstances asking for clarification on your belief system, studies, travel plans and any outstanding legal situations could arise this week. Whatever comes up might surprise you, but more likely, you will see the culmination of something you’ve been working really hard for finally paying off. Leo~ You could finally make a decision regarding a financial matter, property, inheritance, or moving in with your lover during this full moon, Leo. Your house of merged resources, intimacy and transformation will be lit, urging you to take a deeper look at what’s totally yours and what you are willing to share with others. The key to making the most of this full moon is to stay diligent about setting (and keeping!) appropriate boundaries. Virgo~ Your partner will feature heavily during this full moon, Virgo. They might provide you with a lovely surprise. This trend doesn’t have to even be romantic, thoughit could be a business partner wow-ing you as well. Make the most of this time by spending it with those with whom you wish to deepen your connection, and focus on being authentic and vulnerable. Libra~ Daily habits, health, pets and routines are your focus during this full moon, Libra. It’s a great time to let go of any bad habits that are no longer serving you. Stop putting things off and start just doing them. It’s time to take care of your sexy body and beautiful mind! Scorpio~ Your desire to have fun could be heightened during this full moon, Scorpio, as it will fall in your fun, creativity, romance and children house. Have you been putting off a creative pursuit? Denying yourself the chance to have a good time? This full moon is happy to push you towards changing that. It’s the perfect time to rekindle a passion project or a creative pursuit and an even better time for a romantic date. Sagittarius~ Your home life is top of mind during this full moon, Sagittarius. You might find a new place, decide on a roommate or finish up a renovation. Be prepared for a happy surprise twist to whatever comes your way. Know that it’s always for the sake of your higher good! Capricorn~ Siblings, transportation, technology, communication and learning are big focuses for you during this full moon, Capricorn. If you find yourself negotiating something important, remember the goal is always to strive for a balance between compassion and sticking to your boundaries. You are no one’s pushover, but you also don’t need to run over others. There is always a happy medium. Aquarius~ This full moon is highlighting your earned income sector, Aquarius. Get ready to address any financial issues you’ve been avoiding. Approach them head-onit’s the best way, and the universe has your back right now. There’s no need to stress or avoid your problems when the universe will send you some help the moment you are open to it. Pisces~ This is your full moon, Pisces. Whatever you’ve been working on so hard this last year of your life will come to fruition now. Be sure to watch any emotions you might feel during this time, as they can help you better understand what you want to take on next. You are highly intuitive, so tap into some quiet time during this full moon and release what no longer belongs so you can continue to manifest your dreams. ~Shereen Campbell
03.01.2022 #thursdayfeels #tinybuddha
03.01.2022 #gratefulheart #picturefrompinterest
03.01.2022 Present in the body, Open in the heart, Wakeful in the mind #yogaattheyachtclub #yogaonthelake @lakemacquarieyachtclub
03.01.2022 #nothingbychance
02.01.2022 #powerfulreminders
02.01.2022 #wednesdaymotivation #picturefrompinterest #asjaborosartwork
02.01.2022 Always delicious
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