Reform Exercise Physiology & Pilates at RPT in Orange, New South Wales | Sport & recreation
Reform Exercise Physiology & Pilates at RPT
Locality: Orange, New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 6360 4442
Address: 87 Woodward Rd 2800 Orange, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 This could be my absolute favourite part of my job (ok I might have a few favs) but this.. where Mums are engaging in mindful, restorative practices while their bubs are looking on. This is our EQUIPPED mums class. This class is at capacity but we still have spaces available in our Moving Mums class, Wednesday’s 9:30am (starting next week, 5th Feb).
25.01.2022 Thanks to our beautiful teacher Emma for my lesson today. This year I’ve committed to my own practice and have booked a class for myself every week! Hope is not a strategy! If I don’t book it in, it won’t ever happen. So many of you ask me how often I get to practice myself and the truth is, outside of teaching, I very rarely set aside time for me. There is always the next thing to race off to; school pick up, drop off, groceries. Not this year. So with my apprentice in tow we both benefit. She gets involved (and pops up in the @RPT_healthgroup Gym - thanks team) but my favourite part is she sees me being kind to myself by moving my body and the favourite of all.. legs up the wall (while holding hands of course ). Thanks Em!
25.01.2022 IDEA Tonight I got an idea and just would love as many people to jump on it as possible. In a world where there is so much hurt and pain, so much focus is put into all the things we aren’t, so much hate, leaving so many feeling less than.. and (just turn on the news..) it’s so easy for all of us to be swept up in all. Tonight while sitting on the couch reading with my little Kindy mate.. I was just in absolute awe of everything he is learning. This small human is Like in only a few weeks. It’s insane! Like you guys! This is what our teachers do for our kids!! Every day they are working so hard behind the scenes on the hows and whys. Then I started to think about so many other professionals and people in my life, and the lives of others and so on and so on. The circle of without them, this couldn’t even happen. So I’m asking you to think about someone you know that is doing the most amazing work and thank them. This amazing work could be your; barista who makes that perfect coffee for you all under the pressure of a line out the door. our teachers and not just for our kids that special person that holds space for your medical needs, that listens, knows you. This could be your gp, nurse, pt, sister, partner the person that held the door open for you a mama you know who you see doing all the things a dad that is doing all the things your kids who are our greatest teachers the policemen who deal with all the stuff so we don’t have to, who keep us safe our emergency services the delivery guy/truck drivers who transport our food, goods our farmers who grow our produce the people who work tirelessly behind the scenes to bring voices to so many; like Grace from buy from the bush. She has created this amazing business in support for supporting families in the bush.... she does all of it for FREE!!! our tradesmen who come and fix that thing that I would have no idea where to even begin... So many things. Maybe it was just a message that meant the world to your from a friend checking in. Whatever it might be, spread the love, spread the kindness tell them. Tag them. Write a special note. Let’s share appreciation, love, respect, value and kindness all over the place I’ll be making this my intention for the week. Who’s with me?
24.01.2022 What do you think about our new teacher? Anyone else get blown away by how much your kids are taking in? These guys have been coming to work with me since they were babies.. but this blew me away; Up, down (with the hand gesture ). They observe, learn and mimic so much of what we do! I have a mantra of be the example and this just really reminded me of that. If they observe us taking time for self care, making nourishing choices, moving our bodies, having good sleep..., managing our stress with healthy outlets and habits, speaking kindly to ourselves first and others, apologizing for when we don’t get things right (because let’s face it at times, we are going to stuff up #noperfectionism), then we are setting these small humans up to be pretty awesome people I reckon we can’t expect them to do these things without seeing us be the example first #lovemyjob #notperfect #motherhood #betheexample #health #nourish
24.01.2022 MOVING MUMS starts next Friday 1st November! And it’s going to look something like this! A 5-week program designed for Mums who want to move with their babies, toddlers and kids in tow. ... The program will progress with not only exercises that support, strengthen and stretch our bodies specific to the demands that are placed on the post-natal body and beyond at the time of class but will also include home exercise support and soul work for self-care and wellbeing. Places are filling fast (Yay)! I so excited to be creating this Moving Mums class! All levels welcome (after 6-weeks postpartum) and there’s no need to worry about where you’re at in your post-natal journey, we make it work so you can; everything about the class can be modified to suit your body. #health #centralwest #mums #moving #movingmums #makingitwork #support #exercise #wellness #happymama #matrescence #selfcare #kindness #strength #stretch
24.01.2022 Can you believe this was Emma’s first Live! She smashed it! Following the government shutdown announcements, The studio will be closed from tonight. We have been working on options to bring Reform Home to you. ... Reform @ Home kicked off on Monday via Facebook closed group. Want to join in the fun? Simply email us at [email protected] for more info We also have options for home programs and telehealth/zoom virtual classes. We will get through this together.
24.01.2022 And this is how we show up on Thursday mornings! Go Em! Doing her thing, sharing her knowledge and love for movement. And.. With a special guest appearance
24.01.2022 For some time now I’ve been trying to figure out a way to include more exercise for the kids as our morning routine. I’ve tried yoga and stretching with them but after a few minutes they aren’t all that interested. But this little guy is old enough now that I thought why not take him for a little morning run/walk. It was so special to have our first run together and to enjoy this one-on-one time. I’ll take it while I can especially because I think before I’m ready, he will able to out run me in no time. But let me be very clear this was a day where we didn’t have any plans or had to rush out the door for work or school. And I was so lucky to just go and leave my daughter and husband to have their own time together. I have no idea how to include movement on the mornings where I’m working and/or have school drop offs. What’s your morning routine with your kids? Do you squeeze some exercise into your morning? What works for you and your kids? #exercise #morningexercise #routine #howdoyoudoit #whatworks #kids #movement #physicalactivity #exercisephysiology #starttheday #adventure #freshair
24.01.2022 Moving Mums is BACK! This class is for everyone 6 weeks postpartum and beyond. Join us solo or bring along your baby/preschooler. Our class has been designed to support you to move your body safely with appropriate exercise prescription while you continue doing what you need to do as a mum (feed, change, model healthy habits). One of our favourite things is hearing your little ones copy the exercises at home. ... Join Emma on the oval for some sunshine and movement Bookings essential. We continue to ensure your safety practicing social distancing and Covid safe practices. See you Wednesday
24.01.2022 It’s time for us to B L O O M The theme of this months whole health workshop. In a world where we can get lost in all the shoulds and busy, it’s even more important to slow down and connect with ourselves and what our bodies are telling us. We all have the answers within us it’s just giving ourselves permission and getting quiet enough to listen. That is the purpose of these workshops. To provide a space to connect with yourself, your values and what’s really importa...nt. To provide education around the four pillars of health and support you in finding realistic and long term strategies to achieve what can feel overwhelming and impossible. Join me this Sunday 15th September at 2pm. Limited spots available. Book now by simply emailing [email protected] It’s time for you to B L O O M #health #orange #nsw #wholehealth #miniworkshop #timeout #women #slowdown #exercise #nutrition #sleep #stressmanagement #selfcare #overwhelm #simple #embrace #youreworthy #spring #bloom #goals #real #wholehealth
23.01.2022 http:// Take the window, however it looks // Lately I’ve been feeling a bit frustrated by how I plan () going for a walk or whatever I am hoping to do as far as exercise; because Hope is not a strategy!! Right? BUT oh how some days life comes at me. Unsettled baby, feeding, being a preschoolers snack servant, washing, oh crap it’s school pick up... you’re there with me with this story so I know I don’t have to tell you about it ... So where’s the line of our self-care and all the other bits.. EVEN when you plan it out.. My only answer is take the window however it looks. Bluey on the TV, baby in the rocker, washing in the machine - right do it now! Not perfect but two sets of 3-4 different exercises my heart rate was up large muscles groups core work and that window was for me Some will argue that this isn’t enough Here I will insert a big sigh and an For me and my individual goals I will argue that this is enough. For me and the season I am in; it’s enough! It’s ENOUGH! Take the window. However it looks. (And ps; you’re enough)
22.01.2022 For many months I have been having this one consistent dream/thought. It wakes me up and keeps me awake. For the last two nights in a row, it’s really clear that this is something I need to do. Let's just put it down to nesting. While there isn’t a lot I can do at the moment, I can do this. So I invite you to join me for my ONLY workshop for 2020. An online workshop; ... RESET AND RECONNECT. I was reminded this week as to why I wanted to do any of this work in the first place and perhaps more than ever, this intention has been confirmed again for me. THE NOISE! We open up the paper, turn on the tv, open social media apps, talk to a friend, walk down the aisle at the supermarket or pharmacy with NOISE everywhere! Telling us what we should be doing. No wonder we are all so confused on how to move our bodies or what to eat. All great intentions but no wonder we feel so overwhelmed and confused on what the firetruck we are meant to be doing. I believe all of us have the intention to do the best for and by our bodies but in all the noise we stop trusting ourselves and stop listening to what our body is trying to tell us. The workshop is about returning to yourself and what is important to you. An opportunity to reset and reconnect to what you value and believe, for YOU! We are going to; -Identity and define what health means for you - Create your own why around health - Develop action towards what is it you really want and need right now; - Simplify your approach to exercise and nutrition and - Value self care; sleep/rest So if you’re feeling tired of the noise, overwhelmed and just want to return home to what YOU need for your health, I invite you to join me; Starting this Thursday. Yes please, I need this (More info in link ) I so look forward to connecting with you
22.01.2022 Hehe love it when my clients send me things like this
22.01.2022 What shall we call this one? We love the opening of the chest plus stability through the shoulders and pelvis while feeling the the abdominals. #pilates #reformepp #core #wundachair #combochair #shoulders #stability #challenge #abdominals #openingchest
21.01.2022 E M B R A C E & H O N O U R The theme for our next whole health workshop is all about embracing and honouring ourselves, as we are Perfectly imperfect Are you in? ... Sunday 3rd November @ 3-5pm Book now via [email protected]
21.01.2022 Oh that extension
21.01.2022 Such a beautiful day and such a beautiful way to spend an afternoon This month’s Whole Health Workshop was themed - Bloom The first month of spring.. time to bloom, to plant the seeds for growth, to honour the feminine and embrace a new season. We had the most amazing women in circle today as we discussed the spiral of sleep, stress, nutrition and exercise with the balance of motherhood (the inner split). The soul work focused on defining what health means and looks lik...e to each individual that aligns with their beliefs and values. We dived into a restorative and invigorating movement sequence that I often do in the mornings to awaken the spine and get the body ready for the day. We dived back into some more soul work with some reflection and journalling with prompting questions like; what are you proud of; when were there times that you had to dig deep with strength; what are all the things that only you can do that no one else does like you (value), how can you show yourself kindness and what does grace look like to you (embracing the feminine, honouring being a woman). We finished up with a visualization/relaxation before enjoying afternoon tea together. On the menu was; - raw salted caramel slice - whole food mango cheesecake - chocolate bliss balls - fresh berries - raw peppermint slice While we sipped on strawberry gum kombucha from @scoopwholefoods (orange). All guests went home with a self-care goodie bag to take some time out for themselves with a cuppa @pukkaherbsaustralia, mint chocolate @alterecopacific, a special blend of @doterraaunz oils, an affirmation card @_naughty_naturopath_mum and a sunflower seed for them to grow and watch bloom Thank you to all the beautiful women who came along it was such an honour to spend the afternoon with you. A special mention to our RPT Health Group family with thanks for using their gym on a Sunday. (Left over treats in the fridge ) #health #women #orangensw #wholehealth #pillarsofhealth #bloom #spring #seasons #exercise #nutrition #sleep #exercise #selfcare #value #defininghealth #spiral #innersplit #risingmama #happymamamovement #womencircle #workshop #food #berries #blissball #rawpeppermintslice #glutenfree #diaryfree #yum #embrace #healthateverysize #relaxation #oils #pukkatea #doterra #journalling
20.01.2022 To all the mamas.. today we honour and celebrate you. The sleepless nights. The invisible load. The self-silencing. The strength. The love. The way you know just what to do when you feel like you don’t. The way you hold space for so many. For all the mamas.. new mums, step mums, nanny’s, greatgrandmothers, all of the angel mothers we are remembering and honouring today who we carry in our hearts, the women who’s hearts are aching with another negative pregnancy test, the who are waiting for the next IVF cycle, the mamas-to-be. Today means so many things. Greatest love, greatest loss, celebration and remembrance. Especially today my heart is so full with love and gratitude for my beautiful mum, my nan, my mother-in-law, and most of all being a mum. For knowing and loving the most incredible lady, my Nan Davis But my heart is so heavy with the loss that today holds for so many close to me. Today, I wish all the mamas, here and in heaven, a happy Mother’s Day. See more
19.01.2022 B O O B S Now I’ve got your attention. Just a reminder it’s the 1st is the month. Time to check check your boobs! And LADS.. now I’ve got your attention also, check yourself as well #fuckcancer #checkyourself #firstofthemonth #breastcancerawareness #testicularcancerawareness
19.01.2022 Another awesome #movingmumsclass sunshine movement friends ... laughs support In this weeks soul work I’ll be talking to the mamas about the stories we have been told, brought up and now believe around what it means to be a good mother and successful woman. It’s up to us to change the story for ourselves and your kids. No more superwoman. No more guilt. Keen to join this gorgeous group? All levels welcome. Friday 11am. See you there #exercise #selfcare #moving #sunshine #orange #health #mums #bubs #support
19.01.2022 Every day there is the opportunity to practice We don’t have to wait for a Monday or a New year. You can choose today. You choose how you want to feel. And you can choose again and again. We get the opportunity, to practice. #health #choose #last90days #dontwait #opportunity #you
19.01.2022 We have some exciting news!! Moving Mums is back with Emma With the weather warming up can now offer our Moving Mums class again! What a great opportunity to get outside and move your body with little ones in tow! This will be a 5 week program that will start Wednesday 21st October at 10am ... With only 10 spots available call RPT Health Group on 63604442 to book now!!
18.01.2022 Join us for some Self-care Sunday with our Pop-up Virtual Pilates class. Today - Sunday 3:30pm Via Zoom. $10 To book; email [email protected] or reach or via DM to get zoom link details
18.01.2022 $5 from EVERY PAIR SOLD goes to CANCER COUNCIL RELAY FOR LIFE - Team Steph’s Sass Squad You guys, you’ve already raised over $50 in one week from sales with just under 2 weeks to go! The studio is also brightening up all over with the fun @moveactive socks! #relayforlife #stephssasssquad #fuckcancer #moveactivesocks #thankyou
18.01.2022 Jumping our way into the weekend! Go girls! using the jumpboard is a fun way to get the heart rate up. We can manipulate the spring tension to make it more about strength for the lower body or lighten the springs for core control. And it’s a bit fun Ps: the girls are looking extra stylish in their @moveactive socks ... #pilates #reformer #jumpboard #strength #cardio #lowerbody #core #moveactive
17.01.2022 I invite you for my self-care Sunday whole health workshop - Bloom I believe the seasons can teach us so much. So as we move into spring, it’s time for us too to Bloom. To plant the seeds for growth and with nourishment and care we can flourish into anything we desire. ... What to expect; Grounding mindfulness exercise to begin Movement series including Pilates exercises and stretches that you can do anytime and anywhere. The aim to get the blood flowing and the heart rate up but also restore the body. Time for reflection and journalling. Space to get quiet and turn inwards to what is truly important to you. To define health for you and your family. To identify if any areas of the pillars of health could use some more attention. Education on achieving whole health Visualisation and relaxation finishing with a beautiful nourishing (easy) afternoon tea plus a self care package to help hold space for yourself at home For questions or bookings simply email: [email protected]
17.01.2022 Curl up with rotation Last week Emma and I had some fun playing around making up new exercises. This isn’t functional at all but it’s pretty fun and I have to concentrate a lot which brings the mind-body-connection it requires core control and strength while balancing and stabilizing as you rotate using the obliques. #moveactivesocks #pilates #balancedbodyrotatingdisc #hfindustries #trapeze #core #pilates #strength #health #exercisephysiology #exercise
17.01.2022 Quick stretch before classes this morning! These are my absolute FAV Elephant , Hip stretch and mermaid . Have an amazing weekend
16.01.2022 NEW CLASS ALERT!! Calling all Mums who want to move but have babies, toddlers or preschoolers on board! We know sometimes it can be so hard to make it to a class so we have created the perfect class for you! ... STARTING 1st November @ 11am Location: Emus field/gym. Heaps of parking available Plenty of space for moving babies to run around 5 week program $100 All levels Class focuses on fitness, strength, flexibility all specific to supporting busy mums. Book now: 6360 4442 #mums #movingmums #exercise #fitness #pilates #strength #movement #fun #connection #5weeks #orange
15.01.2022 This is what the inner split feels like for me. When I’ve been pulled in two directions so far that the point of overwhelm, spiral, confusion, the enoughnees, worthiness. The drive and story of what a successful woman is, should be, looks like, does.. the if only I do this then..., resilience. Hard work always pays off. The maternal pull and a what a good mother should do, is, looks and feels like. You know those stories That a well behaved child is the result of a ...good mother or a sleep baby is a good baby because they have a good mother. This is the story and system that we’ve been handed down by generations. The flawed system, that we cannot succeed in. Today that inner spilt was so great that I felt like I was failing in both areas. Which of course isn’t actually true. What I am realizing is that in this flaw system, we do have the freedom to choose. To choose the way we want to live as women, as mothers. I left preschool drop off with that uneasy feeling with the overwhelm of not knowing how I was going to show up for my clients but being pulled towards my little guy. So instead of beating myself with guilt and pushing like I normally would, I stopped. I honoured the pull. I reached out to my amazing clients letting them know that they would be in amazing hands with the beautiful Emma and that I had to honour this pull towards mamahood. And you know what happened? Everyone person sent me more love and support. Not judgement. Nothing but love. (Of course I’m not surprised because you all are the most beautiful souls) I am sharing this because I know it’s hard. What you’re feeling is real. It’s the inner split. Where we are pulled in both directions of being a successful women and a good mother. Honour the pulls where you can. And know you are doing the most amazing job #innersplit #matrescence #thehappymama @happymamawithamy #auralieathens #droscarserrallach #innersplit #thankyou #thankyouemmma #thankyoueveryone #honour
15.01.2022 Amazing morning with our Moving Mums We move, we chat, we laugh #thethingsyousaywithkids
15.01.2022 Update on our Fight MND Teach the teacher challenge in loving memory of beautiful Julie Who will you nominate and what will you make them do? Raising money in the fight against Motor Neuron Disease as Emma and her sister hit the pavement this weekend in the Blackmores Sydney Running festival with the Fight MND team 10km. ... For a gold coin you can nominate one of us to complete your favorite exercise and for $5 we both have to do it and for all donations over $5 Reform will match your donation. We will go live next Tuesday once all nominations are in to complete the challenge. Join us for a bit of fun. You know you’ve been waiting for this opportunity @sydneyrunningfestival #fightmnd
15.01.2022 Will you sit it out or dance? This year one of my words is play. Somehow along the way I got so far into the masculine energy and seriousness that I forgot how to just play Maybe this game with motherhood? Maybe it came with just getting older? I used to be the fun one with my niece and nephew. I remember being dragged around on the floor with them using me as a boat ... But it’s something im working on to let it all go and join in on the fun and play #play #workinprogress #fun #letitgo #sititoutordance
14.01.2022 Buckwheat Pancakes (and I promise you the aren’t like cardboard) It’s almost 15 years since I was diagnosed with Coeliac Disease. Now trust me back then not many people understood what it was and began my food journey of what’s right for my body and also how to cook things that I love. Pancakes being a definite favourite!! They would be flat or like cardboard (even the dogs turned their nose up at once batch) and another batch would have been great in a frisbee competit...ion or used as a weapon. Last year I came across an amazing recipe by @daisy_scoopwholefoods I have played around with combining a few of her delicious recipes and this is our Sunday regular. Ingredients 1 cup Buckwheat flour 1 or 2 bananas (depending on how big they are) 1 egg 1/4 cup of sweetener - I use rapurana sugar this morning. Sometimes I just leave it out 1 tsp cinnamon (optional but I LOVE cinnamon) 1/2 cup milk. I use almond 1 tsp baking powder Method 1. Heat frypan with oil of choice. I use coconut 2.Blend all together using food processor. 3. Cook in small batches of the size you like. Its about 2 Tbs. You know they are ready to flip when bubbles pop. 4. Flip 5. Serve I serve with berries and organic maple syrup. Enjoy #coeliac #glutenfree #pancakes #sundays #yum #dairyfree #delcious #wholehealth
14.01.2022 The day is here!!! Only one sleep to go. Its no longer a distant memory. Emma is back in the studio tomorrow! And can’t wait to welcome you all back (I did consider posting a flash back video of Em or I but this is just a bit cute).
14.01.2022 So great seeing so many joining in LIVE for our Wednesday workout. Nothing fancy here. Just a mama, in the toy room, working from home, sharing movement and support. Reach out to find out more on how you can join would love to have you here xx
13.01.2022 MOVING MUMS! Yeah mamas This was so much fun! Fresh air! Friends! Babes! Mamas! And Movement! Love your work girls! Such a privilege to spend this hour with you.
13.01.2022 Happy RPT as our home 3rd Birthday ! Can you believe it’s been three years since we moved into join the @rpt_healthgroup team. I loved looking back through these photos. If you had told me when I was at uni this was what I would be doing I wouldn’t have believed you. I started in my garage seeing maybe 10-20 clients a week. We grew a little more when we had the wonderful opportunity to move to the dance studio at Stepping Out (now United Dance Project ). From two tiny l...ittle offices to our beautiful little studio. Look at Mr E! Only 18months there testing out the new digs in style with a down dog stretch. A few months later Paul and Jeremy surprised me with a Christmas gift of our Reform sign (seriously cool - I still look at this sign and can’t believe this is my job and my business ). Safe to say the building really feels like home with my big brothers and little sisters and the amazing Lou who keeps us all in check (sort of - it’s a difficult task of course ). So much has happened in 3 years. The studio now sees clients 6 days a week between RPT and Reform clients. And now we have the lovely Emma part of our team All of this has been possible because of YOU! I love my job and the community we have at Reform Sending all my love and gratitude to everyone that has made this possible I will continue to create a space that encourages, empowers and supports whole and real health #rpthealthgroup #birthday #reformepp #love #grateful #health #wholehealth #empower #exercisephysiology #AEP #orangensw
12.01.2022 Standing arm swings for thoracic rotation A really simple exercise that is so great to do in the mornings. I combine this with some shoulder rolls and standing roll downs. This is a great exercise if you sit at a desk or need to drive for long periods. Concentrate on keeping the hips as still as possible and focus on the breath as you move (exhale to rotate, inhale on return). Sometimes simple is the most effect and restorative form of movement for our bodies. I’d love to hear how you feel after trying this one. #movement #restorative #spine #thoracic #exercise #health #move #armswings #exercisephysiology #orangensw #rotation #standing #breathe #pilates #reformepp #rpthealthgroup #active #fabletics #lululemon #office #driving #moveatwork
11.01.2022 SUNDAY (happy dance) We have created a little Sunday ritual with pancakes for brekky together. Most of our mornings look like me getting home from work or the gym before my husband goes to work so this is a sacred time we will be hitting the garden before enjoying a family lunch later I’ll create some space to check out the week ahead and meal plan. ... My pancake recipe is super simple but this morning I tweaked it a little; 1 cup of buckwheat flour 1 banana 1 egg 1 scoop of @jshealth protein and probiotics powder 3/4 cup Almo Almond milk 1 tsp Sweetener 1 heaped tsp baking powder Blend And cook in hot fry pan, flip when bubbles appear We serve them with berries and 100% pure organic maple syrup (which generally end in a tantrum from someone over what’s an appropriate amount of syrup ) Do you have any Sunday rituals that are simple but oh so sacred? I hope you have a fabulous Sunday! Make sure you create some space for some self-care
10.01.2022 What people are saying about the whole health workshops that we run each month. Join us this Sunday for self-care and real, whole health. This month is themed Embrace and Honour. Time to celebrate the magic of being YOU Book now @ [email protected] ... Sunday 3rd November 3-5pm $40 meditation and visualization. movement session journaling and reflection goals and intention setting education on whole health in the real world plus some yummy seasonal whole treats I can’t wait to spend this time connecting with you
10.01.2022 We make it work so you can My eldest is turning FIVE this year! (You guys! FIVE!). Previous to that I had been teaching post-natal exercise for 4 years. But it wasn’t until I was a mum myself that I understood how important mums with bubs classes were. I found myself feeling isolated in how I could exercise with my little guy. Of course I knew what to do but doing it was different. With some encouragement from a fellow mum friend who was feeling the same...I created this ...class. On the nights when the kids woke up every 40mins I was so thankful for teaching this class because I had the other mums to show up for and I knew I had their support. It got me out of the house. So even though this class I was teaching, in so many ways it’s for me. It healed me and my journey of awakening into motherhood. So 5 years down the track, my babes don’t attend class anymore but the class principles remain the same. I make it work so you can. We laugh, we cry, we move and support each other. Everyone is walking their own path but one thing remains the same for us all; we need connection and support. And this is what I hope this class does for all mums that attend. So join us; 11am Fridays. We move, we strengthen, we stretch and then we connect back to ourselves with a relaxation and mindfulness practice. #mumswithbubs #exercise #pilates #postnatal #matrescence #motherhood #rolemodel #healthyhabits
10.01.2022 THIS @amytaylorkabbaz #mamarising #congratulations #itshere #preordered #change
10.01.2022 Last chance to join. The doors close to RESET and RECONNECT this morning The ONLY workshop that will be run this year. The thing that makes this workshop unique is the reason behind WHY this was created to begin with... and those reasons have just grown and grown.. ... From my own personal experience of feeling the pressure to bounce back after my first pregnancy, the programs targeted at women and the emphasis on appearance rather than strength, wellness, energy! The realization that we are compared from the from the moment we are born but we would never do this with anything else in nature. To the frustration of how confusing and messy the supermarket and pharmacy and everything in between has become. The betrayal I feel from marketing and labels (star rating, light, low fat, no sugar the list goes on). To observing what is happening for our teens.. we are failing on the body image movement. To how I see mamas feeling the pressure, the feelings of failing, not good enough.. all because of the messages we are exposed to. To possibly THE most important reason.. how I want my daughter to feel about herself growing up. It may be an impossible feat but I want her to eat real food with enjoyment, without shame, to move her body because she wants to take care of her muscles, heart, lungs, mind not focused on having a bikini body. We also dive into a goal setting strategy that isn’t focused on the usual goal stuff (smart) This is about long-term lifestyle habits... that’s right for you. Join us
10.01.2022 My most favourite part of teaching Mums with Bubs classes is seeing the connection between a mother and their baby. And the best part is, these little humans grow watching their mums practice self-kindness and care and then join in and mimic their movement. This is our Mums with Bubs Friday class. We have newborns up to toddlers. Join us 11am for some fun, restorative movement that focuses on strengthening and stretching specific to mamas (carrying/feeding/pelvic stability) ...and we always finish with a relaxation or visualization practice. We’d love to welcome you #pilates #exercisephysiology #health #movement #mums #bubs #orange #stretch #strengthen #restore #pelvicstability #connection #rolemodel
10.01.2022 WISHING THIS ABSOLUTE LEGEND A VERY BIG HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY Thank you for all you do and for being you! I am so proud of the amazing, strong, caring, beautiful woman you are I think Dr Seuss can put what I want to say a little more eloquently Congratulations!... Today is your day You're off to great places You're off and away You've got brains in your head You've got feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any Direction you choose You're on your own And you know what you know And you are the guy Who'll decide where you go Out there things can happen And frequently do To people as brainy And footsy as you And will you succeed? Yes you will indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed) You're off to great places Today is your day Your mountain is waiting Go, get on your way! Dr. Seuss Happy Birthday Em. Have an amazing day
10.01.2022 Only 3 tickets left for Sunday. I can’t wait to spend the afternoon with you. On the menu for afternoon tea; whole food chocolate brownie ... seasonal fresh fruit surprise raw cheesecake See more
09.01.2022 We are here for you! We have had many requests and we are delighted to share what we have created to bring Reform Home Our main goal is to continue to provide support and informed exercise prescription that empowers and encourages safe and effective physical activity - the Reform Way. ... We believe that our wellbeing is much more than just exercise. While every session we move our bodies; it’s so much more than that; it’s for our minds, body and soul. So this is how we hope to bring Reform into your home. 1. Reform @Home - A private Facebook group. - Three weekly LIVE exercise sessions. - Ongoing support throughout the week - Accountability - Community It’s going to be real! This will include; washing in the background, the kids most likely interrupting, workouts using the kitchen and dining table, time outside.. because we are in this together. As always, it’s real life and my real life never looks anything like a magazine image. Simply email; [email protected] for more information We kick off tomorrow. 2. Reform with Physitrack Physitrack is THE Exercise Physiology and Exercise prescription platform recommended by our governing body ESSA. Individual program design with video explanations, options for telehealth meetings (virtual session) available via the Physitrack app, website or directly sent to your inbox. 3. Virtual Session via Zoom If we can’t hang out in person, we can Zoom meet. - Semi Private and Private sessions available So if you love the ladies or gents you hang with every week we can schedule to hang out in our homes. For more information or to schedule your meeting or program design; email: [email protected] We’ve got this. From my family to yours, Sincere gratitude for your continued support and care professionally and personally. Xxx
09.01.2022 THEN and NOW! Coming up to 3 years of being here!
09.01.2022 Bloom - Whole health workshop This months workshop is themed Bloom. A celebration of the new season. A time to honour and celebrate ourselves for who we are and what is being created for us. This workshop will include: - the pillars of health - journaling and self-reflection - provide you with the space and time to set intentions for the month ahead to really help you Bloom - empowering and uplifting movement series that you can do anywhere and anytime - a nourishing a...fternoon tea When we can take care of ourselves with love, kindness, a good dose of water, great nutrients and movement we can do anything Payment required to secure booking. Simply email: [email protected] I can’t wait to see who I get to share the afternoon with
08.01.2022 There is always a lesson and opportunity to return back to love.. I am learning and working on this practice every This morning I snuck out early and walked along the beach to be up and about to see the sunrise on our last day. ... Feeling so unbelievably grateful and happy to be in this gorgeous place. Then I came across part of the beach that was completely trashed I was just baffled and completely outraged. As I dug rubbish out of the water and put in a pile so I can get bag to collect I just looked around in so much rage to see who would do this. Immediately I had negative thoughts, felt so angry and calling these people all sorts. Then I pulled myself up on this because It dawned on me how much judgement I was passing. Judgement comes from a place of fear and all the toxic emotions I realized that I could turn this around to a place of gratitude and teaching. Gratitude for having my parents and loving others that have taught me about respect, responsibility, care, thoughtfulness. That my actions impact others around me. That there are consequences for my actions. My education around preservation of wildlife, the ocean, our beaches. I went back and took the kids down with a bag to teach them about respect and responsibility. Not always do people do the right thing but everyone is fighting their own battles and today we can help them out by doing the right thing. (Don’t get me wrong; it wasn’t this peaceful lesson I had imagined as they had just woke up and complained the whole way on the walk down but were amazed at how much rubbish there was when we finished) I do believe that there is right and wrong and that you can have the line there without passing judgement. Don’t let others impact on your love and light. If someone does the wrong thing in community today. Try not to pass judgment. Approach it with love, a sign of being grateful and lesson.
07.01.2022 Ever wanted to put your teacher(s) through their paces and perhaps give back some of their sorry not sorry Here’s your chance!! We are doing something a little different to raise money for Motor Neuron Disease (MND) in loving memory of Emma’s beautiful mum, Julie who passed away from this cruel disease last year after suffering for 3 years. ... Emma and her sister Jess (who is also part of our Reform family) are hitting the pavement this weekend with the FightMND charity in Blackmores Sydney Running Festival 2019. There is such a little understanding of what causes this cruel disease and more importantly how to treat and manage it. This disease does not discriminate and the average age of onset is 50 years of age. There is currently no single test which makes diagnosis difficult and on average can take 10-18months from onset to diagnosis. There is no known cure or effective options. People with MND progressively lose the use of their limbs and ability to speak, swallow and breathe, whilst their mind and senses usually remain intact Emma and her sister have set a goal of raising $500 so I thought we could help them out by doing something a little bit fun. All funds raised go to the best and brightest researchers to find an effective treatment and ultimately a cure for MND Here’s the challenge and how you can help: for a gold coin you can nominate an exercise and for who you would like to complete the exercise (Rachel or Emma) for a $5 donation we both have to do it for donations over $5 you’re an absolutely legend and we will complete the exercise and reform will match it. So this doesn’t impact your time too much in classes we will complete all the exercises next Tuesday and go live on insta and Facebook as we complete them. This way everyone can donate and nominate even if you’re away or aren’t currently taking class in the studio We will have some fun while we raise much needed funds and remember this beautiful lady Thank you #fightMND
06.01.2022 FIGHT MND TEACH THE TEACHER CHALLENGE So your exercises are in and we went live this morning (with terrible camera skills - I’ll get there some day) but evidence of our workshop. We smashed it out in an hour and boy was my abs on fire!!! Thanks for all your support!!! We have raised over $500. I will post the link if you wish to donate to this incredibly important cause. (Just sayin this is on the back of Emma running the 10km on Sunday )
06.01.2022 Our Fight MND challenge, In loving memory of Julie In case you missed it, we completed the challenge on Tuesday together. You can catch the live video via our Facebook page. We got through the workout in about an hour completing all the nominated exercises including, jump board, reverse abdominals, side blasts (twice), s@$!-ups, OOV crunches, triceps extension, rotating board tool through, pikes, the Dom special, bridging, seal, push ups, the plank, mountain climbers, legs in straps, glute stretch, lunges, sun salutations, wall squat, and finished with legs up the wall (extended as the Reform Boss baby said!). We would like to thank you all for your generous donations towards a cause close to our hearts. Emma and her sister Jess will have raised over $1000 after our donations go in as well.
05.01.2022 When do I stretch? How do I stretch? How do I make time to stretch? Questions I get asked a lot. Answer; whenever I can. Truth is we will never find the perfect time really, especially at the moment. We have to create the opportunities where we can. We could wait til the kids are in bed. We could wait until they go back to school. Or things return to normal. We could.. Or we can, choose ourselves where we can. In the chaos. As part of the invisible load we are carrying. ... Take the moment when you can and choose you when you can. It probably won’t be ideal but that’s our greatest strength. Flexibility. Adapting. Like we always have done. But we have to choose ourselves. And our small people will see us doing it. They might join in. They will learn from us. What on earth are you doing Rach? yes it does look a bit bizarre but I’m stretching my glutes on the bench while making a coffee in the middle of doing sight words. The bench offers the perfect angle and height to stretch the glute without bump getting in the way. Give it a try. Kitchen table is also a good spot. #stretch #chooseyou #health #invisibleload #whateveryoucan
05.01.2022 From the moment we are born, we are compared and charted. We are bombarded with images and stories on what we should be doing, not doing, look like. We open up a magazine or simply walk through the supermarket or pharmacy... a what once was a simple task of purchasing toothpaste is now overwhelm with so many options and labels. ... When did it all get so complicated? When did we make health so confusing? The thing is, we would never look at a tree and say geez, I wish that tree didn’t have a branch like that or I wish my bulldog was more like a poodle. And yet.. we do this to ourselves and with judgement and criticism. We are programmed to jump on the scales to see how much we weight.. rather than trust our intuition and focus on how we feel! How strong we are. Whether our bodies are sending us messages to listen through symptoms of fatigue, illness. If you’re over all the noise and what to reset and reconnect to what you need for your health, this is the workshop. Only 2 sleeps to go to get your tickets. We kick off Thursday evening. Get your tickets here:
05.01.2022 Sitting under my favourite tree prepping and planing for the weekend. I can’t promise I have all the answers because everyday I too am learning. But I do promise that everyday I will commit to first being the example. I won’t always get it right, but I am learning how to be kind to myself when I don’t. Some days I will show up having the most divine morning, where everything has been smooth sailing. And other days I will be late, my kids with toothpaste on their face and has at least had one meltdown before 9am. But that’s ok, because we are all students of life. This is the season for us to bloom, just like this beautiful tree in front of me. Join me Sunday for this months whole health workshop, themed: Bloom. I will create and hold the space for you to connect to yourself, what health means to you and why it’s important. When we can align with what we want, we can choose what’s right for us and how we will do it. Freeing us from guilt and shame and shoulding all over ourselves. This is your path. Book now by emailing; [email protected]
04.01.2022 Last year I came across this genius idea #last90days that @msrachelhollis and @mrdavehollis so generously run as an event/community support with the whole intention of changing lives with action and wellness! It was a game changer for me and I have continued with almost all the habits now a year on! This year I’m doing it again and I have created a Facebook support group to take this support one step further. I can’t wait to do this work and be part of this amazing community ...of the #last90days. I think I actually get more pumped for the last 90days of the year than a new year! I’ll post the link in the comments of where you can sign up and if you’d like to join the closed Facebook group reach out and I’ll hook you up! Bring it on! Last 90 days I’m coming for you! Who’s with me? #last90days #rachelhollis #davehollis #health #wellbeing #finishingstrong
04.01.2022 NEW CLASS: Equipped for Mums with Bubs. A small group clinical Pilates class (Max 4) Utilizing the clinical Pilates equipment, matwork and small apparatus. An hour long class that focuses on whole body strength and conditioning, stretching and relaxation. ... Equipped is located in the Reform studio. Mums are welcome to bring along their bubs and as always, we make it work so you can. Class is also appropriate for pre-natal mamas. A 6 week-program Class starts next Friday 24th Jan Book now #exercise #pilates #mumswithbubs #strength #movement #selfcare #example #relaxation #stretch
04.01.2022 Update!! WOW YOU GUYS!! Fundraising open until we go LIVE on Tuesday! I’m concerned with how happy some of you are with your exercise nominations but thank you for your love and support ... We will keep you posted. #fightmnd #sydneyrunningfestival
03.01.2022 Embrace and Honour the theme of next month’s whole health workshop. Sunday 3rd November @3-5pm What is it all about? ... reconnecting to what health is and means to YOU and your family bringing together in a REAL and wholistic manner self-care with the four pillars of health journaling on embracing and honouring ourselves as women a movement series that I will teach you that you can do anywhere and anytime that focuses on whole body strength and stretching relaxation and visualization we finish with a nourishing seasonal afternoon tea Limited spaces available. Book now @ [email protected] to secure your place. #workshop #women #miniretreat #selfcare #nourishing #whole #real #simplify #bringithome #honour #together #exercise #pillarsofhealth #health #afternoon #orange #nsw #circle #matrescence
03.01.2022 And... we’re back tomorrow! We hope you all have had a lovely Christmas and New Year break. It almost feels impossible to wrap our heads around returning to normal as our country experiences, what seems endless heart break, loss and devastation. ... My heart feels heavy for all our fellow Australians, their homes, the animals, the volunteers, their businesses. So how.. how do we do the things when it all feels so heavy? We do it! Because we GET to. Tomorrow, I don’t have to go back to work, I GET TO! I have the physical ability, opportunity and gratitude to get to go back to work. What do you GET to do today? This week? This month? I so look forward to seeing you this week
03.01.2022 It does look pretty comfy
02.01.2022 We have something really special happening in this studio this week. In loving memory of Emma’s beautiful Mum, Julie, we are raising money in the Fight for a cure and understanding of Motor Neuron Disease. Here’s what we are doing
01.01.2022 We kicked off Reform @ home live stream today. We are taking each day, case by case, and await government decisions. We are here for you at home. We have decided to keep Mr Kindy-man home, which like many of you means being at home, working from home, wearing multiple hats while we navigate through this time. BUT; here in the new studio (aka toy room) we are making it work. Today’s workout; a restorative session with a burner glute series plus an additional entertainmen...t song from Mr 5 It’s real but we’re in it together. You don’t have to be a current Reform client to join. Everyone is welcome. Simple email [email protected] for details, health investment and the link to join. We are currently live via a closed Facebook group but we can also share via zoom. Need more options? See yesterday’s post for our Physitrack and Zoom options. See you in the toy room, I mean studio
01.01.2022 NEW DAY, NEW TIME Moving Mums Wednesday 9:30am Starting Wednesday 5th Feb 2020 ... A 6 week program that includes our weekly group class, weekly soul mama homework, home exercises and online support with a closed Facebook group. The changes that we step into with motherhood is so much more than just the physical. This 6 week program opens up the space and conversation to explore matrescence. The ongoing; physical, emotional, social and spiritual change and awakening. After my first baby, I pushed myself to return to normal life things as soon as possible. To bounce back, continue to be and do everything and prove that nothing changed. I was the the same just with a small human. But of course everything had changed but I just had no idea how to honour this part of me. I also wasn’t too sure what exactly had changed. I eventually learned months later that no one really noticed nor cared how much or how little or whether my body was bouncing back. I was just exhausted physically, emotionally and mentally. Feeling like a failure in all areas. I also learned that whether you do or don’t, everyone has an opinion or story around it. All I felt was, if only I tried harder.. then (I’ll have a sleeping baby, or be more organized or less tired or have more energy or fit back in my pre-baby clothes or.. you know the stories) I will continue to be a student of all of it; but the conversation starts here, with us. The changes starts here. No more super woman. No more bouncing back. No more pushing. Just being, as we are, as women, as mothers; as we step into ourselves. We kick off Wednesday 5th Feb! Who’s with me?
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