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05.05.2022 Wellness VS Illness Lots of people believe taking care of yourself is expensive and we could all agree yes to a certain extent. It takes your time, your patience, your care, your willpower, your attention and yes your money. ... But what if we looked at it a different way knowing that one day illness could quite possibly cost us a whole lot more. Let’s move our bodies now, invest in our health so we don’t have to pay later #ReformedByBMPT

29.04.2022 The physical transformations we see from exercise are incredibly rewarding BUT the mental and mindset shifts we see top anything physical #ReformedByBMPT

14.04.2022 Our bodies thrive on consistency If you want to have energy, a balanced mood, keep your hunger and cravings in check then create a routine for movement, sleeping and nourishing your body. Then do your best to consistently stick to those routines ... #ReformedByBMPT

30.03.2022 SMILE it’s free therapy #ReformedByBMPT

21.03.2022 Something we do really well at Pilates is laugh It’s always a good time with these ladies on a Friday morning #ReformedByBMPT

16.03.2022 DO YOU WANT TO LIVE LONGER? We’ve never heard anyone say no so read on Did you know that exercise can INCREASE your life expectancy ... 100% it can! The way we move and the amount of time we move for has a massive impact on the QUALITY of our life and can greatly impact the DURATION of our lives Currently the ACSM’s guidelines say we should do either of the following; 150 - 300 minutes per WEEK of MODERATE CARDIO you should be able to talk comfortably. OR 75 - 100 minutes per week of vigorous cardio this should be quite challenging and difficult to talk. AND Then we should also include 2-3 resistance sessions per week - think Pilates, Weight training, bodyweight sessions etc. By doing this you can decrease the risk of all cause mortality by 44% Read that again Want more? You can reduce diabetes mortality by 39% and also reduce cardiovascular disease by 60% So in other words no matter your AGE, SHAPE or SIZE it’s time to get MOVING #ReformedByBMPT

01.03.2022 Stop being your own biggest critic! I think we’re all too familiar with this listening to that little voice in our head that tells us all of the negative stuff. You know the things like;... I’m not pretty enough I’m not strong enough I’m not skinny enough I’m too old I’m too unfit I’m not strong enough I’m not smart enough I’m not successful enough NOW you need to listen to ME YOU are NOT the negative stories you tell yourself. I don’t know how, when or why it starts and we become our own biggest critics. But what I do know just because you hear it in your head doesn’t mean it’s true. At the start it can feel impossible to change the narrative of this little voice but what instead of listening to this little voice we started TALKING TO OURSELVES INSTEAD? Telling ourselves things like; I am SMART ENOUGH! I am BEAUTIFUL! I am WORTHY! I work HARD! I am STRONG! I am ENOUGH! Talk to yourself the way you do your kids, your best friend, your sister YOU MY FRIEND ARE INCREDIBLE

09.02.2022 Pilates is for Every - BODY How incredible is Lisa showing us at 61 that age is no barrier and our bodies are capable of incredible things Lisa joined our Reformed studio with her friend Sharon 12 months ago and they ALWAYS give everything a go. ... Their strength, mobility and confidence has improved out of sight! Age, Shape, Size should NEVER be barriers for stopping you from doing the things your body was designed to do #ReformedByBMPT

02.02.2022 The best medicine MOVEMENT! And it should be prescribed more often ... #ReformedByBMPT

23.01.2022 Be inspired by your highest self By being YOU. By showing up for YOU.... By respecting YOU.

20.01.2022 One Day You’ll discover your light. You’ll embrace your inner warrior.... You’ll take your power back and the whole game will change #YouWillBeReformed

20.01.2022 We take great pride in creating an environment that YOU will THRIVE in Every single day #YouWillBeReformed

19.01.2022 GAME CHANGER You’ve heard us say it before but REFORMER PILATES is an absolute workout game changer! It’s low impact, works and strengthens the entire body + mind and the best part it’s FUN ... From the moment you walk in you will feel welcome, supported and comfortable to be yourself! If you’re ready to join you can try our Intro to Reformer $59 for 6 Classes *Offer only open for new clients and limited to 10 people.

06.01.2022 We’re good to go I can’t wait to kick off with my 5:30am crew tomorrow But the big question is what do you think will be making an appearance ... The Flying Splits Bulk Scooters The Magical Circle The Jump Board Or maybe we will be up high on the footbar Either way we are going to have some serious fun See you all very very soon x #YouWillBeReformed

06.01.2022 It’s never been about the fancy machines but rather about moving our body in a different way, making different shapes and trying something new #YouWillBeReformed

02.01.2022 The six best NATURAL DOCTORS SUNSHINE WATER... DEEP BREATH WORK SLEEP MOVEMENT NOURISHING FOODS There’s no better feeling than feeling incredible in your own skin so be sure to get some sunshine on your skin, hydrate well, take a deep breath, move your body a little, eat something nourishing and get some rest #ReformedByBMPT

15.12.2021 When was the last time you complimented someone on something that wasn’t appearance related Your energy is contagious You inspire me You always do your best... You’re able to straighten your leg further now I love how you light up the room You always think of others I challenge you all next time you go to compliment another person to think past their exterior #ReformedByBMPT

28.11.2021 Hands up who’s ready to taste test the best Reformer Pilates in town We have an exciting few months ahead with our second room opening, Mat Pilates joining the schedule and new fun toys arriving But I think the big question is will the new toys be as fun as the trusty old Magic Circle ... Join a community who will inspire and uplift you #YouWillBeReformed

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