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Regenearth Project | Commercial and industrial

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Regenearth Project

Phone: +61 416 119 965

Address: 1158 Pinchin Rd 2480


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23.01.2022 When we love ourselves, we honour ourselves as individuals, willing to co-exist alongside the individuality of others. When we love ourselves, we know that we are the source of our own life and nourishment. When we love ourselves, we acknowledge the gifts we have been given to shape our lives as well as help shape the future of the world we hope to live in. When we love ourselves, we move in the direction of our freedom, because free-will is the real gift which we have all b...een given. When we have pulled back the veil and peered deeply within, braving the darkness, seeking the shadow under which we like to hide. We find our true light. This true light is our nourishment and strengthit tells us who we really are. Let go of the edifices that would control you through fear. Either move through themor move awaybut do not shy from themconfront them squarelyso that illusion may fall away. Honour your living templeit is the gift of your unfoldment here. Remember it is your property, delivered by Providencethis makes it your property aloneunless you choose to give it away. Honour the living temple of your home planet. Make each action one of respect for it, in consideration of the harm any action may bring, to either the matrix of Life that surrounds and sustains you, or the one within you symbiotically doing the same. Let’s not make the temple of our home inhospitable with pollution and waste, desecrating it’s landscape with the scars of unchecked greed. Honour Life. Hear it’s call within you. It will guide youtrulyonce fear has been turned away. Facing this fear may feel like the most real and difficult thing, Self-actualisation though can only proceed through each layer of fear that you are prepared to flay. Our fears hinder lovejust as they hinder Life, for love and Life issue forth from the same Source and fear shuts down the means through which we make contact. As the Source is, the Life-force is your friend also, so instead ask the question where within you feel you may have turned away. Conscious contact is the goal. Self-facing is the means. Undistorted contact is the reward for your courage. Self-love is the readiness and willingness to make that journey of self-discovery. When we increase the level of self-love, a relaxation occurs within. The flow of life-force can only increase, because there is less of yourself turned against you. This is the way of regeneration.a journey of transformation. Regenerate Earth ~ Regenerate Relationship ~ Regenerate Body Earth Care ~ People Care ~ Self Care Regenearth Project #RegenearthProject #NaturalLawHealsAll #EarthCarePeopleCareSelfCare #RegenerateEarth #RegenerateRelationship #RegenerateBody #PermacultureWithSoul

22.01.2022 Everything that is made can be unmade. And all that is unmade can be made. All illness has a remedy. Every problem a solution.... Centre yourself on love. The parasite in the system is exposed by way of the suffering of the people. Earth has enough abundance for everyone. Who is taking the rest? In the space of unconditional love, all is forgiven, because in that space, no harm can be done. And so it is that as you do, so shall it be returned to you also. In sympathetic resonance there is no where else for it to go. All is one. Within the Schumann cavity all is regulated by the Life of the Earth. Friends are protected, enemies destroyed by their own machinations. All that is not of alignment with the Earth will fade. Centre yourself on love. #RegenearthProject #EarthCarePeopleCareSelfCare

20.01.2022 Spend your time outside in nature in the early morning. There is something about the ‘peace’ of it that rejuvenates your soul... #RegenearthProject #EarthCarePeopleCareSelfCare #PermacultureWithSoul ...

19.01.2022 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom ~ Buddha #regenearthproject #permaculturewithsoul #earthcarepeoplecareselfcare

17.01.2022 Listen...know who you are. Where does the power of truth and love reside? It resides in the genius and the power of Life. ... The Life which has been gifted you, and the Life which flows through this planet are the same. Observe the meadow as it re-greens itself each season. The grasses and herbs that grow, and the trees that arise anew, to fill the gaps left by destruction. Observe the cut on your finger as it stops bleeding. The slow but sure self stitching of cells that shall eventually close over. The same power that regenerates the land is the same power that regenerates your body. From one the sacred union of two, Life unfolds in the perfection of its evolution. And just as Life has populated this planet with energy-information (nutrient) cycling systems that obey a hidden too has it created your body. Rejoin this sacred stream through which all things remain connected...Life can heal your body, and make it whole again. Your mind emerges out of this wholeness, or have you forgotten from where it is you come? Within the continuum of Life and consciousness, the two streams meet as surely as cause meets effect. You have the right, and the ability to care for yourself. SELF CARE ~ one of the three pillars of living. Don’t hand your power to heal away to those whom would carelessly drug and poison the instrument of your unfoldment here. Life within your body doesn’t cannot. The conservation of energy prohibits it. Use Life’s wisdom to illuminate your path. All action by Life is ‘right action’, designed to restore homeostasis - balance. The overlay of a mind governed by illusion over the sensory feedback of Life within the body is the separation by which the truth of Life expresses the dysfunction we call dis-ease. To heal consciously is to become conscious...more aware than the state into which we have fragmented. All illness is self-limiting when the laws of Life are remembered and followed. Just as Life continually renews itself, so the force of Life can guide us. It knows the way to wholeness and through its wisdom we can heal. To heal we have to be willing to feel. To feel is to be in truth. Truth is in feeling. Life’s wisdom is a feeling sense...sentience. Honest connection, sincere seeking, surrender into the depth, core and source of you. From true health emerges spirituality and from spirituality emerges true health. #regenearthproject #naturallawhealsall #earthcare #permaculturewithsoul #peoplecare #rightrelationship #selfcare #transformationthroughregeneration

16.01.2022 Earth Care is a fundamental prerequisite in Permaculture. You can't have healthy food long term without acknowledgement and strict adherence to this principle. ...If you can't have healthy food, you can't have a healthy body, and by default also a healthy mind through healthy brain function. By far the best way to have healthy food is to learn how to grow it yourself with proper Earth Care principles, for anything which cares for the Earth must, by default, also care for you. That is the symbiotic relationship that all Life has with itself in all its forms on this planet and beyond. There is a causal relationship that connects everything, nothing is random or happens by chance. The iron law of Cause and Effect connects all phenomena in a never ending sequence infinitely forwards and infinitely backwards in time in all directions. If you can't find the cause, and there may be many correlative ones it's simply because you haven't looked in the right direction or found the right factors, but they are there nonetheless. It's important not to kid ourselves that anything could be random, especially Life phenomena, which statistical probability shows that the chance of a DNA molecule assembling itself randomly in nature is less likely than a tornado assembling a fully operational Boeing 747 after sweeping through a junk yard. Ponder that... Healthy food and a healthy life just don't happen randomly. Proper principles must be in place for such abundance to be realized. Growing healthy food requires care and attention to the soil life, which requires care and attention to plants, trees and guilds that work symbiotically in that soil. It requires care and attention to insect and animal species that feed on the plant life and return their own fertility to the land. It requires our recognition of those connections and a willingness to engage with them so that we can actively co-create the abundance, peace and happiness we want for life here on Earth. What are you prepared to do to live this reality? What are you prepared to sacrifice? This Life will not happen for you without your actual involvement. ‘Permanent Agriculture’; necessary to sustain a civilization in perpetuity can only occur if we adhere to principles based in Natural Law...that is, from the sound observation of phenomena in which Life thrives. ‘Permaculture’ therefore CAN feed the world and save humanity in the process. #EarthCare #Permaculture #PermanentAgriculture #NaturalLaw #CauseAndEffect #RegenearthProject #EarthCarePeopleCareSelfCare

15.01.2022 Both the power of Life and the wisdom of Life are the same...they cannot be separated. The Universe is a matrix of energy/consciousness. This partnership of p...ower and wisdom is the masculine/feminine dynamic upon which everything exists...the Shiva/Shakti of Creation...or, in another esoteric cultural vernacular...the Christos/Sophia. You disempower people by not giving them this knowledge. You demoralize people by instilling within them the belief (or interpretation) that the creative forces of the Universe are actually destructive forces...something to be feared, to shy away from...even to hate...but at disbelieve in. This creates an inherent distrust towards Life and thus deep anxiety, for people will no longer seek union, or even comprehend that such union is even possible, with the very force that sustains, and that actually does heal and defend them. This manifests as suppressed fear towards one’s own divine forces. Fear breeds hatred and thus conscious or unconscious destructiveness towards Life-affirming forces. The fear of Life results in the unconscious courting of death...where else can you turn?...and so we replace the life-urge with the death-urge. The result is a holocaust of death across the planet, committed and/or invited either consciously or unconsciously. (Though it can never be truly conscious, for a truly conscious individual sees and lives by the truth of Life.) This inversion in consciousness is one of the greatest bait and switches pulled by deceitful forces preying on the deliberately instilled ignorance of the people. Placing authority in an external source that if viewed with clear sight and right understanding reveals its corrupt core is the result of the suppression of true feeling. Feeling is the purview of Life as all Life is sentient. And so, the suppression of Life, which begets feeling must result in numbness, and from numbness ultimately arises evil in all its gradations and forms. When you suppress the suppression confusion results and now the indoctrinated are easily led. If you can’t feel with clarity, you can’t navigate accurately. When we invert creative forces we reap destruction. Can you see the state of human consciousness on the planet currently and it’s effects? There are no safe places...only safe people. People can only be safe when they are aligned with life-affirming forces, for they are conscious and are no longer controlled by their fear. There is nothing wrong with being afraid...the ‘wrong’ occurs when harm is committed and perpetuated in the name of that fear. You are now controlled by darker forces. Do you want to know more? Regenearth Project Earth Care ~ People Care ~ Self Care

12.01.2022 Ho there, people of the Earth! I have listened, and heard the Earth cry out. Not because she needs us...she is a powerful enough being to look after herself. She cries out as a lover, who wants to be seen, to be heard, to be touched with devotion; to be shown respect for her sacrifices. She cries out for your sacred reconnection as her children, and stewards of her lands, sky and seas. ... The Earth is your home. Her flesh is your flesh, her life is your Life. Your allegiance should not be to artificial and chemical constructs that twist, poison and derange Life expression. As you treat your environment so you treat your own you treat your own body so you treat your environment. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree...Life reflects to us the truth’s not hard for us to see, the lack of self-respect and reverence for our Life here. We have one body...we have one Earth. You would think we knew how to care for them? Reconnect with Nature through the feedback in your body...and reconnect with your body through sense contact with the natural; and remember the Earth is your greater home, not the concrete slab upon which you make your bed at night. So land here, both feet on the ground! Your mind may be in the stars but your body is of the Earth. You are here now...were you not here before? Can you be certain you’re not returning again? So whether you know it...or believe it...let’s make the Earth a home we all want to return to...and if you don’t...then make it a place of safety and prosperity for all who follow...just in case it is you. #RegenearthProject #NaturalLawHealsAll #EarthCarePeopleCareSelfCare #RegenerateEarth #RegenerateRelationship #RegenerateBody #PermacultureWithSoul

12.01.2022 We cannot be separated from the natural world. The air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, and sunshine we absorb are all, obviously, part of the natural world. We are thus made from the natural world.... Our mind is given expression through our brain, itself a product of the natural world. All of our products, real or synthesised, are made with materials from the natural world. Even our abstract products, created by our minds given expression through the organic substance of our brains, are thus indirectly dependent on the natural world. In fact those products (and services) are all created to somehow interface with the natural world, because they all interface with us! Whether we deal with the truth of our physical nature or transcend to the reality of our metaphysical nature, we still remain interfaced with the natural world. For the natural world is everything that is real and authentic and whether it be the energy of mind (higher or lower) or the density of matter (solid, liquid, gas), embodied or disembodied, formed or formless, it all comes forth from the same Source of things. Nothing is separate. To disconnect from the natural world, and not outwardly value its contribution to our incarnate expression here is ignorance at the least, and a form of psychosis worst, abject insanity. Real value lies with the natural world. And absolute value lies with Life. That is one of the highest of spiritual laws. Honour Life Respect Life Protect Life The Earth our home planet is alive. Let every day that it nourishes you be a testament to the gift of Life that has been given you. #RegenearthProject

10.01.2022 ~ ~ ~ EARTH CARE ~ ~ ~ One of the three Pillars of Living: EARTH CARE ~ PEOPLE CARE ~ SELF CARE...Continue reading

09.01.2022 This is a short documentary, only 45 minutes. It will educate you through simple animation how the money system came about, how it works and how it has been corrupted. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending that this hasn't happened is part of everyone's problem....Continue reading

06.01.2022 I found this awesome Rumi quote... Breathe it in... Shine like a beacon...... #RegenearthProject #EarthCarePeopleCareSelfCare

05.01.2022 The Earth is my home. I believe in a clean and pollution free home. The Earth is a place of beauty. ...Continue reading

05.01.2022 New moon approaching people... Hold peace in your hearts... Dare to look illusion in the eye...... Do not let go of the hand of truth... See you on the other side...

02.01.2022 People Careone of the three pillars of Living Earth Care ~ People Care ~ Self Care... People care must sit upon the foundation of right relationship.... Right relationship to each otherby recognising the divinity in all people, and realising the fundamental right to Life, peace and happiness that we all share. Realising that lasting peace and true happiness comes as a result of one’s own efforts, by following the path of inner guidance with diligence, and not as a product delivered to you from the outside. Right relationship can only occur when we agreewithin ourselvesto hold integrity as a value above or at the very least, commensurate with all others. Integrity implies truthfulness and honesty with self foremost. Who are you after allwhen no one is watching? Deception is a game that leaves you lost in your own maze. If you lie to yourself you most certainly will be lying to others. Pretense masks the lie, and so long as this is maintained we can never find our way home againto that unitive state in the centre within which is the true source of our Life and nourishment. Our defensive attitudes and stubborn beliefs blind us. The ego in resistance to Truth creates suffering, that we are usually only too willing to project outwards onto others and circumstance, thus perpetuating the lie of separation. We become slaves of our own making, the jailersand the jailed. Honesty to self begets honesty to other, honesty to other begets honesty to self. Truth and right alignment go hand in hand. Right alignment to all thingsnatural laws, natural forcesthe phenomena of Life, and right alignment of course means right relationship. Gentle and compassionate honesty fixes everythingit sets us all free. In Truth we have freedomin that freedom we have hope for a better world. Truth is Freedom and Freedom is Love. Not the romanticised love of fairy talesnobut the love that is emergent once anchored in Life, immanent as the ground of one's being. The Love that knows all causal relationships begin within, and when the Real Self is unmasked, reveals our foundation as uncorrupted and good. This Love feels each violation of Life, for it is kind...and so will not suffer itnot for itself, nor for others...and thus all things set in motion from there, right themselves. So swear it, if you dare Give me Truth or give me nothing! Let pretense fall away. There is a way in to the heart of impeccability, but there must be a willingness to be in Truth. In words from the wise: Hold fast to the truth as your refuge. Siddhartha Gautama - The Buddha #RegenearthProject #PermacultureWithSoul #EarthCarePeopleCareSelfCare #NaturalLivingandHealing

01.01.2022 True self care brings awareness of Earth. Care of Earth is care of self. Whether it is the Life of the Earth, or the Life in your body. The one who is congruent, will honour both. ...

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