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Region 2 NSW Freemasons Activities | Community organisation

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Region 2 NSW Freemasons Activities


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24.01.2022 After six months some lodges are meeting face to face in a covid19 safe environment. Some even managed to perform a Passing ceremony in a very safe & meaningful way.

23.01.2022 Taking this opportunity to wish the United Grand Lodge of NSW and ACT a Happy Birthday. The foundation of the organisation in its current form in 1888 seems so... far away. Since Sir Joseph Banks set foot on Australian soil we have seen Freemasons involved in many aspects of Australian society. Our oldest lodge, Lodge Antiquity No 1, celebrates its 200th anniversary in this difficult year. We hope that these good works continue for many years to come.

21.01.2022 Lodge Artarmon United 285, which meets at the Artarmon Masonic Centre, held their first regular meeting on 22 October (previous meeting was in Feb 2020). With careful planning in conjunction with our Management Team, COVID Marshall and the South Team, the Brethren attending held the general consensus the meeting was safe and well planned. The meeting progressed by affiliating a brother, announcing another affiliate and accepting a commemorative coin from a generous brother enable funds to be raised for charity, a productive night. All present were happy to see their Lodge Brethren, some after many months. Everyone enjoyed the evening immensely and there were smiles everywhere! WBro Shane Foley, Worshipful Master

20.01.2022 We are pleased to announce that the Museum of Freemasonry (MOF) Online Shop will go live in the Members' Area on: TUESDAY, 01 JUNE 2021 A number of Stationery items will be available, to begin with. Other items will be added to the inventory over the coming weeks.... Payment is by accepted: VISA, Mastercard or American Express credit cards ONLY.

19.01.2022 There will be a Lodge of Sorrow for VWBro Colin William 'Col' Francis OAM, PDGIW at 9:30 AM, Friday 4 June 2021 at the Dubbo Masonic Centre. Col's funeral is at 11am St Andrews Chapel Wingewarra St Dubbo.

18.01.2022 Not just a super Saturday, but a super week for Lodge Warragamba No 541.

18.01.2022 My first face to face Masonic meeting since March 2020. A great night and very safe night with the Brethren of LMH 85 & visitors. Goes to show that even in these covid19 times, if you have a COVIDSafe plan face to face meetings can be safely enjoyed by all.

16.01.2022 Don’t miss out on this iconic event at the Sydney Masonic Centre. The Grand Installation of the Grand Master of the United Grande Lodge of NSW & ACT. The Grand... Installation and associated events are to be held there weekend of 13 - 15 August. Register and book now as places are limited due to COVID19 restrictions. See more


13.01.2022 At Lodge Blacktown Kildare first face to face meeting, 1st TB and Passing. #wereback

13.01.2022 The Freemason Magazine is proud to annouce the Freemason Photography Competition 'Freemason Fotos'. You can submit your photograph from this simple form (from the UGL NSW & ACT website). There will be three stages to the competition, featured over three consecutive issues of the magazine, with a selection of entries published in each edition (December 2020, March 2021 and June 2021) when winners of each stage will be announced. An overall winner will be chosen by the judgin...g panel, with the winning image also announced in the June 2021 issue of FREEMASON. Stage 1: ‘Hometown Pride’: This might feature your city, town, suburb or village. It does not have to show a Masonic building. Stage 2: ‘Generations’: The focus should be on people or objects, but there should be a Masonic connection of some kind however tenuous. The objective of this theme is to contrast age and/or history with the young or new. Stage 3: ‘Qualities’: Your picture should capture an image depicting Integrity, Loyalty or Respect. This calls for you to use your imagination, and we will be looking for photos which are challenging, a little bit quirky, perhaps droll and not conservative. Each stage winner will receive a $50 gift card from Bunnings Warehouse, and the grand prize will be a professionally framed print of the overall winning entry. Start clicking!!

13.01.2022 Are you planning or have a Lodge risk assessment plan yet? From experience, contact tracing, and implementation and enforcement of social distancing rules are the most challenging ones.

13.01.2022 The Jacarandras at Lodge Middle Harbour.

12.01.2022 Have you been receiving your Freemason magazine via post or our Grand Master’s Newsletter via email? If not please update your details via our website at or via your lodge Secretary.

11.01.2022 NEEDED. Any member who can spare a day on a regular basis to assist in a scanning project for the Grand Lodge office. We have a number of books that need to be ...scanned to preserve the contents. Full training on the equipment provided. If you are interested please contact Chris Craven on [email protected] to discuss times.

11.01.2022 Singing in the Lodge: The NSW Health guidance says that: Can I sing in a group?... There is evidence to suggest that group singing (for example in a band, choir or karaoke) is a higher risk activity due to the increased chance of spreading COVID-19 through airborne aerosols. For this reason, NSW Health recommends at this time that group singing be avoided. Consider having one singer rather than a group. Solo singers should stay at least 3 meters from the audience when singing. Taken from à .

10.01.2022 What a great transformation and a great and charming Masonic Centre in Mosman.

08.01.2022 Quarterly Communication to be held in the Grand Lodge Room at the Sydney Masonic Centre on Wednesday, 09 June 2021, commencing at 7:30pm. If your intention is to attend the Quarterly Communication in person at the Sydney Masonic Centre on 09 June 2021, please register your attendance through the EVENTS section in the Members' Area. Registrations close on 05 June 2021. LIVE STREAM... We also advise that the Quarterly Communication on 09 June 2021 will be live streamed to Masons who can watch it from their homes. Please find following link and password to live stream the Quarterly Communication on 09 June 2021: LINK: Quarterly Communication - 09 June 2021 - Live Stream (Password via your lodge Secretary or Wor Master). There will be no Communication Dinner after the Quarterly Communication on 09 June 2021.


05.01.2022 At the Sydney Masonic Centre.

04.01.2022 The Brethren of Lodge Artarmon United No 285 at yesterday's Covid safe meeting. Whilst no degree work, one brother affiliated with Bro C. Summerhayes also donating a $500 gold medal/coin (only 500 coins struck) commemorating the Queen’s Anniversary. It will probably be auctioned for charity and if you want that coin, attend and support their next charity event! Welcome back to the new normal #ArtUtd285Lodge (Photo submitted by DGIW VW Bro R Wilson with the consent of the brethren in the photo.)

04.01.2022 Celebrating the 200th Anniversary - Lodge Antiquity No 1 Congratulations on your Bi-Centennial celebrations and tonight, your Re-Installation Meeting in the presence of the M Wor Bro Derek Robson, Grand Master of the UGL NSW & ACT; with Past Grand Master, Most Wor Bro Jamie Melville as Installing Wor Master and Rt Wor Bro David Bahamonde PAGM as Wor Master-elect.

02.01.2022 Lest we forget... especially veterans & their families in these times of isolation.

02.01.2022 Going back to lodge face to face meeting...

01.01.2022 Two years ago District 25/25A donated 25 wheelchairs and last Sunday re started their Bunnings Charity sizzle to raise more funds for their chosen charities.

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