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20.01.2022 26. 9. 2020. Saturdays Numeroscope. Today is the 26th of September, the 270th day, and the 39th week of the year. The 270 is a supersized 27, in this form it is... a personal success, a substantial change in one career or lifestyle, but the other side of the coin is a closing of an era, a separation from family and friends due to unforeseen circumstances, a loss of prestige and status. This is reinforced by the fact that the end numbers for today are 135 -36-9. The 135 is 18-9, the 13-4 being first in order means there is some destructive element at play, whether from outside sources or internally. The 36-9, 12 x 3 indicates some drama and intrigue being played out, this is a victim and sacrifice scenario. The weather, oceans, shipping and incidents on the coasts and any other matter dealing with water is highlighted today. The 49-13-4, 7x7, the 61-7, and the 77-14-5 are all featured today. The 55-10 is also included in the weather forecast as it may bring some damage in the way of wild weather. The 55 also relates to electricity, fire, explosions and firearms. The 270 for the day of the year and the 39 for the week added to the numerology of Friday and September equals 369-36-9. This adds to 405-9, this is 45-9, again supersized with the 40 being first in order, 20 x 2, this can be chaotic with unexpected and dramatic events. An 81-9 is also part of the equation, it empathizes the role of the nines on this day. On top of all this, the haunted seven is also a player, along with the other extremely psychic sevens this will be a very intuitive day for those awake and aware. Notice that the 369-36-9 are all life numbers, today is about more than just material assets and money, it is about us, humanity, and our relationship to each other which is under a great deal of strain in the current situation. The slogan that the government here in Victoria is using in the coronavirus advertising is '' keeping us apart is keeping us together'' and I have to disagree with that, it is causing unbelievable harm to many who find it too hard to cope with not seeing family, some for months. This is a personal view, you can agree or disagree, it doesn't matter, it is my opinion. Born on the 26th of September, the 26-8, 13 x 2, the 26 can have a rebellious nature, they can be slow to anger, but when they do, watch out, many have a disdain of authority, even when they themselves are in a position of authority. The 26 is usually a better friend to others than friends are to them. Many take the duty loyalty and responsibility trait attached to eights seriously, more so as they get older. Integrity is another trait that the eights admire in themselves and others, and the numerology for the word ''Integrity'' is 26-8. Add the nine to make 35-8, this is the visionary eight, this is art antiques, music, movies, photography, public speaking and presentation. If you add the 26-8, and the 35-8 together you get 61-16-7, this is in a person, intelligence, insight and intuition, psychic energy, dreams and premonition. It also deals with the natural world and the animal kingdom.

17.01.2022 29. 9. 2020. Tuesdays Numeroscope. Today is the 29th of September, the 273rd day, and the 40th week of the year. The 273 adds to 30, add the 40 to make 70, an ...interesting but unstable combination. The 29-11, of which there are actually two, the 29 for the day, the nine for the month plus 20 for the year. The 29-11 x 2 is 58-22-4, this a paramilitary number, so it is assertive, against whom, time will tell. The 13's again rule the day, but the double 29's indicate a sense of mistrust and betrayal, and more than possible a sense of anger and frustration. We are living in a time when fate and destiny will play their hands, we were born for this time, and the circumstances we find ourselves in. Those whose fate was not to be a part of this time in history have gone, their part in this drama is finished, the rest of you will have to live through the next few years of this cycle, which ends in 2027, it will decide who you are, and what you stand for. 2020 is the awakening for some, but not all have realized what this year means for the future and destiny of the human race. We are at a crossroad in history, the choices you make will decide the future of all of us. The 53-17-8, the rebellious/conservative eight, a contradiction in terms, is featured today, it rallies against authority and injustice, something that is dearly needed in our society at the moment. Born on the 29th of September, the 29 is Cancer and mars, fire and water, yin and yang, the opposite ends of the numerology scale. It is the need to balance one's life, it is love and forgiveness, more for your sake than anybody else. The 29 will see the best and worst of the human race, the shallowness and the generosity, and must learn to be impartial in its judgments. Add the nine to make 38-11, the three is an eight sliced down the middle, it is open and sociable, the eight itself is enclosed and secretive, again an odd combination, although it can be very successful.

13.01.2022 25. 9. 2020. Fridays Numeroscope. Today is the 25th of September, the 269th day, and the 39th week of the year. The 269, 26, 13 x 2, plus nine equals 35-8, 7... x 5. The 69, 23 x 3, plus two is 71-8. Basically, the 26 like the 35 is duty loyalty responsibility, today the 26 deals with authority and the 35 deals with vision and creativity. The 69-15-6 is the Magician, it is knowledge, mainstream and esoteric revealed and hidden. The 71-8 is also the D L R of the other eights, but its main trait is enlightenment, shining a light into the dark spaces, and at the moment there are plenty of those. The numerology for Friday is 17-8 so the protection aspect of today will save many from grief, just pay attention to the intuition. The nines appear again today, 18, 36, 45, 54, this is ends of cycles, in this combination it is separation, arguments, criticism and accusations, this is covered by the 18 and 45, they add to 63-18-9, events that make a name itself. The 36, this alludes to scandals and those who fall victim to the dramas and intrigues of others, basically the scapegoat. The 54 is 6 x 9, which also appears elsewhere today. The 36 and 54 equal 90, the 90 denotes permanent endings or great changes with consequences that may not be immediate, but are already in motion, and will be devastating. It is a day of thirteens, sevens and nines as the primary numbers, but the day ends with the 74-29-11, the 74 and 29 add to 103-4, a supersized 13, creation and destruction, success or failure, combined with the sevens of the day some truths will be revealed, some trust will be lost and karma will reap what has been previously sown. On the other hand, Karma will also reward acts of generosity and kindness. Born on the 25th of September, the 25-7 is 5x5, creativity, the spoken and written word, music and the arts, communication, broadcasting, but still with the traits and talents of all sevens, psychic energy, teaching healing, the 25 is one of the social sevens but also having the loner recluse trait where time alone to clear negative energy is required. Add the nine to make 34-16-7, the 34 is 17-8 x 2, protection, enlightenment, commemoration. The 16 is 2 x 8, 4 x 4, This is imagination, inspiration and truth. This combination of the 25 and the 34 is highly psychic and very talented.

12.01.2022 28. 9 2020. Mondays Numeroscope. Today is the 28th of September, the 272nd day, and the 40th week of the year. The 272, the 27-9, ending and changes, but it a success number and highly spiritual, adding the two make it 29-11, a betrayal of trust, being turned against for no apparent reason. The 72-9 part of this equation 9 x 8, legalities, power and authority. Adding the two makes it 74-11, events that cause upset and mental anguish for some. The 27 and 72 add to 99, This can the cognitive dissidence effect, '' the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes.'' The 29-11 and the 74-11 equals 103-22-4, the supersized 13-4 will decide the outcomes for today, burning bridges or letting the status quo stand, but the 103 starts with a 10, so renewal is a major part of the decision. This is also the 40th week of the year, order, structure, stability, or the roller coaster ride and chaos, and as this year is already 2020, which equals 40, I'm leaning more to the latter. 2020 and the 40 for the week add to 80, this is the Karmic eight multiplied by 10. The 28 for the day and the 40 for the week comes to 68-14-5, 34 x 2, 17-8 by four, adding the nine for the month gives us 77-23-5. Two highly psychic energy numbers, and again the sevens are connected with the 13's, secrets are uncovered, lies are exposed. Sex crimes and exploitation may also be revealed as the number 37-10 is featured twice today. There are actually eight 17-8's in the days' numerology, this is a lucky break for many today, problems thought insurmountable fade away, its the Universal get out of jail free pass. The 17's are also enlightenment, a moment in time when knowledge can be revealed to those ready to receive it, it blows away the cobwebs in the brain, you think differently, you accept the truth of your existence, not the lie of the brainwashing telling you who they think you are, and who you should be. Once awake you can never go back, you will understand the many, but the many will no longer understand you. Born on the 28th of September, the 28-10, 14 x 2, entrepreneurial, money and financial institutions, the sciences, real estate and business ventures. This can be a very successful number if it doesn't over-reach its grasp, getting in debt or borrowing more for projects than they can afford to pay back can see the 28 heading for disaster and bankruptcy. Add the nine to make 37-19-10, creative and artistic, attractive or charismatic to others, this 37-19 combination shares the same risks with money as the 28, making money can be quite easy, keeping it is another matter.

11.01.2022 27. 9. 2020 Sundays Numeroscope. Today is the 27th of September, the 271st day, and the 39th week of the year. The 271 is 28-10, with the 27-9 being the same as... the days' date. The 71-8, enlightenment, protection and commemoration. Adding the two gives us 73-10, sex and sexuality, love, marriage and procreation, along with the negative aspects of sexual assault, pedophilia etc. Today is the third and final nine cycle for this month, the other two being the 9th and the 18th of September. Although the 27 is a fortunate number when added to one of the '20s in the date it becomes 47-11, events that will cause emotional and mental anguish. Adding the 9 for the month to the other 20 equals 29-11, loss of faith and trust, a feeling of being let down or betrayed by those you trusted to do the right thing. The 27 plus 9 equals 36-9, 12 x 3, 6 x 6, the 36 can make a name for itself, and even become famous, but the 12's contained within can find themselves involved in scandals or incidents that bring disgrace upon their name and reputation, even if the fault of whatever these events are, are caused by other people who will drag them through the mud to cover up their complicity. There are numbers again dealing with the government, and many of them allude to repeating patterns which basically breakdown back to 13's, remembering that the 13 has two basic functions, create or destroy, the destruction part comes into play when deceit and treachery become destructive by the fact that order becomes chaos, and stability of any system is finally lost. There are two major awakening numbers in today numerology, one is the 137, the 13 and 7 again dealing with karmic influences, retribution for the bad, rewards for the good. The second awakening is the 164, the 16 is a 7, and the 4 to make 20, this is about uncovering the truth of a situation which may rock the stability of those who fear the truth. Born on the 27th of September, the 27-9 is success, wealth, acclaim, making a name for yourself or becoming famous in some way. The two is Cancerian, the Moon and water, the seven is Neptune, also water, together they are a nine, ruled by Mars, and a fire sign. The 27 must always keep control of the circumstances in their lives, handing over responsibility or control of their affairs and finances to managers, lawyers, accountants or even business partners or even husbands and wives can see them lose all through bad judgment, fraud and embezzlement. Adding the nine adds to 36-9. the explanation of the 36 is in the 3rd paragraph. Together the 27 and 36 add to 63-9, 9 x 7, this like the 27 and the 36 is related to fame and infamy, the 63 is a psychic nine, as is the 27, healer, teacher, the 63 also deals with the past, past lives, not only their own but that of others.

05.01.2022 24. 9. 2020. Thursdays Today is the 24th of September, the 268th day and the 39th week of the year. The 268th day is 26-8 plus eight, this 34-16-7, the 68-14-5 also 34-7 x 2, so, there are three 34's and six 17-8's contained within. The 68 plus two is 70-16-7, again a very seven day, and along with the spiritual 17-8 it will feel slightly weird for those lacking sevens The sevens are intuition, insight, psychic and paranormal activity, dreams and premonitions, and perhaps the meeting of souls can occur today, those who know you, but don't know you, they know you are seven and have a compulsion to talk to you, but they don't know why, this meeting of souls is not a coincidence, it is destined, an awakening so to speak, but in a physical way where knowledge is exchanged, more for the benefit of the contacted, than the messenger. This is a day of communication, not all of it good, sharp words and criticism. The numbers 50 and 59 are the reason for much of this controversy, but these numbers also cover fire, electricity, wild weather, natural disasters, explosions and firearms. The haunted seven also appears separately to the other sevens in the days' numerology, this is dealing with the past, lost loves, opportunities missed and generally getting a bit lost in the past, but remember the past is gone, you don't live there anymore, as much as you may want to. The 99 appears again today, as it has nearly every day lately, and its still conflict within the head/brain. Such things as Cognitive dissonance, this is the mental conflict when a person's behaviours and beliefs do not align. It may occur when a person holds two beliefs that contradict one another. The end number for the day with the day and month combined is 137- 38, the 137 are awakening, this is the settling of Karmic accounts, it can also be retribution carried out by other people for various or malicious reasons which will also bring its own Karmic retribution within a very short frame of time. Born on the 24th of September, the 24-6, 12 x 2, 6 x 4, the 12, 4 x 3 has religious connotations, the 12 disciples, 12 tribes of Israel, etc. It represents harmony and balance, 24 hours in a day, 12 months in a year, and many other examples of the 12, 6 and 3. Add the nine to make 33-6, again another sacred number, 3 x 11, the threes are sociability, education, it is the teacher or the martyr, maybe both. The 11 component is ruled by the Sun, Aries, but also the Moon, Cancer as the 11 and the 2 are seen as the same thing, the 11 just vibrating at a higher level. Yin and Yang. This is a strong combination of the life numbers 3 and 6, plus the 9 in the month. There is also a strong spiritual and religious bond. Because Chaldean Numerology is the oldest form of the art it has links to the Christian Bible, the story of Jesus as a child stops when he is 12 years old, he returns at around age 30 and crucified at age 33. The birth of Christ marks the beginning of the Age of Pisces, March, the 3rd month. And no, I am not religious, but religion is part of history, it forms much of the basis of our civilizations.

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