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Reinventing The Man | Sportsperson

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Reinventing The Man

Phone: +61 414 366 309


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24.01.2022 Reinventing the man transformations!! This is what 12 weeks working with me looks like. In 12 weeks working together we were able to put on a stack of muscle an...d get shredded. Our focus was getting James strong AND eating more food consistently, so let’s talk about how he did this.. James came to me because he wanted to get strong, he was already training but was very inconsistent and didn’t have any structure to his workouts. He also wanted to put on some muscle and I quickly found out that getting him to eat more and to be consistent with his nutrition was going to be our biggest challenge. But we did it. 12 week time frame. Normally I break training programs into 4 week blocks but with James we followed more of a power lifters approach with a 12 week strength phase, following a progressive overload approach. It wasn’t all smooth sailing though as James suffered a small pec tear and couldn’t press for about a month. But the numbers this guy is throwing up now are super impressive. I strength test all my clients at the beginning of a program and James is now squatting, bench pressing and deadlifting his previous one rep Max’s for sets of 5... in my industry they are some serious strength gains. We are still working on his nutrition but what I am happy with is that James is consistently eating more food. Food is such a crucial aspect to anyones training but especially when you are trying to build more muscle and get strong! I really like putting my work up because as a coach I like to talk about the methods I use and show everyone that they work. This is why I developed my Reinventing The Man program to help men become strong, lean and to become the best versions of themselves!

23.01.2022 My advice to my younger self- Never believe someone when they tell you that you can’t do something, it’s usually a sign that they don’t believe they could do it... themselves. Dream and dream big, but remember it will always remain a dream if you don’t have a plan on how to get there. The same people that tell you that you can’t do something will be the same ones that will be stuck where they are and will live with regret. You are going to make a shit tonne of mistakes and that’s ok. Mistakes can be the harshest but the best life lessons. Perfection doesn’t exist, so create your own. Don’t be afraid to fail. Whether it’s a big lift in the gym, a job, a relationship or a dream. Failure teaches us what we need to push forward. Trust is one of the most valuable commodities so invest it wisely. Never hesitate to help others and share your knowledge. This cannot be quantified but always comes back ten fold. Keep seeing the good in people, it will always outweigh the bad. It costs nothing to be nice. Success is failure turned inside out. It’s exhausting trying to be someone that you aren’ just be yourself. Remember when you were little and mum and dad told you that one day you will be able to count your true friends on one hand..they were right! You are going to meet a girl who is going to change your life completely for the better. She will challenge you like no other but bring out the best in you..when you meet her, don’t correct her after she has stacked the dishwasher, or fix up the towels in the bathroom after she has hung them up OR correct the washing after she has hung it out on the clothes line..just trust me on this one! I know you are tired but make the effort. See your grandparents, catch up with friends, go see the late session of a movie, have dinner at your parents place, hang out with your nieces and nephews and make sure you tell the people who matter that you love them. And remember- Don’t worry kid, everything will work out ok! @sharnie_louise_ .

21.01.2022 I used to think getting in shape and feeling good was all about the training program you were on and the nutrition plan and what type of foods you were eating..... I was wrong!! Did you know that 75% of people give up on the gym/new fitness program within 2 weeks of starting. People who join 8,10,12 week challenges and finish the program, within 5 months have put on more weight then when they started.. These are terrible statistics.. So with those stats in mind I designed reinventing the man. I wanted a program that was easy to follow but mainly for men to enjoy and get control of their health and fitness. This is for the everyday man who knows he needs to do something about their health but have no idea where to start. The corporates, the tradesman, the business owners, the dads you know time poor, super busy, super stressed, no time for themselves.. I usually find these men are overweight and have low energy levels, poor sleep habits, low sex drive, low confidence, poor nutrition habits and decreased muscle mass. If this sounds like you I want you in my reinventing the man program. I want to help you regain control of your life by teaching you long term, sustainable and enjoyable health and fitness habits. By finding what works for you and your lifestyle we can tailor a plan that you can enjoy and that works!! I’m currently looking for 5 men for my next reinventing the man program. 5 men who are committed to making a positive change in their life! If this sounds like you then I would like to work with you, dm for all details and let’s get to work! Instagram- mattpetersen_

17.01.2022 Strength tested Pat Lasalo 4 weeks ago and his one rep max on deadlift was 200kg. We have been following a strength program and big patty has been doing the wor...k. Today he pulled 220kgx3 for a huge PB!! The man..

04.01.2022 When I started coaching 10 years ago my thinking was this- if I was the biggest, most muscular guy in the gym surely people would want to train with me. Or if ...I was competing in bodybuilding or powerlifting shows people could see I was the real deal and would want to train with me... I didn’t know how to run a business I was just doing what I thought would attract clients.. I didn’t know any better. There was no how to guide on being a trainer. You got your certificate 3 and 4 in fitness and you were qualified to get a job in a gym. It took me a year of full-time study at TAFE to become qualified but these days you can pay your money and do an online course in 8 weeks..(scary) TAFE prepared me somewhat for what was ahead of me but nothing prepared me for going from ‘becoming qualified’ to ‘running your own business’. I had no idea what I was doing all I knew is that I loved training myself and I thought it would be pretty cool to do that for a job and get people to pay me for it. I stumbled my way through probably the first 5-7 years as a coach/business owner. I would pick up things along the way that I would learn from other coaches like training programming, nutrition information, how much to charge clients, what systems they would use and how to attract more clients. Now I train a lot of trainers and the three common mistakes I see trainers making are these- 1. Not knowing their clientele. I ask trainers this question all the time- who do you want to train? Who is your ideal client? Unfortunately not many can give me an answer because they have never thought about it before. I think trainers get caught in that trap of taking on anyone because they might need the money or they want to seem like they are busy and smashing out heaps of sessions. You need to understand what energises you as a coach and then attract that clientele. I love training men who want to change their lives for the better by lifting weights and learning a sustainable nutrition approach. I don’t train anyone else. I stay in my lane. I put it like this- if you needed a knee reconstruction would you go and see a specialist knee surgeon or shoulder surgeon. Sure the shoulder surgeon could probably still do the job pretty well but it’s not his specialty. You would go and see the knee specialist because that’s what he specialises in. As a trainer if you specialise in getting people strong why take on a client who wants to get fit to run a marathon?? 2 and 3 to follow..

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