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25.01.2022 How are your lawns going ? Weed free are they ? Mine is still powering and i am cutting approx. every 5 days but the weeds are still present and just waiting for their moment Mowing the lawn regularly is most important, this keeps the lawn healthy and by doing so it helps prevent against disease, pests and weeds.... As we move toward the cooler months the grass starts to slow and in some cases becomes dormant, it is in this dormancy stage it's very susceptible to attack so now is a good time to keep on top of any issues and one of the main issues we continually battle are weed's. I won't go into trying to list all of the weed's out there because i would probably be here all night BUT if i can pass on one piece of advice it's this, early ID of the weed and coming up with a course of action is imperative, if the weed is allowed to go to seed then this is where you can lose the battle and it can haunt you forever. The best way of dealing with weed's other than mowing regularly is to hand weed, yes it can be daunting looking at an infested lawn but i find it therapeutic to be honest and maybe it's my love of prospecting but i love the thrill of the chase..........but no i won't be coming over and doing your lawns If you don't have the time to hand weed then we need to look at herbicides but these should always be treated with absolute caution with directions being strictly followed, i cannot stress this enough and that's why commercial operators have to be licensed and for good reason. Before selecting a herbicide for a particular weed/weed's we need to make sure they aren't going to have an adverse effect on our grass so correctly ID your grass first and buy accordingly and if in doubt always ask for advice. I hope this helps in keeping your lawn in good health, our lawns are a huge asset to our homes and by understanding them a little more and being proactive it can save a lot of dollars in the long run, so to sum up, keep the regular mowing going, try to ID issues early and don't let weed's go to seed and this will stand us in good stead for the coming spring Good luck to us all ! @reliableRPM

24.01.2022 I've recently taken over the mowing duties at this house in Mayfield. No shortage of golden canes throughout the property, the lawn always comes up a treat after a mow/edge @reliableRPM

23.01.2022 I have been a little slack on updates on our home lawn but definitely a lot of TLC going on behind the scenes and it is progressing well. I ran an aerator over it a few weeks back, i tried to get the soil as damp as possible but at that stage it was still running across the surface and struggling to soak in so anything was better than nothing aerating wise. While the holes were open i gave it a good soak with a Seasol wetting product and then top dressed with 3m of a quality ...washed sand followed by a liberal amount of fertilizer. Finally the water is soaking in instead of running down the gutter With the amount of big bare patches left with the removal of all the weeds i am just trying to get as much coverage as possible so i am racing the clock before it starts cooling off and its looking very scruffy at the moment so i will add some pics after it gets a mow @reliableRPM See more

23.01.2022 With the cooler weather lately, the snow season has opened early, reports of snow falling in unusual places and tipped for Barrington this week i guess the last thing we have on our minds is gardening in winter Now that i have you all pumped with enthusiasm to go outside, lets have another quick look at jobs we can be doing so we are prepped and ready to go in spring If you are planning on establishing garden beds now is the time to get the soil prepared full of nutrient...s, if your yard is full of fallen leaves why not use them to your advantage, if you don't i am sure the neighbour won't mind you stealing some of there's, we don't want any wet leaves on the lawn so rake any leaves into an area and run over them with the lawnmower/catcher and turn them into the garden beds with some organic matter to help break them down further. Have you ever planned on planting a deciduous tree or even roses ? Well now is the time, also existing deciduous tree's/shrubs along with deciduous fruit tree's and grapevines can be pruned now, just be careful of any spring flowering shrubs. Existing perennials can be divided, new ones can be planted. Did you have any problem area's with your lawn during summer ? Are you aware of the soils pH level ? Lawns will be dormant by now, with soil temps under 22 degree's dormancy sets in and with air temps below 23 degree's your lawn won't be taking in nutrients so apply only controlled release granular fertilizers, we can still apply Seasol. I find hand weeding lawns therapeutic so if you're like me spend 20-30 minutes at a time digging them out or use a herbicide specifically suited to the weed/lawn type you have. We have had some good rain this weekend so the soil will be a little softer so if you have some bare patches why not give them a light rake to remove some of the dead grass/thatch and use a garden fork to lightly aerate the area, push the fork in and rock back n forth at approx. 10-15 cm intervals. If you have some washed river sand you can rake that into the area to fill the holes and leave some nice porous holes for the oxygen and nutrients to get down to where they are needed. Well that's about all for now, as you can see it's all about maintenance at this time of year so a bit of spare time here and there will ease the workload in spring, it's all about riding the wave, not trying to continually paddle to get onto it, oh and lets not forget watering, winter may not be a time we feel watering is necessary but the cold harsh winds can dry the plants out quickly so something to look out for also. Happy gardening and good luck to us all RPM Property Services

23.01.2022 A recent job we did on a vacant block, whilst we love nothing more than lawn care when it's time to roll up the sleeves we can get anything done for our clients The steep slope made things interesting at times but always up for some mountain goat terrain Scope of works was to brushcut and remove rubbish, so if you have a challenge like this one don't hesitate to get in touch and we will get it done !!! @reliableRPM ... Some before/after pics

22.01.2022 A little makeover for a very lovely new client, currently renting at the moment whilst waiting on a new build, unfortunately she inherited a yard from previous tenants that did bare minimum to the property Just like us at the moment we are renting but we still have to make these temporary houses into our homes We were both so happy with the results So whether it's weeding beds and mulching, pruning or edging and mowing we can do it all @reliableRPM ... Oh and don't forget you can now visit our website @ See more

20.01.2022 RPM have just reached 50 Likes I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for the support RPM have just reached 50 Likes I'd like to take this opportunity to thank each and everyone of you for the support

20.01.2022 Something a little different than the usual lawn posts but of equal beauty

19.01.2022 Break open the bubbly It's been a long haul but RPM Property Services has just hit 100 likes Thanks to each and everyone of you for the terrific support, it truly is appreciated

19.01.2022 Our website is now up and running, why not check it out and don't forget to mention it to all our friends out there that don't have FB.

18.01.2022 I just received our latest flyers destined for letterboxes in the local area, these have our new logo/artwork on them @reliableRPM

16.01.2022 Well with the cooler weather now upon us the grass is taking a break Lets have a look at some things to consider during the cooler months, its now time to bring the blades up a bit higher, we don't want it cut too short due to the possibility of exposing the root system to frosts etc so if you do have to mow just do a maintenance style mow to just tidy it up. When was the last time you sprayed some Seasol around the lawn and garden beds ? ... Seasol is a fantastic product, being seaweed based its packed full of nutrients and its reasonably inexpensive, the twin 2 litre packs that you connect the hose to are excellent value for money at approx. $20 and your lawn and plants will love you Slow release fertilizers can also be added as well, granular types are generally better value for money but its also important to try and get a nice even coverage so using a fertilizer spreader is very beneficial. The weeds and wintergrass just love the cooler weather, its a perfect time for them to cause headaches, so with the lawn being dormant its perfect for treating weeds, if you have wintergrass popping up and its manageable to dig out that would be the best way but if not careful spot spraying can also be done, BUT its most important if you are going to spray anything on your lawn you need to first identify your type of lawn and pick a product that is friendly to the particular type of grass you have. The other thing we can do is be totally proactive in keeping on top of the usual issues with lawns before they arise, whether its weeds, wintergrass, army grub or other enemies wanting to destroy our hard work why not consider developing a yearly/seasonal program and look into pre-emergents and the benefits they offer of not having to worry about issues arising in the first place. When was the last time you showed the mower and willy whipper some love ? Check those blades if you are not aware of their condition, sharp blades not only make cutting the lawn easier its healthier for your lawn as well, if tipping the mower slightly on its side to check the blades always tip so the carby is on the high side. If you have 4 stroke equipment how about an oil change, very easy to do, make sure you use a recommended oil though for your particular engine. Air filters are inexpensive so give it a birthday and why not check the spark plug, once again not that expensive. The more we can put systems/programs or maintenance in place the easier it gets, so why not consider taking your lawn care up a cog and go full pro If not, we are here to help out in whatever way we can, whether its just advice or if you want a one of edge/mow, a regular service or you want us to implement a yearly program to suit your lawn and garden just get in touch RPM Property Services

14.01.2022 Another fantastic result, I really enjoy standing back and looking at the finished product Scope of works was to weed the garden beds, remove dead tree's plants, prune/hedge, put some pro edges down and let Buffalo Buck work his magic on the lawn No job too big or small, if your yard needs a makeover get in touch for a free no obligation quote, all work is done to a very high standard and fully insured for peace of mind @reliableRPM

14.01.2022 WOW What a glorious start to the day, it's sunrises like this one I regret not being out somewhere with my drone capturing spectacular memories @reliableRPM

13.01.2022 Some of what we do @ RPM Property Services

11.01.2022 So what do you want from your lawn We are all different and think differently depending on our situations at the time, some see them as a chore whereas others see them as the icing on the cake complimenting their home. Regardless, i think we would all agree having a lawn is way better than having dirt and so there is one simple way to keep your lawn healthy and that's knowing about pH levels. So before you hit that X or scroll on because i'm talking pH levels which is more ...commonly known with swimming pools read on The soil pH level probably would be one of the least tested BUT most important parts of knowing what's going on beneath the grass and it's relatively simple to not only test but to correct ensuring your soil is obtaining all the correct nutrients to allow it to flourish First lets talk pH levels, pH level is a measure of acidity measured between 0 and 14, anything below the value of 7.0 is acidic and anything above the value of 7.0 is alkaline. Yep you guessed it, 7.0 is the sweet spot for a neutral pH soil and this is what we should be aiming for. We can test via different methods, home testing kits which involve revisiting your science days or simple spike style meters in analogue or digital forms. Testing kits/meters can range from $20 to $100's. So you are now armed with the soil pH level and hopefully it will be close to that magic neutral measure of 7.0 but if it isn't which is usually the case with Australian soils erring more on the acidic side the good news is it can be corrected reasonably easy and cost effective however it is easier to raise the pH level than decrease it. If the soil is acidic, i.e. below 7.0 we can add lime, dolomite or chicken manure, it is best to use the philosophy of less is more especially if you decide to use chicken manure. If the soil is alkaline, i.e. above 7.0 we need to add manure, compost (leaf litter/grass clippings) or look to Sulphate or Sulphate of Ammonia. Correcting the soil pH level won't happen overnight and as previously said you are far better to use caution when trying to correct rather than blitzing it with your chosen material, once you have added the material you will have to wait approx. 3 months to obtain an accurate reading. Well there you have it, as you can now see soil pH levels are relatively simple to not only test but to correct and this will ensure the lawn remains healthy so whether you just enjoy the look of a lush lawn, love kicking the ball around with the kids or having the latest royal rumble wrestling match or you are the more competitive type with yearly lawn wars with the neighbours and sick and tired of handing over cartons of beer when you lose each year this may well give you the upper hand and lets face it by keeping the lawn lush and healthy you keep adding value to one of our biggest investments in life so that's a win win @reliableRPM

10.01.2022 Quick update on the home lawn, we are at 8 weeks now, slowly getting some good coverage in the problem area's where i dug lots of paspalum and richardia out. The lawn is thickening nicely and the supremacy battle between the 3 types of grass present is well and truly on, who will win If you require someone to help with your lawn and garden care needs please get in contact @reliableRPM

10.01.2022 Our current home has had a neglected front lawn for years, we moved in November last year. I started weeding by hand and put some dynamic lifter down and the top has responded and is thickening but the lower section either side of the footpath is a nightmare, the soil is that compacted the water/oxygen/nutrients can't be absorbed into the soil. The water just runs down onto the footpath. I must of pulled 1 1/2 wheely bins of weeds down there alone. So I have been planning to ...scalp and aerate it once I get some healthy patches of grass, well tomorrow is that day. Ideally this should be done in spring. Once that is done soil PH levels need to be tested so the soil can be adjusted, I will get some washed sand in and top dress to level it up and then start with the fertilizers and a watering regime. These pics were taken approximately 1 week ago, I will add some before and after shots tomorrow. @reliableRPM

09.01.2022 Time to discuss one of life's more hotly debated conundrums When is the best time to water your lawn Early morning is the best time but if you don't have a retic system and hand watering is you're only option and you don't have the time to water before work then late afternoon/early evening is the next best option, avoid the heat of the day.... Watering at night can lead to issues with disease/fungus so best avoided if you can. So i hear you ask well it rains at night doesn't it Yes but it's more a case of lessening the risk. So how often and how much should we water ? This will change with the seasons but water only when your lawn needs it, always check the 4 day forecast. Watering less often and more deeply promotes deeper roots, so approx twice a week, put some empty ice cream containers down and you should be aiming for 10-15mm to be caught in them. The lawn should be allowed to dry between watering, this allows air to get down to root level which in turn stimulates deeper root formation and helps creates a drought resistant lawn. Too much water leads to a shallow root system and puts the lawn at risk of disease. If you still aren't sure a good rule of thumb is if you walk over your lawn, check how long your footprint impressions remain, if the lawn is adequately moist you will hardly see your footprints because the grass will spring back, if the leaves are slow to bounce back your lawn needs water. If you can't push a 6 inch screwdriver into your lawn you aren't watering enough. Good luck, kick those shoes off and enjoy your lawn

08.01.2022 Tomorrow will mark the 1 month anniversary on the lawn at home It's coming along nicely, I am still hand weeding, plenty of broadleaf and Richardia coming out, the middle section was infested with it, it's a terrible weed to deal with, one tap root but the runners entwine in the grass roots so you have to be careful. About the only herbicide that will rid the lawn of it has to have Dicamba in it. A couple of really bare areas where I dug Paspalum out wasn't covering so well so I transplanted some decent pieces courtesy of the scraps from edging. We now have healthier soil, the water is penetrating and looking good for full coverage before it cools off @reliableRPM

07.01.2022 The RPM Honda's gathered together for a quick photoshoot before getting down to business. A beautiful lush buffalo lawn but very springy underfoot due to being heavily thatched, luckily the client is an absolute dream to work with and wants the best for her lawn So whilst we are still in good growing weather I will start to try and work on the thatching by dropping the blade level a notch or two at a time on future visits. Also the lawn hasn't been top dressed since being laid so this is something else I will be working on to take it to the next level @reliableRPM

05.01.2022 Some pics from yesterdays flight

03.01.2022 Let's talk lawn preparation for winter Yep no time to rest now, we have work to do I know we have all been battling the hot conditions through summer and trying desperately to keep our lawns lush and healthy but we really do need to prepare them for the winter ahead so when spring comes around we hit the grass running ... The first thing we should be doing is having a close look over our lawns, don't worry if they are a bit brown looking but look for problem area's, soil compaction in well used area's i.e. around clotheslines or any well traveled paths etc, check for any bare area's that could do with some help and the big one, check to see how the weed situation is. Now that we have identified any problem area's let's set a goal we can work toward, a systematic approach is best, ideally and i know this is dependent on our temps through March but we really should be looking to have our lawns in peak condition come Easter. If all those bbq's or backyard test matches have left the lawn looking like a doormat you can aerate to help get the oxygen, water and nutrients penetrating down to root level, bare patches you can scuff up/disturb the soil and either plant runners or sow seed. Depending on the weed situation, you may be able to hand weed but if not identify the weed/weeds and try to find a selective herbicide and follow the usage guide for application rates/times etc. Keeping the lawn free from debris like leaves is very important, if the leaves get wet they stick together and can suffocate the grass and have the potential to introduce fungal diseases so rake those leaves and why not use them to your advantage, throw them into a garbage bag with a few handfuls of dynamic lifter and you will have a rich compost for garden beds. In a previous article i touched on pH soil levels so hopefully we have a better idea where we are with soil health and have taken the necessary steps to correct if needed. Keep up with the mowing and watering as needed, as the temps drop off the importance of applying fertilizer to provide the essential nutrients to stimulate deep root growth that will keep the lawn looking greener/longer into winter but it's important to use a fertilizer spreader especially if using a small granular style so we know all area's get an even coverage. Well good luck to everyone with the winter prep work @reliableRPM

02.01.2022 So great to finally see the weather warming and with the recent rain the lawns are starting to green up and we are getting busy. We have a new client that has engaged our services because they desperately want their lawn rejuvenated, the previous contractors when they actually turn up are in/out in no time, I don't think I've ever seen a more weed infested lawn and this is despite the client paying for spraying. I am really looking forward to turning their lawn into something... they can be proud of Speaking of spraying we are really excited to offer all types of weed/army grub spraying for lawns, fertilizers, wetting agents etc using reputable commercial products so if this is something you have been thinking of doing why not get in touch Some pics from this week so far.

02.01.2022 Welcome to RPM Property Services Are you looking for a friendly, reliable and professional team to keep your lawn and garden thriving all year round ? Well at RPM we will go that extra yard to work with you to get the results you desire, services will range from edges/lawns right through the full spectrum of lawn care i.e. fertilizing, top dressing, disease identification/treatment and mild renovations.... As well as lawn care we will also cater for all your gardening needs including tree, shrub, hedge pruning and trimming along with mulching. For bigger tree's that require a professional Arborist we can now highly recommend one if required so just get in touch. Other services including rubbish removal and pressure cleaning will also be provided. If we are unable to provide a specialist service we will find a trusted company to help, through networking we are slowly building a formidable team that are fully insured and professional to make RPM Property Services a one stop shop for our valued customers. Quality workmanship at affordable prices and fully insured for your peace of mind. " I hope to hear from you soon so we can work together to turn your grass into lawn " Darren

01.01.2022 A property i look after for a lovely couple, straight thick edges are where its at @reliableRPM

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