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25.01.2022 Good Morning! #beesofinstagram #bees #goodmorning #sunflower #savethebees #honey #honeycomb #beeswax #pollinators #beekeeperslife #lovemygirls #
24.01.2022 An interesting read.
22.01.2022 David Jones you’re bee okay display is not okay because your using chemically preserved imported flowers. We need to support Australian florists. Australia has... over 1500 indigenous bees and mostly a healthy honeybee population that survival depends on Australian flowers. #Davidjones please contact Flower Industry Australia Ltd and find out how you can support Australian #florists. flowerindustryaustralia Thank you for tagging us @savethebeesaustralia Its an important issue. Our industry has many slow/micro growers who specialise in bee health. @davidjonesstore Feel welcome to contact us next time. Flower Growers are always generous and have donated and assisted the Melbourne International Flower & Garden Show for 25 years. FIA and our members would feel honoured to support your Flower Show. It's a marvellous tradition and to use Australian grown flowers would be wonderful because Australian flower growers have suffered from the volume of imported flowers arriving in Australia. Sadly according to the Dept of Agriculture (Quarantine) imported cut flowers are one of the highest risk pathways for invasive pests and pathogens. As a community we must urge the government to ensure all imported flowers are lovely and clean!
22.01.2022 You're going to want to drizzle this Cilantro Lime Dressing on EVERYTHING! So simple to prepare and super tasty...vegan, paleo and gluten-free! FULL recipe: https://sweetpeasandsaffron.com/creamy-cilantro-lime-dress/
21.01.2022 Empathy ... The most beautiful quality of all in a human being, in my humble opinion. The ability to listen deeply.... To listen from Presence. From stillness. To listen without trying to fix someone, or change them, or ‘save’ them. The ability to allow another to be exactly as they are. Not giving unsolicited advice. Not lecturing them about the latest psychological research or the ‘most true’ spiritual teaching. Not trying to mould them, manipulate them into matching a concept of who they ‘should’ be. Not projecting your own trauma or traumatic answers - all over them. Just listening. Listening with an open mind and an open heart and a receptive nervous system. Allowing them to breathe, to express, to weep, to question, to be completely unique, to expand into the space, to discover their own truth. I have met world experts in intimacy, relationships and honest communication who are unable to do this. I have met spiritual gurus, so-called enlightened masters, expert psychologists and life coaches who are utterly unable to do this. I have met popular teachers and authors on ‘listening from the heart’, ‘holding space’, ‘pure awareness’ and ‘embodied spirituality’ who are unable to do this. It is a rare gift the ability to allow others to be exactly as they are. Broken. Whole. Sad. Angry. Afraid. Lost. Awake or asleep. Whatever. To listen to them with every fibre of your being. To receive them through the senses, to listen like the wild animals of the forest. To swaddle them in undistracted, fascinated attention. To envelop them in a silent, warm Presence. To make them feel in those precious moments that you are together like they are the most beloved One in the whole Universe. When you sense this kind of sacred listening from someone, it’s unmistakable. It cannot be manufactured. It cannot be faked. It is utterly rare and holy. It is nothing less than unconditional love. Your nervous system senses it and rejoices. - Jeff Foster Image: slideshare
21.01.2022 A wise teacher once brought balloons to school, told her pupils to blow them up and write their name on one. After the children tossed their balloons into the hall, the teacher moved through the hall mixing them all up. The kids were given five minutes to find the balloon with their name on it, but though they searched frantically, no one found their own balloon. Then the teacher told them to take the balloon closest to them and give it to the person whose name was on it. In ...less than two minutes, everyone was holding their own balloon. The teacher said to the children, These balloons are like happiness. We won't find it when we're only searching for our own. But if we care about someone else's happiness...it will ultimately help us find our own.
20.01.2022 A Eulogy ... {for When I’m Gone} I wrote all these things down to remind myself of how I wanted to live my life because I knew I’d lose my way often ... I’d lik...e to be remembered as a woman who ran her own race. I cared about people but I did things my own way and tried hard not to compare myself to others. I had strong boundaries and expected those who truly cared about me to honour them. I had a good sense of humour and I laughed often and loud. I practised sitting with the broken and tried not to fix them, though I was sorely tempted. I took care of my health and honoured my body as the vessel in which my soul was housed. I tried to accept the ageing process gracefully and embraced the wisdoms that were its hard-earned fruit. I was practical and logical, responsible, patient, and kind. I was selfish, stupid, reckless, short-tempered and often self-indulgent. I knew life to be both cruel and beautiful. I embraced this aspect of existence, though at times I railed hard against it. I accepted my humanness, but never made excuses for my bad behaviour and tried to learn from my mistakes. I tried to remain patient and even-tempered, though at times my frustrations got the best of me and those I loved best bore the brunt of my misplaced wrath. I’m sorry. I tried always to live in the moment, to not look back, to not wallow in injustices and misfortunes, to take the lessons life presented to me and do better when I knew better ... To not waste precious time worrying about things that hadn’t yet happened, to avoid ‘catastrophising’, to maintain perspective, to lead a balanced life. I gave up worrying about what other people thought of me and accepted myself unconditionally. Most of the time. I made lots of mistakes, but I tried hard not to let them define me. I grew. I wanted my life to have meaning, but never grandeur ... to remain grounded and humble, but never too self-deprecating or critical. There were dark times in my life, but I reminded myself that ‘this too shall pass’ and practiced gratitude. I tried to see things from others’ points of view and not judge ... I wasn’t always successful. But when I failed, I owned it and tried to do better. I got tired ... mentally, emotionally and physically, but I didn’t beat myself up about it. I resisted the urge to label myself ‘lazy’. I tried to help others in ways that I could, but I accepted my limitations and never did for others, what they could do for themselves ... I have read these words and re-read them many, many times over the years. I never gave up trying to live my best life, though I stumbled more times than I care to remember. But I learned that in giving myself this gift of unconditional love and forgiveness, whilst still holding myself steadfastly accountable ... I was able to do the same for others. And so despite, or perhaps because of, life’s inevitable peaks and troughs, my life was good. At times I felt like a drunken sailor who’d lost his sea legs ... But no regrets. My life was good. - Janene Warren Image: Ra Tomik Photography
18.01.2022 you ARE what you EAT!!! Follow us: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/plantbasedgabriel/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfa76qEvaM110rKbtGLUk6A
18.01.2022 So then, I did! The Humble Honey Bee Yard, my happy, happy, happiest place!!! #makeyournextmoveyourbestmove #keepgoing #inthegarden #intheopen #fresh #alive #purpose #goals #kissmyass #ivegotthis #bees #beessavedme #superorganism #honey #honeybunny
17.01.2022 Let yourself feel... Shutting down your sadness or rage does not bring you closer to enlightenment. Being spiritual does not mean smiling through gritted teeth... when people are rude to you, or treating you unkindly. It does not mean ignoring your depression and refusing to get the help you need, while dousing yourself in green juice and melting in hot yoga classes. You’re allowed to shout when you’re angry. You are allowed to curse. You can hurt, cry, and be pissed off - and still be love. And still be light. And still be a kind human. The trick is feeling these things, honestly and deeply, and then choosing to keep shining your light anyway. It’s filling your own cup, and then filling the others around you, with love. We should not waste another moment of our time and energy on people who bring us down. And, if needed, tell those energy vampires to back off. It’s acknowledging the healing powers of yoga and meditation, while still seeing the need for therapy and Western medicine. It’s finding humor and laughing through tears. It’s running outside to get your endorphin boost, but also making time to journal on what pissed you off that day - and why you’re ready to let it go. It’s taking the vitamins and supplements that help with your mood, but also not making time for the people who don’t treat you with respect. It’s the true, deep, dark scary realization that life is not fair. And sometimes, it sucks. But we can always choose to see the good too. Even on the darkest days and the hardest nights, we can always come back to the light. Shine on! And don’t be afraid to say, No. - Logan Kinney Photo: gettyimages.com
16.01.2022 #beagoodhuman #keepgoing #loveyourneighbour #becoolbenice #bees #pollinators #honey # #imakeeper #beekeepingaustralia #beek #randomactsofkindness
14.01.2022 What a speech!! What a truly great man!
13.01.2022 Strawberry and Honey Face Mask. Take some time out this weekend and pamper your skin. ... These 2 ingredients are packed with antioxidants and antibacterial properties. Great for acne! In a small bowl, mash 2 to 3 ripe strawberries into a pulp. Stir in the 2 teaspoons of Honey until it forms a fairly smooth paste. Apply the mixture onto your face, neck and décolletage in a gentle circular motion. Any remaining mixture, eat! Take some time out for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water first then cold water to close off pores.
13.01.2022 I guess our parents stayed together because they didn't have 7000 other people following them, or liking their pics at their disposal when their marriage or rel...ationship got hard. Nowadays when our relationship hits the rocks we just log on and get high off the false sense of security and appreciation. We value our worth based on comments and inbox messages filled with colorful words that have no depth. Meanwhile, the person that loves you when there is no filter on your face becomes an option, and the rest of the world who just sees your representaion becomes a priority. Don’t lose what’s real, chasing what appears to be. - A Woman’s Soul Photo: shutterstock
12.01.2022 The 3rd Harvest. The Hives are thriving!!! Kilos and kilos of beautiful, raw, treatment free Humble Honey and Virgin Comb. I have my work cut out for me this afternoon uncapping and spinning frames. Thank you my Girls!!! #humble #bees #beesofinstagram #beesknees #delighted #savethebees #pollinators #beek #imakeeper #kissmyass #mooloolaba #mooloolababeach #beekeeperslife #ivegotthis #
11.01.2022 In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: ...When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence? - Gabrielle Roth Image: Mia Michaels
08.01.2022 If you teach a plant unit, old CD cases are a great way for kids to be able to see the plant and its roots as it's growing!
07.01.2022 Why are mushies the ultimate fuss-free ingredient? No need to rinse - just brush them lightly or wipe with a damp cloth No need to peel - there's flavour ...and goodness in the skin You can use the whole mushroom - caps AND stems Read more about mushies here: https://australianmushrooms.com.au/tips-tricks-facts/ : MushroomsSA
05.01.2022 #taketime #timeout #bowieforever #humblehoney #mywings #bees #savethebees #honey #honeycomb #honeybunny #lifeisgood #ivegotthis #beek
04.01.2022 Beautiful art with plants
03.01.2022 When they asked her to reveal her beauty secrets, Audrey Hepburn quoted these words which were written by Sam Levenson. They were later read at her funeral... T...o have attractive lips, speak kind words. To have a loving look, look for the good side of people. To look skinny, share your food with the hungry. To have beautiful hair, let a child cross it with his own fingers once a day. To have a beautiful poise, walk knowing you're never alone, because those who love and loved you accompany you. People, even more than objects, need to be fixed, spoiled, awakened, wanted and saved: never give up on anyone. Remember, if you ever need a hand, you'll find them at the end of both your arms. When you become old, you will discover that you have two hands, one to help yourself, the second to help others. The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, in her face or in her way of fixing her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the door open to her heart, the source of her love. The beauty of a woman doesn't lie in her makeup, but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the tenderness that gives love, the passion that it expresses. The beauty of a woman grows over the years...
02.01.2022 This is a good read - Cucumbers. 1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc....Continue reading
02.01.2022 This is a great read!
02.01.2022 Us humans know the world through our eyes, ears, nose, tongue & skin; Called the five senses. These organs play a significant role in our life. Those five org...ans are connected to a complex organ called the brain. Though the process of looking or feeling a certain way, some nerves send messages to the brain. We learn about the shape, size and colour of an object by looking at it. The brain responds to these messages, and thus we know about the things around us. Beside these organs, we have 78 organs all up. They work together in different groups. A group of organs, working together to do some significant work for our body, forms a system. We can't see them; Each organ we house lives inside of us and some on the outside like our skin. Regardless of how we see, think or feel about ourselves externally. The body doesn't judge. This bold and significant photo is created with a loud voice you can't hear. Tho your eyes can see two incredible women, gracefully, without fear, allow their bodies to be photographed and shared around the world to us via a screen. THANK YOU! If you know my recipes, you have most likely reached out at some point asking, "Hey Chef, where do I find the brand #ABUNDANCE ? or what do you mean by 1cup of #ILOVELETTINGGO in the ingredients in the chocolate cake recipe?? I answer, always, gently. And explain this critical ingredient. And it is an "Ahhhhhh got it, chef" moment for the home cook. As suddenly, one takes a moment to check in on their internal dialogue with themselves before they go into a food fight or self-doubt around how much, fat, carbs, protein is in the recipe. And slowly, slowly, over time, old patterns are recreated into something new. My dear friend and colleague Daina, who is an incredible @bodyrelationshipcoach once said to me "when you are feeling stressed about your body's shape or even the colour of your skin, and you judge violently hard in silence, the body doesn't discriminate on what stress is being put on it. It will continue to show up for you in the best way possible given the conditions you provide it. Photo credit -Joanna Wataa, fot. Robert Hocio
02.01.2022 Sharing this to save the recipe. It is a game changer!
01.01.2022 Home grown Hawaiian Sweet Potato #magiccolor #eatarainbow #foodasmedicine #growyourownfood #grow #purple #delicious #deliciousfood #eatplants #beesofinstagram #humble #grateful #honeycomb #honey #beeswax @ La La Land
01.01.2022 Easy to grow in pots or small spaces here in SEQ.
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