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25.01.2022 So proud of this beautiful young womyn - Sienna Johnson & everything she believes in & creates! <3

24.01.2022 Adding LIFE back into your LIFE If I could bottle PURE ENERGY - I reckon I would have a pretty successful product? Pure energy with no side effects, no 'come down', no highs & lows - just pure energy which the body utilizes like burning clean renewable fuel to run a car or home. We have 4 energy centres in the body which PRODUCE ENERGY for us. (we actually have more than this)... - The GUT/digestion/calories - Mitochondria/ ATP - ADRENALS - Adrenalin, Cortisol etc - THYROID gland - T3 & T4 & Calcitonin And we know if we experience any of these systems collapsing we feel TERRIBLE - we struggle with energy BIG TIME. These 4 systems are integral in the SYMPHONY of us 'humming' our way through life. BUT we generally care more about our CAR being serviced or our INTERNET connection working than we do OURSELVES working SO ADDING LIFE BACK IN IS EASY. - DRINK OUR BEET KVASS (or drink your own which you make ;-) ) - a powerful gut & nutrient tonic!!!! - EAT LIVING CULTURED FOODS from (us) or a LOCAL ARTISAN MAKER - WALK BAREFOOT on our EARTH (living conductor - donating FREE ELECTRONS into our bodies to reduce inflammation & literally CHARGE our body. The first thing you notice when your bare feet touch the Earth's surface, is you TAKE A DEEP BREATH IN. CONNECTION - BOOM. - ORGANIC SEASONAL FOOD - colourful food. (no brainer) - DRINK LIVING SPRING WATER (or CLEAN, maturely structured water) - COLONIC IRRIGATIONS with Kate Gardner from Bottoms Up Colonics Southern Vales - EXERCISE - get your heart beating & oxygenate your blood. Walking up hills, in beach sand, swimming, dancing, cycling, jumping on a rebounder etc - SLEEPING GROUNDED - - TURN OF YOUR WIFI every night before bed - prevents cell annihilation while you are sleep and instead MEANT TO BE RECOVERING. - GOOD SLEEP PRACTICES - recharge - LAUGHING SO MUCH, YOUR SIDES ACHE - PUTTING YOUR FAVOURITE MUSIC ON & DANCING - MAKE CHOICES WHICH TRULY HONOUR YOU. <3 I think we underestimate how much a compromised life causes a compromised life experience. AND - we get lazy. FEEL ALIVE AGAIN - when we feel alive we feel inspired, we feel productive, creative - of VALUE - connected & JOYFILLED. When we feel the opposite, we feel so uninspired & disconnected & unhappy. These are SOME SIMPLE IDEAS TO IMPLEMENT & every single one of them makes a difference to the way we feel. Sending reminders & love from us here at 'The Hood' The CultureHood Remedy, Kristy & Sienna For Beet Kvass stockists; For Sourdough Buckwheat Artisan bread & local Milk Kefir;

24.01.2022 Our MICROBIOME is an ARMS RACE A competitive acquisition between the BENEFICIAL MICROBES & the NOT-SO-BENEIFICIAL. WHO WIN'S DEPENDS ENTIRELY ON: - how we were born (C-section or Natural birth) - how we live (generally)... - chemical exposure (pharmaceutical drugs & pesticides etc) - what we eat - our contact with the Natural world We are a complex web & must understand that the EVOLUTION OF HUMANS has relied on our CO-EXISTENCE with the MICROBIAL WORLD. We can also be a 'free-lunch' for microbes & viruses who are READY TO TAKE UP A COSY RESIDENCE in our body at any opportune time. Can you imagine their joy - free food, water, warmth etc, perfect conditions to reproduce & knock off the good guys!! They generally do this when US (the host) is weakened. Eg. Not sleeping well Stressed Poor Diet Immune breakdown Toxicity As we age we acquire an INFECTIOUS LOAD, so how do we combat this? It's all about improving our OWN IMMUNE DEFENCES by providing our body with the RAW MATERIALS. Eg. CLEAN WATER & FOOD CULTURED FOODS ADEQUATE SLEEP for your needs EXERCISE, MOVEMENT EARTHING - skin to skin contact with the Earth everyday, via barefoot walking, gardening, swimming in the ocean etc. Pretty simple really & pretty much common sense. I can tell you that the way you wake up in the morning & how you feel will tell you a great deal about your GUT HEALTH. When we LIVE A NATURAL LIFE - & we address the GUT IMBALANCE by adjusting what we eat & drink & bring in CULTURED FOODS to rebuild the PROGRAM - within 2-3 months you begin to feel unbelievably different. It can often start with simply beginning your day with a 1/4 cup of BEET KVASS - A SIMPLE INCLUSION of something like Beet Kvass every morning & night, along WITH THE INTENTION OF RECLAIMING YOUR JOY & ENERGY often leads to the next step & the next shift. YEP, SIMPLE AS THAT. It can lead the way! BOTTOMS UP to GUT HEALTH ;-) We have fridges full of the most stunning BEET KVASS in your local store: Little Green Grocer The Organik Store & Cafe Moana Natural Health & Organics Maxwell's grocery hemp hemp hooray! "cream of the crop natural body care" Natural Health Medicine Blackwood Health Foods

23.01.2022 BIG NEWS IN THE HOOD (be sure to read to the end for an offering ;-) ) We have a NEW STOCKIST - and this place is an institution! Been trading for 30 years now. BLACKWOOD HEALTH FOOD STORE... Blackwood Health Foods A big thanks to Tom (owner) & Gemma (staff extraordinaire) for inviting Kristy & I & our superb range of KVASS to the CHOKA BLOCK unbelievable store. If anyone remembers HEALTH FOOD STORES from the 80's then this is like stepping back in time. Again, it's the smell that takes me back - I worked in a number of health food stores in the early- mid 80's whilst I was studying still smells like the 80's They have EVERYTHING - bulk foods, brilliant brands, medicinals, nutritives, so much resource it's literally pouring out the doors!!! AND NOW THEY STOCK OUR KVASS So to celebrate we are giving the FIRST BEET KVASS CUSTOMER to shop at Blackwood Health Foods their bottle of BEET KVASS, Original FREE <3 IF YOU ARE NEW TO DRINKING KVASS, please be sure to request the FAQ's sheet at the counter when you go to purchase your bottles of Kvass. This will help a great deal know how much to drink etc etc. I believe so many people will appreciate our new BLACKWOOD STOCKIST. Thanks again to Tom & the wonderful staff at Blackwood Health food store.

22.01.2022 BEET KVASS HAS IT ALL <3 OUR BODIES ARE SPONGES FOR NUTRITION It is looking for nourishmentin everything we consume.... Pulling out everything which is useful to maintain, repair, operate & protect this fascinating GIFT we call our body. How can we expect OUR BODY to rise EVERYDAY & perform without those ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS? And yet it does - against all the odds - MODERN DIETS leave such a deficit in our daily needs & over time we run into trouble. It staggers me how many people & professionals DO NOT CONNECT DIET with BREAK DOWNS or CONDITIONS. We seem to be very quick to blame GENETICS or BAD LUCK. Very often it's 100% related to TOXICITY or DEFICIENCY or GUT ISSUES. SO WHEN YOU EAT - do you eat & drink with this in mind? Does your food MEET YOUR DAILY REQUIREMENTS? My approach to WELLNESS is not perfect - but what I do is live with a simple set of PARAMETRES & no matter what is going on - they don't change! One of the things which does not change in my life are my CULTURED FOODS - I eat or drink them daily! I swear to you THEY MAKE THE MOST AMAZING DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE. I don't know where I would be without them! And I know many of you feel the same! If I could recommend one FERMENT which offers it all - it is BEET KVASS - NUTRITION - in the most absorb-able form ENZYMES - in abundance PROBIOTICS - by the trillions (superhero strains) MICRO-NUTRIENTS - which are massively missing in our diets. LIFE FORCE - it is a living food. I think of BEET KVASS as a GAP FILLER in all of the ways mentioned above. So simple to include in ANYONE'S LIFE - from little children, teens (ok maybe not so simple ;-) ), unwell people, busy people, athletes, the most resistant - TRULY THERE IS NO NEED TO MISS OUT WHEN YOU ARE DRINKING BEET KVASS. Make it your go to - DAILY TONIC To pick up bottles of KVASS please check the WHERE TO BUY section on our little website: OUR NEXT APPEARANCE at the Willunga Farmers Market is Saturday, June 13th We always have our FULL PROBIOTIC PANTRY for you to choose from :-P LOVE YOUR BODIES my friends - they are the most profound vehicle & need us to tune in <3

22.01.2022 DO YOU GLOW? And is it a useful indicator of health? It has been said many times by many people that we are literally BEINGS OF LIGHT....Continue reading

21.01.2022 SOMETHING COMPLETELY NOT ABOUT FERMENTATION But highly relevant - OMG SO UNBELIEVABLY RELEVANT. It's like most of us feel the system is BULLSHIT, we feel it in our GUT - much like a deprived MICROBIOME needing a good dose of ferments ;-) BUT WE FEEL POWERLESS TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT THIS BULLSHIT SYSTEM.... A system which loves to make us feel like they ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT US - whilst it sucks the very life out of EVERYTHING (planet, resources, people) & makes it harder to breathe every single day as we the LIVING MAN & WOMYN try to do our very best to live according to LAW. But what if the LAW WAS CORRUPT & ILLEGALLY OPERATING UNDER A HUGE CONVENIENT COVER-UP? Making anyone who questions 'them' THE CRIMINAL! WOULD YOU WANT TO KNOW? Some of you may have heard of these words, Sovereign Rights, Straw Man, Common Law, Judicial Law, Roman Law, Legislation, Birth Certificates, Contracts, Companies, Vatican, Commonwealth Law, Trustee, etc etc etc We are governed by FALSE LAW which TAKES OUR RIGHTS AWAY & ROBS US - it does not SERVE US (the people). There is so much to understand but there are many amazing people doing all of the NAVIGATING FOR US. This has just been sent through to me via a very switched on friend which I encourage everyone to listen to. For some it might be a bit difficult to pick up on if you are new to this - BUT PLEASE HANG IN THERE.....the fellow giving the presentation is SO SMART - just look at the comments below his presentation to get an idea of his depth of knowledge. It runs for 23 min. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO WATCH. We are quite literally living in one of the biggest turning points in the history of the world. House Hakora <3

21.01.2022 It's the Willunga Farmers Market this Saturday & we will be there with our FULL PROBIOTIC PANTRY It's the Willunga Farmers Market this Saturday & we will be there with our FULL PROBIOTIC PANTRY

20.01.2022 BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - if you become MAXWELL GROCERIES very first BEET KVASS CUSTOMER - YOUR FIRST BOTTLE IS A GIFT. <3 AND YES, our BEET KVASS has a NEW HOME MAXWELL'S GROCERY STORE - situated in the most 'happening precinct' of the South - Old Aldinga!!!!... Omg Kristy & I are over the moon For those who live South - there is really no need to introduce this cool part of (our) town - Maxwell's grocery is definitely a store with a difference - & you can feel it the moment you approach their beautiful space. EVERYONE HAS HAD TO MAKE ADJUSTMENTS recently & Maxwell's are no different - but they have adjusted & are making it work AMAZINGLY WELL. I am sure everyone down South agrees! These guys even offer organic yummy VEGAN/VEGO TAKEAWAY MEALS every Friday & Saturday night (6-8pm) under twinkling lights!! It is so cool how they have set everything up. Well done Lisa Eigenwillig & Rich Maxwell's are stocking our entire KVASS RANGE - which makes picking up your bottles super convenient! For those who may be new to KVASS please be sure to ask Lisa or their awesome staff for the FAQ sheet. SUPER IMPORTANT to understand what you are drinking - this is no ordinary drink. A BIG THANKYOU to Lisa for welcoming us so warmly to being part of the MAXWELL experience - it's such an honour for us. We love our Southern community & cannot wait to come home <3 Much love to everyone on this chilly Sunday night

20.01.2022 Cool down with KVASS - chilled & ready to take home to your fridge Sisters of FERMENTATION serving your gut this SaturdayCool down with KVASS - chilled & ready to take home to your fridge Sisters of FERMENTATION serving your gut this Saturday

20.01.2022 FERMENTATION & CIVILIZATION are inseparable <3 Pick up your Immune Boosting FERMENTS this Saturday Willunga Farmers Market FERMENTATION & CIVILIZATION are inseparable <3 Pick up your Immune Boosting FERMENTS this Saturday Willunga Farmers Market

20.01.2022 A little too much FIZZ? It's important to DRINK BEET KVASS rather than wear it So for anyone who LOVES our Beet Kvass with Pomegranate & found out (too late) just how much life it has in it then we are sending out a CAUTION. OPEN YOUR LID VERY VERY SLOWLY.... Just see the process of getting the lid off without wearing your kvass as a 'spiritual practice' - it requires calmness, equilibrium, patience. The moment you think you can take the cap off - WHOOSH - up it comes again!!! My advice is: - PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT IN A HURRY TO GET OUT THE DOOR - DON'T FORGET - IT'LL BE WORTH IT - IT WILL TRY & TRICK YOU into thinking all of the gas has been released! - IT WILL TAKE ABOUT 4 min. (approx.) And once the first opening has happened - the second time will be much quicker - still approach with respect! FERMENTED FOODS & DRINKS are (unless pasturized) VERY MUCH ALIVE. And refrigeration DOESN'T STOP the activity but certainly slows it down. Our BEET KVASS Original & GOLDEN KVASS tend to be less prone to getting over excited - but again, don't become complacent BEET KVASS with Pomegranate is a much loved ferment & we would like everyone to continue enjoying it but begin to understand the nature of fermented foods. BENEFICIAL MICROBES ARE HEROES & we become stronger for having them in our lives. THANKYOU TO THIS WONDERFUL MICROBIAL WORLD WE ARE WHO WE ARE BECAUSE OF THEM - AND WHEN YOU EMBRACE THEIR MAGNIFICENT BIODIVERSITY BY ENGAGING IN A CULTURED LIFE (Nature, Seasonal Foods, Soil, Cultured Foods etc) - you become as ALIVE as they are. Much love to our CULTURED COMMUNITY <3

19.01.2022 INTRODUCING GOLDEN BEETROOT KVASS - for those who have not experienced her beauty Here (pic below) is what is locked inside every bottle of GOLDEN KVASS - it is another kind of magic which is different to our bottles of RED BEET KVASS. In our home we have a bottle of RED KVASS & a bottle of GOLDEN KVASS on the go simultaneously :-P We alternate their bounty - whether you are currently having just one shot per day or 2 or 3 shots per day.... Consider interacting with the benefits of both of these remarkable PROBIOTIC TONICS by swapping between both bottles as you consume them. We often focus on the LIVING PROBIOTICS when eating or drinking cultured foods BUT DON'T FORGET that they are also really important GAP FILLERS when it comes to nutrition! So many people take SUPPLEMENTS to fill in antioxidants or minerals etc that they may (most definitely) be missing in their diets - our BEET KVASS is one of the prime-movers in this area. AND IT'S NOT A PILL - it's a living LIQUID - which means our blood stream soaks up this BIO- AVAILABLE BANQUET in 20min. BOOOOOOM!!! The blood stream does what blood does (our RIVER SYSTEM) & carries it to EVERY CELL IN OUR BODY - So next time you are sipping your BEET KVASS - remember it's NOT JUST ABOUT SEEDING YOUR MICROBIOME - it's also about THE OTHER BUILDING BLOCKS which these bottles of unlocked liquid nutrition provide so exquisitely to YOU & ME - so that we can be WELL-BEINGS. We have just bottled our latest batch of this LIQUID GOLD. OUR STOCKISTS ARE WONDERFUL & I am sure you know who they are <3 Find out which store is closest to you by checking out the pics & list on our website OR PICK UP YOUR BOTTLES THIS SATURDAY at the Willunga Farmers Market June 13th from 8am - 12.30pm Our stall is located near the ALMA PUB end of the market (of course the market is still spread out like brown's cows due to COVID REGULATIONS - praise the Lord!) Cannot wait to see our CULTUREHOOD COMMUNITY <3 It's been a while!!

19.01.2022 MY LIFE AS AN EDUCATOR I have been called passionate once or twice....passionately opinionated too ;-) Most importantly, I bring my passion to the things I teach :-) Bringing passion to something you know to be true & wonderful is easy. To be passionate about something is a lived & felt experience, you cannot 'pretend' passion.... It's something which pours from your very being, almost untamed, unedited & exciting. I am ALWAYS excited about what I share because when it is LIVED & practiced, it makes a difference in our lives. Sometimes, all we need is someone with a bit more experience & confidence to 'hold our hand' & take us from 'thinking' about doing something to actually 'DOING' it. Which is why I am a big fan of TEACHING PRACTICAL CLASSES which are demonstration based. It allows everyone to observe, smell, taste, engage, take notes, ask questions & most importantly be INSPIRED :-) On Sunday, October 4th I am running the ONE & ONLY RAW FOOD STAPLES Class for 2020. It is 'the bomb' & many many people who have attended this class over the years attest to using many of these recipes as - "YES" :-) - STAPLES in their daily lives. Cause that's what this class is all about!! BASICS EVERYDAY HINTS PRACTICAL FOODS & IDEAS SHORT CUTS UNLOCKED NUTRITION made easily available FOOD WHICH HAS PANTRY LIFE or FRIDGE LIFE (so there is built in convenience to these recipes) TECHNIQUE You don't need massive amounts of kitchen skills nor do you even need to be massively interested in preparing food at all - just motivated to learn some basics so that you can TAKE CARE OF SOME OF THE FUNDAMENTALS in your life. And I promise, long term, you will save so much money!!!! This class also provides many beautiful taste tests & treats. RECIPES, HERBAL ORGANIC TEA & ME ;-) To book your spot, simply go to:

18.01.2022 CULTUREHOOD 'KVASS' will not be at the Willunga Farmers Mkt this Saturday 5th Sept. See you on 12th Sept. instead CULTUREHOOD 'KVASS' will not be at the Willunga Farmers Mkt this Saturday 5th Sept. See you on 12th Sept. instead

18.01.2022 It's like CONSUMING TRUTH That's what it feels like when I drink or eat anything we make! And this is what our body KNOWS whenever it receives - our CULTURED FOODS are FOODS OF TRUTH & INTEGRITY. I don't quite know how else to say it.... And when you CONSUME TRUTH (whatever form that is) you begin to be able to TAKE IN LESS & LESS of the other. (UNTRUTHS) To me LACTO-FERMENTED FOODS are TRUTH FOODS - & so much more. To be honest - apart from WILD FOODS - I have never experienced any other food which brings ALIVENESS into my body MORE THAN FERMENTED FOODS. I feel they are here not only to SUPPORT & HEAL OUR BODIES but also here to TEACH US. I know I am not the only one who feels this. Over the many years of teaching I have witnessed 100's of others experience PROFOUND shifts in their health & spirit SIMPLY from making & consuming FERMENTED FOODS. If you haven't started this journey - START If you have thought it was a good idea & bought something & it's still sitting in the back of the fridge half eaten - RE-ENGAGE ;-) MAKING FERMENTED FOODS is not for everyone, I have realized this over the years. Which is why my beautiful Sister Kristy & beautiful daughter Sienna make it easy for you to GROW YOUR GUT GARDEN. WE CREATE A PROBIOTIC PANTRY of foods. If you want to find WHERE TO PICK UP ANY OF OUR CULTURED FOODS (truth foods) - please go to our website (which we are so proud of) and whilst you're at it have a look at Sienna's website - this amazing young womyn is building a FERMENT STORY all of her own - and WOW!!! OUR NEXT APPEARANCE at the Willunga Farmers Market is June 13th (3 weeks away) PICK UP at SEMAPHORE SOUTH for those who are local is also available. (just comment below) <3 Have a wonderful day - remember CHOOSE TRUTH - - it's who we are not WHAT we are! Love Rem, Kristy & Sienna <3

18.01.2022 BEETROOTS BLOW MY MIND A fellow fermentor shared the link below on my timeline - knowing my passion for BEETROOT <3 So often I find myself falling short in my attempt to pass on the extraordinary benefits of the humble beetroot. Regardless of whether you are a LOVER of the 'beet' or a distant admirer - after reading this you may wish to get a little more acquainted!! NB/ for those of us who are already drinking BEET KVASS - this is further confirmation that it m...Continue reading

17.01.2022 Feel the BEAT from our BEET KVASS this Saturday Willunga Farmers Market 8am - 12pm - pick up your goodies Feel the BEAT from our BEET KVASS this Saturday Willunga Farmers Market 8am - 12pm - pick up your goodies

17.01.2022 For those of you who are making the most of our BEAUTIFUL BEET KVASS to harnesses the energy of your Liver at this time of the year; SPRING = LIVER = CLEANSING & ELIMINATING. I just wanted to remind you of the important place BEET KVASS has in rebooting & restoring all of your organs from the place of LIVER HEALTH & MICROBIOME HEALTH. BEETROOTS ARE RENOWNED FOR SUPPORTING LIVER FUNCTION BEET KVASS is made primarily from BEETROOTS... MOST IMPORTANTLY - & I mean IMPORTANT!!!!! BEET KVASS IS A FERMENTED BEETROOT TONIC - pro-biotics!! This takes the POWER OF BEETROOTS & it's action on the LIVER to a whole other level. So if you are wanting to SUPPORT THE ACTIVATION & CLEANSING of your body systems in this Spring time - you can do many wonderful things - & drinking BEETROOT KVASS is one of them. FRIDGES ARE FULL in all of our stockists: (The Organik Store & Cafe on Broadway at Glenelg Sth, will receive their delivery this afternoon) To find a stockist near you; go to our website; It may feel like Winter out there but it's SPRING inside our bodies. So utilize this powerful season for doing some of your INNER HOUSE-WORK. Catch us at the Willunga Farmers Market this Saturday We are setting up in High St. Willunga this Saturday, so don't rock up thinking 'no-one's' there - we are just a little further along the track Love to all from the CULTUREHOOD community See more

15.01.2022 GOOD NEWS (how refreshing!! ) For all of you who have been wondering when our next BATCH OF RED BEET KVASS will be available - ????? We BOTTLE THIS WEEK Which means we will fill our 'STOCKISTS' FRIDGES Friday & Saturday morning. wooohhoooooo. We have been completely SOLD OUT for 2 weeks!! - ... an indicator that the word is getting out & folks are realizing how incredible our BEET KVASS is for maintaining a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM....... WE BUILD AN AMAZING INNER SHIELD when we include BEET KVASS in our lives - not with a shot once a fortnight!!!!! BUT everyday (best to drink it twice a day) We love to bottle on a VIRGO MOON phase as this rules the Pancreas, Small Intestine & entire Digestive Tract. Tomorrow is a Virgo waxing moon phase, providing the perfect energetic influence to decant into every single bottle supporting our ongoing restoration & transformation. A big shout out to our wonderful stockists: Little Green Grocer - Port Rd West Croydon The Organik Store & Cafe - Broadway, Glenelg South Lee Boys Hemp Hemp Hooray - Mt Barker Teresa McDowell Norwood Health Foods - (rear Norwood Pde) Moana Natural Health & Organics - Moana Nicole Novak Maxwells Grocery - Aldinga - Lisa Eigenwillig Blackwood Health Food Store - Blackwood Natural Health Medicine - Portrush Rd Payenham South Pop in Friday or Saturday my friends & top up with our latest batch. Meanwhile, have a beautiful Wednesday - Spring is in the air!! Breathe it's life-force in through your nostrils, close your eyes & feel the rebirth occurring - it's happening. See more

14.01.2022 Our next Willunga Farmers Market date has been changed to Sat. Sept. 5th We will have all Kvass in stock!Our next Willunga Farmers Market date has been changed to Sat. Sept. 5th We will have all Kvass in stock!

14.01.2022 WHEN KVASS kicks you in the arse & reminds you that LIFE is a magnificent gift :-) Close your eyes, sip & feel the kick. <3WHEN KVASS kicks you in the arse & reminds you that LIFE is a magnificent gift :-) Close your eyes, sip & feel the kick. <3

14.01.2022 IT'S A WILD WORLD Wild food foraging is second nature to me - as kids growing up in country Victoria we were deeply involved in our environment - the dry, the frost, the mud, the water holes, the dust, the new life of Spring - we were as cyclic as the seasons - as synchronised as the rise & set of the sun & moon - we were free. And we interacted in Nature as part of her, not afraid of her but respectively aware & with a healthy degree of abandon. We sucke...d on sour sobs, stole fruit, caught yabbies, pulled muddy clams from the creeks & delighted when it was mushroom season! It was constant & it was wonderful. Our parents were not aware of where we were 24/7 - we just took off - of course we went to school, but we made our own way to school & back each day & often that was an adventure in itself ;-) The freedom I experienced has shaped me to this day. I know the exquisite intelligence of this beginning to my life has endowed me with a knowledge & appreciation of the woven relationship to ALL LIFE. Naturally when I had Sienna she had no choice but to be bathed in the morning sunlight, to get dirt under her tiny nails, to sit beneath bushes whilst her Mother foraged - the quest for connection is alive in her too. (pic below of Sienna mushrooming) We all crave SPACE & CONNECTION - I feel stress is mostly felt because of the SHUTTING DOWN of Spirit - the DISCONNECTION to not just our Spirit but the exquisite way it needs to dance & interact with other Spirit forms. Therein lay the sensuality, the beauty, the mystery, the acceptance, the risk, the instinct, the marvel, the connection & the SPACE we all desire. Wild foods fill a gap in my vitality & in my spirit. I incorporate wild gathered foods into my STOCK POWDERS, FERMENTS, PESTO, CHEEZE, SOUPS, KEFIR, SALADS etc etc. It's not at all hard - just takes a little getting to know them & bring them in. The pics below are just a few examples of wild foraged foods. Today (Sunday) Steven & I gathered Saffron Caps from the forest & pan fried them with Ancient W.A salt & home made stock powder with wild Dandelions & all home grown herbs. The depth of joy & satisfaction cannot be described! They became part of us. This is what I mean - we bring NATURE INTO OUR BEING in a tangible, sensual & spiritual way. We are Nature

13.01.2022 It's been 3 weeks!!! The CULTUREHOOD SISTERS are back this Sat. @ the Willunga Farmers Market It's been 3 weeks!!! The CULTUREHOOD SISTERS are back this Sat. @ the Willunga Farmers Market

13.01.2022 FARMERS MARKET UPDATE Our next stall is June 13th So it will be 3 weeks between stalls this month - we are always scheduled for the 2nd SATURDAY IN THE MONTH.... If you would like to keep 'abreast' ;-) of our whereabouts - The good news is we have many wonderful stockists to keep you topped up with our FULL RANGE OF BEET KVASS. I know many of you are loyal shoppers to many of them: Moana Natural Health & Organics - (Beet Kvass) Maxwell's grocery store - in Aldinga (Beet Kvass) The Organik Store & Cafe - Broadway Glenelg Sth (Kvass) Little Green Grocer - Port Rd West Croydon (Kvass & Cultured Veggies) Blackwood Health Foods - (Kvass) Natural Health Medicine - Portrush Rd. Payenham ( Kvass, Cultured Veggies, Grainfree Sourdough Bread, Milk Kefir) Bottoms Up Colonics Southern Vales - Old Reynella (Kvass) hemp hemp hooray! "cream of the crop natural body care" Mt. Barker. (Kvass & Cultured Veggies) PLEASE NOTE: <3 HEMP HEMP HOORAY - opening hours Saturday 9-1pm We have another stockist to announce soon It makes us so happy to finally be able to have our KVASS more accessible to the many people who have been 'going out of their way' over the years to get hold of it. <3 Love to all - can't wait to see your beautiful faces again in a couple of weeks at the Willunga Farmers Market.


11.01.2022 INFLAMMATION - 2 kinds 1. ADAPTIVE or ACUTE (short term) 2.CHRONIC or disregulated/pathological (long term) ACUTE INFLAMMATION is a natural response to 'INJURY'.....whether that is an internal injury or an external injury....Continue reading

11.01.2022 OUR LATEST BATCH OF RUBY RED 'dress' She is a radiant in her Ruby Red glow :-P - the kind of beauty which comes from the inside - indeed, the most stunning kind of beauty. Kristy & I - jarred our Ruby Red veggies & Golden Turmeric veggies yesterday - they are SO VIBRANT with life. LIVING FERMENTED FOODS fill your body with LIFE FORCE - supplying living enzymes, live-cultures (BENEFICIAL MICROBES) - PRE-DIGESTED NUTRITION for easy access (even to the most compromised syste...m) - (hmmm I could do with a dose of Life Force) TRUE BEAUTY is expressed from the inside - it is felt on the inside & comes through our ENERGY, OUR SMILE, OUR SHINE. CULTURED FOODS allow this to be nurtured & maintained with such ease - Here at The CultureHood we are a fermentation family who are part of a massive REVIVIAL across the world, teaching, creating, inspiring folks to BECOME CULTURED, LIVE CULTURED & JOIN THE CULTUREHOOD <3 This Saturday the 'Fermentation Sisters' will be at Willunga Farmers Market We will have the following FERMENTED GOODIES: - BEET KVASS, Original - BEET KVASS with Pomegranate - RUBY RED (dress) Veggies - GOLDEN TURMERIC Veggies - KIMCHI - ZING BRINE & KIMCHI BRINE (off the charts) - MILK KEFIR (Simply, Sienna's amazing Alexandrina Milk Kefir) Hope to see your beautiful faces on Saturday - You will find us down the Alma Pub end of the Farmers Mkt - WFM opens at 8am - 12pm

10.01.2022 New SOURDOUGH BREAD made by Adam at the The Green Room on High Street - his latest amazing creation. Adam Byford is a total star & the Greenroom Cafe is loved by many ESPECIALLY our Willunga community.... Adam's food philosophy is ALWAYS; local first, organic, seasonal & whenever he can he makes every step of every dish they create! This beautiful bread is made using LAUCKE MILLS FLOUR (situated in the Barossa <3 ) So head into High St, Willunga & grab yourself a loaf - you will be hooked.

10.01.2022 It's all in my GOLDEN GLOW And it might be time to taste me? I regularly sit amongst other delights & am often over-looked for their more robust, rouge, earthy offerings. But if you take the chance your tongue will dance & your body will tingle with delight. I am of course, GOLDEN BEET KVASS ... Containing radiant organic golden beetroot, the renowned anti-inflammatory properties of organic fresh turmeric root, anti-oxidant rich golden Incan berries, wild crafted pine pollen, mineral rich salt from Lake Deborah in Western Australia and living spring water from the Adelaide hills; our Golden Kvass is simply ‘liquid gold’. PINE POLLEN (just one of our special ingredients) You will see it settled at the bottom of your bottle. Just gently tip the bottle back & forth to lift the Pine Pollen from the bottom & incorporate it back through the Kvass each time your pour out your shot. (best not to shake unless you're wanting to wear it ) Pine Pollen contains a rare compound called Phyto-Androgen's which are powerful precursors for Male & Female hormone production. Pine Pollen can be considered a hormonal adaptogen - regulating our endocrine system in a profoundly intelligent way. TELL ME WHO DOESN'T NEED A LITTLE HELP IN THAT WAY Pine Pollen is also loaded with nutrition - WHICH IS AWESOME - but not like KALE or GOJI BERRIES or CACOA - it's got it's own thing going on!!! - Vitamin A, B6, B2, B3, B1, D and E - Beta Carotene - Folic Acid - Iron Phosphorus - Zinc - Sodium - Magnesium Potassium - Silicon - Calcium - Manganese - Molybdenum - Selenium - Copper For many many years I would take Sienna to the forest (or when we lived at Maslin Beach & when the beautiful flowers (infant pine cones) were releasing their golden pollen we would cup our hands & bang it gently into our palm, then lick the golden dust up & do it again & again. Walking off looking like little glitter bugs!! The nourishment is BEYOND incredible. WILD PINE POLLEN!!! WE USE WILD-CRAFTED Certified ORGANIC Pine Pollen in our GOLDEN KVASS. Our KVASS is considered a TONIC - which means you can drink it daily as a functional food to help; top up regulate protect cleanse nourish WHAT COULD BE EASIER THAN HAVING OUR BEAUTIFUL BEET KVASS IN YOUR FRIDGE & IN YOUR BODY. Track down a bottle tomorrow!! At one of our WONDERFUL STOCKISTS. Easy to locate from our website list Or catch Kristy & I at the Willunga Farmers Market this Saturday morning Nov. 14th 8am- 12pm From our BEAUTIFUL GUT GARDEN TO YOURS

10.01.2022 Goodmorning CULTUREHOOD COMMUNITY YOUR LOCAL BEET KVASS STOCKIST is now (or just about to be this morning) FULLY STOCKED with freshly decanted BEET KVASS, Original & BEET KVASS with Pomegranate... hemp hemp hooray! "cream of the crop natural body care" in Mt Barker have full fridges The Organik Store & Cafe, Broadway, Glenelg Sth (later this morning - Friday) Little Green Grocer, Port Rd West Croydon <3 have full fridges Natural Health Medicine, Portrush Rd Payenham Sth Maxwell's grocery - Aldinga - (full fridges tomorrow) :-) Moana Natural Health & Organics - Kvass a plenty ;-) Norwood health - Norwood Pde (rear) - stocking fridges around lunch time Blackwood Health Foods <3 (stocking fridges lunchtime today) DON'T FORGET MY FRIENDS - Beet Kvass & KEFIR are 2 of the most profound LIQUID PROBIOTIC ELIXIRS you can give your (often stressed) body. Maintain consistent consumption for LONG TERM CHANGES & support. These tonics support EVERY PART OF OUR COMPLEX BIOLOGY - & fill in gaps which are always missing, even in the most considered program of wellness. Have a wonderful weekend - may even see some of you tomorrow morning at the Willunga Farmers Market 8am - 12pm :-) Top up at our POP UP PROBIOTIC STALL :-)

10.01.2022 KIMCHI BRINE available This stuff is like GOLD - I only have 12 bottles. If you would like a bottle PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP? For anyone who has attended my PLANT BASED CHEEZE CLASSES & love the KIMCHI CHEEZE - here is your chance. ... Gives your cheeze COLOUR, COMPLEX FLAVOUR (my mouth waters just typing this post) & PROBIOTICS KIMCHI BRINE is also incredible as GUT SHOTS - KIMCHI BRINE can be used to create stunning DRESSINGS - A few drops of toasted Sesame Oil provides you with a probiotic DIPPING SAUCE for cold rolls etc or as a marinade. I ONLY HAVE 12 BOTTLES. Happy to keep you a bottle for collection at the Willunga Farmers Market or collect from Semaphore?

08.01.2022 BEET KVASS is an extraordinary LIVER & BLOOD REVITALIZER - when Spring kicks in this year please understand how important the LIVER IS, AS IT RESPONDS TO THIS CHANGE OF SEASON. It also kicks into a new gear! SPRING CLEANING is a real thing!! We all get the urge in Spring to 'clean house'. We are actually 'acting out' an INNER PROCESS which is taking place inside our body. Particularly the LIVER. Our Liver is such a profound organ & responsible for so many tasks - it can ...also accumulate a heavy load during Winter when we are spending far more time inside, consuming heavier foods, (maybe more alcohol?), toxins build up, sluggish digestive system, lack of exercise etc etc. - this often leads to feeling waves of heaviness, depression, unmotivated, despondent etc etc as we come out of Winter. - which has heaps to do with our LIVER FUNCTION & GUT MICROBIOME. Really NOW is the time to nurture our LIVER as it is often said in Traditional Chinese Medicine that the energy of the liver begins to 'push out' mid-Winter time. Just as Bulbs are pushing energy through the cold earth to flower, the ENERGY OF THE EARTH is reflective of OUR OWN BIOLOGY. We are intrinsically connected. So your LIVER (& YOU :-) ) will RESPOND to any conscious actions you take NOW in readiness for it's huge task of WAKING UP & RE-ENERGIZING YOUR BODY COME SPRING. BEET KVASS particuarly is profound because it is MULTI-PRONGED in it's nature & actions. BEETROOTS ARE A RENOWNED BLOOD & LIVER FOOD. KVASS is a FERMENTED BEETROOT TONIC! So you get the 'unlocked' Beetroot benefits as well as the SUPERHERO PROBIOTIC STRAINS to seed & feed your GUT MICROBIOME. A SYMPHONY of support. TO BEGIN YOUR 'SPRING CLEANING' now, consider some LIVER LOVING actions: BEET KVASS & FERMENTED FOODS are a powerful way to begin this process. COLONIC IRRIGATION with Kate Gardner Bottoms Up Colonics Southern Vales - in July, August or September. Going on some beautiful HIKES around Adelaide. Acupuncture, Espsom salt baths, Saunas To LOCATE any of our STOCKISTS for Beet Kvass be sure to look on our website Willunga Farmers Market THIS SATURDAY for our FULL RANGE of Cultured Foods - hope to see you there ;-) X

08.01.2022 OUTDOOR MARKETS are all about the elements. We turn up rain, hail or shine - which is what makes every market experience so unique. The FRESH AIR, SUNSHINE, BREEZE & sometimes HAIL - is not a deterrent!! Looks like we might be in for some Arctic temps this Saturday for the Willunga Farmers Market. But for those 'seasoned' shoppers - who prioritize FRESH, LOCAL, SEASONAL PRODUCE over perfect shopping conditions - we are always rewarded.... And the rewards are magnificent; -Greet the growers & producers -Connect with our community -Connect with SEASONAL produce (allows us to gauge our place in the seasonal cycle) -REAL FOOD - so crisp & vital it literally glows from the stalls. -We are OUTDOORS - yes in the elements - as a society we spend way too much time INDOORS. We are so proud of our Willunga Farmers Market - it was the second Farmers Market to be actualized in Australia - opened by one of my heroes Dr. David Suzuki. All FARMERS MARKETS are a gift to their communities. So come say "Hi" this Saturday........& really experience foraging for your food - one thing is for sure you will arrive home invigorated (especially as this Saturday forecast is 13C)

08.01.2022 A TINY CLASS with ALOT OF ATTITUDE Remedy's PLANT-BASED CHEEZE Class Sunday, August 2nd, 10.30am - 3.30pm Semaphore South... Due to the COVID restrictions my RAW & FERMENTED CLASS PROGRAM for 2020 has been reduced significantly. :-( Instead of offering 2 of each of the classes, I am now ONLY offering 1 of each. WHICH MEANS that there is only 5 spaces left for this years FERMENTED PLANT-BASED CHEEZED CLASS This class is a very specialized class & is helpful if you have had previous fermenting experience. We learn to make very creamy, spreadable cheezes with many flavour options as well as a firmer, rinded cheeze which lean more to a cheddar variety. Each of these processes involve traditional forms of fermentation & coagulation WITHOUT using any DAIRY SUBSTRATES. The processes are incredibly straight-forward but require some understanding, guidance as well as a recipe . To sit in a class & watch the whole process unfold before your eyes is really such a gift & prepares you for a life time of cheeze making! You will receive many taste tests throughout the day with a few lovely surprises thrown in along the way. Also LUNCH is provided. You maybe 1 of the lucky 5 who join our class this coming August 2nd. BOOK NOW:

06.01.2022 DOES ANYONE HAVE a 9 tray EXCALIBUR DEHYDRATOR they would like to sell?DOES ANYONE HAVE a 9 tray EXCALIBUR DEHYDRATOR they would like to sell?

05.01.2022 How to find us on Saturday at Willunga Farmers Market? Our BEET KVASS & KIMCHI will be in front of 'Whatever' Antique's & P.OHow to find us on Saturday at Willunga Farmers Market? Our BEET KVASS & KIMCHI will be in front of 'Whatever' Antique's & P.O

05.01.2022 Just wanting to let all of our REGULAR CULTUREHOOD community know that Kristy & I attend the Willunga Farmers Market every 2nd Saturday in the month. Which means we will see you on Saturday June 13th <3 We will have EVERYTHING YOUR GUT GARDEN could desire :-P KIMCHI, BEET KVASS, CULTURED VEGGIES, MILK KEFIR, ZING DRESSING, BOOCH - meanwhile if Kvass is what you're after please remember we have our Southern stockists: Maxwell's grocery & Moana Natural Health & Organics & The Organik Store & Cafe - have a beautiful long weekend X

04.01.2022 These 2 little CHIPMUNKS will bring your entire PROBIOTIC PANTRY (rain, hail or frost) this SATURDAY MORNING at the BEST MARKET IN TOWN Willunga Farmers Market... It's been a long 3 week gap BUT WE ARE BACK! Did you miss us? Our fridge will be full of YOUR FAVES - & we all know why we live a CULTURED LIFE - cause it keeps CORONA AWAY!!!! Build a STRONG IMMUNE SYSTEM - it is our most POWERFUL SHIELD against foreign invaders (despite what the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation might tell you!) SO boost your BACTERIAL BUDDIES & blow the germs away! - BEET KVASS (of course & 3 different varieties) - RUBY RED VEG - GOLDEN TURMERIC VEG - ALEXANDRA MILK KEFIR (made by Simply, Sienna) 4 different varieties (Plain, Vanilla & Local Honey, Banana & Cinnamon & Plum) - KIMCHI (of the most awesome kind) - ZING PROBIOTC DRESSING (3 varieties) We'll see you in our usual spot - next door to Matchetts condiment Stall - Original Market area. :-) 8am - 12.30pm <3 Spreading the Beneficial Flora X

02.01.2022 ALL YOUR CULTURED FOOD NEEDS in the one spot. This Saturday morning Willunga Farmers Market - Kristy & I are back in the HOOD with the following: - BEET KVASS (Original & Pomegranate) - GOLDEN BEET KVASS... - MILK KEFIR (Plain, Vanilla & Honey, Rhubarb) - GOLDEN TURMERIC VEGGIES - RUBY RED VEGGIES - KIMCHI - ZING - the most amazing PROBIOTIC DRESSING So much choice - so many magnificent PROBIOTIC SEEDS to plant in your GUT GARDEN. Every single product sings with freshness, with vitality, with aliveness & DELICIOUSNESS. We make growing your GUT GARDEN - easy!!! <3 Kristy & I will see you this Saturday in one of our favourite places in the world WILLUNGA. The CultureHood

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