Remembering Unity in Sydney, Australia | Tutor/teacher
Remembering Unity
Locality: Sydney, Australia
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25.01.2022 I went through a long period of unforgiveness and I carried my 'right' proudly and loudly. I questioned why I 'should' ever forgive what had been done to me or those who had done it. I cheered others who owned their own unforgiveness and I encouraged others in their 'right' to demand that forgiveness was only possible for those who repented and changed. I was sure I was 'right' and perhaps for that season in my existence I was right. perhaps I needed to move through that ...season so I could full appreciate the season I am in now where I feel so very differently and have opened my heart up to forgive without condition. While I am still learning how to forgive new wounds and strikes, I have found forgiveness for the wounds of old. The pain lasted so long I thought I could not survive it and it festered and burned for most of my life but now....the cooling waters of love have soothed it all away and the same scars do not carry any pain for me at all. It feels positively miraculous and I live in perpetual hope of finding that 'unicorn' I seek within myself: instant forgiveness. The way that I understood forgiveness before was very black and white, very limited and dogmatic. I thought as a child might think and I felt as a child might feel "they're bad, that's not fair". Now though, it's all changed and it actually does feel like a light has shone into the darkness and illuminated a whole new universe for me. Since forgiveness brought me home to the inner sanctum my soul, I have found gratitude for the learning I've had and compassion for those who suffered so much pain of their own that they could have no compassion at all for me or themselves. Living as a slave to the senses, to the reptilian and instinctual brain, is the same as any other slavery and I have compassion for that. It feels horrendous to be so trapped by the self that nothing gets in or out except fear. Hurting others comes naturally and easily in 'survival' mode for many of us, me included, and I am opening into a new dawn, a new form, a new way of life. Through my breath, I am creating a whole new world and I understand things in a whole new way that I am learning to live into. This feels os much better than my old, dogged, stodgy, unforgiving and shaming ways of old. Now I can actually feel whole within myself and connected to the life I am such a small part of. I give thanks for the forgiveness I have found within me and for all of the healing it has brought to my life in ways I could never have imagined healing before. Amazing.
25.01.2022 When love is unconditional it is without condition. It is a rare person who will find this easy to be consistent about. Like everything, love has layers and dimensions and as we dive into love, our fears will naturally rise up to greet us. It’s like gently sinking into a nice warm bath and watching the water rise up around you as you add more of the weight of your body to it. Just as the water must rise up to create space for our body, so must our pool of fears rise up as ...Continue reading
24.01.2022 #christmas #gift
22.01.2022 Attuned SELF-parenting too! Are you dismissive or attuned with your inner child?
22.01.2022 Our perception of things, our own interpretation of what we think, see, smell, hear, taste, touch, and feel, is what most of us believe to be real but it’s only the belief we have about our perception that makes it real for us. Our brain cannot distinguish between reality and imagination and will believe everything it perceives through our senses and our thoughts. This is why we can literally change our world by simply changing our view of the world.
20.01.2022 So much is opening and expanding right now! Remember to breathe and stay hydrated. It’s all just energy and we are energy too. Flow with it, be one with it, allow it to pass. You’ve got this #rememberingunity #energy #light #deepavali #shakti #love #god #faith #hope #grow #soul #mind #expandingconsciousness
18.01.2022 I learned a long time ago that healing must happen on more l=than one level if I want it to hold. I can heal so much on one level but then if another level is affected but not addressed, the healing hasn’t held, and I go around that path again until I see the new perspective on it all. As much as it has hurt at times, I feel quite blessed to have had the lessons I’ve had, the teaching I’ve received form life, in order to learn what I have. For a long time, I believed illne...Continue reading
16.01.2022 My beloved inner child is singing in my mind today, heartily and happily: Prepare Ye the way of the Lord words from the song Day By Day by Colleen Hewitt from the 70’s version of Jesus Christ Superstar. Once upon a time I would have reacted badly to this but today it’s bringing me great joy and peace because I’ve grown up again and I know what’s underneath the message, instead of focussing on the literal message like I used to years ago. It’s a great day
16.01.2022 I’m feeling into accepting that it’s time for the old health paradigms to passover so new wisdom can break through in us all and what we know as suffering can finally end. Not easy at times but such a blessing once we cross that bridge. I I’ve felt so much agony in my life and I’m seeing now how I’ve innocently played with the building blocks of pain like any infant might, picking them up, putting them down, chewing on them, throwing them around, losing interest, only to jea...lously guard them if anyone else dared to look upon them, wailing if they were taken from me, and demanding them back at times simply because they are ‘mine’ and I had no idea they were only temporary toys to learn from. So much is changing and as the new neurons and pathways fire and wire, I am choosing breath to be my attachment. I feel as if everything else has been an illusion and a distraction for me and I’m choosing to focus on health for a while instead of giving all of my attention to pain, disease and suffering like I’ve done before simply because I was not aware I was doing that sending oceans of love to everyone who needs it right now and hoping you’re truly okay #rememberingunity #health #healing #breath #love #life #faith #acceptance #breathe
07.01.2022 Sending extra love out into the world today May the venom being spewed from so-called loving hearts be dissolved and disintegrated fully now, and may the hearts and minds of all be cleansed of judgment and hate quickly, with ease and grace. May the mirror be unbroken and clear, with no further distortion, and May we see our own reflection more clearly in it, without hate or fear. ... May the love we teach and preach be the love we live today and always. May the peace we seek be the peace we speak, and the peace we offer, and May that peace arise within to shine without. May we remember unity and surrender our fear so we may broker peace authentically together May nature support us in the clear seeing of our own nature. May my heart open and expand more than ever before to embrace all that exists, no matter how I perceive it to exist. May the love I radiate encircle the globe and ember all with its light.
06.01.2022 Perception creates what we see and while I was reflecting on what this year has taught and brought me, the word ‘humility’ jumped out at me. So many things that once would have brought me to my knees in anguish and yet this year I’ve been able to stand tall and feel grateful for each one instead. As I pondered the rest of the world and how the things unfolding everywhere could also be perceived as lessons in humility (that many strongly resist), my heart opened into more co...mpassion than ever before and that then flowed to my ancestors and descendants, and then to the versions of my self that I used to despise, misunderstand, abuse, or neglect. Within moments I saw how all of this is also Grace. Seeing happens dimensionally and now for me, multi-dimensionally. Those instances that I once saw as so traumatic and horrific, became instances I came to see as lessons, which eventually gave way to seeing them all as blessings now. It really has been a journey, and it still is. This mountain goat is traversing the rocky slopes of life, now ensuring I stop and gaze around, look up at the beautiful sky, and remember to send lots of love to all who share the path, as well as sending love to the path itself
06.01.2022 So much is arising for us all right now and I give thanks today for all of the times I have already faced my deepest fears. I know within that I have faced the present in the past and survived and that helps me to see me thriving through the future too. I see so many people saying that ‘we’ have never faced anything before like we are facing now, and I remember when I thought the same way. I crossed a bridge that showed me how symbolic life is and how I used to interpret t...Continue reading
04.01.2022 When we lack attunement with our children, they will grow up to be adults who lack attunement with themselves. It is so easy to be dismissive when we are pa...renting. We are too busy, too distracted, to really stop and listen to what is needed. When we don’t attend to children they learn they are not important, their feelings and view of the world is not important, or worse, not valid. When we learn that our feelings are not valid, we question our feelings and experiences and start to question our reality and loose contact with our inner knowing of what is right and wrong. Our inner compass starts to go haywire. When I talk about attuned parenting, I am not talking about perfect parenting, there is no such thing in my mind, I am talking about ‘good enough’ parenting. With ‘good enough’ parenting, there is a level of attunement to the child’s needs and feelings. There is space when it matters for the child to be deeply heard and validated. When children learn how to process feelings as children, doing it well as adults is SO much easier. #innerchild #innermother #innerfather #parentingtips #consciousparent #innerchildwork #trauma #cptsd #ptsd #healtogether #selfhealers
04.01.2022 This book was written for men and the masculine in me loves it too! So much simple wisdom and compassion within its pages. I’m loving today’s message especially as I’m working on physical health again today and how to embrace more movement into my life
03.01.2022 So often we think of ourselves as loving, benevolent, compassionate beings who understand everything and have huge empathy. Then something will happen that we find ourselves re-acting to and we suddenly have no compassion at all. We tell ourselves that we are still the same, but...... it becomes the fault of someone or something external that created our lack of compassion, and many people stay attached to this position. It’s common and it’s normal but it doesn’t have to b...e this way forever if we don’t want it to. When we re-act to anything at all, we are physiologically thrust into the dimension of the reptilian brain, behaving completely instinctively and instantly. It’s a survival mechanism that we need to stay alive but, it also is a dimension where thoughts, feelings, and compassion are shut off so that we can survive in this instant. Our reptilian brain cannot tell the difference between reality and imagination, nor can it tell time. Essentially, when we re-act, we are kidnapped, hijacked, transported to another dimension within. Many variables play a part in how and when we return and that’s a whole other story of it’s own. For today though, it’s enough to recognise that when and if we have a re-action of any kind at all, the part of the brain responsible for compassion and empathy is shut off until the re-action is physiologically over. This timing has nothing to do with time as we know it. It’s not about how many moments, minutes or hours, it can be years or decades too. When we start to rant or fume - that is a re-action and we are losing our compassion. This is where we lose the ability to see another side to what we perceive. This is where we may miss the horror or heartache of another. This is how we have neglected our planet and each other for so long, and this is how we continue to criticise and hurt each other so easily still. As we learn to override our reptilian brain and it’s reactivity, through ‘presence’ and mindful acceptance of the present, feeling our feelings and nurturing ourselves no matter what is happening, learning to look beyond our own beliefs and perceptions and see the world as it is instead of seeing it how we wish it could be, we learn self-control. We learn fear-extinction and impulse-control, and we learn that nothing at all is what it seems to be. We begin to learn that a simple breath changes everything and we learn forgiveness. Compassion is a verb and it begins within. Today I choose to breathe through my re-actions and focus all of my attention on compassion, my new daily practice. Namaste and blessings
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