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Remindables in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Businesses

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Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia


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24.01.2022 Many of us parents can get excited when our kids learn the alphabet. It seems to be a milestone that we’re happy to inform others they’ve met. Learning the alphabet by heart, or knowing all your letters, is wonderful but it doesn’t mean our children will find reading & writing easy when they head to school. Did you know that reading & writing goes far beyond knowing letters & their names? Here’s the key! Reading & writing is ab...out being able to sound out & decode words, as well as push sounds together to make words. So if your child is starting school next year, or perhaps your child hasn’t picked up the idea of reading & writing though they’re already at school, try these 3 simple ideas over the Christmas Holidays. If your child draws or points out a letter they see, attach the sound that letter makes i.e., Wow, you’ve written M - M says mmmmm. Use chalk & draw 4-5 flowers/balls/stars on the pavement (anything motivating to your child). Give them a word & help them jump out the beats in that word, using each picture to jump onto. Use words of varying length i.e., um-bre-lla (3 beats), ti-ger (2 beats), hel-i-cop-ter (4 beats). Being able to break up words into smaller parts is a step we all use when we are trying to spell or read new words. Guess the word - a great one for the car. Look around & find an item. Sound it out so your child can guess what you found i.e., I see a c-ar or sh-o-p. See if they can guess what you’re thinking about! Understanding that words are made up of different sounds, is the magic key to when it comes to kids learning to read & write. See more

22.01.2022 Sport is wrapping up for the year! What does your child normally need reminding for? To pack their runners, make sure they have equipment ... or perhaps that they have sport or training after school! .... . . #remindables #dailyreminders #dailyroutine #organisation #visualschedule #melbourne #specialeducation #sustainableideas #parenttips #organisedmum #teacherspayteachers #occupationaltherapyideas #occupationaltherapy #classroomorganization #schoolreadiness #earlychildhoodeducation #helpingkids #earlychildhoodlearning #teachersresource #teachingkids #backtoschooltips #schoolready #disabilitysupport #kidsbags #homeschool #learnfromhome #routines #weeklyplanner #speechpathology #australianmade See more

20.01.2022 Help your child remember to grab that lunchbox from the bench! . . .... #remindables #lunchboxideas #kidslunches #reminders See more

19.01.2022 MORE FREE TAGS! Do you know anyone with these names? . Share with others and comment below and we will randomly select someone to win a free tag!

17.01.2022 NEW PRODUCT for Adults!! Our Adult Chart was designed and created in collaboration with @sociallearningstudio If you need help to organise your home, or help to remember what jobs need doing on what days, this is for you!... If you need help to remember what appointments you have on during the week, where you need to be, who you need to pick up or what you need to take, this is also for you! The Adult Chart features: 93 tiles, with 67 different designs days are broken up into times to help with planning includes an everyday row to help simplify the day Help bring calm to your chaos! . . . #remindables #psychology #adultschart #weeklyplanner #autisticadult #adhdadult #ndisresources See more

16.01.2022 Many children I work with have coexisting sensory difficulties. Some have aversions to noise, light, feelings on their body i.e., tight clothes, tags, dirty hands. Some children will suck or bite a range of items, prefer certain foods or appear to be hyperactive and seeking movement. Sometimes their sensory likes or dislikes can take over and have an impact on their ability to focus and attend to an activity or be present in a conversation. I once had an O...ccupational Therapist (OT) explain it like this, Imagine you were covered in mosi bites, that it made it impossible to focus on anything else but the need to scratch! And then be told that you can’t scratch but you have to sit perfectly still on the mat and listen for 20minutes straight = impossible!! I regularly refer families to OTs for an assessment of their child’s sensory needs, to gain more understanding and to learn how to effectively balance their ‘sensory buckets’. When you address a child’s sensory needs, rather than ignore them, they can function at their best!! If your child is in kinder or school, letting their teachers know about their sensory needs will be beneficial to your child’s ability to participate in the classroom and beyond. If you think this could be your child, consider getting in touch with an OT to see if they can help. . . . #remindables #sensoryneeds #speechtherapy #speechtherapyideas #parenttips #occupationaltherapyideas #ideasforkids See more

15.01.2022 Today’s Christmas Advent idea. Such an easy game to play and a lot of fun!!

14.01.2022 Final Giveaway! Let us know if your child’s name is one of these and it could be yours!

07.01.2022 2020 Gingerbread Village Gingerbread baking is always one of those things I do at this time of year to get me in the Christmas mood! This was made for the speechies who I work with, to celebrate the year that has been. A year of online therapy, 1.5 metre rules, mask wearing and working from home. ... Who else loves gingerbread at this time of year? See more

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