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25.01.2022 HOPEFUL LIVING WITH LIFE FEELS HOPELESS by Bryant Wright Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. Romans 5:3-5 2020 has been an unexpected year, to say the least. COVID-19 is still in full swing, and the current cultural clima...te is tense. Not to mention, everyone has their own personal problems and trials. It is easy to feel hopeless. But there is good news! No matter what you are facing, there is a reason for hopeful living. It’s a hope that does not disappoint; it’s a hope that comes through faith in Jesus Christ. He is the Savior we all need and long for. Jesus offers us access to God, and as a result, we can exult in the hope of the glory of God (vs 2). To exult means to feel or show triumphant joy, to celebrate. Now, I know we are missed out on the summer Olympics this year, but think back to previous years. Remember when your favorite athlete or your country won a gold medal? There was an excitement, a joy, an exultation in their celebration. We share in the pride and joy of their gold medal win! Now, think about stepping over into heaven and seeing Jesus face to face. Can you imagine a greater celebration than that? This exultation in Jesus is central to hope. Let us never forget the glory of God in store for those who choose to put their faith in Him. It’s not just the promise of heaven, not just knowing Christ face to face, but even new heavenly bodies as we reign in power with Christ. It will be an exultation like no other! If you’re close to giving up, if the trials feel too overwhelming, then look to Jesus. Jesus persevered through incredible trials, demonstrating hope even in a moment of great despair. He did this because He trusted in His Father. He knew God’s glory awaited Him (Matt. 26:39). We, too, can live in hope because of what Jesus did for us on the cross. Because of His life, death, and resurrection, we can be made right with God and receive the power of His Spirit and one day see Him face to face. No matter how difficult your circumstances, how deep your sufferings, disappointments, failures, or stress, all these trials are temporary. Hope in God’s glory, however, is an eternal reward promised to you in Christ. Nice if you could share this devotion with others. Have a great day

24.01.2022 Using the Impossible to Bring Redemption By Carter Conlon Zechariah 4:6 says, Then he said to me, ‘This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.... When we pray for the impossible, it means we recognize that nothing will be accomplished by our natural abilities or our own mechanisms but by God’s Spirit. Miracles, for the Christian, should not be something we just accept but expect! Now, in saying that, it doesn’t mean that God throws his miracles around like items that can be found at the dollar store. God’s miracles are not for our personal enjoyment or luxury. Yes, he can bless us, but he’s not a cosmic genie who hands out cheap miracles for our own selfish benefit. God works in the impossible to bring redemption and to bring glory to his name. God’s will is about accomplishing God’s work in our lives. That’s why some people are healed miraculously from disease and others are not. What will bring about God’s greater purpose and glory in our situation? We pray and believe the Lord for the impossible and watch him bring about that which the natural cannot do. God declares through the promises of his Word that he is going to take you and make you into something much greater than you are. It’s the visible testimony God gives to his church that you and I are made into much more than we could ever hope to be in our own strength. We change by the Spirit of God, Paul says, from image to image and glory to glory (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). The changed lives of people, redeemed by the power of the cross, are the greatest witness of the truth of the gospel to our fallen and needy world. The disciples got together and prayed in unison, You are God. And that’s where our prayer has to start You are God! You spoke, and the worlds were created. You spoke, and life came into being. You spoke, and animals were created. You looked at dust in the earth, and you spoke and breathed, and man became a living soul. You are God nothing is impossible with you!

20.01.2022 Progressive Miracles By David Wilkerson The Old Testament is filled with God’s miracle-working power, from the opening of the Red Sea, to God speaking to Moses from the burning bush, to Elijah calling down fire from heaven. All these were instantaneous miracles. The people involved could see them happening, feel them and were thrilled by them. And they are the kinds of miracles we want to see today, causing awe and wonder. We want God to rend the heavens, come down to our si...tuation and fix things in a burst of heavenly power. But much of God’s wonder-working power in his people’s lives comes in what are called progressive miracles. These are miracles that are hardly discernable to the eye. They’re not accompanied by thunder, lightning or any visible movement or change. Rather, progressive miracles start quietly, without fanfare, and unfold slowly but surely, one step at a time. Both kinds of miraclesinstantaneous and progressivewere witnessed at Christ’s two feedings of the multitudes. The healings he performed were immediate, visible, easily discerned by those present on those days. I think of the crippled man with a gnarled body, who suddenly had an outward, physical change so that he could run and leap. Here was a miracle that had to astonish and move all who saw it. Yet the feedings that Christ did were progressive miracles. Jesus offered up a simple prayer of blessing, with no fire, thunder or earthquake. He merely broke the bread and the dried fish, never giving a sign or sound that a miracle was taking place. Yet, to feed that many people, there had to be thousands of breakings of that bread and those fish, all through the day. And every single piece of bread and fish was a part of the miracle. This is how Jesus performs many of his miracles in his people’s lives today. We pray for instantaneous, visible wonders, but often our Lord is quietly at work, forming a miracle for us piece by piece, bit by bit. We may not be able to hear it or touch it, but he is at work, shaping our deliverance beyond what we can see.

12.01.2022 Question: "Is suffering for Christ always going to be a part of being a follower of Christ?" Answer: The Bible talks a lot about suffering for the sake of Christ. In the era in which the New Testament was written, followers of Jesus were often ostracized by their own families and communities. Some of the worst persecution came from the religious leaders (Acts 4:13). Jesus told His followers, "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the ki...Continue reading

11.01.2022 Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as... serpents, and harmless as doves. Serpents act very alert. They become alert even at a small sound, they use their senses to determine enemies or predators which pose danger to their lives. They also use their senses to track and pursue potential prey for their food. *You should be like the serpent* concerned and perceiving state of people's minds, their reactions to your words, sensing their reaction and thoughts on what you speak. You should be mindful of what you speak going by the person's comfort level listening to your words and also the circumstances surrounding that person / problems that person is surrounded by when you are saying anything to him/ her. Otherwise they may pose danger to you or develop hidden grudge on you for your words. Let your words soothe and comfort a person when you are testifying your life taking care not to hurt their sentiments, so that you attract them to CHRIST. *You should be as the dove* in that people see you harmless and gentle at heart, listening to their woes and problems. Taking their permission to offer a small prayer will always make an impact on them. Whether you offer a solution or not, a small prayer can bring a great relief. When they see things moving in their life after a prayer, they will always approach you for more prayers and then they are ready to listen to what you say. We, as children of GOD can only offer a prayer and then GOD will offer them solution because we cannot understand their situation completely. If GOD blesses us with the gift of discernment, then only we can see a person's life. Finally, it is GOD who can give us solution as what needs to be done, what needs to be corrected, what needs to be fixed, etc. Have a blessed day and be as the salt and as the light unto the world, taking lesson from the serpent's alertness and the dove's humble harmlessness. GOD bless you !!

07.01.2022 When things seem to be withheld, it’s for our own good. The trials and testing’s of your faith are working to bring you into greater reliance on God in your life. They are set before you to help you grow in maturity, steadfastness and strength. Trust in God’s goodness and purpose for your life!When things seem to be withheld, it’s for our own good. The trials and testing’s of your faith are working to bring you into greater reliance on God in your life. They are set before you to help you grow in maturity, steadfastness and strength. Trust in God’s goodness and purpose for your life!

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