Renee Squad Gym in Stanmore, New South Wales, Australia | Fitness trainer
Renee Squad Gym
Locality: Stanmore, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 411 304 138
Address: SQUAD GYM 2048 Stanmore, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 35 Grateful for the good, the bad, the ugly. Another year, another 365 days of experiences. Grateful for my family and close friends for being there through a challenging and formative year. The greatest gift I have already received, my little Elias. The man upstairs blessed us with him feeling every second of 35 and looking like I may finally look and feel my age. Sleep deprivation will do that #birthday #35 #luckygirl #blessed #elias #olderandstronger
24.01.2022 6.5 weeks post partum and I feel like Ive been run over by a freight train On the upside my body has made a great recovery from pregnancy and birth. For those new here, I was rushed into an emergency c section after enduring an entire labour drug free and pushing for about 15 mins. My sons heart rate was dropping to almost nothing on every contraction before we made the swift decision to get him out ASAP. I found the recovery from a c section very challenging at first. T...he initial 2 weeks were pretty rough. Getting out of bed, feeding, walking and going to the bathroom were very painful and quite upsetting. The scar initially was full on and I guess I wasnt mentally prepared for it. But, thats life and I did what I needed to do for my boy. Now at 6.5 weeks my scar is getting better everyday, I have approx 2cm abdominal separation and pelvic floor has returned to where it was prior to surgery Im loving getting back into training and cant wait to resume my heavy lifting. Ill also be taking up sprinting this year where Ill look at putting all my strength into a different style of training. Theres no rush, Im taking it slow but rebuilding has begun #postpartum #6.5weeks #recovery #csection #labour #birth #babyboy
23.01.2022 We laugh. We cry. My heart is full of love for him. I couldn’t be more grateful for being lucky enough to be his Mum. It just grows and grows everyday. He is by far my greatest gift #myboy #elias #forever #godsgift #loveyou #thankyou
23.01.2022 #elias #myboy #littleman #14weeks #loveyou #myson
22.01.2022 Just a cute pic of cousins on cousins This was before we found ourselves on a 2 hour hike on some crazy steep hills. Hows your calves girls ... #cousins #family #theboys #northernbeaches #spring
21.01.2022 Holidays #holidays #eliasfirstchristmas #gonesouth #woohoo
20.01.2022 Ill likely never lift those big numbers I once did ever again. Squat 153kgs and Deadlift 170kg. Well at least not for a very long time. As much as Id love to, right now its just not do able. The time and mental tenacity that takes is spread across more areas of life like motherhood, business and family. So Ive set some more realistic goals. I want to squat double body weight for a triple. So Ill round that up to 120kg for 3. And I want to sumo 3 blues again, 140kg for ...a lovely single. Lets say.... 6 months? Maybe more maybe less but Id be super happy to get those. For now its slow and steady. Im still up 3-6 times per night with Elias feeding 2-3 times. We still have pretty challenging feeding issues where he refuses the bottle so I have to get most of his milk into him overnight when hes asleep. So I pretty much dream feed him overnight 2-3 times. Its not ideal but from where we were its the best its going to be for a little while. Training is tough with minimal sleep but Im just making it a priority to get out of the house and get to the gym, even if its a 50% session, its still something. This morning it took me 40 minutes to feed him 100mls of milk and his solids he would only eat in his pram whilst watching the wiggles. Reflux causes really tough feeding experiences that can be so exhausting and time consuming. But... still got here by 9am and had a great session #postpartum #babyboy #nearly6months #pp #futmum #strengthtraining #pregnancy #rebuilding #nopressure #weakbutdetermined #squadgym #fitness #squat
19.01.2022 #womensupportingwomen This was one week before Elias came. Motherhood has not been an easy transition for me. I sadly am yet to have a day where Ive been able to breathe and enjoy it. I have however discovered new depths of strength. Whilst caring for Elias I have continued to work full time, been isolated from family and friends and missed out on so many new born memories as Ive watched my little man struggle through this first chapter. I know what I am doing for him is a womans work. Its something only I can give him so I draw strength and gratitude from that. I was raised by Queen so I know its in my blood. To all the ladies ones I know and those I dont, that have reached out to offer support THANK YOU. We run the world x
19.01.2022 Living his best little nugget life. Elias on the gains train Looks like hes going to have the perfect body for lifting #15weeks #bulking #catchingup #lilman #myboy #elias #love #postpartum #lillias
19.01.2022 what a face #elias #5months #myson #whataface #love #family
18.01.2022 Oh my boy you are something else #elias #growingup #littleman #myboy #5weeks #mylove
18.01.2022 Good Day for it #sunday #family #northernbeaches #avalon #sundayfunday #elias #babyboy #ergopouch
17.01.2022 HAPPY 1st FATHERS DAY @coach_steven_sahyoun #fathersday #babydaddy #babyelias #5.5months
17.01.2022 My first Mothers Day Little Elias, youre a beautiful little boy. Complex, vulnerable, particular and sweet. You love chatting, kicking, sleeping and your dummy. Youre a fussy eater, picky about your clothes and the way you are touched. You have eyes that make everyone stop and stare and a hair do to make grown men jealous. Im learning lots about life, love and what it takes to truly put yourself second. Its a tough job being a mum, more challenging and emotional than ...I could have imagined. To have your heart beat outside your body is an experience you cant put into words. And to think this is only the beginning #mothersday #mumlife #elias #specialday #myboy @ Sydney, Australia
17.01.2022 2021 > 2020 Hopeful #nye #2020 #weird
16.01.2022 Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary It’s been a year. I love you. Heres to 2021 #marriedonchristmasday
16.01.2022 I may be biased,but I think hes just beautiful. #babyboy #lillyee #hardbutworthit #littlelove #elias #20weeks
16.01.2022 Full time Mum. Full time Gym owner. Full time online coach. Full time wife. Full time exhausted!! Have had lots of comments of how great I look or how quickly I bounced back and it doesnt even look like I had a baby. Let me tell you, I think Im the most unhealthy Ive ever been. I havent cooked a meal in months, havent had more than 4 hours sleep in months, have barely trained, I walk way too much and I desperately need to drink more water. Looks can be deceiving!...! Im missing training and face to face work so much but the reality is, I have a kid with severe reflux. Whilst its improving, its still so far away from manageable. No one can really hold him but me, he wakes 10-20 times a night, will only day sleep in a moving pram and I spend most of the night walking and rocking him. Its a tough slog. I share this because I know lots of you following me are mums and mums to be and I think its important to connect. Especially if your start to motherhood was nothing like you expected. You almost grieve the fantasy you had of what it was going to be like all while recovering from the pregnancy, the labour and trying to work out what youre doing. Having a little one who struggles with the basic foundation of life, eating, is really hard and at times heart breaking. If this is you, you arent alone. They dont fall asleep eating, or go limp after a feed, its nothing like that. You dont get to bond whilst breast feeding or gently lay them straight down, unfortunately those experiences you dont get. No one will understand unless they have experienced just how hard it is to have a child with severe reflux. But as women and mothers we keep going. We keep advocating. We keep trying. I know he will grow healthy and strong and it will be because I fought for him when I was tired, upset and defeated. So as I said, if you are a new mum whos had a rough start, you arent alone. Keep showing up, it will all be worth it. #mumlife #silentreflux #babyboy #17weeks #postpartum #elias #mylittlefighter
14.01.2022 Taking a break from the socials. Online enquiries and questions, hit the link in my bio. Clients keep all communication to the app and email. #brb #havingabreak #timemanagement #declutter #refocus
14.01.2022 Its like he goes to sleep and wakes up so much older. Literally growing fast right before my eyes. I love every moment of watching him wake up to the world, already making me so proud. Today was the first day we played and he responded. Laughing and smiling at me, our first little conversation. His little giggles and hands just melt my heart. #myboy #perfect #love #myangelboy #6weeks #elias #baby #newborn #giggles
13.01.2022 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY MUM. I really did learn from the best. Thank you for everything. You know how much I love you. Cant wait for you to meet little Elias, hes desperate to get his first cuddle from Nanny. Have a great day, we will be together soon. ... #mothersday #mymum #superwoman #deb @ Sydney, Australia
10.01.2022 My best little friend Already making me so proud you little firecracker #iloveyou #babyboy #8months #largeandincharge #elias #postpartum #summer #mumlife #poolhangs
10.01.2022 #foodislife #breakfastberries #lovesagoodberry #9months #elias #myboy
10.01.2022 Elias and Ace #cousins #bestfriends #family
10.01.2022 hey hey!! Been MIA!!! Currently up the coast with my family getting some help with little E. Poor little guy is suffering with his reflux and I needed some extra help from my Mum. We are checking into a private facility tomorrow so I can learn some more techniques around feeding, settling, sleeping and scheduling. Excited to upskill so I can better meet the needs of my little love. Its been really challenging and sometimes overwhelming but I know we can get there. Im rem...otely getting @squadgymcompany ready to open June 15th with covid safe procedures in place and luckily hubs is down there co ordinating that for me. 2020 youve been a real challenge. Recession. Revolution. Pandamic. What a time to have a baby and a small business. #covid #babyboy #squadgym #mumlife #10weeks #keepgoing #forcedholidays
10.01.2022 One of us just had a nice nap. I’ll give you a hint.... it wasn’t me. #whatissleep #tired #postpartum #7months #lillyee @squadgymcompany #squadgym #jointhesquad #camperdowngym #innerwest #gym #fitness #stanmore #stanmoregym #strengthtraining #squat #deadlift #benchpress #powerlifting #grouptraining #personaltraining #transformation #coaching #onlinecoaching
09.01.2022 The sweetest thing Little Lyee #littleboy #growingup #elias #baby #myson #mylilman #lyee
09.01.2022 Happy 7 WEEKS my angel boy. Thank you for making me a better woman. Letting me feel unconditional love. Teaching me unwavering patience. Reminding me what Im made of. The river of love flows deep with you my boy. #elias #7weeks #mumlife #myheart #myboy #postpartum #rebuilding
08.01.2022 Spending my days getting to know the little light of my life #myboy #workingfromhome #slipper #elias #growing #6weeks #lovinglife #myson
08.01.2022 Lil Lyee #elias #19weeks #growingup #babyboy #theboss #herunsthehouse #mummysboy
07.01.2022 ELIAS #myboy #littleman #8.5weeks #love #myson #growingup
07.01.2022 4 WEEKS AGO.. It was 9 am on Saturday morning 28th March that my boy decided he was ready to make his way into the world. Nothing could have prepared me for how intense labour was going to be. At home I spent most of the time in the shower with Steven timing and talking my through my contractions. At about 12:30pm I knew we needed to get ready to go as I wanted to start pushing. It was all progressing really fast. ... We got in the car where I had 4 contractions on the way to the hospital, each one getting more and more intense. When I arrived they put me into a consultation room to see how far along I actually was. Once the midwife came in and found me on all fours screaming they moved me straight to the labour room as it was obvious I was ready to go. Upon observation I was 8 cm dilated, I had done most of the leg work at home, completely drug free. Just Steven, Rossy and I had done an amazing job together. Moments later my water broke and I was ready to start pushing. By this point it had been 5 1/2 hours since we started. So much was happening so quickly. Each time a contraction came I started to bear down but every time I did so, my baby boys heart rate began to drop almost to nothing. Hearing this was stealing my spirit as I knew that something was wrong. They did a quick internal to confirm that he was posterior and coming out with his chin first as opposed to crown first. The pressure of the contractions were severely stressing him and I had to make a quick decision for an instrumental or a c-section. So I opted for the c section and away to theatre I was rushed. Ill never forget the look on Stevens face as they took me away. We were both terrified and shocked at how quickly everything was happening. With in 10 minutes of being in the room, the amazing team had him out. The sound of Elias cry took my breath away. He was here, breathing, alive and healthy. We did it. The strength of a woman is undeniable in labour. I dont think theres anything else that Ill ever do in this life time that will ever challenge me emotionally, mentally and physically like that did. It was the most amazing and wonderful experience. The greatest day ever. @ Sydney, Australia
07.01.2022 You always remember your first best friend #ace&elias #cousins #foreverfriends #family #lifetogether #mates #theboys
06.01.2022 Just falling more and more in love with you my boy
06.01.2022 8 months in to 8 months out. I remember I was up 9kgs in this pic and Elias is exactly 9kgs now!! @squadgymcompany #squadgym #jointhesquad #camperdowngym #innerwest #gym #fitness #stanmore #stanmoregym #strengthtraining #squat #deadlift #benchpress #powerlifting #grouptraining #personaltraining #transformation #coaching #onlinecoaching
06.01.2022 You do what you can. The perfect time for me no longer exist. The only time I have is now so making it work. hes happy and so am I. #elias #babyboy #myboy #postpartum #7.5weeks #lilman #thecomback #squat #fitmum
06.01.2022 11 WEEKS with Elias. By far the hardest but most special. I love you my little boy. So sweet. So innocent. So resilient. Hes had a rough little start but getting stronger everyday. #mylife #myboy #myson #love #family #home #11weeks
05.01.2022 Oh baby boy. I love you. #mylittleboy #elias #myheart #love #3.5weeks
05.01.2022 #Repost @squadgymcompany MONDAY- FRIDAY 5:30am-7pm SATURDAY 6am-midday SUNDAY CLOSED... Please not this is active as of Monday 3rd August. @squadgymcompany #squadgym #jointhesquad #camperdowngym #innerwest #gym #fitness #stanmore #stanmoregym #strengthtraining #squat #deadlift #benchpress #powerlifting #grouptraining #personaltraining #transformation #coaching #onlinecoaching
05.01.2022 HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the man of my dreams. The most handsome, funny and loyal partner I could have ever asked for. Forever loving you with all my heart. Together we can do anything and may this year be ours. I love you and so does baby Elias #birthdayboy #mylove #husband #babydaddy #mybestfriend #mykeeper
05.01.2022 And today he is an angel #eliassahyoun #myboy #teachingmepatience #love #igotlucky #3weeksold
05.01.2022 Another week and another few kgs. Starting to feel more comfortable having weight on my back and bracing properly. Brick by brick. #rebuilding #postpartum #6months #squadgym #weakbutdetermined #feelinggood #elias #babyboy
05.01.2022 If I pull my hair back really tight I almost don’t look like I was up every hour last night #whatissleep #postpartum #rebuilding #9months #fitmum #brickbybrick #squadgym #jointhesquad #camperdowngym #innerwest #gym #fitness #stanmore #stanmoregym #strengthtraining #squat #deadlift #benchpress #powerlifting #grouptraining #personaltraining #transformation #coaching #onlinecoaching
04.01.2022 9 months together It’s true, the days are long but the weeks are short. I love you more everyday you special boy. What a ride Thank you God for giving him to us #motherhood #9monthspostpartum #myboy #loveyou #elias #
03.01.2022 MOTHERHOOD I was warned, I was prepared but looking back I dont think you really ever can be. If I was to do it all over theres so many things I would do differently. ... The pressure Ive put on myself, the expectations, the doing of everything, oh man Id play my cards another way. The hardest part, the Mum guilt. The guilt for getting frustrated, the guilt for wanting space, the guilt for missing your old life, the guilt for almost everything. Ive even found myself saying to him Im sorry I was frustrated at you in the middle of the night. Thinking to myself its not his fault he cant sleep. Throw into the mix severe reflux, a pandamic, a family in Queensland and 2 businesses and staff and yes... its been a bit full on. But then I look at his little smile and I think wow, you my little man are spectacular. Youre tough, youre sweet, youre smart, youre talkative, youre physically strong, youre animated and you my son are a Mummys boy. For you I will move mountains and Ill do it day after day. These hard times will pass and my love for him will continue to grow. From one Mum to another, let me assure you youre doing great. Keep showing up.
03.01.2022 5 WEEKS POST PARTUM C SECTION. Next Saturday will be our 6 week check up where Ill be able to get some more insight on how Im recovering. Obviously I cant wait to start training again but I am respecting the healing time. Ive dropped down to around 58kgs which is below where I was when I feel pregnant and have obviously lost a fair bit of muscle. Thats ok. Im ok and Im optimistic that Ill be back training hard and getting my strength back in no time. To be honest t...he past five weeks have been super tough and a lot harder than I had anticipated. Whilst our little man is a great sleeper he has struggled with feeding, reflux and an allergy. Its led to many days of constant crying as we navigated through the changes we needed to make in order to help him become more comfortable. As any new mother will know in this time you dont care much for yourself its just about trying to get your bub the care and love they need. Happy to say Elias is absolutely loving life now that his belly is happy. Motherhood has added depth and meaning to my life more than I could have ever expected. This really is an experience like no other and I am forever changed. #Elias #myson #postpartum #therebuild #gains #Recovery See more
02.01.2022 Its these little moments that give me strength to keep going. Seeing how he looks at me reminds me that I am doing a great job. My little Lyee #4.5months #myson #love #myboy #lyee #elias #cuteasabutton
02.01.2022 Just did my first little body weight training session. Was very basic and easy but it felt really great to be out of the house and doing what I love. I dont feel as weak as I thought, I guess holding, rocking and feeding a baby 24/7 keeps you semi strong Elias was an angel and slept the while time, what a guy Lets hope this is the beginning of a great rebuild. Looking forward to seeing the womens Physio next week for some specific exercises for my recovery. #postpartum #rebuilding #rehabbing #csection #birth #mumlife #labour #pregnancy #5weeks
01.01.2022 I will remember these days. When he’s hanging on me like a little koala or pulling at my ankles this age is so cute and cuddly as long as he is with Daddy or Me he’s happy. You find ways to make it work right? What choice do you have if you want something? Training is really important to me, it’s not to everyone, but it means something to me. I’ve played sport and trained my entire life that’s it’s just in me, it’s my non negotiable. It’s easy to push the things that mea...n a lot to you to the side when you have a baby. You’re tired, feel gross, washing through the roof, baby didn’t sleep etc.. and some days I let that stuff take priority because that’s life. But I’ve found that it’s really important to try and find a way to do the things you like. Even if it’s small. It won’t be the same as it was before, but it will still help you find those little parts of yourself again. I think this is the hardest part of becoming a mum, it’s realising that it will never be the same again, and that in itself can be really overwhelming. But rather than fight it, try and embrace it. Because as they say the days are long but the weeks are short. The journey of becoming someone new and different never ends. Constantly changing and pivoting each day. What a ride.
01.01.2022 Hello old friend. 100kgs for 5 @mclaneytrained ... @squadgymcompany #squadgym #jointhesquad #camperdowngym #innerwest #gym #fitness #stanmore #stanmoregym #strengthtraining #squat #deadlift #benchpress #powerlifting #grouptraining #personaltraining #transformation #coaching #onlinecoaching
01.01.2022 Seeing these two together is one of the highlights of being a Mum. My two little loves getting to know each other. Rossy is so gentle and tolerant, Im so proud of him. They just lay next to each other like this all the time #mylittleboys #rossandlyee #babyboys #myboys #rossyroo
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