Renegade Paintball Australia in Ballan, Victoria | Sporting event
Renegade Paintball Australia
Locality: Ballan, Victoria
Phone: +61 423 901 216
Address: 19 Aldreds Lane 3342 Ballan, VIC, Australia
Likes: 498
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25.01.2022 An up and comer in the paintball scene from Bomb Voyage - Paintball Team who is never without a hug and smile Edan Jury made an appearance at Operation: Cherry Pop Paintball Cockatoo. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
25.01.2022 Time: From start of each game Mission: Sweet child of mine! Objective: A mannequin is out on the field bringing it back to base in one piece will end in points for your team.... Description: The commanding officer brought their child to a war zone (what a negligent parent!) and as luck would have it the child ran away claiming that their dad was lame. Recover the lost child and bring them back to base in one piece before the CO finds out!
25.01.2022 She will hate us for this but that's why we do it , Midge is the youngest player currently assaulting the paintball scene and made an appearance at Paintball Cockatoo Operation: Cherry Pop. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
24.01.2022 Dont forget to sign up to the Brigade Program to join Brigade Australia for your t-shirt, patch hat and patches at Renegades Paintball events as well as others around Australia and around the world! Next event is at Wallan paintball and will be called Operation: Varley Vindication dont miss out! #PaintballAustralia #PaintballGames #WallanPaintball #NoCovoid19
23.01.2022 A selection of our favorite player photos from Operation: Cherry Pop at Paintball Cockatoo, for more check out the YETTI page! Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
22.01.2022 Time: From start of each game Mission: Hugs and kisses Objective: There is a naughts and crosses board in the middle of the field, each team will receive a X or O which they have to get to the board and place. Once both teams have a piece on the board the next pieces will be handed out, so on and so forth until the entire board is full. Points will be tallied up on W/L/D at the end of the game. PLAYERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH PIECES ALREADY ON THE BOARD.... Description: You have received a letter from your sweetheart back home. You can't send a letter back from the middle of the warzone, not even the postal service is that crazy! She does however work for NASA and is live streaming the battle from space to make sure you are OK (Not cheating). Send her your love using the message board on the battlefield, the only thing she can see clearly.
22.01.2022 Photo's from Operation: Cherry Pop at Paintball Cockatoo to keep you all going through isolation and the persistent lack of event's, we will be posting these throughout the next number of weeks so like and follow if you haven't already. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
22.01.2022 Mythical dinosaur Tony Pearson and his entourage at Operation: Cherry Pop Paintball Cockatoo, there is no better man for a "war story" and a few drinks around the campfire at the end of the day. He has been everywhere and seen everything, with more years experience than most it is always a pleasure to have him at one of our events. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
21.01.2022 The young gun of the Wallan paintball group, Jordan Varley at our last event Operation: Cherry Pop held at Paintball Cockatoo. He was a force of nature on the day and didn't stop while smiling and laughing the whole time. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
21.01.2022 Time: From start of each game Mission: MEDIC!!! Price: 50 points... Objective: Purchasing this will provide your team with a medic (fluro vest) for 15 minutes or until the medic is shot in the head or chest area. The medic acts as a mobile re-spawn point for all players, re-spawning on the medic will negate normal points earned by the enemy for eliminations. Description: The time and money has been spent to train up a specialist combat medic, but they only have a limited amount of supplies. This means your forces can be patched up on the go and get back onto the front lines quicker.
21.01.2022 Time: All day Misson: Everybody has a price. Price: 30 Points.... Objective: You are a sleeper agent when you hear the phrase The Varley has flown the coop you have been activated and instructions will be given. Description: Player is given a short objective to complete and then return back to base where they will resume play for their normal team, failure to do this will result in a 60 point penalty for your team and a refund for the opposite team.
20.01.2022 Some of the silly antics at Operation: Cherry Pop at Paintball Cockatoo earlier this year, from people waving hello to flipping the bird, a peekaboo shot and a "feeling cute might delete later IDK" shot we hope you enjoy! Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
20.01.2022 Time: From the end of the first half hour of each game Mission: Slow-mo mofo Price: 30 points (Price may differ on the day)... Objective: Purchasing this will slow down the enemies ability to re-spawn for 30 minutes. Description: Your counterintelligence division has hacked the enemies motor pool and can scramble their GPS for a limited amount of time, this however will come at a cost as it defies standing orders.
19.01.2022 The legendary veterans of paintball in Victoria and the main inspiration behind Renegade Paintball Australia. Daniel Cumming and Rob Varley are part of the core mechanics that make up paintball in Victoria and ensure that not only is it all possible but Victorian paintball has a home. Without these two field operators Renegades would not have anywhere to host events but the tournament scene would also struggle. Renegades would like to make a special mention to thank Danny a...nd Rob for their ongoing support! Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
19.01.2022 Mythical dinosaur Tony Pearson and his entourage joined in Operation: Cherry Pop at Paintball Cockatoo, there is no better man for a good "war story" and drinks around the campfires at the end of the day. With more years around the paintball scene than most he has been everywhere and seen everything, always a pleasure to have someone of his experience and knowledge at our events. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
19.01.2022 Time: From start of each game Mission: Video killed the radio star Objective: There are 6 numbers on the field in reverse order, observe them and return to the base ref who will have a communications device. Input frequency to complete.... Description: Your spies have been working hard, although they were almost caught they managed to escape and position some intel around the enemies base. The intel is rumored to be highly valuable in turning the tide of this battle, seek it out and return to base with the intel observed.
19.01.2022 Only 2 and a half weeks left until the government review the lockdown and we know whats going to happen regarding out next event Operation: Varley Vindication. Here is another of our bloopers this time about Brigade Australia membership, make sure you sign up to get your hat and t-shirt to keep you happy until lockdown is over. Bonus points for the first person to spot what is unusual about this video. #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #WallanPaintball #NoCovoid19
17.01.2022 Photo's of the Infamous Kaeden Butchy McConnell making his appearance at Operation: Cherry Pop held at Paintball Cockatoo, there was only so many photo's as this bush ninja was hard to see but easy to be shot by! Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
17.01.2022 Another blooper to liven up your quarantine, this one was from our random draw prior to Operation: Resurgence at Paintball Ballan Photo's of that event were taken by Sypher Shoots and YETTI in case you haven't seen them yet check them out. #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
16.01.2022 Time: From start of each game Mission: The Gambler Objective: Find and retrieve all 13 of your teams playing cards then return the cards to your base ref to complete this objective. Retrieving all cards for your team will result in bonus points.... Description: An enemy spy was discovered in your base however before you could capture them they made a get away. In their haste they dropped all the intel they had gathered for the enemy forces, it is imperative that you locate this intel before the enemy forces get their hands on it
15.01.2022 We regret to announce that Operation: Varley Vindication will be postponed until further notice due to the restrictions placed by the government regarding COVID...-19. We are determined to run this event as soon as possible and have everyone's safety in mind, with a field size of approximately 45000 square meters there is more than enough space for everyone to remain socially distanced and the missions will be geared toward avoiding physical contact between players. Stay tuned for more details, keep checking out our posts, add some of your own if you want to and most importantly stay safe and stay healthy guys.
10.01.2022 Our favorite interstate player rocking the field at Paintball Cockatoo for Operation: Cherry Pop, Cheryl Pope is one of the friendliest players you will find in the scene and always there for you no matter what you need whether it be advice, a helping hand or just a hug Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
10.01.2022 Hi All, For those concerned about our next event Operation: Varley Vindication at Wallan paintball we still plan to go ahead on the planned day. Please bear in mind that due to the current situation with restrictions being enforced by the government to protect us all from COVID-19 that may change. If this happens we will announce it closer to the date around the 16/05 until we can confirm that we will be un/able to run the event we will not be opening registrations until we... get this confirmation so you can all feed yourselves and your families for another day. Please note we will not cancel this event only postpone if we have to! The current field is approximately 300 meters by 150 meters so even if we have 60 people turn up on the day you will all have a 27.5 meter squared playing space to "socially distance" yourselves. This of course means there is NO EXCUSE for point blank shooting anyone... Until the event stay safe, stay happy, stay healthy, those that aren't essential workers stay home, those that are essential workers and have to work we thank you! #NoCOVID19 #PaintballAustralia #PaintballGames #WallanPaintball
10.01.2022 Just to cheer everyone up during these sad times heres a blooper from the filming we did on the weekend. #WhySoSerious #ThingsWeDoForRenegades
08.01.2022 Time: From the end of the first hour each game Mission: Salsa Balsa Objective: Test tubes are spread out across the field, collect and return them to base for points.... Description: A cure for Covid19 has been discovered!!! Unfortunately the courier that was supposed to deliver the vials was waylaid and kidnapped by the local guerrillas, luckily they only wanted the ransom money and had no idea what the courier was carrying. Get out there and recover the cure.
08.01.2022 Another week of isolation down and another blooper video to cheer you all up again, we have plenty more of these coming for you guys! Stay safe, stay healthy and stay happy! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #WallanPaintball #NoCovid19 #RenegadesPaintball
07.01.2022 Main Mission for Operation: Varley Vindication Time: All day Mission: Midget spinners.... Objective: Find the colored spinners across the map and rotate so that your team's color is sitting on top if neither team's color is on top it is classed as neutral. Description: Our communication network has been sabotaged and shut down. To reboot the system you must find the transmitters and turn them to work on your frequency, we must achieve this quickly as we are expecting valuable time sensitive intel that may result in victory!
07.01.2022 The appropriately named Lumberjacks Paintball Team out for Operation: Cherry Pop at Paintball Cockatoo, although quite a recent addition to the paintball community in Victoria they have already left a (paintball) mark on us. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
07.01.2022 S.A and Victoria's favorite import/export depending on the week Joshua Natale rocking his famous pump action marker which has taken many players out of games wondering "where did I get shot from". Taken at Paintball Cockatoo for Operation: Cherry Pop. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
06.01.2022 Time: From start of each game Mission: Medals of honor Objective: 5 medals are spread out across the battlefield, collect your teams assigned color and return them to the base referee.... Description: The enemy has strung up your fallen comrades dog tags around the battlefield to taunt you like the monsters they are! Get out there and retrieve them so their families can have closure.
06.01.2022 Time: From start of each game Mission: Where's the boom Price: 15 Points... Objective: Purchasing this for 10 points will reset 3 midget spinners currently under the enemy's control. Description: We have made contact with a group of local guerrilla's (not the ape kind), they have offered to sabotage the enemy’s operations for a discount price Can they be trusted? Are they worth it? Will this turn the tide of battle? Only one way to find out!!!
04.01.2022 Hey guys we have had a few questions regarding the next event and COVID-19, at this stage the next event Operation: Varley Vindication is going ahead as planned! Paintball as a sport is long range and designed to be non contact, most people who turn up to our events have their own gear and if you need to borrow gear from the field no stress! Wallan paintball disinfects all of their gear everyday after it has been used ensuring your health and safety at all times. If anyone ha...s any queries or concerns is welcome to contact us at any stage and we will answer your questions as soon as we can. In the mean time mark the 30th of May on your calendar, book in your annual leave if you need to and tell everyone that this will be the place to be! Also don't forget to sign up to Brigade Australia and their Brigade Program to get your T-shirt, patch cap and event patch for the event! #PaintballAustralia #PaintballGames #WallanPaintball #BrigadesPaintball
04.01.2022 Time: From the end of the first hour each game Mission: Universal soldier Objective: Each team gets a super soldier, these players can respawn at any referee (except opposite base refs). Take them down for points and because they are a threat.... Description: A test vaccine for Covid19 has mutated and turned the volunteers into a berserker, bullet’s take them down for only a small time frame. Take out the enemies super soldier whilst protecting your own!
04.01.2022 The Paintball Cockatoo and Renegade Paintball Australia referees who run the event on the day doing their thing, Jimbo Collins for the model shot. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
04.01.2022 The poster boy for Paintball In Victoria Max Varley rocking an old school pump action paintball marker along side one of his newer flashier ones was clearly the photographers favorite throughout the day (maybe they are a thing ) taken at Operation: Cherry pop held at Paintball Cockatoo. Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
03.01.2022 #ThingsWeDoForRenegades is a very popular phrase among our group, watch out over the next few weeks of isolation for more of these clips to entertain you. Video taken prior to Operation: Resurgence at Paintball Ballan while setting up the field for the event. Photo's of that event were taken by Sypher Shoots and YETTI in case you haven't seen them yet check them out. #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
03.01.2022 Local yokel and infamous Paintball Cockatoo referee Michael John Osborne got the chance to put down the whistle and pick up a marker for Operation: Cherry Pop. Well known for a smile and a never ending stream of jokes he gets along with just about everyone. Congratulations to Merv and Zoe Blair-Osborne on their latest addition to the family! (back in March) Only 10 more to go Merv... ... Photo's thanks to YETTI, stay tuned for more! #PaintballGames #PaintballAustralia #Renegades #YettiGear
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