Renew Fitness in Newcastle, New South Wales | Fitness trainer
Renew Fitness
Locality: Newcastle, New South Wales
Phone: +61 417 200 189
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25.01.2022 Time for a truth bomb: If your diet has an endpoint, you will fail. The problem is that all diets have endpoints. What this means is that you need to find a way of eating that you can live with forever. The only change will be the number of calories that you consume (which will be goal dependent), not the type of food of foods that you eat. Get this right, and you can remove that four-letter word "diet" from your vocabulary. Instead, your food intake will just be how you eat,... sometimes it will be more, sometimes it will be less, but it will never be a diet because diets have endpoints you the way you eat doesn't. The same idea rings true for exercise. If you can't sustain what you're doing long term, you will fail. Find something that fits into your life, not takes it over. If you're looking for a new and sustainable approach to your health and fitness goals you're in luck! I'm looking for 5 people in their 40's and 50's to test drive my brand new online platform. If you want to get stronger, move better, and lose up to 10kg in the next 12-weeks, you need to get in touch today. It's a remote program so you can join from anywhere in the world. If you would like more information comment "fit for life" below. #diettip #exercisetips #fitforlife #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
25.01.2022 Strength training comes in many forms. I've recently started walking more because I've come to realise I've been less active overall since The Covid. I aim for a minimum of 10,000 steps per day, and I've found a couple of loops that start from my house that allows me to accrue them in a timely manner. Two times per week (sometimes three) I throw on this backpack and go rucking. The pack is loaded with about 15kg, and I also wear 1kg ankle weights.... When I first started doing this, I felt like I was walking in quicksand. It was hard work, and I was typically dragging by the time I got home. Over weeks this has improved, and I've increased the length of my walks. Initially, I started at around 7000 steps, but now I cover about 10,000 steps in a single loop. Yesterday at about the 8000 step mark, I realised I had become stronger when I was able to put the hammer down and easily overtake a group of people walking in front of me. In a world with a fitness industry that has gone "functional training" mad, I can't think of a more functional way to get strong than to go walking with a heavy load on my back (no Bosu ball required). This type of movement is medicine for our sedentary lives, and the best thing is it's free. You don't need to wear a heavy backpack if you don't want to, just get outside and walk. Your body will thank you for it. #walking #rucking #walkforstrength #ruckingforfitness #functionaltraining #functionalfitness #fitover40 #fitover50 #fitover60 #over40andfit #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
22.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads out there! #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
22.01.2022 Starting to get the hang of double #kettlebelljerk with practice. Today’s training included 110 #deadbugs care of @aleks_salkin programming, multiple sets jerks and front squats (as shown) and was followed with an 8km ruck with a 15kg pack. Definitely earned that beer later on.... Did you train today? What did you do? #kettlebellworkout #bodyweightworkout #rucking #neexcuses #fitover40 #strongereveryday #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
20.01.2022 If you're dieting hard, hunger can be an issue. By having a single scoop of protein in water about 30 minutes before a meal, you will decrease hunger and reduce the chance of overeating. It's also an easy way to increase overall protein intake, which is important when trying to lose body fat.... Give it a go and let me know what you think.
20.01.2022 ' + . "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple." ~ Dr. Seuss In this video, I explore a simple solution to start getting fit again if you haven't been active for years.
18.01.2022 It’s happened again! Alfie has pinned me to the lounge with a technical move called the #Cavoodle Chokeslam. Not an easy move to escape from so I’ll have to say unkle so that I can go and get some work done.... #kingofmayfield #cavoodled #sayunkle #timetoplay #timetowork #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
18.01.2022 Welcome to this weeks edition of Workout Wednesday. Today's Workout is an example of a kettlebell cycle. In a cycle, you accumulate the required number of reps by cycling through a circuit doing 1 rep of each exercise until you've reached the designated rep total. You will only need one kettlebell for this workout.... Prescription: Cycle through the following sequence 5 times on the left without putting the kettlebell down. 1-hand kettlebell swing x 1 rep Clean & Press x 1 rep Snatch x 1 rep Racked front squat x 1 rep Upon completion rest briefly (if you need to) and then switch arms and repeat on the other arm. Continue for 15-minutes. Men use a 20-24kg bell. Women use a 12-16kg bell. Rest as little as possible but as much as necessary. Train hard, but train safe. Enjoy!
17.01.2022 Introduction: I'm trialling a new shorter format for my once long-winded blog posts. My hope is this will allow me to post more frequently. Please let me know if you enjoy it. "I think there are two keys to success. One is to show up. The other one is to keep going. Most people don't keep going." ~ Dan John [ 285 more words ]
17.01.2022 I've just created a simple 7-day nutrition plan "Faster Fat Loss" which can be repeated indefinitely to help you hit your fat loss goals. If you would like a free copy comment "faster" and it's all yours.
16.01.2022 Quick Friday Fit Over 40 Tip - Train For Tomorrow If you're over the age of 40, this is a concept that you need to grasp. Training for tomorrow means training today with tomorrow in mind. It means leaving something in the tank so that you leave the gym with more energy than when you walked in.... It does not mean you should not train hard, you should definitely train hard, but if today's session ruins tomorrow, you need to back off a little; Put another way, train as hard as you like, so long as you can recover from it. Have a great Friyay everyone
16.01.2022 Forgive Yourself Easily You're too hard on yourself with your diet and exercise regimen. So you screwed up. You ate a doughnut for breakfast. You missed your afternoon PT session. These things do not make you a failure; they make you human.... The problem starts when you try to make up for lost ground, or you give up altogether. Let me tell you that starving yourself and over-exercising isn't the answer. Nor is going on an all-out binge or giving the gym a miss for the next 3 to 6 months. Accept you're human. Accept you're going to go off plan from time to time and then get right back on track. If you messed up on breakfast, eat a healthy lunch (don't skip it!) and move on. You are now back on track! If you miss a day at the gym. Go back the next day and do what was planned (nothing more and nothing less). Congratulations you are now back on track. Not only is this approach more flexible and sustainable, but it also eliminates guilt and feelings of inadequacy because it accepts life is like that, and it requires flexibility to work over the long term. Long term being until you're old and grey. That's the real finish line, not the 12-week challenge or the 5 kilos around the waist. Health and fitness are for life, and when you look at that stray doughnut or a missed workout in that context, the longer timeline makes the thing you were beating yourself up about relatively insignificant. Forgive yourself easily and move on. If you're becoming tired of overthinking every element of your diet and exercise regimen, and want a more straightforward, more sustainable approach, then you are in luck. I'm currently putting together a brand-new program. It's a remote program, so you can join from anywhere in the world. It is specifically for busy people over 40, with limited time, space and equipment that want to lose a minimum of 5kgs while getting stronger at home in the next 60 days. I'm looking for 5 people to test it out at a HUGE DISCOUNT, help me work out the kinks, and get amazing results that I can use as a case study. If that's you, message me with 'tell me more', and I'll share the details about this exciting program.
14.01.2022 You should never miss training on a Monday. Do you agree? I consider my Monday session an insurance policy. If life gets in the way during the week, it gives me the best possible chance of getting all my workouts in. If I miss it, I feel like I'm playing catch up all week. Plus I think it starts the week off on the right note. Monday workout done means it's going to be a good week.... How about you? #nevermissamonday #starttheweekright #mondaymotivation #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
14.01.2022 If you have tight feet, ankles and I'll go as far as to say tight hips, you should try this rocking variation out. Lego rocking got its name when @Tim Anderson from Original Strength observed his children playing with lego on the floor. This rocking variation mimicked the way his kids move to reach for lego pieces that were out of their reach. It's one of my favourite rocking variations, and I'm sure it will be one of yours as well when you try it.... All the information is in the video, but if you'd like some more details, please feel free to comment or send me a DM. Have a great Thursday everyone.
14.01.2022 Why are you training barefoot? It's a common question I used to get when I trained people at the gym. We've been trained over the years to put a lot of padding on our feet. Chunky running sneakers that puts a significant buffer between us and the earth.... I don't want to get technical here so I'll put it like this; If I asked you to do a set of heavy deadlifts on a soft mattress would you think I was a tad crazy in the coconut? Soft shoes reduce our ability to create force into the ground. They also minimise stability under significant load, which is not desirable for several reasons. Going barefoot, or wearing minimalist shoes increases proprioception (signalling to the brain) and will result in better outcomes all round (more power, stability and overall safety). So next time you swing a kettlebell make sure you remove your kicks before you get started. If you need some help with your training, you're in luck! I've put together a new case study program to help busy men over 40, with limited time, space and equipment that want to lose a minimum of 5kgs while getting stronger at home in the next 60 days. I'm looking for 5 men to test it out at a HUGE DISCOUNT, help me work out the kinks, and get amazing results that I can use as a case study. If that's you, message me with 'tell me more', and I'll share the details about this exciting program. #kettlebellworkout #barefoottraining #workouttips #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
14.01.2022 New (short format) blog is up. Link in bio. #maketime #fitness #noexcuses #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
13.01.2022 A simple way to ensure you reach your health and fitness goals is to "physically" put success in your way. What do I mean by this? I mean it's much easier to stay true to your exercise and diet goals if you put the tools for success in a place right in front of you in a literal sense. So even if you lose sight of them, they'll remind you when you trip over them.... Trip over dietary success by filling your fridge and cupboards with foods that support your goals. My dietary compliance improves dramatically when I leave healthy foods in my way. Write your goals down on post-it notes and put them on the fridge door, so that each time you open it, you see them. Trip over exercise success by finding a place in your house where your equipment lives and does not have to be placed away after each session. The extra effort of unpacking and repacking your gear can be a deal-breaker, so create a space to do your workouts. Try and find a place that you see regularly. If you walk by the kettlebell enough times, you'll eventually pick it up. If it's hidden in a cupboard, you probably won't. Find an accountability buddy and book in a time to do a workout together. If you don't have someone to train with find a personal trainer (cough cough) to keep you on track. Life is complicated, and with so many things competing for your time and attention, it's important to make being successful easy by putting the tools of success in your way. If you're looking for accountability and support of a like-minded community of people in their 40's and 50's who are working toward becoming stronger, healthier humans please comment "success" below. I'm currently taking on a limited number of new clients for my online personal training program. Comment "success" below if you'd like more information. #success #accountability #fitnesstips #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
13.01.2022 Say whaaaat?! Eat more and exercise less to lose fat! That motherfucker has finally gone crazy. But sign me up! I'm down for that, trade those kettlebells in on some shares in Krispie Creme I'm going on a diet! What a load of crap!... But is it? Hear me out on this one. Think about every time you've become "motivated" and decided to lose some body fat. You joined the gym, trained like a crazy person for a week, ate lettuce leaves, became starving and miserable, then gave up and face fucked a pizza and 3 litres of ice cream. What I'm suggesting is an alternative way of thinking about how you should tackle fat loss. You've cut the calories, you've increased the exercise yet here you are at an unbreakable plateau. What now. Eat even less? Exercise even more? But I'm fucking exhausted and starving. I can barely even think, and I have a life to lead. Now you're beginning to see my point, aren't you? What about this idea. If you plan to do a ridiculous amount of exercise, you need to feed the body so it can perform. If it can work to it's potential, you will get results in the form of increased fitness, muscle gain and therefore, so long as you're not overeating you will also get fat loss. Alternatively, if you want to restrict calories heavily for a short period, think about reducing exercise. Concentrate on quality over quantity. Short burst high-intensity sessions that won't leave you drained and starving afterwards. Let the caloric restriction do the work and don't put unnecessary extra stress on the body by asking to run on an empty tank. Make sense? You don't ask your car to run on an empty tank, and you shouldn't ask your body to either. It's all in the dose. Make sure you either increase calories to sustain higher levels of exercise or decrease exercise to compensate for periods of more extreme dieting and reap the benefits. If you're tired living at the extremes of diet and exercise and are looking for a more moderate approach, you're in luck. I've put together a new case study program to help busy people in their 40's and 50's with limited time, space and equipment that want to lose a minimum of 5kgs while getting stronger at home in the next 60 days. It's a remote program so you can do it from anywhere in the world. I'm looking for 5 people to test it out at a HUGE DISCOUNT, help me work out the kinks, and get amazing results that I can use as a case study. If that's you, message me with 'tell me more', and I'll share the details about this exciting program.
13.01.2022 The split squat is a great exercise. Finding the right stance can make all the difference when it comes to getting the most out of it. In this video I share a simple tip which will help you find the perfect stance, first time, every time.
13.01.2022 Pinned by a #cavoodle again. Post #rucking snuggle with my best little mate before I do some more study on my #onlinepersonaltraining certification. #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
13.01.2022 Living a disciplined life means doing the things you don't want to do when you don't want to do them, even when circumstances aren't ideal. The freedom living this type of life buys you may not be immediate, particularly in the realm of exercise and nutrition, but the long-term benefits are worth it. If I am disciplined with my fitness and nutrition now, I will remain healthy as I age. I'll spend less time in hospitals, be more independent, age slower, and be able to live a h...ealthy life for longer. Contrarily if you keep with the "you only live once" maxim, you may find that your indulgences and inactivity lead to a life of restriction as you age. A disciplined life isn't devoid of fun, far from it, by choosing to focus on what matters most, you will find you have more time to live life the way you want to live it. Are you ready to focus on what matters most? Are you looking for a sustainable way to keep your body strong and resilient for life? You're in luck! I'm looking for 5 people in their 40's and 50's to test drive my brand new online platform. If you want to get stronger, move better, and lose up to 10kg in the next 12-weeks, you need to get in touch today. It's a remote program so you can join from anywhere in the world. If you would like more information comment "disciple equals freedom" below. #disciplineequalsfreedom #getfit #getstrong #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
13.01.2022 In my humble and correct opinion, the ab wheel is a fantastic core exercise. The thing is that it is quite a difficult movement to master, especially to get a full range of motion.... Using isometric holds (pauses) is an excellent way to either increase the difficulty of full-range reps or to increase the range of motion you have (via the magic of the strength overflow that comes with isometric training*). * 10 . ( ) 20. In layman’s terms this means is holding at a certain point will make you stronger 10 beyond that point leading to increased range of motion over time. The following are a couple of cues that I give my clients when they do ab wheel rollouts. 1) Squeeze the butt so that the tailbone tucks under. 2) Round out the spine (think angry cat ) and try and stay rounded out throughout the entire movement. 3) Break the handle to switch on the arm-pit muscles. 4) When the hips stop moving on the way out, so does the wheel. If you'd like more details cues hit me up in the comments and I'll be happy to answer. #abwheel #abwheelrollout #isometric #absofsteel #Makingnewcastlestrongfirst
13.01.2022 Movement Monday. Check out this simple (but not easy) plank variation, the plank with reach. Begin in the standard elbow plank position and the lift one arm off the ground and reach forward. Hold for approximately three seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat for 3-5 reps then change arms. That’s one set. Repeat for a total of 3 sets.... Try to stop you hips from compensating by squeezing you butt hard throughout the movement. I like to imagine I’ve got a glass of water on my lower back that I’m trying not to spill. Give it a go and let me know what you think in the comments. #movementmonday #plank #functionaltraining #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
12.01.2022 : - . I haven't done a kettlebell technique video for a while so thought I'd change that today. Watch the video to find out how using a piece of masking tape on the floor can help you navigate where to put your bits and pieces on the way up, and back down.... If you need help with your technique I now offer private technique sessions via Zoom. If you would like more information on these sessions feel free to reach out. Do you play with kettlebells? What's your favourite exercise? Let me know below
11.01.2022 Here is a simple workout you can do with just one kettlebell. You can attack this workout one of two ways: Option 1:1-hand swings... For this option do the entire sequence on the left (or right arm) before switching sides. So that would be 5 x 1-arm swings, clean the bell after the fifth swing, 3 x press, 5 x swings, clean the bell after the fifth swing and do 5 squats with the bell in the rack position. Now repeat on the other side. Option 2: 2-hand swings For this option do 5 x 2-hand swings, after the fifth swing clean the bell up to one side and do 3 presses, reclean the bell to the other side and do 3 presses, finally move the bell to the goblet positions to do 5 squats. My favourite is option one, both a great though. Give it a go and let me know what you think.
11.01.2022 Movement Monday! Try 1.5 rep split squats and take your leg workout to the next level. 1 rep = all the way down - halfway back up - all the way back down - all the way back up.... This little tweak increases time under tension and helps you get more out of the exercise without having to add external load (which is particularly handy if you work out at home). Like this tip? Want more? Show me some love by clicking like!
10.01.2022 "If you try to find the time, you'll fail miserably. If you make time, you'll do a lot better." ~ Eric Cressey Making time for fitness starts with changing your internal dialogue from "I'll try" to "I will." Phrases like I'll try, I'll see how I go, I should be able to are all not so discreet ways of giving yourself an out. [ 124 more words ]
09.01.2022 First I they train my clients, then I train. Jerks are finally starting to make sense. Work to do, but I’m getting there. Who else is training today?... #doublekettlebell #doublekettlebells #doublekettlebelljerk #doublekettlebellfrontsquat #hardstylekettlebell #hardstylekettlebells #strongfirst #strongfirstaustralia #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
08.01.2022 New Blog The Pivot - Changing Your Fitness Origin Story. 2-min read. Link in bio.... #newblogpost #makingnewcastlestrongfirst #change #fitness #fitnessmotivation #itsnevertoolate #changeyourlife
06.01.2022 - - It's Monday, which coincides with international chest day so I thought this week I'd share a cool tweak you can use to bust through plateaus and take your push-ups to the next level. The premise is simple, add 2 or 3 pulses at the halfway point of the down portion of your push-up.... The halfway point is typically the most challenging place for people so changing directions here a couple of times on the way through can make you stronger where you are weakest, thereby helping you take your push-ups to the next level. Ideally, you'll do these from the toes; If you can't do a push-up from your toes on the floor, simply elevated your hands to make them more manageable. Alternatively, just do the lowering portion, and as you get stronger, move to toward doing full reps. Okay, now it's over to you. Get into it! As always, if you have any questions hit me up in the comments.
05.01.2022 This is my favourite upper back (t-spine) and shoulder mobility drill. It's called the "Side Lying Windmill" and I've been using it for years. : 1. Use a foam roller or something similar to help with stacking the hips vertically. 2. Make sure the knee on the foam roll is higher than the hip.... . . 3. Both arms start at 3 on an imaginary clock. 4. Internally rotate the top arm so that thumb is pointing towards the feet. 5. Reach with the top hand and trace a semi-circle around the top of the head until you get to 9 on the imaginary clock. : ' . 6. Repeat for a total of 5 reps per side (or more if you like). It's all in the video. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
04.01.2022 This is a simple pirate map to help you make sense of how to fit exercise in your life. Strength train 3 or 4 times per week. Keep the sessions to 45 minutes OR LESS. Stick to compound exercises for the majority of your lifts. Get your heart rate up and sweat 2 or 3 times per week. This could be as simple as adding a 5-minute finisher at the end of your workout. Or doing 10-minutes of hill sprints once or twice per week.... Train for tomorrow. Leave something in the tank. Leave the gym feeling energized not spent. Walk more (aim for 7500 steps per day). Most of us don't move enough, and your gym sessions don't make up for it. Put the headphones and go for a brisk walk every day. Your body will thank you for it. Stretch, breath and press reset when you need it. Make time for recovery and quiet moments, your soul will thank you for it. And that's it really. Rinse and repeat. Do you have a plan when it comes to your exercise regimen? If you don't, you're in luck! I'm looking for 5 men in their 40's and 50's to test drive my brand new online platform. If you want to get stronger, move better, and lose up to 10kg in the next 12-weeks, you need to get in touch today. It's a remote program so you can join from anywhere in the world. If you would like more information comment "STRONGER" below. #strengthtraining #fitover40 #strengthplan #makingnewcastlestrongfirst
04.01.2022 Diet and exercise don't (shouldn't be) have to be complicated. Here are some simple nutrition guidelines that will help you stay healthy and full of energy. If you're looking for a simple answer to your health and fitness goals you're in luck!... I'm looking for 5 people in their 40's and 50's to test drive my brand new online platform. If you want to get stronger, move better, and lose up to 5kg in the next 60 days, you need to get in touch today. It's a remote program so you can join from anywhere in the world. If you would like more information comment "STRONGER" below.
03.01.2022 I've just created a simple, colour by numbers, 1-page Super Shake Construction Guide designed to take the guesswork out of your shake nutrition and assist with your fat loss or muscle gain goals. If you would like a free copy comment "bulletproof" and it's all yours.
03.01.2022 Willpower will let you down, so do not rely on it. Instead, , . Each weekend you should map out the week ahead. Obstacles and Solutions (do this one first)... Figure out what obstacles stand in the way of your exercise and nutrition plans for each day of the coming week. Next, come up with two solutions to each obstacle Now use the information gathered to plan your nutrition and exercise for the week. Create a bulletproof meal plan for the week. Next, check your fridge and cupboards and make a shopping list. Shop (only items on the list) Now prepare everything that you can in advance. Chop veg and portion vegetables, pre-cook protein and get organised. Work your plan. Plan out and book in your week of exercise. Book you gym sessions Plan where and when you'll get your steps Decide what day of the week, fortnight or month will you take measurements and photos? Book it in. Get an accountability partner and make sure they know what you've committed to. If you don't have a good support network at home seek one out. A PT or Facebook group is an excellent way to do this. Are you on top of your preparation? Do you need some accountability? Well, you're in luck! I'm looking for 5 people in their 40's and 50's to test drive my brand new online platform. If you want to get stronger, move better, and lose up to 10kg in the next 12-weeks, you need to get in touch today. It's a remote program so you can join from anywhere in the world. If you would like more information comment "PREPARED" below.
03.01.2022 Stop thinking about it. Comment "STRONGER" and lets get started today!
01.01.2022 Every Thursday at Renew my Zoom Group Training Clients and I press reset, work on mobility and stretch. It's our favourite day of the week and today's Tonic Thursday exercise is one of our favourite movements. A few weeks ago, my neck was all locked up, and I could barely look over my left shoulder. I knew the problem was related to my upper back, but the usual stretches weren't helping. Enter the , and a few minutes later, I'd restored 90% of my los...t movement. I cover everything in the video, but here are a couple of key points: 1) Breathe through your nose with your tongue pressed to the roof of your mouth. 2) Lead with your eyes in both directions of the roll. This means to fix your stare on the elbow as you roll toward your back. Then fix your gaze on your hand or thumb as you roll back to the starting position. 3) Stop rolling toward your back when your knee wants to come off the ground. 4) At this point, take your eyes off the elbow and look down towards the floor. Now look back up to the hand. 5) Next complete the roll and repeat on the other side. I find that five reps per side feel about right, but feel free to do more. As always if you enjoyed this video, got something from it, and would like to see more, please show me some love by clicking like. Have a great day everyone.
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