Renew, Restore & Revive by Justine in Ninnes | Health & wellness website
Renew, Restore & Revive by Justine
Locality: Ninnes
Phone: +61 417 899 709
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25.01.2022 This is the new release oil and supplements causing a huge stir within the natural solutions world. For those living with anxious feelings, anger, tight chest or just feeling like life is too hard.... this oil is having amazing results. I would love to chat more about how Adaptiv may be able to assist you or support a loved one, so hit me up if youre looking for info. ... When this product was released in Salt Lake City, I swear the roof of the arena stadium nearly lifted off with cheers and applause. It was deafening. This oil is the answer to many people prayers. May your life find more rainbows and sunshine than dark stormy clouds......
25.01.2022 Ive just found a quiet spot to unpack my convention kit and check out all the new products. Please see my earlier post for more indepth details of each product. More education will follow when I can get it to you!!!
24.01.2022 The more I read and the more I use this range, the more I love it. Heres the science behind Adaptiv.
24.01.2022 Who doesnt love some Ice (Deep) Blue ???
24.01.2022 Just another day at the office. Today we covered the philanthropic ventures of dTERRA and the amazing work they do supporting causes all around the world at a real and effective level. Making a difference. Then we learned about all the money being invested into intergrative health, the medical facilities enabling proactive healthcare and marrying both western and natural medical approaches. I loved hearing about the new Centre for Intergrative Oncology in Kentucky. Such a ...positive move for the future of healthcare. There was a very interesting session about pet health and using essential oils for pet needs, presented by the EO Vet, Dr Roack Learning about womens hormones and how to help ourselves stay on track and the best way to support our hormones was extremely interesting and I hope I can read my own notes, as I was furiously scribbling away! The sciencey stuff was covered by some of the doctors, as they explained the testing and quality assurances of dTERRA, not seen anywhere else and then a wonderful panel sat and answered questions about the sourcing of dTERRA products and how it impacts the producers, harvesters and communities around the world, while ensuring best practise and uncompromising quality. Probably my favourite bit wasnt even about dTERRA or essential oils. The key note speaker was Leon, from The Kindness Diaries. Look him up. Hes on Netflix. He gave a great presentation and helped everyone delve a little deeper into the world of kindness. Its free. And very inspiring. Yep brain fried. But in a good way. Learning lots. As always.
23.01.2022 O M G The Christmas Holiday guide looks epic. I will be saving some of my Christmas shopping for these beauties!! The dryer balls, made in Napal, look fantastic and I cant wait to get my hands on some. Theres new touch rollers available for limited lime only of Helichrysum, Balance and Lavender Peace (Serenity) and the Yarrow Pom range too.... It all looks sooo good. Catalogue will drop in November I believe. See more
23.01.2022 BOGO....... but not as we know it!!
22.01.2022 SEASONAL THREATS. Hands up if you’re suffering with spring pollens, winds and environmental threats at the moment.... Once again, I find huge relief from this amazing diffuser blend to help ease my symptoms at this time of year. I find the sneezing reduces, my breathing is clearer and I’m using way less tissues to clear my sinuses!! ... I use 3 drops each of Peppermint Lavender Lemon In my diffuser in our large open kitchen living area. You can use less drops in a smaller room if you need. This combo is also awesome when you’re out and about in a rollerball. Apply as often as you like/need to help find relief. Goodluck! And if anyone knows where the switch is to turn the wind down... give me directions! Thanks!
22.01.2022 Todays rescue package.... Hows this wind hey?? Geez, its enough to turn the farmers greyer and balder I reckon. Its not helping me much either as I deal with the constant sinus blockages, sneezing and itchy face. Ive been using my lavender, lemon and Peppermint rollerball and in the diffuser to help that issue....... However today I forgot my morning supplements. And now Im paying the price. Im feeling very bloated and uncomfortable in the tum. Ive taken some PB Assist as its an awesome probiotic and I find it helps me keep my gut health in check. Ive taken a terrazyme capsule, because its become my saviour in life and when I dont take it.... I end up in a world of trouble. Terrazyme is a digestive enzyme complex that supports the metabolic process and healthy digestion. I get no bloat pains after taking this. Ive also applied my Digestzen rollerball around my tum and massaged it in, the speed it assists to calm my discomfort is mind blowing. Within minutes I can feel relief. I shouldnt be surprised by now, but yet I always am! Ive also tried a peppermint softgel as well, this product is new and recommended for digestive support for those suffering from burning and/or nausea. Hopefully it helps settle things for me before I start work! The peppermint is also very supportive during these windy hot and sneezy days So thats how I support my tum when it gets cranky at me and lets me know about it!! Im pretty good at remembering my supplements each morning.... but wowsers, does my body let me know when Ive forgotten them!
21.01.2022 Arthurton Pop Up Market this Sunday. Going green.... so BYO shopping bags and travel mugs. Dont forget your Christmas shopping list too, you can start and finish it all at Arthurton! So many stalls, including food, drinks and entertainment. See you there!
21.01.2022 Are you looking for something to do this Saturday day long weekend?? Im having a stall at the beautiful Red Wing Farm as a fundraiser for the Arthurton/Maitland branch of WCH Auxiliary. There will be some amazing stall holders there, along with the Red Wing Farm animals and facilities. ... Come along and say hi!! I will have all the newest and latest products just released by dTERRA at the recent Global Convention. I bought them all home with me for you to come and have a look at. See you there!!
20.01.2022 Im heading back to the Arthurton POP UP markets on November 3rd. There are 99 stalls this year!! Say what!!!! 99!!! ... Last year was the inaugural event and it was FAB.... this year will be bigger and better again. Christmas shopping just got a whole lot easier being convenient AND supporting local businesses, and let me tell you, there are some VERY talented locals in our area. Follow the FB page for regular updates of who will be there and what theyve got. Im very excited and feel awfully privileged to be invited back to this fundraiser for the Maitland/Arthurton WCH auxiliary. See ya there xxxx
20.01.2022 The annual Christmas Catalogue is available from November 6th and theres some amazing products being released! I cant wait to get my hands on some of the oils!!
20.01.2022 Meet my midnight rescue pack from last night..... Usually, I am an amazing sleeper. In fact, I consider it one if my superpowers. Not last night. Last night sleep was evading me for multiple reasons. ... I have a very sore shoulder and couldnt get comfortable. The hay being baled in the paddock next to the house is causing my sinuses to be blocked and I have pressure through my head. My throat is no longer sore, but when I lie down, swallowing because more uncomfortable. My head has a million things running through it that I need to either get done or organise and I couldnt switch my brain off. Husband snoring loud enough to wake the dead as he is dog tired from hay season and the massive hours hes been working. After realising that I could either lie there and not sleep and become increasingly agitated or I could get up and take some supplements to help myself and be rested for the morning. I took 1 each of the turmeric and copaiba softgels for the discomfort in my shoulder and to help with inflammation. Copiaba also assists me with sleep by relaxing my mind. I also applied some Ice Blue rub. I took a Tri-Ease softgel to combat the sinuses and seasonal threat from Spring and hay season as I get great relief from using them when I feel the pressure building in my head and itching of my eyes and nose. I took an On Guard softgel, as previously mentioned, my throat started to get scratchy a few days ago, so I am still preventatively keeping that at bay. I took a Serenity softgel for a restful night sleep. I love how these can keep me in a quality deep sleep all night. I dont take them very often, but when I do, I certainly benefit. Lastly, the new Adaptiv softgel. This was a little experiment for me. It was either going to work, or backfire spectacularly! Some people find it amazing to relax their mind enough to sleep, where others are reporting it keeps them awake and stimulates their mind to clarity. Lucky for me, it helped relax and clear my thoughts. I applied my Liquid Sleep rollerball under my feet, big toe, behind my ears and on my wrists. I also diffused Lavender Peace, Easy Air and Douglas Fir to help combat the freight trail rattling next to me....... (aka Captain Snorer) So my alarm went off as scheduled and I realised I did not hear my husband get up and go to work AT ALL and I hadnt woken up once. I didnt have weird dreams, I didnt toss and turn as the bed was still almost perfectly made! Id had a great sleep. Im happy I got up and sorted myself for a successful sleep. Life is just too busy and full on to be having crap sleep when I can help control it. Do you need help with getting a restful sleep? (Sorry- none of the above products will help you if your reason for being awake comes in the form of small humans- but we can support THEM to learn to sleep better!)
19.01.2022 From dTERRA corporate.....
17.01.2022 Anyone wanting to win a thermomix? Makes DIY with oils for low tox living REALLY easy! Grab a $20 ticket to win one of 2 thermomixes and support the Arthurton And Maitland Womens and Childrens Hospital auxiliary raise much needed funds for country people attending the WCH.
16.01.2022 This is a very handy recipe considering the current world wide situation, and Australias need to clear supermarket shelves of supplies. You can make your own. I do. And my own liquid hand wash too.
16.01.2022 Wowsers. Ill be grabbing this one. Handy handy handy
16.01.2022 See ya in the morning folks. Dont dilly dally.... With over 100 stalls and the amazing advertising and brilliant sourcing of a variety stalls including food, drinks, alcohol and entertainment for young and old... its going to be busy!!! Christmas shopping will be in full swing and the stall holders are ready to help you out. ... Its a gold coin donation entry fee at the gate for the WCH auxiliary and bring cash! Theres no ATMs. (Some stall holders may use eftpos for purchases only) Thanks for supporting local!
16.01.2022 Lucky for me it won’t matter if the shops run out of soap, sanitizer or cleaning spray. I’ve got it all at home.
15.01.2022 Wishing everyone a wonderful day at the markets, unfortunately Im unable to make it now. Sorry.
15.01.2022 Also soon, we will be able to purchase Rose oil, as an essential oil, not just the touch roller. Manuka has also just been released to the US and global market, but weve been able to get it already. Please check out all the posts on todays new product launches here in Salt Lake City.
14.01.2022 Today I feel the overwhelm. Today I feel that tightness in my chest, the dizziness of not being in control and fog of doubt and apprehension about my decisions and capabilities. Today is the perfect day for me to reach for the new Adaptiv products just released. Im diffusing my oil, Ive layered my rollerball touch and Ive taken a softgel.... I have too much to do after being away for 10 days at an extremely busy time in our family, community and life. I need to focus and get this stuff done. The reviews Im hearing of first hand experience with these products are amazing. These will change peoples lives and help them find themselves, find some balance and find some peace and tranquility in their thoughts. People need this stuff. Check out what the Essential Midwife has to say.....
14.01.2022 Oh jeez.... You know when youre having one of those days when nothing comes easy.... everything is a challenge and you just feel OFF. I know Ive been irritable and snappy this afternoon. I know my train of thought is scattered and my motivation to be productive is non existent today. I couldnt even be bothered to put a diffuser on. ... And I KNOW that can and does help me. I KNOW IT, and I couldnt be bothered regardless. But thats not fair. Its not fair on those around me and those who need me to be functioning and those who dont want to see me flat or down. Ive grabbed my goodies and applied. Frankincense rolled on the back of my neck and over my heart and chest. (Because its always my go to whenever I need emotional support because its Frank and Frank is the bomb) Ive also applied the new Adaptiv rollerball behind my ears, bottom of my feet and for the first time ever, Ive massaged it into my hands and fingers and paid extra attention to the webbing.... Ive been doing a bit of reflexology reading and though Id give this a crack. Then I popped a Copiaba and Adaptiv softgel and Im letting them work their magic. Helping me to relax, taking the edge off my anxiousness and irritability and hopefully shaking my funk off..... I feel better just typing this!
13.01.2022 These are amazing. For anyone who has benefitted from using tumeric to make themselves more comfortable and less achy, you HAVE to try these dual chamber capsules. They are next level in preventative body ease.
12.01.2022 One of my favourite ways to use oils..... as a flavouring. Tonight Ive added 2 drops of lime essential oil to my local Sunny Hill Distillery Gin with soda water! Nice way to chillax on a Friday evening. When your oils are pure unadulterated extracts from the plant, theres no reason you cant use them as flavouring if the bottle tells you so....... ... I only trust dTERRA for this. See more
11.01.2022 SEASONAL THREATS. Hands up if youre suffering with spring pollens, winds and environmental threats at the moment.... Once again, I find huge relief from this amazing diffuser blend to help ease my symptoms at this time of year. I find the sneezing reduces, my breathing is clearer and Im using way less tissues to clear my sinuses!! ... I use 3 drops each of Peppermint Lavender Lemon In my diffuser in our large open kitchen living area. You can use less drops in a smaller room if you need. This combo is also awesome when youre out and about in a rollerball. Apply as often as you like/need to help find relief. Goodluck! And if anyone knows where the switch is to turn the wind down... give me directions! Thanks!
09.01.2022 Change of seasons and the note came home from kindy. Check their hair Ughhhh. Such a hassle but necessary unfortunately. However, we use this preventative spray to keep the critters at bay. ... A daily squirt down of the cockies in his hair and off he goes.... fingers crossed
09.01.2022 Heres todays 3 deals for flash BOGO!!! Are you saving by getting all 3 for 1 postage cost???
08.01.2022 It may be a little windier than wed like but thats adding to the atmosphere of being on a working farm on Open Day! Pop out to Red Wing Farm today for markets and farm activities! Come say hi!!!
08.01.2022 Doesnt this sound Devine???? See you tomorrow!!! Arthurton Pop Up Market & Garage Sale
08.01.2022 Wowsers. I’ll be grabbing this one. Handy handy handy
08.01.2022 The price we pay for trying to be organised!!!! Our family has one of the biggest weeks on our calendar coming up this week. Its crazy busy and very chaotic. I decided to spend Saturday night meal prepping for the week ahead. Ive made a big spag bol for Master nearly5, so no matter who brings him home for tea at night, theres food ready to have.... ... And I pour boiling water over my finger when draining the pasta. Sheeeeesh. And wowsers did it hurt!!! Running cold water over it and crying.... And then I remembered my lavender I have recommended this to soooo many people for burns. I have had so many people tell me their amazing success stories when using lavender for burns.... time for me to saddle up and try it first hand for myself. And its true. Its all true. FREAKING AMAZING I have applied lavender touch rollerball (lavender and Fractionated coconut oil) to this finger twice in half an hour and cannot believe the difference. Its no longer hot, its not scolding or throbbing. The redness has faded remarkably. Lavender is beautiful on skin, as it soothes and repairs..... and when dealing with burns, its perfect. Keep this little beauty in your first aid kit for fast, natural and easy treatment! Have you ever used lavender for a burn or scold??
07.01.2022 Arthurton Pop Up Markets Sunday Nov 3rd Here is my contribution to the wonderful raffle the Maitland/Arthurton WCH Auxiliary will be running on the day. ... A small oils bags An aromatic dressing bowl A sample of Deep Blue rub A rollerball of Peace reassuring blend A Herbal Lip Balm An On Guard Hand sanitizer An On Guard toothpaste A Citrus Bliss Bath Bar A Citrus Bliss Hand Lotion A Healthy Can Be Simple booklet A Simple Solutions booklet. You dont need to be oily to enjoy and benefit from these amazing dTERRA products. It would make a great intro pack for someone just wanting to learn a little more about natural solutions and low tox lifestyle. Arthurton Pop Up Market & Garage Sale
07.01.2022 FIRES: My heart goes out to those people around the state and country affected by the recent fires. Thankyou to the CFS, all emergency services and volunteers and the farm fire units risking themselves to help the community. ... If you have been affected with your breathing, or if ongoing smoke exposure is bothering you over coming days/weeks, I suggest some respiratory support for you. Easy Air and Douglas Fir are both supportive to assist opening and clearing the airways for relief. If you are feeling emotionally fragile from the experience, please reach for some Frankincense, or Balance or the emotions oils such as Console, Peace or Forgive. These can be diffused aromatically so anyone can benefit, or you can apply some over the back of your neck, your heart and under the soles of your feet. This emotional support may be just what you need to start processing and dealing with whatever you face today. If you need any help or further information, please reach out. Its a very traumatic time for many people in our state, and there are lots of people willing and able to help you.
05.01.2022 Lucky for me it wont matter if the shops run out of soap, sanitizer or cleaning spray. Ive got it all at home.
05.01.2022 This very patient child has been asking for playdough for weeks.... and life has been ridiculously busy and hes been so good, pulled from pillar to post fitting in with all our commitments. Today I need a day to sort some real life stuff out, and I need some space to do that... so Ive whipped up some playdough and set him up in the playroom to get creative. Playdough is a fantastic way for kids to strengthen their fine motor skills and it allows some sensory development ...too (not to mention the calming benefits from kneading and sitting still) He choose the colours and he choose the aromas. I love adding oils to the playdough for an extra sensory experience. Today he chose Peppermint for the red batch (invigorating and great for focus) And then he chose the new Adaptiv for the blue (excellent mood enhancer and calming scent) He has also been choosing it for his lava bead wrist band. He loves it. So do I. Im unsure how I wouldve coped through the past week or so without the new Adaptiv!! Its been great to trial it under real life circumstances! Big tick from me, especially when feeling overwhelmed and anxious about things. Now to get on with dumping my mental load outside my own head and into action while the little fella is busy with his new playdough. (& yes, he asks to record videos for oils, I dont make him!!)
05.01.2022 Here’s today’s 3 deals for flash BOGO!!! Are you saving by getting all 3 for 1 postage cost???
04.01.2022 This is my life this morning..... and Im already feeling better. Ive woken up with a sore throat from possibly talking too much yesterday while instructing for the morning.... For me, traditionally a sore throat would lead on to a cold, blocked sinuses, headaches, body aches, temperature and overall just plain sick. ... But since Ive been using oils and natural solutions, this has never happened. The first twinge of a sore throat and I layer Manuka and On Guard roller balls over my throat at very regular intervals. (Like every half hour to hour) and I gargle 1 drop of On Guard oil blend in a shot of water then spit it out. (Warning: avoid your lips... it can be hot) Ive popped an On Guard softgel to support my body to fight off any threats and Im diffusing On Guard and lemon around my house today. I have full confidence that I can nip this in the bud pretty quickly and carry on with life as per normal (aka crazy!) On Guard is a staple in my home. Its everywhere!!
03.01.2022 This is a very handy recipe considering the current world wide situation, and Australia’s need to clear supermarket shelves of supplies. You can make your own. I do. And my own liquid hand wash too.
02.01.2022 New Product. Adaptiv. I am really excited about this one. This product is going to change lives. ... Its available as an oil blend, a touch roller and softgels. For anyone looking for support with stress, anxious feelings, overwhelm and sadness. This product..... and the science behind it....... Amazing. Welcome Adaptiv.
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