Rent A Board | Home improvement
Rent A Board
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25.01.2022 Part 1- of this Plank & boarding job for a Fibreglass Pool to begin, but first the owner/builder requires the pool to be covered during the course of the construction of the house. #spasawa #perthpools #plankandboardinginperth... #buildersinperth #newbuildsinwoodlands #rentaboardperth #kidssafewa #worksafeinwa See more
25.01.2022 Plank & boarding-pool cover for fibreglass/concrete Pools in Perth #sundaytimesperth #outdoorperthliving #poolinilukaperth #poolsinperth... #kidssafeperth #rentaboardperth See more
21.01.2022 Unfortunately this house burnt down in February 2019 due to a electric problem but the client fortunately had house/contents insurance. So at Rent a Board Perth- we hired out 100 sheets to protect the Aggregate driveway for the construction of a brand new house over the next 7 months... We are looking forward to seeing the new build finish ... #spasawa #homeinsuranceinperth #ownerbuilderinperth #buildersinperth #rentaboardinperth #swimmingpoolsinperth #drivewayprotectionboardsinperth #protectyourdrivewayinperth #renovationhouseinperth
20.01.2022 Part 2 -check out the finished product #rentaboardperth #swimmingpoolsinwoodlands #perthoutdoors... #spasa #perthbuilders #thinksmart #perthlandscapers See more
19.01.2022 We are back on deck for 2020- if you are Installing a new fibreglass or concrete pool, we protect your high end driveway from getting damaged from heavy machinery works. Check out Rent a Board in Perth ! Or cover your Pool for a demo, Reno or new build with Plank & Boarding . #rentaboardinperth #fibreglasspoolsinperth #concretepoolsinperth... #perthboomfor2020 #buildsinperth #coveryourpoolinperth #drivewayprotectionboardsinperth #bobcatprotectionboardsinperth #spasawa #buildingcommisioninperth #councilsinperth #sundaylivinginperth #saturdaywestinperth #perthnow #whatshappeningintheburbs See more
19.01.2022 At Rent a Board Perth- we are a one stop mobile hire shop. Have you considered covering your precious new Pool when building a house ? Well - we take away all those headaches with a simple but smart solution Plank and boarding your fibreglass or concrete pool is what we do over the house build process...... #rentaboardperth #plankandboardinginperth #thesmallbusinesslounge #perthfibreglasspools #perthconcretepools #swimmingpoolsperth #spasawa
19.01.2022 Sunny Autumn morning on the verge of the Raffles Hotel, Applecross. The driveway protection boards are placed under the crane to protect the council verge with the 200 tonne crane and counterweights The job involved replacing the 14 year old Air conditioning units.... #rentaboardperth #titansheavylift #raffleshotelinperth #cranehireinperth #drivewayandvergeprotectionboard
19.01.2022 8 months later- the owner is proud to see the outside shell looking fabulous once again.... protecting people precious aggregate driveway #rentaboardperth #firedamagedhouseinfloreat #buildersinperth... #drivewayprotectioninperth See more
17.01.2022 Check out the upcoming pool and spa expo at The Claremont Showgrounds for a great bargain #poolandspaexpoperth #spasawa #drivewayprotectionperth... #swimmingpoolsperthexpo #fibreglasspoolsperth #concretepoolsperth #outdoorlandscapesperth #plungepoolsperth #rentaboardperth See more
16.01.2022 A sad loss for the family house that burnt down in February this year, the family swimming pool was saved and was also a place to escape with the intense heat #tempfenceinperth #swimmingpoolsinperth #havingapoolcansavealife... #buildersinperth #makesafetempfenceinperth #rentaboardinperth #kidssafeinwa See more
14.01.2022 Really worth thinking about pencil compaction around the shell of the pool to avoid the paving sinking ! #rentaboardperth #pencilcompactioninperth #pencilcompactinperth... #spaswa #swimmingpoolsinperth #pavingaroundpoolsinperth #fibreglasspoolsinperth #tempfencehireinperth See more
14.01.2022 Few more weeks to Xmas and we at Rent a Board Perth, will do our best to make sure we have the Temporary Pool fence up around your new luxury pool... Even if it means a trip up to Gingin #spasawa #rentaboard
13.01.2022 Just for the record- one of our boys, indicating the strength of good workmanship on site with a plank & boarding cover pool cover for home renovations or if you are building a new house . Think safe and be safe #rentaboardinperth #isolationpooltimeinperth #spasawa... #perthfibreglasspoolsinperth #homebuildinginperth #sundaytimesinperth #saturdaywest #snapfitnessinbedford #buildinginperth See more
12.01.2022 Compare our last video shot in Jan, earlier this year with today footage... how kwik has this house come up and see why we cover Pools here in Perth- Rent a Board #perthplankandboarding #perthcoverapool #perthkidssafewa... #spasawa #perthoutdoorliving #perthownerbuilder #perthnewhomes #perthhouseandpool #perthlandscapers #perthbuilders #perthbuildingcommision #perthswimmingpools See more
12.01.2022 When your building a new house - make sure the pool goes in first , will save you lots n lots of money in the long run...The pool also gets enough time to settle during the house build so check out the services we offer at Rent a Board Perth- your one stop mobile shop #barrierreefpoolsinjoondalup #poolsinperth #poolandspaexpoinperth... #spasawa See more
11.01.2022 Check out the pool and spa expo at The Claremont Showgrounds for a great bargain this weekend- 2 days to go !! #poolandspaexpoperth #spasawa #drivewayprotectionperth... #swimmingpoolsperthexpo #fibreglasspoolsperth #concretepoolsperth #outdoorlandscapesperth #plungepoolsperth #rentaboardperth #poolbuyersguideperth #swimmingpoolsperthexpo #poolandspaoutdoorlivingexpo #outdoorlivingperth #poolrenovationsperthexpo #landscapingperthexpo #tempfenceperthexpo #kidssafewa #councilregulationsperth #claremontshowgroundsperthexpo See more
10.01.2022 When building your new home on a Vacant block of land- a smart Move ( is to have your chosen swimming pool Installed in first ! ) ... you are going to save a lot of MONEY $$$$ So check us out at and see... What we do in the swimming pool industry that is going to save lives and save you lots n lots of heartache.... #spasawa #perthfibreglasspools #perthconcretepools #perthbackyardpools #perthdisplaypools #perthcoronavirusisolationpools #perthessentialworkers #perthsaturdaywest #perthsundaytimes #perthoutdoorliving #perthnumber1plankandboarding #perthpoolcoverforhousebuild #perthbuilders #perthownerbuilder #kidssafewa #perthcouncilssafetyrequirements #perthbuildingcommission #perthrentaboard #perthpoolsafety #spasaaustralia
10.01.2022 We are more them happy to help the community out in the country where safety is a important consideration #temppoolfencehire #fibreglasspoolsinwa #tempfenceinwa
10.01.2022 From this to this to that.... When you are building your house pad and it sits over the pool- then think safe and make safe ( Rent a Pool shell scaffold ). This working platform allows for building materials to be placed on top of the concrete shell ... #poolscaffoldinginwoodlands #perthconcretepools #perthpoolshellscaffolding #perthbuilders #perthpoolbuilders #perthbuildingcommision #perthworksafe #perthcouncils #perthpools #spasawa #thewestaustralian #sundaytimesinperth
10.01.2022 Ready to go- heavy machinery driving down this driveway ready for machinery ( protection boards in place ) #boardsatwork #applecrosslandscaping
09.01.2022 We have a 4 legged apprentice now at 4 months old and learning the role at Rent a Board Perth.... #dogtherapyfordadsinperth #swimmingpoolsinperth #thewestaustralianinperth... #sundaytimesinperth #fibreglasspoolsinperth #concretepoolsinperth #ownerbuilderinperth #landscapersinperth #newpoolsinperth #spasawa #buildingcommisionperth #rentaboardinperth See more
09.01.2022 Safety comes first at Rent a Board PERTH when building a storey house in Scarborough overlooking our beautiful Indian Ocean . #spasawa #perthconcretepools #ownerbuilderperth... #worksafewa #poolscaffoldingplatform #buildersinperth #swimmingpoolsinperth See more
09.01.2022 At Rent a Board Perth- we also supply galvanised mesh for sandy driveways when you have the furniture truck arrive and they need access up to the house . Save the truck getting stuck in the sand, Think ahead ... #concretedrivewaysinperth #granoworkersinperth #offroadperth... #newbuildsinsalterpoint #meshdrivewayinperth #rentameshperth #rentaboardperth #webbnbrownperth See more
08.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing this new house build in Hamilton Hill. The concrete shell has been constructed and just sharing a Isolation picture under a Plank & Boarding cover during the house build. #rentaboardperth #westcoastcustompools #isolationpoolsduringthistime... #perthconcretepools #spasawa #perthpools #ownerbuilder #plunkethomebuildinperth #plankandboardinginperth See more
07.01.2022 Dont leave your fibreglass Pool exposed during the House build We at Rent a Board Perth- cover your new or existing pool from start to finish !! #perthpooldisplay... #swimmingpoolsperth #plankandboardperth #rentaboardperth #sundaytimesperth #westaustralianperth #smallbusinessloungeperth #renovationsperth #ownerbuilderperth #masterbuildersperth #concretepoolsperth #fibreglasspoolsperth #spasawa #poolsonfacebook #poolsoninstagram #perthpoolexpo #kidssafewa #councilsinperth #buildingcommisionperth See more
07.01.2022 Vera bobcats organised grass protection boards for side tip trucks yesterday for the upcoming new Stadium at the Croatian club in Gwelup. Protect your well manicured lawns and play grounds when you have heavy machinery working on site #rentaboardperth #grassprotectionboardsperth #Drivewayprotectionboardsperth... #bobcatsperth #trucksperth #heavymachineryperth #constructioninperth #Spasaperth #Swimmingpoolsinperth See more
05.01.2022 Protect your swimming pool with Plank & boarding when doing renovations or building your new house Check out the pool and spa expo next weekend!! #poolandspaexpoperth... #weekendwestperth #sundaytimesperth #swimmingpoolsperth #landscapersinperth # claremontshowgroundsperth #outdoorlivingperth #plankandboardingperth #rentaboardperth See more
04.01.2022 Check out the pool and spa expo this weekend at Claremont Showgrounds lots n lots of pools on display...choose from a variety of ideas for what and where you want your backyard to look like ...but make sure you consider the Rent a Board Perth one stop mobile hire shop services #rentaboardperth #swimmingpoolsinperth #poolandspaexpo... #fibreglasspoolsinperth #concretepoolsinperth #vinylpoolsinperth #claremontshowgrounds #tempfenceatexpo #makesafeatexpo #spasawa #sundaytimesperth #outdoorlivingperth #poolsalesatexpo See more
04.01.2022 Getting any landscaping done at your property- have you considered driveway or grass protection boards.... Save the heartache after heavy machinery has driven over your well looked after lawns or simply protect your limestone or aggregate drive- consider Rent a Board Perth ! #revelllandcapingperth... #jobinnedlands #poolandspaexpoperth #spasawa #drivewayprotectionperth #swimmingpoolsperthexpo #fibreglasspoolsperth #concretepoolsperth #outdoorlandscapesperth #plungepoolsperth #rentaboardperth #poolbuyersguideperth #swimmingpoolsperthexpo #poolandspaoutdoorlivingexpo #outdoorlivingperth #poolrenovationsperthexpo #landscapingperthexpo #tempfenceperthexpo #kidssafewa #councilregulationsperth #claremontshowgroundsperthexpo See more
04.01.2022 Are you ready to start building your dream home- then make safe your backyard safe ( Rent a pool cover ) #thewestaustralianperth #schoolholidayssafetyinperth #kidssafewa... #coveryourpoolinperth #councilsinperth #plankandboardinperth #swimmingpoolsinperth #rentaboardperth #perthnow See more
03.01.2022 Have you got your temporary pool fencing organised when getting your new swimming pool in your front or backyard... Think safe and be safe #spasawa #perthswimmingpools... #fibreglasspoolsperth #concretepoolsperth #vinylpoolsperth #plungepoolsperth #landscapersinperth #perthexpo #councilsinperth #buildingcommissioninperth #perthnow #kidssafewa See more
02.01.2022 Our clients are our priority- it was all go this week before the builders made a start on the 3000 sq metre block in Lesmurdie... #rentaboardinperth #plankandboardinginperth #fibreglasspoolsinperth... #poolandspaexpothisweekendinperth See more
02.01.2022 Check out the video- difference between a basic plank & mesh pool cover ( block next door ) to a professional plank & board cover ( vacant block-new build ) in Perth. Choose Rent a Board Perth for peace of mind and satisfaction for a job well done in the swimming pool industry!
01.01.2022 Concrete pool shell just sprayed this week. What does one need to do after the backfill is completed....? A ) cover pool b) make safe for the public and workers on site C) comply with the building OHS.... # poolsincottesloe #buildingcommissioninperth #spasawa
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