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Reserve Forces Day (TAS)

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20.01.2022 Reserve Forces Day 2018

20.01.2022 RUN SHEET RESERVE FORCES DAY LAUNCESTON 02 JULY 2017 CO-ORDINATOR MC:Mike Turner 0418 591 479 SOUND SYSTEM:Ron Johns 0400 096 357 LAUNCESTON RSL: Graeme Barnett (President)0438 432 055 ADF:LT COL Andrew Farquhar0418 473 955 LOCATION:Princes Square Launceston... ORDER OF EVENTS 1000 Form up western side of the fountain 1003 Welcome by Master of Ceremonies Governor General of Australia Letter Ser Peter Cosgrove Prime Minister of Australia the Honourable Malcolm Turnbull 1008 Address by LT COL Andrew Farquhar ‘The value of volunteer Reserve service to the ADF and the Australian community’ 1015 Presentation on the ‘WW1 Beersheba Australian Light Horse Charge’ by ‘SGT’ Neville Thomas of ‘C’ Squadron, 3rd Light Horse Regiment Historical Troop 1030 Closing Address / Announcements DVA now assisting ex- Reservists injured during service contact number 1800 555 254 Wednesday 19 July, Royal United Services Institute speaker will be Nigel Burch on the subject ‘Gold Mining in Beaconsfield’ 2017 Tasmanian Military Ball Saturday 14th October at the Boat House, Lindsay St, Launceston Commemorating 116 year of Royal Australian Navy Service and 50 years under the White Ensign Special Guest Rear Admiral Bruce Kafer 1035 Dismiss

18.01.2022 Our thoughts go out to troops stationed all over the globe, and their families, this Christmas.

17.01.2022 Take a moment to pause - Today is Vietnam Veterans Day, and the 51st anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan. Thoughts go out today to the over 60,000 Australians that served in Vietnam, their families and the 521 who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Lest we forget.

17.01.2022 Calling all Friends of Reserve Forces Day Council. The Reserve Forces Day Council Tasmania (RFDC-TAS) plan is to make the weekend Friday 29th June through to Sunday 1st July a celebration of reserve service through supporting all service men and women. There will be: a Parliamentary Afternoon Tea for association representatives (29 June); a Standards Parade at the Cenotaph (1 July);... an Ex-Service Organisation/ADF military exhibition at the Cenotaph (1 July), and a Social Gathering at Greater Hobart RSL (1 July) We invite you and your family to join in the activities again this year. The objective of the day is to raise the profile of the Navy, Army and Air Force Reserve Forces, to recognise serving and former Reservists and to thank families and employers for their support. Our theme is the battles on 1918 on the Western Front and in the Middle East. In particular, we will recognise the Tasmanian units in the battles of: Le Hamel, Second Villiers-Brettoneux, Amiens and the Hindenburg Outpost Line and the leadership of MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand. Much is underway to make the weekend special for current and past reservists and their families. Please reserve this weekend in your diary now. Yours in service, LTCOL PETER HODGE RFD (RTD) Chairman Reserve Forces Day Council Tasmania Website: Facebook:

15.01.2022 The Reserve Forces Day Council Tasmania (RFDC-TAS) would like to thank you for your participation in and or support of the 20th Anniversary Reserve Forces Day Parade. It is with regret I inform you, that in line with the finalisation of the national Council, this was our last RFD parade in Tasmania. The situation is best expressed by the National Chairman. Greetings, ... Over two decades the RFDC has achieved a great deal, especially in helping the Reservist linkages in the Australian Military Forces to provide a great boost in harmony and vital numbers, with special skill sets. Further the key parades have reminded many mid-year, each year of the ongoing work and role of our Reservists and our Armed Forces more generally, around the world from Juba in South Sudan to the Middle East and beyond. Now is the time to salute this progress and service, in a sense since the AIF swept all before it in 1918 on the Western Front under Sir John Monash, 100 years ago. Now is the time to step back into the myriad of annual Anzac events, unit events, and many events associated with key anniversaries but always in the knowledge there is one Australian Navy, Army and RAAF composed of many fulltime and part-time personnel. Yours sincerely Tim Fischer AC A great deal of effort has been committed to RFDC in Tasmania over the last twenty years. I acknowledge the leadership of past Council Chairmen: COL Jim Stewart, COL Paul Crew, COL Dennis Townsend, LTCOL Peter McGuinness, LTCOL Doug Wyatt, COL Tony McGee and Mr Denis Bignold. I would also like to record my personal thanks to the current Council, most of whom have served for many years: Deputy Chairman Mike Turner (Launceston), COL Andrew Herbert, GNR Peter Bignold, MAJ Alec Young, MAJ Harvey Lennon, CAPT Nathan Grandin, WO1 Kieran Lennard, C/SGT Martin Dougan. The council records will be lodged with the Military Museum of Tasmania. The small residue of funds have been donated to Hobart Legacy. Yours in service, PETER HODGE RFD LTCOL (RAA RETD) Chairman Reserve Forces Day Council Tasmania

14.01.2022 State Chairman and Long Tan veteran (Artillery) Denis Bignold, Long Tan 6RAR Platoon Commander (Infantry) Dave Sabben and National Service Reenactment group, enjoying a well earned beer after the March at the Hope and Anchor Hobart.

12.01.2022 We are very excited about this years Parade in Launceston. It will be held on Sunday 02 July at 1000 Hrs in Princes Square (St John St / Elizabeth St, Frederick St/ Charles St) commemorating the Light Horse Charge at Beersheba with actors in Light Horse and Medical Corp Uniforms. You are warmly welcomed to attend. Service, Ex-Service, and relatives may wear full size medals.Do come prepared for inclement weather. There will be no parade in Hobart this year. Further informatio...n regarding recommended dress etc can be viewed at Further information - Mike Turner Northern Coordinator and State Deputy Chairman 0418-591-479 or [email protected]

09.01.2022 It is with a sad and heavy heart that I must report the passing of one of our very best. Sgt Ian Turner, 2nd Commando Regiment, son of our Deputy Chair, passed away on 15th July. SGT Ian James Turner had 7 combat tours (Afghanistan and Iraq) with 4 then 2 Commando, with an initial East Timor tour with 2 RAR in 1990/2000. His team consistently had the highest operational success of all the coalition teams and in Iraq, the military hierarchy referred to him as 'Ian the Lion'... He received a gallantry commendation in AUG 2007. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family, friends and regiment. He will be missed, a Commando for Life.

06.01.2022 Reminder - Reserve Forces Day this Sunday 2nd July. We have a slightly altered format for Sunday having the Commemoration in Princes Square (with public toilets nearby). We will post the simplified Run Sheet which will be maintained if inclement weather and will transfer to the Launceston RSL Flanders Room.

06.01.2022 Annual Reserve Forces Day Parade Hobart Cenotaph 1st July 2018 This year’s parade promises to be unique and exciting as we commemorate our final year of The Centenary of the First World War and the 20th Anniversary of The Reserve Forces Day Council events around Australia. Our theme recognizes the WW1 battles of 1918 along the Western Front and Middle East with emphasis on Tasmanian units represented by the associations attending the day with a special tribute to the 3rd... Division Commander Tasmanian MAJGEN Sir John Gellibrand KCB DSO & Bar (5 December 1872 3 June 1945 - Gallipoli Campaign, Battle of Pozières, Second Battle of Bullecourt, Battle of Dernancourt, Battle of Amiens, and the Battle of the Hindenburg Line). Many notable dignitaries are attending including high ranking ADF personnel representing the 3 services: Navy Rear Admiral Allan Du Toit, Army Major General Steve Smith and Air Force Air Vice Marshall Peter Scully. Guest of Honour is The Honourable Elise Archer MP, Attorney General, Minister for Justice, Corrections, Art and the Environment. A Tasmanian Light Horse Troop will march with the Derwent Scottish Pipe Band. On parade will be serving and former members of the three services, and descendants. Some will be in uniform and others in civilian attire. The majority, of course, are former members who are proud of their service and are keen to show their support for current and past ADF Reserve members. DATE: 1st July 2018 LOCATION: Hobart Cenotaph VIP ARRIVALS: 10:00am to 10:30am TIME: Marchers form up at 10:00am on Anzac Avenue under the direction of the RSM. GUEST SPEAKER: The Honourable Elise Archer MP, Attorney General, Minister for Justice, Corrections, Art and the Environment WET WEATHER PLAN Parade will move to the covered seating area of the Hobart Regatta Grounds

04.01.2022 A variety of photos from our 2016 Parade.

02.01.2022 Roughly 12 months ago we celebrated our final RFD march in Tassy, along with many other states, including our national body. The Tasmanian members decided then to ensure the memory was not lost and elected to have a board reunion annually at this time of year, to celebrate our events and achievements within the Reserve Forces Day group, and honour the employers and families and those who served. Tonight 7 board members met for dinner and raised a glass to our past events and those who made our events important. We elected to hold an annual dinner reunion to ensure that our important cause will continue to be remembered. Reserve Forces Day 1st July. Thanks for your support.

02.01.2022 This coming Thursday is an important date. It is Vietnam Veterans Day and the 50th Anniversary of the battle of long tan, 18th August 1966 Vietnam. A significant date for the Reserve Forces Day Council (TAS), not only because Dave Sabben (platoon commander) was the guest speaker at this years March, but our State Chairman Denis Bignold, was an Artilleryman at Nui Dat during the battle. Lest we Forget. If you want to read more -

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