Belmont Resident and Ratepayer Action Group Inc. | Community organisation
Belmont Resident and Ratepayer Action Group Inc.
Phone: +61 468 441 473
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24.01.2022 These were the questions BRRAG asked at Tuesdays OCM. When we get answers for most of them, we will provide our own recording so it is easy for residents to follow. - Million dollar gratuity payments, should they have been capped at $5000 each? - Financial Assistance for residents for improvements to their security... - A planning model which improves liveable cities for residents is it going to be looked at in Belmont - Tree Preservation Orders. See the link to the questions on these topics.
24.01.2022 Town of Cambridge is in the news again. The inquiry report was made public yesterday. Last night she spoke to Chris Ilsley on 6pr. Recently, the Supreme Court found against LG Minister, David Templeman. I was in court and listened to all the evidence presented and the conduct of Mr Templeman was a disgrace in my view. A council elected unopposed in October last year who was trying to do a good job for their electorate. A council who has had no rate increases for three o...r four years and they were put in a position to heard to court due to the bad behaviour. This council had the guts to take a stand on behalf of their residents. Mr Templeman not satisfied with losing against the Town of Cambridge tried to pull another power tripping stunt with Regulation 9. The power trip came to an end a week ago when a disallow motion was successful in parliament. Now whilst the state government has done a good job with covid by most people's standards, what is going on in other areas is mostly not known of unless you are looking beyond covid. Mr Templeman now has two strikes against him, firstly with the Supreme Court and then with parliament. Now we have the inquiry report and according to Mayor Keri Shannon the investigation did not even look at the very detailed evidence the Town of Cambridge provided. It is worthy noting that Keri Shannon is a lawyer and would know precisely how to deliver evidence. Well David Templeman, with your track record perhaps you should give up politics and take up a new career of making stupid videos. Residents across the state need a Minister that will clean up the mess of local government, not go after councils that stand up to your nonsense.
24.01.2022 Looks like Santa and the reindeers made an early gift delivery to the site of the Ascot Kilns last night. The Elves in the offices of Rita Saffioti MLA, the City of Belmont and the Department of Land and Heritage all said they weren't playing Santa. So the question is WHO WAS SANTA?????
23.01.2022 This sort of highlights the issues we have in our society today. AFTERNOON JOKE In the year 2020, the Lord came to Noah who was living in America and said, "On...ce again, the earth has become wicked and over-populated, and I see the end of all flesh before me. Build another Ark and save 2 of every living thing along with a few good humans." He gave Noah the blueprints, saying, "You have 6 months to build the Ark before I will start the unending rain for 40 days and 40 nights." Six months later, the Lord looked down and saw Noah weeping in his yard, but no Ark. "Noah!." He roared. "I'm about to start the rain! Where is the Ark?" "Forgive me, Lord." Begged Noah. "But things have changed. I needed a Building Permit. I've been arguing with the Boat Inspector about the need for a sprinkler system. My homeowners association claim that I've violated the Neighbourhood by-laws by building the Ark in my backyard and exceeding the height limitations. We had to go to the local Planning Committee for a decision. Then the City Council and the Electricity Company demanded a shed load of money for the future costs of moving power lines and other overhead obstructions, to clear the passage for the Ark's move to the sea. I told them that the sea would be coming to us, but they would hear none of it. Getting the wood was another problem. There's a ban on cutting local trees in order to save the Greater Spotted Barn Owl. I tried to convince the environmentalists that I needed the wood to save the owls, but no go. When I started gathering the animals, PETA took me to court. They insisted that I was confining wild animals against their will. They argued the accommodations were too restrictive and it was cruel and inhumane to put so many animals in a confined space. Then the Environmental Protection Agency ruled that I couldn't build the Ark until they'd conducted an environmental impact study on Your proposed flood. I'm still trying to resolve a complaint with the Human Rights Commission on how many minorities I'm supposed to hire for my building crew. The Immigration Dept. Is checking the visa status of most of the people who want to work. The Labor unions say I can't use my sons. They insist I have to hire only union workers with ark-building experience. To make matters worse, the IRS seized all my assets, claiming I'm trying to leave the country illegally with endangered species. So, forgive me, Lord, but it would take at least 10 years for me to finish this ark." Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun began to shine and a rainbow stretched across the sky. Noah looked up in wonder and asked, "You mean you're not going to destroy the world?" "No", Said the Lord. "The Government beat me to it."
22.01.2022 ****UPDATE the CoB website is now up and running again. For anyone trying to access the CITY OF BELMONT website, it is down at the moment. I have emailed both the CEO and Phil Marks in addition to sending a text to the Mayor. This Tuesday is the Agenda Briefing Forum and the documents only become available on the Friday afternoon before. Lets hope they get it fixed pronto so residents can have time to look over the reports for Tuesday night.... I am sure the City would not want us to have insufficient time to see what the plans are for the next council meeting. As you wont be able to access the phone numbers for councillors due to the website being down, I am happy to provide the number for the Mayor Phil Marks 0417 998229. His phone number is on the website for residents to be able to contact him.
22.01.2022 What a bloody disgrace this is!!!! If governments have this sort of money to give to non Australians why are they not helping Australians buy an investment property so in years to come they are less reliant on our welfare system.
21.01.2022 BEWARE Today we treated a pet with rat bait poisoning who had been playing at Riverside Gardens in Bayswater. Please take extra caution when taking your pet If you are worried that your pet may have ingested anything please call the clinic immediately 08 9378 1133
21.01.2022 This was the second motion BRRAG committee members put up at the recent Electors Meeting. Some of the argument in favour of removing this large chunk of change off the budget included: -City of Belmont councillors on average this year spent 48 minutes per meeting attending Agenda Briefing Forums. Only two of these meetings went over one hour.... - City of Belmont councillors on average this year spent 1h 28 mins at each Ordinary Council Meeting. Had it not been for the June meeting (which was the longest I have attended in four years) at 4 h 14 m the average would have been significantly less than 1 h 28 mins Other councils have meetings which last significantly longer than the ones at Belmont and therefore we feel it is justified that the cost is slashed. Some of the other councils we contacted only provide meals when the meetings last more than four hours. Others provide platters or less expensive meals.
20.01.2022 MILLION DOLLAR PAYMENTS Do you think the Councillors should be investigating the million dollar gratuity payments to staff that leave Belmont? Over the past few council meetings we have been asking questions about this outrageous amount of money. We read out the legislation relating to gratuity payments and the regulations that were referred to. According to the what the regulations say the amount paid should not be more than $5000. How is it this is costing us millions?... Here it the letter we wrote to councillors asking for a review. If you take the time to read the letter you will see the link to the legislation and regulations as well as the response the City of Belmont gave at a previous meeting. Crs Powell, Davis, Sekulla, Ryan and Cayoun come up for re election next year. If these five councillors who will no doubt knock on your door around September 2021 to get your vote dont ask for a review the question I would be asking is: Are these councillors worthy of being re elected?
19.01.2022 With the State government having such a push for INFILL and building multi storey apartments all over the place, perhaps prospective purchasers should read this. Over twelve months on Mascot Towers the Sydney apartment block that had to be vacated due to structural issues is still not resolved. Huge costs for those that bought into that development and the cost to fix it is more than it is worth. It is just not NSW where they have shonky builders. Given now we have seen wha...t can happen when governments can lock us up, together with high rise buildings with structural problems are the days of apartment living coming to an end??? This article quotes the percentages of multi storey apartment blocks that have defects across the board and some good advice if you are considering investing your money in one.
19.01.2022 A reminder that tomorrow night is the Ordinary Council Meeting. For those that have been complaining about the sound system, we wrote to the CEO after the last meeting asking if something could be done as many residents are unable to hear and this affects some of our seniors more than other residents. Of course the CEO has NOT BOTHERED to respond. Getting quite a common practice to ignore the ratepayers request. ... The good news is he is quick to get on to the letter bandwagon when there is an opportunity to to send a resident the outcome of a formal complaint he received even though it had no substance. and the resident did not even get the opportunity to respond. Shame more effort was not spent sorting the sound system and cutting the financial waste so with more money there could be more benefits for residents ie more security, fixing Belvidere Street, better lighting over Belmont, more playgrounds for the kids, the list is endless.
18.01.2022 This is a real CONCERN. Residents across the state still have no third party appeal rights. With all the new planning projects which could be given the go ahead under the banner of creating jobs due to Covid 19, residents could end up with all sorts of inappropriate development near them.
17.01.2022 Minister for Local Government, David Templeman will be joining Chris Ilsley on 6PR tonight at 8pm. Lets see how the Minister explains himself with his power tripping with the likes of the Town of Cambridge and his recent stunt to change Reg 9 of the Local Government regulations, which just a couple of weeks was overturned in Parliament. Put in his place by the Supreme Court, then by Parliament lets see how he responds tonight.
15.01.2022 Rita Safiotti's rush to get planning laws amended and development moving in Covid times is a real concern. How much say will residents get in the future as to what might end up next door to them.
14.01.2022 Whilst everyone has been concentrating on opening/not opening the border this is what the State Government has been doing. Rita Safiotti and her opening things up for developers. What could end up next door to you?? Cassie Rowe is our Labour rep so contact her with your concerns....
14.01.2022 A positive initiative from the City of Belmont, WA in their fight against CRIME. An alliance has been set up with different agencies including the police to look at ways to reduce crime. There is going to be some new programs for disengaged youth which sound pretty promising. As things progress further down the track the hope is more agencies come on board to tackle the problem. The police with the support of the City have also managed to convince the powers that be that ...make the legislation to amend the legislation for those that take copper pipes to scrap metal yards. This is apparently a lucrative past time. Now the people that steal this copper pipe and take it to a scrap metal yard will be slowed right down. The onus will be on the receiver (the scrap yard) to get ID and various other details prior to handing over any cash. This will soon become mandatory. If anyone would like a copy of the flyer that has been given to us so you have more detail of what is going on, please PM the page and it will be forwarded to you. It is a PDF and facebook wont let you post it on a Page. Thanks to Juliette, Kevin and Graeme from the City of Belmont for their hard work getting the Alliance up and running. Hopefully we will be able to give a valued contribution to your efforts on behalf of the residents.
14.01.2022 Charles Smith MLC recently moved a motion in WA Parliament calling for Third Party Appeal rights for people affected by unmeritorious property developments in their communities. According to Mr Smith the major parties and their buddies put people LAST. Now you know. If you think you should have third party appeal rights you need to contact Cassie Rowe MLA and let her know. With all the developments going on around Belmont you might be the next affected by an inappropriate development near you.
13.01.2022 This is a total disgrace and if you are a 6PR listener you should be showing them disapproval. Chris has got the second highest ratings on News Talk 6PR 882, has been with the station 21 years and all of a sudden his contract is not being renewed? Fact: Chris was outspoken on the David Templeman - Town of Cambridge saga. He has had plenty to say on local government generally. He has been outspoken and educating his listeners on what is really going on in WA outside of the ...Covid 19 health crisis. He has probably been the only radio journalist in the state that has tried to educate listeners on what is really going on. So now all of a sudden 21 years and second highest ratings he finds himself without a job!!!!! Really??? Lets see what others think about this. Looks pretty obvious to us at least.
10.01.2022 On the 16th December the Annual Electors Meeting was held at the City of Belmont. BRRAG submitted five motions on the night. Of course we had to amend things to have them included as individual people putting them forward rather than BRRAG. Individual members of our Committee then submitted them. In February we will see the Electors Meeting come up as one item on the Agenda. Normal practice is that councillors ignore all our motions and pass the Electors Meeting item along... with other items en block (all together). Councillors CAN pull out the Electors Meeting item and support some or ALL of the motions of the electors. They can even be modified. Normal practice is to ignore electors and I have no recollection in the last four years of ANY councillor pulling the Electors Meeting item out of the package. This year Janet Powell, Jenny Davis, George Sekulla, Lauren Cayoun and Bernie Ryan come up for re election. They will all be knocking on your doors for your vote around September. We will keep you posted on what these five councillors in particular are doing in the interests of the residents over the coming months. If you are not happy you need to vote them out. Some have been around twenty years so it is up to everyone to decide if you think they are acting in your interests. This is the first of five motions that was passed STOP THE WASTE FREEZE THE RATES
10.01.2022 This is something every Western Australian should be concerned about. We have a Local Government Minister who is out of control and had to be put back in his box by the courts and a Planning Minister who is allowing this to happen to our state. Why is Labor taking away the rights of residents? Perhaps it is time we all put some pressure on Cassie and Samantha Rowe as they are Belmonts reps in Parliament. Did they both support this bill?
08.01.2022 On behalf of the committee of BRRAG we wish everyone a very Merry Chistmas. Its been a tough year for everyone and may you all be safe and enjoy the time with your family and friends. Thanks to you all for your support throughout the year.
07.01.2022 For those that missed Minister David Templeman MLA on 6PR last night. The best of the best of labour. How could he seriously not know how many complaints were received when he ended up in court with the Town of Cambridge? The Supreme Court puts him in his place at a cost to the taxpayer, the Upper House puts him in his place and this interview ran him in circles. Perhaps the Minister could take up a career in entertainment instead!!
07.01.2022 TODAY! Great weather to go exploring! 1 pm to 4 pm with free events, explore the new hub, buy some plants and have a snack from the food trucks.
05.01.2022 MEETING on URBAN PLANNING People all over Perth are fed up of inappropriate developments springing up everywhere. Time this was stopped. Details:... Community Town Hall Meeting - To discuss the unfolding urban planning disaster Place: The meeting will be held outdoors on the oval at ‘Tregonning Field 42 Smyth Road Nedlands’ (bring a picnic chair or blanket if you wish to be seated) Time/Date: Monday evening 26 October, 6.30pm (aim to finish by 7.30pm) Convened by: Perth Alliance for Responsible Urban Planning Website: Guest Speakers: Julie Matheson (former Subiaco councilor) and Cambridge Mayor Keri Shannon.
05.01.2022 Well done Sean l’ Estrange. Time David Templeman MLA is dumped from his local government portfolio. The final straw is his treatment of Town of Cambridge. He had no power to take the action he tried to take and had to be told by the Supreme Court. How much did his behaviour cost the taxpayers of WA.
05.01.2022 This is what should be happening in WA. Instead of concrete bunkers for houses with no trees insight, we could have greener and cooler suburbs.
05.01.2022 USA Presidential Election humour
04.01.2022 If you walk your DOG at Bayswater Water Gardens watch out for BAITS.
03.01.2022 For those of you who have contact us about the OCM recordings on the City of Belmont, WA website, we are hoping this is sorted soon. I personally asked at the last council meeting how much this new website cost and advised of the problem with the fast forward, rewind button not working. End result of this for anyone that wants to listen is that you have to listen to the entire thing. As of lunchtime today it was still not working. I have contacted the person in charge of area who told me the developers are aware of it. Of course they should have known ten days ago when first brought to the attention of the COB. I guess it is not important to some for residents to be able to listen to these recordings. As for the links in the minutes to agenda documents notably for August wherein you have to scroll this huge document as opposed to each document staying with the particular report concerned. Apparently this is a "less costly interim approach" Great news for residents. I could easily find plenty of cost savings at the City of Belmont, rather than something that may affect residents being able to easily access minute document attachments. I am hoping to get a direct link or PDF for those wanting to do a submission on the review of the Wards, which is due on the 16th. Looking at the August minutes to read the report is not at all satisfactory with having to read parking plans, DA9 reports etc etc until you get to the Ward item.
03.01.2022 If you are concerned about all the inappropriate development going on around Perth including Belmont, consider attending this rally on Saturday. Would you be happy with a multi storey development appearing next door to you? There is no third party appeal rights in WA so you just have to suck it up. You will be sending a message to our politicians by attending.
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