Rest, Restore, Recreate | Religious centre
Rest, Restore, Recreate
Phone: +61 407 180 864
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24.01.2022 This is what Heather and I are trying to encourage through our Quiet Reflection Days. Our next one is Saturday 28th November.
23.01.2022 As I wondered if we are getting anywhere with the re-opening of our churches, I found myself reading these verses from 2 Peter 1: 5 - 8. Maybe this sort of progress is the most important. "For this very reason, you must make every effort to support your faith with goodness, and goodness with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with endurance, and endurance with godliness, and godliness with mutual affection, and mutual affection with love. For if these things are yours and are increasing among you, they keep you from being ineffective and unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ." May you continue to grow and be fruitful in Christ.
21.01.2022 A word of encouragement for those who are using my Easter Solitude resources. Heather thought she was being frivolous being distracted about how a seamless garment is woven long before looms and the modern technology that makes such garments possible these days. Yet it has led to a deep conversation about the High Priestly mission of Jesus. Some thoughts may seem like tangental distractions, but are in fact the leading of God's Spirit. So don't ignore your frivolous thoughts.
20.01.2022 Thanks Ian and Margery Brown for this gift. It's very appropriate at a time like this.
17.01.2022 As we come to the end of a strange and challenging year, Heather and I are hosting a Quiet Reflection Day on Saturday 28th November in preparation for the beginning of Advent, the next day. Advent is the season that begins a new Church Year. I try to follow the Church's seasons so that the story of Jesus shapes my life rather than allowing the commercial calendar to move me from one marketing opportunity to another. Let's end this troubling year and allow God's Spirit to prepare us for all that lies ahead.
16.01.2022 This is Eugene Peterson's translation of a familiar statement of Jesus: Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with mewatch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. Come to our Advent Retreat 28 November and learn more of the "unforced rhythms of grace".
14.01.2022 It is Palm Sunday. We now begin our Holy Week Journey with Jesus. If you are choosing to embrace the gift of Easter in Solitude, then here are some resources that may help. If you can't access them, then PM me and I can send them directly to you.
13.01.2022 We have spent time reflecting on Jesus and his disciples on that fateful Thursday evening, lit our candle and joined the pray of many throughout the world.
13.01.2022 Resurrection will come Ruth Burgess Resurrection will come.... This year it may not come for us on Easter Sunday, but we can wait You are locked down with us, Jesus, on this strange journey. Help us to trust you to bring us safe home. ‘This prayer was written during Lent when people were beginning to realise that Easter services were not going to happen in churches this year. Resurrection can be seen as an ongoing process, rather than a one-off occurrence. I originally sent this prayer to friends with a picture of St Martin’s Cross on Iona, an eighth-century, stone, pilgrim cross with carvings of people, animals and continuous interwoven patterns, which is strengthened with a sunrise circle of resurrection.’ (Taken from Voices out of Lockdown, from the Wild Goose Publications)
11.01.2022 We have felt safe and secure during this pandemic while knowing it has deeply impacted most of the world. It is somewhat comforting to feel isolated when you live in a lovely rural setting with plenty of hobbies to provide personal fulfilment. Heather and I have realised that we must now emerge and take up the ministry we began at the beginning of 2020. If you need some time and space to review your "beyond Covid" life whey not join us on Saturday 26 September. Check Rest, Restore, Recreatefor details. Private message us if you want to come and we will be prepared for your participation.
10.01.2022 We will use this prayer when we light our candle at 7.00pm tonight.
10.01.2022 I have become aware of a number of Ministers and Pastors who are finding re-emergence from the Covid-19 restrictions confronting and confusing. "How should we now be the church?" "How has my calling been challenged by this unprecedented experience?" If you need time to process this experience; if you would like someone to help you listen to God, Heather and I would love to offer you the space and support to begin afresh. By next week the travel restrictions would allow you to come and stay a couple of nights with us. Clear your mind and renew your vision. Private message me if you or someone you know might find this offer of value.
09.01.2022 Hope, on one hand, is an absurdity too embarrassing to speak about, for it flies in the face of all those claims we have been told are facts. Hope is the refusal to accept the reading of reality which is the majority opinion; and one does that only at great political and existential risk. On the other hand, hope is subversive, for it limits the grandiose pretension of the present, daring to announce that the present to which we have all made commitments is now called into question. (Walter Brueggemann) Come and explore the sources of your hope for 2021. A day of Prayer and Reflection on Saturday 28th November, the day before Advent begins. As usual we will begin at 9.00am and conclude at 4.00pm. PM us for full details.
09.01.2022 New Life September 26 2020 Heather and I invite you to come and enjoy the quietness of our place as you reflect on the New Life that God is drawing from you as you carefully emerge from all the restrictions that Covid-19 has imposed on us all. This day will begin at 9.00am so we encourage you to arrive between 8.30 and 9.00 so that you are relaxed and ready to participate by 9.00. We assure you that we will end by 4.00pm if you need to make tracks for home. There is no need rush off if you need more time. We will provide morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea and the materials to guide your day. You might like to bring your own Bible, otherwise I am sure we will be able to lend you one. If you like to walk as you reflect there are plenty of places to explore so you might like to bring walking shoes and a water bottle. If you wish to contribute to the costs of the day, we would suggest $50, however there is no requirement to pay to attend. 9.00am Introduction 9.05am Opening Prayers 9.30am Input Session Is it Resuscitation or Resurrection? 10.00am Morning Tea 10.20am Silence and Personal Reflection 11.30am Input Session Seeds of New Life. 11.50am Silence and Personal Reflection 12.30pm Lunch & Fellowship 1.45pm Silence and Personal Reflection 3.00pm Afternoon Tea 3.20pm Group Reflection and Closing Liturgy 4.00pm Conclude
05.01.2022 Christ is Risen!!
01.01.2022 During my years in congregational ministry I would conclude every Easter Day service with this great hymn. Whether it was with 20-30 people in Clermont and Capella, 150-160 in Gladstone, 250-270 at Broadwater Road or 140-150 at Saint Andrew's, nothing compares with joining other Christians to celebrate new life in Christ. This year is different, so if you are embracing an Easter Solitude, here is a reflection for Easter Day.
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